A Favour for a Favour, a Drunks Edition
Garryn leaned back in his chair, a small smile playing on his lips as he listened to Leaf. His eyes never left her face, even as she arranged her cards. The flickering light from the tavern's hearth danced across their table, casting playful shadows over their game.

You’re right, he said, nodding thoughtfully. Fear can be crippling. It’s like a shadow that follows you, making every step feel like you’re walking through quicksand.

He glanced down at his own cards, frowning slightly as he considered his next move. Leaf’s words resonated with him more than he wanted to admit. The fear of making the wrong choice, of facing the unknown, had held him back more times than he cared to count.

But you're also right about something else, Garryn continued, lifting his gaze to meet hers. Regret is a heavy burden. Heavier than fear, even. Because fear is about the future, but regret? Regret is about the past. And that’s a weight that’s hard to shake off.

He reached out, placing his cards face down on the table, a sign of his temporary surrender to the deeper conversation they were having. His expression softened, a mixture of gratitude and determination in his eyes.

I’m glad you had a good teacher, he said, his voice sincere. And I’m grateful for your words. They mean more than you know. Maybe it’s time I started facing my fears head-on. No more letting them win.

Garryn chuckled softly, shaking his head. And as for answers leading to more questions… well, that’s life, isn’t it? One big, never-ending puzzle. But that’s what makes it interesting. Keeps us moving forward.

He picked up his cards again, his smile returning as he looked at Leaf. Alright then, let’s see how good of a teacher you had. Your move. His dad had taught him some about poker, some tips that really helped him, the problem was that Garryn just didn’t have a poker face, most people could read him like a book no matter how hard he tries to hide it.

@Aoife Hawke

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RE: A Favour for a Favour, a Drunks Edition - by Garryn Aeducan - 06-19-2024, 03:52 PM