Character Arc Onsite Plotter
When was this arc last updated?: June 2024

Character Name: Nairn

Character Title: None

Occupation: Coterie Boss

Current Location: Free Marches

Love Interest: Filled - Megara Fern

Ongoing Plot Brief:
  • Platonic: Nairn's got a ton of friends from his past with the Coterie, and has made some friends in his time as its Boss (the last 10 years or so). He's still trying to re-earn the trust of some friends, because well... faking your death for a decade does that.
  • Romantic: He's just gotten engaged to his one-and-only, Megara Fern.
  • Antagonistic: Nothing at this time; though of course this is always changing given the nature of his work.

Upcoming Plots:
  • Romantic: He'll eventually get married, and there's a surprise in his future.

Wanted Plots:
  • I'd love to see more people from Nairn's past, whether friendly or antagonistic.

Wanted Ads:
  • None; the ad for his son was filled by Tink!

Messages In This Thread
Character Arc Onsite Plotter - by Ivy - 06-20-2024, 04:08 PM
Form submission: Character Arc Onsite Plotter - by Ivy - 06-20-2024, 04:14 PM