The few Eyes around began untying the bound Umbra relatives worth being troublesome during the corralling. Each one avoiding the ice cold gaze of the man who’d darkened the doorway now moving more centrally into the space.
...because of your little elf friend…
Well. If that didn’t quite sting more than his subordinate jumping the wagon. While the Umbra’s made remarks among themselves the Eyes would reassume their intimidating presence, hushing some with glares, rough nudges and shaking heads.
It took a great deal of effort to hold his glare for the gasping man and not his friends' unfortunate relatives. He himself had been looking forward to a quiet evening and there was an audible inhale of breath through the cloth shielding his face.
Mal didn’t give her the option, a shadow in black appearing at her side to aid her and the rest out leaving Mal and Tiberius alone. Once the door firmly closed the Chancellor’s shoulders slumped bitterly, a sigh expelled with a bitter groan. Mal approached, reaching for his friends' bonds to free him.
Grimacing at the state of his friend's face, Mal sighed,
@Tiberius Umbra
@Lyric Oatshield
...because of your little elf friend…
Well. If that didn’t quite sting more than his subordinate jumping the wagon. While the Umbra’s made remarks among themselves the Eyes would reassume their intimidating presence, hushing some with glares, rough nudges and shaking heads.
It took a great deal of effort to hold his glare for the gasping man and not his friends' unfortunate relatives. He himself had been looking forward to a quiet evening and there was an audible inhale of breath through the cloth shielding his face.
Yes, well. Some of us half-breeds grow up to be so useful we’re made Chancellor,he paused, letting the third most powerful title linger a moment for the gravity of the situation to sink in. Not that he boasted so openly his well earned position in any normal circumstances, it was the main reason for his masked visage after all.
But it doesn’t excuse the intrusion and inconvenience you’ve all suffered. You have my sincere apologies Madam,bowing his head and gesturing towards the Umbra dining room,
I believe a warm glass of milk, or a fine brandy, is in order, to soothe your nerves after all of this unnecessary commotion.
Mal didn’t give her the option, a shadow in black appearing at her side to aid her and the rest out leaving Mal and Tiberius alone. Once the door firmly closed the Chancellor’s shoulders slumped bitterly, a sigh expelled with a bitter groan. Mal approached, reaching for his friends' bonds to free him.
This wasn’t supposed to happen, Tibby. I was going to come by in the morning, but that fucking whelp… don’t worry my girl will make him dance before his eyes shut entirely.
Grimacing at the state of his friend's face, Mal sighed,
C'mon. We best fix that. Kitchens? I do vaguely remember your cook making some good tarts, a treat to soften this disaster and quench my sweet tooth. I have to save my mood somehow, but... I didn't see your little lady among the rest, interesting choice.
@Tiberius Umbra
@Lyric Oatshield
06-22-2024, 07:58 PM