Medicine and Hauntings, Such a Lovely Divide
Fear, open water, the dark
From where she was propped up against the rail, as he worked, she could see the shoreline, see the tiny dot that was a solitary candle burning in the window of same said cottage. He was right, of course, she did have a habit of finding the worst of the worst, something the Five had helped her do, when she had first been trying to leave the Crows. Told her there was something better out there, that she could be a force for good in the world. And when she had finally bought her freedom she hadn't looked back. The others it had been a slower task, to change, but for her, the moment she knew she had been owned by no master but herself, she had decided that was that, and lived, truly like she owed the world.

The Five, Nolan and herself, Gabriel, Eithne, and Marcel. They'd spent so much time, doing things for different masters, that the moment any of them had grabbed a modicum of autonomy from the masters holding their chains, they had all decided one simple thing. Be better, do better. And that had been bought in blood, and a small portion of life from each of them. But the past was the past, and Nolan was there in front of her now. Well, most everyone has it coming.

She grinned, a little, there in the dark as she watched the coast line. They didn't need to get seen, but she had a sinking suspicion that whatever had been trying to get her attention in the cave, wasn't done with her yet this evening. You don't have anywhere to stay yet, like that, do you? Celine asked, with genuine curiosity, she hadn't really ever given it much thought to where Nolan went, after they met like this -- two ships in the night.

If I could get more people to understand how much freedom costs once it's taken, maybe so many wouldn't take it from others in the first place. She pulled the wrap from around her head, running her fingers through her hair to try and loosen the mass of curls there. She kept it tied down while working, it was a liability, but now, now they were just shooting the shit.

Her movements stilled though, as she felt a rush of air come at her. Do you feel that?

She had seconds to grab the rail before her small boat was rocked, hard, nearly capsizing the small thing, before it was dropped back over, nearly flinging her head first into the side of his boat. Nolan!? She didn't see him immediately, through the mass of curls now flopped into her eyes.

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RE: Medicine and Hauntings, Such a Lovely Divide - by Celine Vonn - 07-01-2024, 09:59 AM