Unlike most who would usually crumble under the shift in tone and stare, Meg didn’t baulk. Her quiet focus remained undisturbed, head merely tilting as she listened. The cup was calmly returned to its saucer, before hands settled back into her lap.
There was disapproval in her eyes but Meg allowed him to continue, observing how he distracted himself by swirling the tea. Her palm suddenly slammed the desk,
Next to her desk, came the sound of pottery cracking causing her gaze to shift. The plant nearby shrunk, its pot cracking as Kellam’s words attacked Ruth and Megara's anger channelled into the plants around them. Some bloomed, others withered before she collected herself again.
Megara sighed, returning her hand back into her lap as she diffused her mounting anger.
@Kellam Yoesif
Ruth’s actions? Ruth’s. A four year old boy?while the tone of her words was flat, there was a change in pitch before the woman reminded herself to take a breath, pausing. The warmth in her smile faded, an ice cold stare replacing it.
I wonder. If this had been any other members son, would you have been so quick to judge them guilty?
There was disapproval in her eyes but Meg allowed him to continue, observing how he distracted himself by swirling the tea. Her palm suddenly slammed the desk,
What four year old chooses to stumble across a bear? Witness not only how brave a woman his mother was, but also how utterly helpless he was to help her?Scoffing, her head shook.
Then his father abandons him, blames him, is it any wonder he mourns the loss of both his parents.
Next to her desk, came the sound of pottery cracking causing her gaze to shift. The plant nearby shrunk, its pot cracking as Kellam’s words attacked Ruth and Megara's anger channelled into the plants around them. Some bloomed, others withered before she collected herself again.
Megara sighed, returning her hand back into her lap as she diffused her mounting anger.
He never blamed you. He blamed himself. Still does on his dark days and they are growing all the more frequent. What he blames you for is what came after. What Father? What Keeper do you call yourself, that instead of loving him, you set him down the path to self-destruction?A brow arched poignantly, genuinely curious to know.
Neither do I, but I suggest an apology is a start.She’d snap, then after taking a breath began eyeing him, quietly, but quickly deciding.
You barely even know him. What you do know is clouded by the blame you place on him instead of on the bear. Amara did what any other mother would do, and yet you blame the person she most wanted to protect, what would she say?
@Kellam Yoesif
07-03-2024, 08:28 AM