Regular 9 to 5 job? Na, Na. We're Black Sheep, us.
Nairn eyed the rolled cig, as he shoved a matchbook to the younger man. Good job. He didn't sound at all pleased, but he moved into the room again. Left the door open, as he settled on his hunches in front of the now-open vault.

Bags had been discarded beside of the vault, on the off-chance they got it open. And Nairn whistled at the contents. A few gold bars, more than a few gold coins. Then there were the jewelry pieces, carefully wrapped with care. Already packed into boxes... easy enough to pack up and carry away.

He began separating gold and jewels into two bags, calculating in his head what the total came to. More than triple the trips they'd had to make. So, why're you in such a good mood, anyway? He inquired, speaking loudly enough to be heard outside.

@Colton Young

Messages In This Thread
RE: Regular 9 to 5 job? Na, Na. We're Black Sheep, us. - by Nairn Neirdre - 07-03-2024, 06:42 PM