Medicine and Hauntings, Such a Lovely Divide
Fear, open water, the dark
Celine's hands were firm as she helped Nolan back into the boat, frowning. The spirit was the one that could come out this far, as far as she could tell -- the demon had never followed her this far out -- could it be a warning, or was it just being playful? Or was it jealous that...? No, the spirit had never come around when she bought her conquests home for a night, if they even made the cottage. So what had prompted it? She'd have to figure that out later -- for now she needed to get Nolan out of those wet clothes and make sure hypothermia didn't set it. Come on, into my cove, we'll stash the boats through the day.

She started to get some ropes out from around her feet of her row boat to tie around his slightly larger craft, to start getting ready for them to make their way to her little cave. We need to get you out of those clothes and next to a fire. Let me sit against your back so we can warm you back up quick. I'm not having you catch something and die on me. Skin to skin contact was the best. She had learned that in her times sailing through the frozen seas. At night when the sun wasn't shining, this area turned frigid, and the water was worse. At least on land we'll not get toppled back into the sea. And they were close to when the tide pattern would change again -- the two moons of their world making tide patterns reckless for certain hours of the night, especially this close to the shore line.

She stood, and looped a rope around the railing of his small craft, as something knocked into her, and knocked her completely out of the boat and into the side of his craft, the air, and consciousness knocked from her in that moment. No, the spirit had always been playful, was the last thing she thought, before she woke, thirty feet down in the water and her limbs starting to turn to ice -- this was the demon. It wanted her attention, and was going to use Nolan to get it. Lethargy seeped into her limbs, but, an experienced sailor, she kicked, hard, towards the less dark water, and prayed that she was going upward -- even as her skirts started to drag her back down.

Lungs screaming for air, she struggled her way out of her dress, pulling the knife from her side belt and cutting the excess fabric free from her legs, she started to kick hard again, losing both her boots in the process -- they too were keeping her from being able to surface, and her life wasn't worth clothing. When she finally broke the surface, she was right beside the row boat, teeth chattering, as she hoped Nolan hadn't jumped in after her. Damnation! Get me up, the sea claimed my dress and boots this time.

She laughed, but it was punctuated by her chattering teeth, as she did her best to try and swing a naked leg up and into the side of the boat to get back in. Apparently, my demon and spirit don't like us out here this evening. We should make it back to the cave as soon as possible and we'll nurse ourselves on some rum and a hot fire. If they made it there.

@Nolan Reid

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RE: Medicine and Hauntings, Such a Lovely Divide - by Celine Vonn - 07-13-2024, 12:41 PM