[PAST] Breaking Your Resolve — Like a Siren in the Deep
Violence; discussion of infertility; slight sexual themes
Ruth mouthed his words sarcastically, rolling his eyes with a huff before settling into his chair. He wasn’t put off by a fight, in fact, he’d actively seek one out if pissed off enough about something or someone.

His brow furrowed though, lifting his head up to stare across to Nairn. What? No you idiot. She can’t… his words faded, eyes glancing around before his hands motioned around his stomach then gesturing away. That. She can’t… have kids. Shuffling in his seat Ruth became visibly uncomfortable sharing another's personal business but he also understood that it might fly over Nairn’s head. You’d think not being able to would make it easier on her but noooo.

Ruth shrugged, ignoring Nairn’s excuse for what it was, an excuse. I said it before and I’ll keep saying it. Fuckin’ stupid plan. His friend was whipped and the two hadn’t even kissed, what a depressing place to be in. Snorting and picking up his ale Ruth shrugged his brows. Yeah. And she doesn’t deserve having her hopes crushed every time she tells a man the truth. Show me who in the C isn’t fucked up?


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RE: [PAST] Breaking Your Resolve — Like a Siren in the Deep - by Ruth Yoesif - 07-16-2024, 02:01 PM