[PAST] Breaking Your Resolve — Like a Siren in the Deep
Violence; discussion of infertility; slight sexual themes
Meg’s place was a cosy apartment where everything led off the small hallway. The living room led into the kitchen, the largest space and where she spent most of her time. Plants of various sizes took up every free corner or surface the healer could put them on without hindering one's movement around. Most were various types used in healing while a tarped off section held Meg’s potent batch of elfroot. Most who came around were used to this space, the kitchen table, the familiar spot where she’d patch up or save a life, like she’d done for Nairn.

Her chest swelled as he confessed wanting to see her, growing equally as shy and red when noticing the one spreading across his lips. Yeah? Well I’m pretty easy to find, still teasing while she tentatively reached for his hand.

Her head tilted, a grin began playing on her lips as she watched the cogs turn behind his eyes, the slow realisation that he had no idea what came next. Later Meg would dwell on how adorable it was but in the moment decided on showing him in, guiding him by the elbow. How he tripped, may have had to do with the damn rug she insisted on keeping for the pattern but that sent her somersaulting on occasion. Perhaps that’s why the couch was there.

In the fracka of trying to catch him, Meg’s leg somehow entangled itself with his turning the two into a spin causing the healer to land on top of him. Oh bugger it. You okay? squeaked out of a breathless chest as the elf scrambled to lift herself up to check him over while the two braids fell over shoulders and across his chest. Only once catching his eye, she’d freeze again, face flushed crimson all the way to the tips of her ears. Um, Hi. I’m not hurting you, am I?


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RE: [PAST] Breaking Your Resolve — Like a Siren in the Deep - by Megara Neirdre - 07-18-2024, 08:40 PM