Lunch Dates and Dress Shopping
Ophelia was many things, and immune to the charms of a man like Enzo, she was not, even though her heart currently was being sought by someone other. But it never hurt to keep healthy competition around -- absence wasn't the only thing that could make a heart grow fonder. Jealousy also had a healthy way of showing one what one truly wanted. So when Enzo's lips barely touched her, more so just grazed the small hairs along the back of her hand, the touch felt like a tickle, faint -- safe and welcome. This was a man who she could trust to be in his company for an afternoon, and not have to worry about well.. anything.

I'm here for a week to chat to some of my academic peers in your esteemed university, but if you would insist that we run away back to Orlais right now to take a tour of the gardens, I wouldn't mind the company at all. And Lia, please, Madam makes me feel old and you and I both know that neither of us is our parents. She laid a hand gently on his arm as she followed his gaze, and looked back as well, before turning back to the man. Malachai, no, no. I am all yours and yours alone today, and I have a favor to ask you of which you are immediately to say no to if you truly detest the idea.

She made motion for him to come join her at her table there on the side walk cafe, waving at the waiter for another cup of the wonderful tea they served there. Come sit, I'm enjoying a light lunch. See, when I was here last, you and I were involved in a rather wonderful evening of tracking down that one fellow, yes. Well, my dress was ruined, and I've received a card to an appointment at Madam de-Solar's for a replacement dress. I've no eye for the things myself, but the card said to make sure that it felt good on, and looked ravishingly good.

She slid a hand along her bottom as she tucked her dress down before she sat, properly, like a lady that was raised appropriately in a larger house, and not the mad academic that had climbed onto someone back to run after a cat cultist only a month ago. Would you do me the honor of coming and making sure that what ever it is that I decide on, that it's more than appropriate for a party here in Tevinter? I know Orlais fashion, and I wouldn't want to make a faux pas by choosing something I was familiar with, and seem out of ... date here. After all, I am visiting here, should I not dress for here too?

@Enzo Pavus

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Lunch Dates and Dress Shopping - by Ophelia Jolfy - 07-13-2024, 06:29 PM
RE: Lunch Dates and Dress Shopping - by Ophelia Jolfy - 07-20-2024, 12:03 AM