Festival of Lights
The Lights Festival is a small event where elves prepare and light paper lanterns that drift along the river. These can range from prayers, poems, wishes, remembrance etc. Someone however has sabotaged the paper needed to create the lanterns and the organizers need more. Can you help secure more paper and help make the lanterns?

5,000 Gold and the gratitude of the celebrating elves.

The city was more beautiful than the tales could say. Leena left her rented room in the midmorning and stared up at the crystal spires, as enchanted as she’d been at first sight. To think, if Bastien hadn’t been such a bastard, she might never have run away. Have never seen this place.

That would be a crime in itself.

She and Rahse had only recently made it to the ancient elven city. The magic that saturated the air and everything else was more than a little bit frightening, but the people were worth it. Leena had never been in a place where everyone looked like her before. The Frost’s keep had been too small for an alienage.

And it was new, despite being ancient. Everyone that was here had come from somewhere else, they knew the pain of the road, they had borne the same aspirations in their hearts. Of course Leena had volunteered to help with the festival. To do otherwise would be to reject the hospitality she had been shown.

But where to find enough paper for the lanterns? She spent a portion of the morning digging through public stores with little luck, persisting until she was covered in dust and light headed from sneezing. Leena shuffled back outside and sat down on a bench in the sun to consider her options.

The market? That seemed somehow too obvious. If someone wanted to sabotage the festival, perhaps the merchants had already been bought out. She sneezed again and cursed under her breath.

Messages In This Thread
Festival of Lights - by Leena Craynore - 07-28-2024, 05:46 PM
RE: Festival of Lights - by Bajie - 09-20-2024, 04:27 PM