You're a Flirt, I'm a Flirt, Let's Flirt
Camille sat in a private balcony at the Blind Eye, thankful again that Quinn kept her bottle of cherished whiskey safe as she rolled a fingers worth around in the crystal cup in her hand. It was a nobles drink, and about the only vice she allowed herself, good drink. Be that a gift from a client or patron, or something she purchased for herself, she had kept away from the worst of the vices that were catered to in the city. After all, being able to be a free woman in such a city was a blessing in itself.

But tonight was special, as she watched the dancers on stage, the dance tasteful and artistic, something that Camille enjoyed. She often thought, that maybe in another life, she would have been a successful dancer. But she had been drawn to fabrics, felt the pleasure of creating with her two hands, felt the rush of excitement seeing something she had pulled from the primordial stuff of creating drape properly across flesh. Tevinter's nobility were her canvas now, and she had made quite the name for herself.

And in turn, she had made many friends, ones that had tried to buy her exclusivity several times, and ones that were quiet about their patronage. And she respected those that wanted to remain silent partners in her enterprises. They were her favorites, as long as they were happy with their share in the contract. Five percent here and there had seemed like drops in an ocean when it had come right down to it, and it had given her the capita to start. And she retained eighty-severn percent of her business and sales.

But there was a familiar fop of hair in the crowd and she leaned forward on the balcony rail, calling down to the man below, Monsoir Pavus, come to crawl between my legs and find succor in my breast tonight? How much longer will you keep me wanting, my love? There was no secret around her and Enzo's flirting, it was to them as breathing was to others. Camille knew she drew life from teasing him, and since the first time she had dressed him and had to take measurements, she had aggressively poked at him every chance she got, if only to see if he rose to the bait. She'd yet to be disappointed.


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You're a Flirt, I'm a Flirt, Let's Flirt - by Camille de-Solar - 07-29-2024, 10:26 PM