Medicine and Hauntings, Such a Lovely Divide
Fear, open water, the dark
Nolan's teeth chattered uncontrollably as Celine’ helped to pull him back into the boat. He could see the concern etched on her face, her frown deepening with each passing second. As she secured him, he could sense her mind was elsewhere, likely pondering the spirit that had come so far out, or why it had acted as such. He hadn’t met the spirit yet, but she had talked about it, and from the way she’d talked, it felt out of character for the spirit, or was it something else entirely.

When she suggested they head into her cove, he managed a weak nod, appreciating her decisiveness. Her efficiency and calm in the face of strange occurrences were part of what had drawn him to her. He watched as she deftly tied ropes around his larger boat, preparing to tow it to her hidden cave.

Her next words cut through the haze of cold enveloping his mind. Any other time he probably would have teased her about it, but he was freezing cold and still quite set. His wet clothes clinging to his body, feeling like they were making him colder and colder by the second.

Nolan tried to muster a smile but his lips felt frozen. Thanks, Celine. I owe you one, he managed to say through chattering teeth. He understood the urgency. Having sailed the frozen seas himself, he knew how perilous the cold could be. The idea of skin-to-skin contact for warmth was not new to him, but things just weren’t going as planned.

Nolan's heart pounded in his chest as he watched Celine loop the rope around the railing of his small craft. He barely had time to register the sudden movement before something knocked into her, sending her crashing into the side of his boat. The sound of the impact echoed in his ears, and for a moment, everything seemed to slow down. He saw Celine's body slump, her consciousness clearly lost, and then she disappeared beneath the water.

Celine! he shouted, panic surging through him. He leaned over the edge, straining to see any sign of her. The water churned violently, the surface bubbling as if the sea itself were alive. His mind raced. The spirit had always been playful, but this—this was different. This felt malicious.

Seconds felt like hours as he scanned the dark water, his heart clenching with fear. Then, he saw her. Thirty feet down, her form barely visible in the murky depths. His stomach turned as he watched her struggle, her limbs moving sluggishly, fighting against the lethargy that threatened to drag her deeper. His hands gripped the edge of the boat so tightly his knuckles turned white. Come on, Celine. You can do this.

Finally, she broke the surface, gasping for air, right beside the rowboat. Relief flooded through him as he saw her alive, but the sight of her teeth chattering, reminded him that now they both needed to get out of the wet clothing and warmed up. As Celine yelled about helping her up, he immediately offered assistance. Nolan immediately reached down, grabbing her arms and hauling her up with all his strength.

Thank the stars, he muttered, his voice thick with relief. Celine, I thought I'd lost you. He listened as she talked about the spirit, but he raised an eyebrow at mention of a demon. He didn’t remember her saying she had demon troubles. Nolan nodded, wrapping his arms around her to share his body heat.

He started rowing, each stroke powered by a desperate need to reach the safety of the cave. The twin moons cast an eerie light on the water, making the journey feel surreal, almost dreamlike. But the cold, the urgency in Celine's eyes, kept him focused.

@Celine Vonn

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RE: Medicine and Hauntings, Such a Lovely Divide - by Nolan Reid - 08-06-2024, 08:53 AM