[PAST] It's a Whore's World
“I was wankered. Out of my mind that night,” his voice drawled on. “Was a little rough with you in the beginning, but I made up for it after and every time since.” There was a slight hiss at the end of his words, the blood pumping around his body rediverting itself to solely reside in his dick. The way they both teased and taunted the other so perfectly was one of the reasons he kept returning to her. Hands still though as she mentioned an addition to their fun. Nope. 

Curling his thumb against her teeth, Ruth tilted her head so he could search her eyes, gaze serious. “Sharing isn’t ever on the cards, pretty thing. This meal is all mine.” As his other hand manipulated her core, his eyes would watch her intently, attempting to devour his thumb with each suck. Ruth’s smirk curled to one side as her cheeks pulled in, almost hollow, as she reminded him of the tricks her mouth would play over the rest of him. He could feel his cock pulse, the need to have himself buried completely in her nearly overwhelming his better judgement. All in good time though.

Her need for his touch causing her to spread herself wider only encouraged the man’s assault, the tempo of his thrusts increased as his thumb swept against her clit in perfect timing. Against his hand Ruth could feel her insides clench, adjusting his strokes to tease her enough to keep her on that edge, every sound she made building a craving for more. Later he wouldn’t be so merciful, they’d drive each other mad over and over again upstairs before taking their deserved release, for now she’d have to be content with the magic his hands could conjure. “You might get that chance later, or tomorrow. Haven’t made up my mind yet how many ways I want you.”

Noticing her hand disappearing, Ruth’s eyes narrowed again, but her filthy mouth had his ministrations deepen, curl into her to drive her on, taking her release for herself. He filed away this transgression for later, fingers continuing to tease her throughout, extending that sought high.

A brow arched, “Oh, you’d like that, eh?” A dirty chuckle fell across her collar bone, his mouth quickly moving to nip then began pulling colour to the surface. Teeth scraped lightly around the edges, the first taste of the feast he’d be indulging in evident to anyone else who’d come by the Back Water tonight. Mina was his. Once pleased with its colouring, Ruth would release the skin, his tongue circling the slight indentations of his teeth.
After she started to breathe again, her abdomen done clenching, her insides done trying to grip his fingers harder, to keep them curled inside her, once the flood of slick spilled down his fingers and her own, and into the water, only then did she feel the sharp pain of his teeth marking her, the dual semi-circles of his bite damn near permanent into that part of her collar.  It was always the same place, the same bite, the same marking that he would put on her for all to see.  And in the weeks between his visits, the white indents would remain, having been placed there so many times, that the skin was permanently marked with him.

And if she was going to be marked, to be owned, by anyone but herself, Ruth was as good as any person to hold that on her.  Maybe one day in the future, she'd feel differently, but right now, she knew it was Ruth that held her captive, and cherished.  Because she knew he did cherish her, more so than he probably should, but that was their way.  And she was fine with what they had, the give and take of what kept their orbits in alignment.  "[color=#2ecc40]I have, I've decided I want you in the bed, on the floor, on the table, over the balcony, in the tub, against the window, on my hands and knees, riding you, sucking you empty, so that when you leave, you have nothing left,[/color]" she reached back and cupped his sack in her hand, gently squeezing, not enough to hurt, or to even be anything other than a pleasant touch.  "[color=#2ecc40]In here for anyone else.  No other whore should be carrying around a belly full of your cum.[/color]"

She leaned her head back and made a playful bite at his nose, missing purposefully, her teeth clicking together, as that hand that cupped him rose upward, and wrapped around the length of him still pressed against her ass cheeks.  "[color=#2ecc40]I would, I like the idea of you being happy to see me tell someone to fuck off for the night, because I belong to you.  Even more so that they could see the evidence of me being well used by you and no one else.[/color]"  Her arm moved, so that her curled fingers stroked him first up, to where she could close her palm around his head, and then back down, squeezing a bit tight, so that it would feel like he was making that first press into her ass, the tightness of her back side, and where she would try and tempt him into now.  "[color=#2ecc40]And even here.  Make sure that no where can be claimed by anyone else.[/color]"

She was just getting ready to try and impale herself, when a voice thundered into the bath room, "[color=#7fdbff]Wilhelmina, there's guests out here, stop fuckin' that elf and get out here and serve em.[/color]"

He enjoyed watching her fall apart, the first of many, even if she’d taken it for herself. No matter. Ruth had plenty of time to indulge every way they wished over the two days he’d be around. He admired the mark, grin wide and filthy before he ran his tongue over the spot, up her neck to pinch her ear between his teeth. His arm around her waist tightened, hips rolling against her as fingers continued to tease, strokes light to begin with, but intent on stirring, building her into another frenzy soon enough.

The refreshed mark was a clear signal, and she’d wear it proudly especially with her following confession. His cock throbbed, teeth released her lobe as his throat rumbled a hum fraying at its edges as she cupped him, a familiar ache stirred. “So every way then. Great minds think alike. I’m definitely going to eat you out on the counter. Get you seeing stars before I bend you over it.”

“What are you supposed to be, a snapping turtle?” he’d tease, leaning in to nip and tug at her lower lip. “They’ll hear all about my good treatment, you’ll be screaming my name, remember? Besides, renewed your badge of honour, didn’t I?” Hips ground upwards, into her strokes, the switch in constriction causing him to let out a hissed, “fuck,” and as she pressed him against that back end he leant a guiding hand fall against her hip.

He was about to offer her an equally jealous claim as she seated, when the Old Man’s voice rang out. Of. Fucking. Course. He blinked, fingers still continuing to tease her regardless, but his mood shifted entirely by the mere look in his eyes. Everything carefully withdrew. Fingers, his arm slackening, now only resting over her hip bone rather than pulling her close. Ruth leaned his head and arms back over the tub's edge with a frustrated groan, then glared across towards the door.

Azure eyes soon found hers again, annoyed, but fine with it. She worked for the man, she couldn’t slack off completely. “Cock blocking fucks,” he’d snark, reaching to tug a lock of silver, “Suppose you’re just gonna have to wait for it some more Willie. Chop, chop. Sooner you get at it, we can get at it and I’ll give you a good night's sleep.”
When the call had gone through the room, she knew that some of the conversation had been overheard, before hand, maybe.  It depended on how long it took for the Old man to hear it was Ruth's voice, he could have heard a lot of things he hadn't really wanted to know.  She rubbed her thumb over the head of his cock, in a circle, before she turned on his lap and leaned in to kiss him deeply, conveying the frustration and sympathy that she was leaving him hard and wanting when she had gotten hers.  "[color=#2ecc40]Aye, I will, stay hard for me until then and maybe I'll just come over to the table and finish you with my hand while pouring you beer.[/color]"

She gave one more stoke along his head before she stepped out of the tub and got her clothes back on.  She danced back over to the tub to suck a dark bruise into the side of his neck, and then she was out the door leaving him in the bath.

Customer after customer filed into the Back Water as she worked, having to stop a couple times in the kitchen through out the evening to sneak into the back hallway to wipe a clean cloth down her leg all the more left needy she had been.  Each time she would have to stop and wash her hands well in the sink, cold water to her pulse points, because she was hot.  The night was warm from the fire place and she was aroused beyond all.  And it didn't help that the object of her arousal had been flirting with anyone but her, and ooh, did it rub her the wrong way inside.

But that brief annoyance inside that he would be flirting with someone else when it was her cunt he'd be buried in and finding solace in, in mere hours.  And she didn't like it, but she wasn't going to say anything.  She had watched Ruth put him back together after The Cunt, and she wouldn't risk anything that would take Ruth out of her life.  As much as she knew him, she knew if she wasn't his and his alone, and then let him leave and come back when the mood struck him, that she'd never see him again, and she wasn't going to let that stand.  But to flirt openly with someone else, well it was hot, but it annoyed her.  So once she was a little less hot she finally left the kitchen and headed back into the bar, heading straight for Ruth as the last two drunks sang to one another back and forth by the fire.

"[color=#2ecc40]Still hard for me, lover?[/color]"
Hips bucked forwards into her touch, mouth opening willingly to be kissed. His arm would coil around her for the brief duration, jaw clenching as she tugged against him one last time. Ruth watched her carefully, the way the towel rubbed quickly over her to get some resemblance of dryness, how the cloth of her clothes hung from her frame, skin exposed and his mark burning proudly against the skin of her flushed neck.

His brow arched as she returned to him, lips pulling a similar mark into life on his skin. “I don’t want to be interrupted again, so no. You scoot your ass around so I can take you properly. Like a good Daddy should.” As her mouth worked, Ruth’s hands travelled, sneaking effortlessly under the band of cloth to tease a nipple, leaving her squirming until she pulled away finally, leaving him alone to sulk in his frustration. A silent promise was made as he drug a washcloth over himself. He’d be damn sure to keep the old man up with her screaming.

When he’d finally stepped back out into the bar, Ruth found himself greeted with a few familiar faces, his grin widening, mood lifting some as a cruel thought seeded itself into the back of his mind. It sprouted as eyes fell on an ass he’d taken for a ride some months ago, the owner’s face flushing a deep shade of red before the lad offered to buy him a drink. It would be incredibly rude of him to refuse, so Ruth obliged, not really paying the pint much mind but observing the effect of his diverted attention on Willie as the men sparred flirtatious jabs at one another.

While Ruth nursed his drinks, his companion became more intoxicated as the rounds continued. The elf was bored now, the amusement of his little game had waned some time ago and as he watched the lad stumble off to join the lone drunk in the far corner. It wasn’t much longer before she joined him at the bar, half his pint still sitting on the bar-top. 

A slow grin began spreading across his face, eyes slightly narrowing on her as she spoke. “You left me. To starve.” His grin turned devilish, smug and he slipped off the stool to approach her, drawing his lips close against her ear. “You gonna hop on that counter, or am I gonna have to pick you up and spread you myself?” Head tilted to shrug his brows at her, body drawing him away to walk around the bar. He’d do her the dignity of her head facing the rest of the bar, but her core… that would be dripping down his chin to the floor of the bar side.
Coop had left the main room earlier, so she was happy that only the drunks left in the room would witness what was about to happen, and they were too involved in one another at this point to even remotely be aware of the fact that Mina pulled her dress off in one smooth motion as the distance between her and Ruth had drawn to next to nothing, there near her little cubby hole beside the bar.  And it was the idea of keeping their liaison between the two of them, that had her gently trying to tug him into the red curtained alcove with her as she went.

When she felt the edge of the bar hit her shoulder blades, she paused and then hoisted herself up to the bar surface, her hands pulling over one of the gauzy curtains to cover them with -- even if the fabric did little to obscure them, it was still enough.  This was her time with Ruth -- not transactional sex, but actual fucking. Not the quick ride she would have had on the cocks of one of the drunks in the other corner, no, before the night was through, she'd have sweated so much in the pursuit of the high that Ruth could give her.

This she did for pleasure as her hands slid to his shoulders, to pull him to here, there between her legs, her body nearly folded in two as she sought out his lips for a kiss, if he'd let her -- lingering, savoring the anticipation of his tongue on her bare skin.  It had been an entire day, a day she had imagined him hovering over her, using his other head to rub over her clit, to show her that he could have her in more than just one way.  Imagining that he had her bent over, balls deep inside her, and staying there, flexing forward now and then to try and press further inside her, that image had hit her hard as she finally laid back against the counter, taking a bottle of spirits from the well and thumbing the cork off the bottle.

She held his eyes as she drank, her free hand moving to the back of his head to guide him between her legs.  Legs that had been pressed together so many times during the day, that now that she was allowed to let them fall aside, to lay her completely bare, and glistening from how much she had though about him during the day, she easily she scooted forward on the bar top, so that her behind hung some over the edge.  It wasn't uncomfortable, but it put her at mouth level for him, and she wanted him right there, so that when she needed to hook her legs up over his shoulders, he was in just the right place for her to do so.  "[color=#2ecc40]Might have to spread me,[/color]" she said as she took a long pull off the bottle, before setting it back down.  "[color=#2ecc40]But a man should work for his dinner[/color]."

She sighed, softly, as her hips started to move, long before she even had him touching her.  That was the power of [color=#2ecc40]anticipation[/color], of knowing that at any moment, his tongue would dart out, would press hard to her clit and then undulate.  There'd be a deep rumble that would make things deeper inside her clench in want of something to bear down on, to envelope and hold, the inevitable pull of skin, sucked between lips and gently squeezed.  She'd be dripping on the floor, not long after that, in need to have him finally press a finger inside her, maybe two. 

He hadn't even touched her, and she was already close to tumbling into her first orgasm of the night, just from the memory of him.  "[color=#2ecc40]Come on Ruth, I don't know how much more teasing I can take tonight.[/color]"
It wouldn’t have been the first time the old coot had caught him balls deep, with her back pressed hard against a wall or bent over the counter. Ruth watched her strip, smirking as the distance between them shrinked, his eyes travelling over her as she scooted up onto the counter. They’d take things upstairs eventually, he’d declared an intention when they had been so rudely interrupted before. 

He’d roll his eyes at her hiding them away, doubting the drunks had enough sense to notice what was even happening, though not paying it much mind. Starved, his hands found her soft thighs, trailing his fingertips along towards her waist. Her own hands were attempting to guide him, forcing him into sating her desires heightened by the growing anticipation dragged out over the course of the evening. 

Grappling with her on the counter, Ruth’s lips found hers, teeth capturing her lower lip as she pulled away. She wasn’t in command here. Opening up for him in ways she didn’t with others, knowing he’d bring her up and over that edge every time until they both lay panting, sweating, void of anything but the hum of their nerves on fire and the lull of a deep dreamless sleep.

His hands roamed upwards, hands palming, fingertips rolling as she leaned backwards. One he took into his mouth, the sharp witty tongue working and flickering across a nipple while he pinched the other. Hips pressed, then ground against the slickness between her thighs, one eye eventually peeking open to watch her. A groan came from deep within his chest as she scooted forwards, his lips unlatching with a clear pop to smirk devilishly. “Oh I’mma make you see stars Willie,” eyeing her and taking the bottle, “I need a drink with my dinner.”

The tip of the bottle was deliberately slow, his thumb clenched over the mouth just so, he sprayed a few measures over her. Chest, torso, pelvis. With a grin like the devils, Ruth gently leaned over her, setting the bottle down with a deliberate finality. He’d follow it up with a sigh, hips returning the motion against her, coaxing a hand to push her down his body falling onto hers as his mouth sought the splashed whisky.

As his tongue swept across damp skin, Ruth’s hand made a pass between her legs, sliding along her thigh and coating his fingers in her arousal. When he licked around the hardening bud of her nipple the healer would rise a little after a final taunting nip, simultaneously sliding a finger into her. Just long enough to be suitably coated before he withdrew entirely, lifting off her enough to use the tongue carefully undoing her to taste.

“Trust my appetite Willie,” body lowering as hands began a mixture of palming and massaging the muscles of her thighs, “We’ll both have our fill. In good time.”
Mina had been with many men, some women, and an asshole that had been neither in her head, sometime in the long past, she knew her trade and her craft with a certainty and familiarity that only one who had spent more years of her life practicing, than she had doing anything else.  So when she said that Ruth could still surprise her with the way he played her body, it truly was something to behold.  Her eyes watched him work, even as she found herself unable to stay still, bare feet trying to find parts of the shelves and counter top to brace herself, ready herself for the promises that his hands and mouth make on her skin.  "[color=#2ecc40]Only stars?  Ruth, you've shown me entirely different worlds, I'll be disappointed if you don't waltz me right to the edge of that little death and then back again[/color]."

Her voice dropped into it's lowest register, even as she sucked down a deep breath, her legs set to trembling as she felt just how much he wanted her through that layer of fabric still between them, even as she rolled her hips up into his, her hands nearly pulling the curtain down in the process, before she let it go completely, not willing to trust herself not to bring the bulk of them down on them and the bar top.  She writhed, slowly, as she held his gaze, as the liquor hit her skin, thankful that he was working quick to lap it up, she didn't relish the idea of a burn below, but that thought was completely obliterated as she felt his skilled hand part her folds, the feel of digits circling her opening, gathering sticky slick, and then he's inside her and she can't stop the sound that comes from her lips.  Partly a moan, partly a whimper, and then she's bereft of that touch once again, lust drunk eyes pleading as she watched him lick.

Her mouth fell open, her chest heaving up and down as her breathing accelerated, hitched, and then she was swallowing down the excess drool she suddenly developed as his hands pressed her further open, massaging her thighs in a way that she liked oh so well.  There was something to be said about having a lover, especially once that knew exactly how to play her body -- exactly how to wind her up and then send her careening over the edge into a drawn out orgasm, after orgasm.  So it was no surprise when her hands started to move on their own accord, at least to her, and thread into his hair, to help steer him exactly where she wanted him to be.  And where she wanted him, was with his lips and tongue busy bringing her to the first orgasm of the night.  "[color=#2ecc40]I trust your appetite, but your face always looks so pretty after I've rode it.  And my lover, I've been waiting to feel your tongue on my clit all day.  The question is, do you want to turn me so you can let me worship that beautiful cock of yours at the same time[/color]?"  Mina's little tongue darted from her mouth, licked her lips, and then lifted her hips off the counter top towards his mouth, gently tugging his head down to her.  "[color=#2ecc40]Fucking hells Ruth, I can't wait to have my lips on you.  Around you.[/color]"

She reminded herself, that she didn't have to give him such dirty talk, their bodies did all the talking for them, but she couldn't help herself, she liked to see him grin, especially when its as she looks down to see his eyes at the apex of her thighs..
With more than a decade in age, Ruth had a head start when it came to the sins of the flesh. Men, woman, he wasn’t picky when it came to the sex of his partner, only that it was singular in nature and there were no strings attached to him, no further expectation placed on him than what he was willing to give. He allowed some leeway when it came to those few in his close circle, but even then there were limits. “Flattery like that will get you far, Willie. I know I’m good, talking shit is not the limits of what my witty tongue can perform.”

He could feel his pulse throbbing in his cock, what he was used to, the want to fuck. Breath danced along her damp skin, a soft moan groaning out from his throat as he lapped up the whisky trailing across it. Every movement and sound emerged from her only stirring him onward. He needed more. Craved it. Teeth would nip her skin as he pulled away, fingers travelling to delve into her delicate core and sneak a taste. A glint in his eye combined with that subtle smirk of his left one thing clear as hands snaking under her legs until the underside of her thighs rested against his shoulders. He would abandon teasing her, this time. “Nope. I’m the one who got left to starve. You can swallow me down later, I want to see those eyes staring up at me later when I unload down that pretty throat.”

Gentle love bites worked their way up her thighs, hands continuing the pattern of kneading and caressing her muscles before Ruth wasted no more time in getting to his promise. Exposed to the mercy of his tongue and mouth, a focused variety of licking and sucking began, starved and hungry Ruth ate with abandon. An arm moved across her hips, his free hand reaching to pin one of her hands down, the smirk across his lips evident as she made a grab for his hair. It only earned in firming his grip, locking him into the position of enjoying his first of many courses.
Her his moved with each taste of her skin, each knead of his hands along fire ignited nerves that sent sparks up to her brain and then fireworked down her spine imagining later, on her knees, her lips set around his cock, the way he would looked pained, and then relaxed as he finally spilled down her throat.  She knew the face well, but on Ruth is was one that she couldn't ever get enough of -- she was as addicted to that face, as he was being inside her in some shape or form.

So when she lost the plot, too far gone in focusing on the movements of his tongue, the building tightness in her lower abdomen building up and coiling like a spring.  She moved with the pace his mouth set, the hand in his hair gentle, even as she felt his grip on her free hand tighten, being held down as she used his bindings of her as a means to help her writhe against his lips, to pull him closer and closer to her.  She knew it didn't make sense, when she was in her right mind, knew it impeded his ability to lave his tongue over that tiny little bud of flesh that felt like it was connected to her spine, and the electricity that traveled up it with each little flick.  And so since he didn't want to have her mouth full at the moment, she made sure that anyone left in the Back Water absolutely knew that she was very much enjoying herself.

She sang for him, his praises, how he made her feel, and how very close she was to soaking his face before they'd continue on.  She leaned up off the top of the counter, so she could watch him work, could watch the pink of his tongue lap at her, how his lips closed around her skin.  And the tremor, that ran through her, tensing her muscles as she fought for the moment to breathe, and then it was the flood of relief through her system, even as the whole cycle started again. Her eyes went to his, even as she let the sly grin spread over her face.  She would be begging for him, by the end of this, she already knew, and she was ready for that to start if it meant he'd climb back up her body and finally seat himself deep inside her.  "[color=#2ecc40]Then climb on up here, sink down into the succor I give you between my thighs, and let me see those eyes of yours as you lose yourself the first time deep inside me.  Come feed off these lips now, Ruth,[/color]"  Her voice raised up some as she untangled her fingers from his hair, and gent to tug on his shoulder.  "[color=#2ecc40]Please?  Pretty please?[/color]"
There was a deep satisfaction that sated a small piece of him when she'd latched ahold of his head, even gently, simultaneously causing the man to unravel and letting loose a more feral nature. His grip on her tightened, fingers pressing into flesh. Ruth was unrelenting, his mouth, tongue and teeth working her centre into a frenzy as the arm spayed across her waist to lock him in at the perfect angle. He’d been dreaming of this view for days while on the road and now it was here in perfect reality, by the gods he was going to make damn sure to indulge for both their sakes.

Once pleased with his good work, Ruth withdrew, carefully sliding her legs off his shoulders. His breathing was heavy, mostly from holding on to dear life, but that didn’t stop the most devilish of grins from growing across his face as their gazes met. “Kind of strong to be so small,” he chuckled, leaning to slowly hover over her.

Her pleas were precious, but he wasn’t quite done, nor did he want an audience for when he finally seated himself. The Big Room was made up, waiting on the two of them, and the image of her sprawled out across the plush mattress and cushions made a far more appealing rutting spot than this wee corner. “Fingers gonna do you for the next five minutes, Precious. I said I was gonna need the room.”

Positioning his hands, one around a wrist the other around a thigh, Ruth pulled her off the bartop over his shoulders and once secure, trailed a path along the inside of a thigh back to fingering between her soaked lips and nub. “C’mon Willie, I don’t think Coop quite heard you the first time,” he’d tease, pace quickly making quick work of the stairs to the landing. Was he torturing them both, certainly, but he promised her that beautiful death over and over, could she really blame him for it? Doubtfully, but once in the privacy of the room, he’d deposit her not-so-gently, hands beginning to draw the leather excess of his belt with a deliberate slowness.

“Scoot that beggin’ and soaking pussy back over here. Lemme sink into that perfect cunt properly. If Coop didn't hear you before, he will reeeeal soon.”
When he took her up the stairs, she gigged the entire way, giggled louder when her back hit the bed, but now that they were there alone, she flipped over and crawl up the bed to help him with that belt, her fingers working easily with that slowness, thankful for the slow down now that they were there alone. It was different when there weren't eyes on her, when she didn't have a ware to sell. Coop will hear me just fine as you find yourself home in me, Ruth.

She slid her hands up his abdomen, under the fabric of his shirt so that she could feel skin again. She needed that feel of his skin against hers, fully naked, fully intent on taking one another apart. Hurry and shed the rest of this fabric, and I'm sure that I'll beg prettily for you once again. And at some point, you'll tell me to turn over and grab the headboard like a good girl and then finish roughly, I know, but for right now, since you seem so intent on drawing it out for the both of us..

She went to help him divest the shirt, and then once they had the ability to be skin to skin again, she leaned up into him, her lips seeking his out, Remind me again why you're the only man I never make pay for my cunt Ruth, I've been far too long without your touch.

Mina finally laid back down, and slid her legs around his hips, using her legs to pull him closer still, her hands becoming him down to her, so that she could continue feeding from his lips. We're alone now, yeah, so sink down here now and love me like you mean it, complete with the kisses please, I enjoy those from you. And he was about the only one that she enjoyed the kisses from, at least from her regular clientele here lately. Ruth was the only one to her liking that she took to bed for more than just a good time.
There was no need to rush now, the door closed behind them and everything else beyond meant nothing within their private bubble. The tension built in his shoulders from the weight of his mask slipped away, the only eyes on him hers, the complete and captivated audience of one. Ruth sighed, head tilting to one side, appreciating how her ass swayed back and forth while she crawled back towards him, weaving her hands along his while they worked free the leather of his belt.

Eyes watched her, his hands leaving hers to slide along her thighs and pull her onto him, loosened pants grinding into her. More hands, less work, he’d tease, then hum as her fingers soon traced across his skin. Chuckling, his voice then lowering, But you take it so well, and it always fires you up again. I’ve never heard any complaints. He pulled away enough to discard one layer, then the next until down to bare skin, pants kicked off and flicked into a corner somewhere.

A hand travelled up from her hip to the back of her neck, deepening the kiss she sought from him, teeth biting her lower lip roughly. Her words stroked his ego, truthfully spoken. He’d never had to part with one single copper since the first night, they’d taught each other a thing or two, but it went deeper than that.

Sliding down, out of his grasp, Ruth’s attention switched to observe a new, captivating view. A guiding hand wrapped around himself, drew the head of his cock along her entrance to tease the both of them. Fuck I missed this, and without a further word of warning, sink himself into her, feels perfectly like the first time all over again, he’d grunt, mentally fighting against the endorphins fogging his mind. A slow series of thrusts began, eyes watching her face intently, teeth biting his lower lip a moment, stalling a shit eating grin. Then he lowered himself, one hand drawing along her thigh to better gain a deeper angle on his next slow deeper thrust.

Lips found an ear first, Cos I’m the only one who slow fucks you there, pausing his pace balls deep, and back again, retreating once again to resume the building pace. C’mere with those pretty lips, I already ate the others, it’s their turn.
Mina was trembling before she felt skin along her body, felt a bulbous head part her folds and catch along her opening, her hands shakily going to Ruth's shoulders as she looked up into his eyes. She wanted him to see the reaction on her face, the way her lips parted in a strangled gasp as she felt him press inside her, the feel of being stretched open over hard, velvet skin; wanted him to see the way she bit her lower lip until he was telling her he was ready to feed from them. Every time Ruth, it's like the first time.

When his hand pulled one of her legs up over his hip, she raised the other on her own, canting her hips downward, her ankles going to lock around his waist. And with his next thrust, her hands found the globes of his ass, pulling him down into her, even as she ground her hips up into his, their bodies flush as she finally clenched down along his length. Every time. She whispered against his lips as she finally found the rhythm he set for them, enjoying the slow strokes.

There, back, around the outside, and bent over a table, nice and slow, or fast and hard.. this way... she indicated their current missionary position, I like it slow and deep.. but soon you're gonna need to put me on my knees and rail me if you want me to really scream, She breathed out, her lips finally slotting with his, her hands sliding off his ass, up his back muscles, along his shoulders as she fed into that kiss. Mina's tongue slid over his lower lip, trying to tease his own to feed from her mouth, wanting their bodies joined just as intimately as they were at the hips. ...fuck.
She was intoxicating. A high he wished to return to time and time again and so far hadn’t become bored of. A rarity for him.

A chuckle and a smile came from him as he watched her face twist and quaver as he filled her. After she hooked her ankles around his waist Ruth slid his arms underneath her, wrapping around her as they embraced, holding her tightly to him as a slow tempo of thrusts that began shallow but grew deeper and more pronounced like a thunderstorm approaching. Every move made with intent. His eyes rolled lazily, lids half closed as his head dipped so he could speak quietly into her ear, Fucking, Champions

He buried himself to the hilt as she spoke, his words returning to his ears with her taunting. Ruth took his fill of her mouth, lips pressing hard against hers to then slowly open to devour her, tongue reaching out to dance and caress her own. I could do so much to you, he panted lightly, shuddering as he buried himself in her with some growing force.

In fact, I’m about to do so much to you, growling against her lips as he felt her hands map the lines across his back. Her touch crossed over the edges of his scars, sweat beginning to dew across his skin, then up to his shoulders to brace herself against the onslaught of his mouth.

Another groan escaped him as he pushed into her as deep as their bodies would allow, a shaky, fffuck, escaped him, causing him to pause and take a few breaths. Opening his eyes, he stared at her, brushing her lips with a final kiss before withdrawing, disentangling his arms to pull her back against the end of the bed.

On your knee’s Willie.