Well, Damn! I Didn't Expect That for a Homecoming
Parental Death, Grief
Haulean didn't necessarily think telling Nairn how things were gonna be would work... he was the boss... and now his father, so... even more of the boss. But. He could try.

Meanwhile, more pressingly, the subject of his reckless threat was at hand, and Cole... after a sigh, seemed a bit less mad. And yes, it probably was a knee-jerk reaction, but that didn't make it any less final if Nairn didn't get his head out of his rump. "He's done stupider stuff on a knee-jerk." he mumbled. Whether or not those stupid things were fixed after the fact was not the current point.

Anyway Haulean hugged himself since he didn't think Colt would currently let him hug him. "Don't think it was random... just figure he wants me as far away from him as possible. An' he hasn't been back to say he's changed his mind. An' if he really took my feelings, he'd just let me stay and pretend like none of this happened."

He knew it was impossible to do, but he would have tried, if Nairn had wanted it. He could try to pretend he wasn't Nairn's. He'd have done just about anything to make things right.

The knock near made Haulean jump out of his skin. What if it was Nairn, come to make him leave? Or... someone else to do it for him? Even as the voice spoke, the little bunny ducked behind Colt and clutched at his shirt, quaking with nerves. He knew Nairn had sent the person on the other side of the door, because... nobody else knew his last name. Only Nairn knew, and only since they'd ready his mother's letters.

Despite Colt inviting the man in, and calling him Ruth -whom had been a topic of discussion just a bit ago, he huddled behind the taller male. "M'not going... please don't let him take me away, Colt... please?"

Colt glanced down at Haulean, who was trembling like a leaf, clinging to his shirt as if his life depended on it. He let out a long, measured sigh before speaking, his tone softer than usual but still firm.

You got to admit it though, kid, he started, a small, wry smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. He’s freaking out. Any sane man would be. But you’ve got to give him time to come around, alright?

The door creaked open, and Ruth stepped in, his lanky figure silhouetted against the hallway light. He raised an eyebrow, taking in the scene—Haulean’s anxious, wide-eyed stare, and Colt, looking half-exasperated, half-concerned.

As Haulean continued to clutch at him, Colt gently peeled his hands away, turning him around so he could face the door. Look, he’s not sendin’ you off. It’s just the healer I was tellin’ you about. Ruth ain't here to drag you out by your ears, alright?

Well, unless he’s into that, Ruth drawled, a smirk playing on his lips.

Colt shot him a threatening look. Save the commentary, alright?

Ruth chuckled, stepping further into the room and closing the door behind him. His expression softened as he looked at Haulean, the sarcasm fading to something a bit more genuine. Look, kid, I’m not here to take you away. Your father’s just... well, he’s an idiot. Bit of a stubborn one, at that. But I’m not about to haul you off anywhere, alright? I’m here to pick you up for a chat is all.

If Haulean didn’t seem entirely convinced, Ruth would sigh, leaning against the doorframe. You got a raw deal, sure. But Nairn doesn’t just toss people aside, even when he’s being pigheaded. So relax. Ain’t nobody draggin' you anywhere unless you want to go.

Colt gave Haulean a reassuring nudge. See?He know’s your Da better than I. Might be he’s the one to ask the deeper questions

@Haulean Oruven
Any further talk of his predicament with Nairn just sailed right over Haulean's head, as he was too panicked to continue it. He was supposed to have left, the night he and Nairn last spoke. But he hadn't. He'd disobeyed and stayed in his bunk. So yes, the boy thought he was about to be hauled away and sent off for good.

Thus, when the door opened, the boy hid well behind Colt, only barely peeking out from behind him so he could see just whom his jailor was. His brain still hadn't registered that this was a friend, and one that was at least slightly familiar to him, at that. Thus, he was not expecting to see... well.

To be perfectly frank, he was expecting someone scarier. Funny, since the voice that had preceded the face had not been particularly scary or mean. It was just his inner panic, expecting a mean, imposing boogeyman to come take him away... even after Colt had called him a healer, called him by name, and invited him in.

Haulean would have been perfectly content to continue the conversation from where he stood, but Colt started extricating himself from the boy's clutching hands, and made the petite half-elf turn to face the intruder, despite feeble efforts to stay put. Haulean wasn't the strongest on a good, healthy day, let alone after at least a couple of days worth of refusing meals and crying himself into exhaustion.

Rabbit still huddled back against Colt, as much as he was allowed, eyeing the other male -however pretty and approachable-looking- with wariness... and maybe a touch of innocent confusion after the repartee between Ruth and Colt regarding being dragged out by his ears. He didn't get it at all. He just... hesitantly reached up to cover his ears protectively.

At least... until the gent flat out stated he wasn't taking him away. Only then did the boy lower his hands... just in time to let out an unexpected half-giggle at his... at Nairn being called an idiot. Still. He quickly schooled his face back to what was supposed to be neutral, but was more than likely still untrusting and afraid. He didn't like the idea of being 'picked up' to go anywhere. That still sounded like it entailed leaving his safe place.

Haulean's hands began fidgeting with one another. He was at odds with himself. He wanted to trust him. He seemed nice. And even Colt was speaking in his favor. Never did he ever think Colt would lie to him. And... he... it just wasn't in his nature to really distrust people, much to most of the C's chagrin. He was just so scared. He felt like he was about to have a meltdown, due to his anxiety and uncertainty. His breathing had already hitched up a few notches in pace, and the fidgeting became more agitated.

"I... I need... c-can we just... I... don't..." He wanted to talk, but he didn't want to go anywhere. He needed to be comforted but he was afraid to ask for it. He knew he needed to calm down or he'd become non-verbal and a frantic mess, but what calmed him best was reassuring touch, and right now did not seem the time to seek it. He wished Yoonjie were there... He often knew what was needed without words; but he was away on a job.

"Y-you just... w-we... n-need... I..." he shook his head, one arm crossing over his chest to almost hug himself, and the other hand shakily lifting to cup the back of his own head, awkwardly smoothing at his hair with his eyes shut tight. He was trying to self-soothe and it wasn't quite working, but he would try. He was grown... he had to try to act grown... didn't he? Well. This probably wasn't acting very grown.

Colt felt a familiar pang of sympathy as he watched Haulean struggle, caught in a whirlwind of anxiety that seemed to paralyze him. The kid was wound tighter than a spring, and it hurt to see him trying so hard to hold himself together. He glanced at Ruth, who was observing the two, then took a slow step forward, positioning himself slightly in front of Haulean, not quite blocking him but close enough to provide a sense of cover.

Hey, easy now, Colt murmured, keeping his voice low and steady, trying to cut through the panic that was clearly threatening to overwhelm the lad. You don’t gotta go anywhere, and you don’t gotta explain anything right now, alright? He placed a hand gently on Haulean’s shoulder, squeezing lightly. Just breathe, bud. In and out.

Ruth took a moment to let the tension simmer down, his usual smirk softened into something kinder, something Colt didn’t recognise at first. “Look, kid, I’m not here to play priest,” he started, still leaning casually against the doorframe, “but I’m also not here to carry you out kicking and screaming. Even if Nairn’s as stubborn as a mule, he doesn’t send me to do his dirty work. He just wants to make sure you’re alright.”

Slowly, Colt shifted, moving so he was standing right in front of Haulean, blocking out the rest of the room, forcing the boy to focus on him. Look at me, kid, Colt said, his voice gentle but firm. I know you’re scared. And I know you think this means you’re getting shipped off, but that ain’t happening. You’re stayin’ put, right here. If Nairn wanted you gone, he wouldn’t have sent Ruth. He’d have sent... well, someone else a lot scarier, probably Danny, trust me on that.

Ruth snorted softly, adding, “Yeah, they’d have sent him, not the guy who passes through on a whim and might fuck your girl. Colt knew that last jab was for him, but instead of snapping back he just let it slide for now. So relax. You’re not goin’ anywhere unless you decide to walk out that door yourself.”

Haulean’s breathing was still ragged, but Colt could see the faint flicker of something close to relief in his eyes, even if it was buried beneath layers of fear. He kept his hand on the boy’s shoulder, grounding him, and when Haulean’s head dropped, Colt gently tipped his chin back up. C’mon, chin up, your staying, he said, a bit more softly. You’re not alone in this mess, alright? So if you need to sit down, or if you need a hug, or if you just need to stand there and shake it out, that’s fine.

Ruth nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. “Kid, Nairn’s not perfect. He’s got all the finesse of a brick wall sometimes, and yeah, he made a mess of things. But if he really wanted to get rid of you, you’d be gone already. So, how about we stop worrying about what might happen, and just… chat a bit about your old man? That sound doable?”

I’ll send Colt for some beers and we can just doss here. You smoke?

@Haulean Oruven
If Colt hadn't been there, Haulean would have completely fallen apart. Colt was the reason he'd even managed to pull himself together enough to get out of bed, which no one else had managed to get him to do. So having the older male speak in that low, calming tone and squeeze his shoulder definitely helped. Without even realizing it, he'd started to obey, attempting to breathe as instructed.

However, the little bean couldn't help tensing up again when Ruth spoke up. The anxiety in his brain kept trying to tell him he was being taken away. That they were just trying to soften the blow by being nice. Even his dreams had tried to tell him he wasn't wanted. He knew it was stupid, cos he'd just been told numerous times that he wasn't going anywhere, but he was still trying to convince himself.

Once more, Colt moved into view and Haulean, as commanded, looked up at him all wide-eyed and kinda dizzy at this point. He did his best to focus on Colt's eyes, and the sound of his voice. He made himself hear what he was saying... and what Ruth was saying. Though. Well. Haulean had never found Danny particularly scary. But Haulean didn't find most people scary... with the exception of mean old John Marc. Now there was someone who'd probably be glad to see Haulean go.

Not the point. The words were finally... starting to register. That, or the boy was just too drained to keep fretting. As he let out a trembling breath, his head dropped forward and the tension in his shoulders eased a bit. Then his head was tilted back up, and the reassurances came again, along with an offer of one of his favorite things. "H-hug." he blurted, though he was wobbling where he stood. Probably ought to lie back down before he fell down.

Those wary blue eyes flicked past Colt's shoulder to Ruth as he spoke, and he gulped back the tears that'd apparently started up again without his noticing. A chat. He could do a chat. He gave a wobbly nod. Though the mention of beer made him grimace. Colt would know, Haulean didn't drink. It all tasted foul to the freckled youth. And he didn't use any substances either, unless you counted the occasional sugary treat.

The question of smoking got a dizzy little shake of the head. "M'allergic." he mumbled. Being in proximity of smoking tended to make the boy ill. His eyes would get itchy, his nose would get stuffy, and then of course was the coughing. As an added bonus, some types of smoke made him hella nauseous.

@Colton Young