You Should Probably Leave
It didn't take long for the work to pull his mind back in. The wine helped, a great deal actually. The challenge and the gentle numbness allowed him to focus, to think beyond conventional strategy. And that was exactly what was needed. Old man Umbra was a tricky devil, and his ciphers did him credit. But once the first piece fell into place, it led to the next, and the next. Soon, Enzo saw the whole picture come into focus. He was grinning, rolling up his shirt sleeves, flitting about the desk as he picked up reference writings and scratched away. It was an elegant and subtle puzzle, and he could see already that part of what he'd riddled out was the basis for other, slightly different ciphers. But this was the key, of that much he was certain.

Hearing Tiberius' movements, Enzo turned. His grin dropped as he watched the other man stretch. The spell of the work had left him, allowing those more intrusive thoughts to return. But the time -and again, the wine- had smoothed the edges of his frustrations from earlier. His more logical mind recognized the corner Tiberius had found himself in. It had its similarities to Enzo's own ill-fated engagement. They were both victims of their world and station. That had never, would never, change. So the smile returned, softer than the elated one he'd worn, but a smile all the same.

"It won't be any trouble?" Enzo had been about to ask what time he should come back in the morning, but the invitation to stay pleased him. His question carried just the slightest hint of teasing. He was still himself, after all. He followed Tiberius from the tower and into the house. As they arrived at the door, Enzo's heart started up again. He'd been here fewer times that Tiberius had visited his own room, but he knew this door and what lie beyond it. Was Tiberius...?

The door revealed an obviously unused room. Inwardly, Enzo cursed his stupidity. Of course Tiberius wasn't staying in his old room anymore. He almost laughed, but didn't want to have to explain why. As he passed Tiberius to enter the room, he put his hand on the other man's shoulder, giving a gentle squeeze where it met the base of his neck. He stopped just on the other side of the doorway as Tiberius spoke, not wanting to let go just yet.

"I... suppose you should." he replied, fingers tightening slightly again as he looked up and into Tiberius' eyes.