A Resolved Heart
He frowned at her through the lenses, sighing through his nose as his eye rolled. Ruth’s mood shifted, the teasing not quite hitting him as he’d usually let it while his head drifted, distracted, delaying his stiff nudge back.

Yeah. Sure. Then again I’m involved - naturally so - but there’s the potential for some sort of fuck up. Meg’s got a record of being a clutz. If she makes it down the aisle without falling over, colour me surprised.

The comment about lacing her with spider venom had Ruth pushing the lenses up into his hair. He stared at her, slightly offended, but shrugging his brows and hiding again, Ruth knew he deserved it given his reputation. I don’t drug people deliberately, without their consent, unless they’re dying or a bastard causing trouble. I’m not that kind of bastard. Sure he’d maybe spike some punch with rum, the effects of alcohol were more easy to manage, but he’d be turning himself in before roofying someone for the kick of it.

Of course I know how to dance. I just do it better horizontally. Still, even in a mood he couldn’t resist that little nugget, that smug grin back to full spread. Sighing, I don’t need lessons, I know how. If there isn’t a fuck up on the day… maybe. Who am I kidding, the bride will have me up so it’s a possibility you’ll get a spin out of me. Rolling his shoulders awkwardly he made no promises there was still a lot to do between now and then.

Chuckling a little, Ruth nodded. You won’t be able to miss him, he’s a slim, tall fucker, but sure, I’ll point him out and egg you on. You’ll be drinking, it’ll be easy. He was the bad influence afterall.

@Theodora Oridotti
Ach, some on now, she's not that bad, she'll make it down the aisle just fine, and she's look radiant at the same time. And neither of you are going to fuck anything up on that day, trust me, if anyone is going to show their arse, it'll be me, unintentionally, but let's face the hard facts here Ruth, I'm more awkward than a bag of mabari when it comes to people. Making people not be alive any more is my stock and trade, sometimes I create things, not as often as I like, and they invited me along, so rest assured, you'll be fine. But Theo saw the shift on his face, in his demeanor before she could take the words back. I didn't mean it like that, Ruth, 'm sorry.

And then the mood changed again, and so she followed his lead, and let the words slide into the back part of their conversation, out of mind again, even if she was silently chiding herself harshly for it. Their's was a tenuous friendship, and she wanted to keep it friendly between them, even if they did a fine job of teasing one another about, well, everything. I'll hold you to it, Ruth, we'll dance at least once at the wedding. And then I'll go find this Colt and show my arse, as promised. See, we're already making plans on how to make sure things go along smoothly. Just have to keep the alcohol coming along so as to override the part of my brain that will tell me that it's a bad idea to pick a fight with someone nearly two feet taller than me.

Theo paused and let that height difference settle in some, Then again, when we look at the past couple jobs I've done recently, I don't see how picking a fist fight with an unnaturally tall lanky giant would be out of character or brand for me, it's.. actually incredibly on point to exactly what I would do, come to think of it.

@Ruth Yoesif
He knew she didn’t, but Ruth’s mouth couldn’t let it slide. It was wicked, quickly turning the conversation again to his usual lewdness. Humming and aahing as she claimed that she’d hold him to a dance. Truthfully there was a part of him that wished she’d make a claim on something by sitting all pretty on hi-, but he banished those thoughts away again. Get a move on, Ruth.

Ruth shook his head, hand fixing the strap of his satchel and looked to the sun’s bearing in the sky. Na, Lanky Colty will just flush red and scarper, waste of a show flashing it to him. Seeing you pissed though? Might actually make this thing worth it. A complete lie, a decade or more had been agonisingly too long for the pair to finally tie the knot. But we’ll see what happens. I might just get pissed and if Mina doesn’t come along, well, then I’m sure there’s a pretty boy or girl I can slip away with. It is a wedding. Plenty of eligible hookups to be had… perhaps even more than one. He’d snicker to himself, and then with a shake of his upper body sobered somewhat.

Right. Well. Invitation safely handed over, now I’m off. Raising a hand awkwardly, Ruth wasn’t quite sure how to go about leaving. Did they shake? Hug? No. Definitely no hug. He settled for a heavy few pats of her head before turning away with a wave. Remember. It’s a Wedding. Not a date with a slut, unless… he’d half turn, well on his way and peeling the shades away briefly so his wink at her was seen.

~ Fin
@Theodora Oridotti