[Past] You, Me and a Pitcher of Cream
No Triggers
Megara turned to look at him, her head tilting some in thought. I don’t think that. I think everyone has a bogeyman in them, you’re only a bogeyman on the outside. He wouldn’t be so nice to her, or to the kids and anyone needing a helping hand if he was. He tried to be good, and that was enough. Looking around, her hands went to the pockets of her coat in search of matches but her fingers turned up empty. Could she risk a little magic? Meg’s head shook, You got matches, I forgot matches.

Cupping the bell of her pipe she tried to protect the match's flame, nib clenched between her lips managed a small smile and a blink instead of a nod to his plan. Once it was lit, Megara nodded. I like boats. Never been on one mind, but I like how they float… used to pretend I was a pirate when we’d move camps, the araavels are kinda like land boats I suppose.
Nairn chuckled softly, You speak without knowing the things my hands have done, and the orders I've followed. It was kind. Too kind. And some part of him knew that he should scare the woman, scare her away until she understood the truth of what she'd walked into.

He couldn't bring himself to do that, though. No, he'd continue to take her around town, ensure that she was seen by his side. And that would have to be enough to protect the sheltered innocence in front of him.

When she asked for a match, he slipped a book from a pouch at his waist, and offered it to her. She returned the matchbook shortly after, and he watched her light her pipe. Would you like to go on a boat? He inquired, as he led the way on their next adventure.
I don’t? She laughed, I might have come from the ‘woods,’ but my hands are just your opposites, Nairn. She’d raise a hand, eyes drifting between it and adding, Though you got way bigger ones… but see, opposites.

They’d walk around some more with her finally figuring out the layout of the district, enough at least to know where not to wander alone. Kind and doe-eyed as she was, she also had a sense for people and their intentions. He commanded attention, yet denied it simultaneously.

A fraction of fear mixed in with the excitement of her face, Maybe not a big boat… that was a frightening prospect, start off smaller, but yeah. One day anyway. Her shoulders bobbed and the healer took a few draws of the pipe following after him with a skip. She’d pull up alongside him before offering it, Want a draw? Wee ones mind. This isn’t the shit that Bertie tries to grow.
Nairn studied her, as she held her hand up. Mmm, don't matter where you come from, now. Kirkwall'll take ya, and soon you'll be just another elf walking through these streets. The thought saddened him; that perhaps that ever-so-slightly earthy scent would fade, just as her innocence might. Would her smile crumble away the longer she stayed among the Coterie, accruing debt until she was trapped in a life she couldn't get away from?

They walked, in relative silence for a while. He let her figure her way around; only guided her if necessary. She was a fast learner. And then she was talking about a boat, and he grinned slightly, Aye, not a big one to start. He'd have to see about that; he was certain someone on the docks owed him a favor or two. And if they didn't... they would.

She offered her pipe, and he chuckled quietly, Na, might run into trouble yet. City's a dangerous place. But mebbe once we're back in the safe-lodge.
Megara snorted, Yeah… good luck to Kirkwall on that count. Did you not see all the plants?Her head shook lightly, if there wasn’t a plant, or something green and leafy growing in her residence there was something very wrong in the world. Can take the Daley out of the woods, but this one won’t lose it. I like growing things too much and I’m still getting used to the weird city smell, can't place it. You remind me of ashwood though. Her nose would wrinkle slightly, but quickly unfurl as a grin replaced it.

She was taking a draw from the pipe when he added a final word on the topic of boats, catching her attention though unsure of where it was heading, left it unanswered for memorising the district. Having company helped and soon she was the one guiding them back to safe harbour, though there were options and Megara mulled over them as he refused the pipe.

Then I guess to the safe-lodge it is… could go back to the bar and find your friend, but that’s opposite to home for me. They’d already walked around a bit, it made little sense they double, triple back on themselves for one wayward elf. Will he be alright? Meg had an inkling the smart mouth would be fine, but the two had only interacted for a short spell, she didn’t know him like Nairn did. We can crash on a couch and you can take a toke or two. Wee reward for your trouble.
Nairn grinned at his Dalish companion, rolling his eyes. Nah, hope you never lose your Daley. Makes you unique in this city of misfits, he followed easily as she guided them, and shrugged when she asked about Ruth.

Could go find'im. More likely he'll find us, though. He commented, more interested in her promise of crashing on a couch with him. He's lived here a-while. Gets in and outta trouble, runs home to me when he needs protection. Another shrug.

Now, you were telling me about a reward? This woman could likely train him with enough rewards, if she cared to try. I've got my own sitting room, if you wanna. Less gawkers. He wasn't exactly the friendliest; and anytime he showed favor to anyone, especially females, they'd become targets for those he'd snubbed.
You’re friends Dalish too, she’d chuckle, He doesn’t stick around Kirkwall long though, at least that’s the vibe. Besides, it’s more fun being a misfit anyway. Snickering, Megara gestured to herself, her oddly cut clothes, the lopsided hat that hid the messy braids of chestnut curls. Never gonna lose the smell though, turning the bell of the pipe in her hands, one dalish thing I’ll def keep alive is this herb, too useful.

They’d wandered down another alley, out of sight of the main road and close to the doorway into the safehouse when he latched onto her mention of a reward, adding the caveat of his private rooms. Though of course, Meg’s first thought wasn’t on the obvious.

One hand on the handle, the other still supporting her pipe, the healer pursed her lips in thought, then grinned brightly, Um… Privacy’s good, means you can whip your shirt off and I can look at your arm proper.
Nairn chuckled, wryly. Aye, he's Dalish. He's only been outta the woods for a while. He doesn't specify how long a 'while' is. There's no need to tell her Ruth's story; he's certain if she stays around him, she'll learn it.

Misfit? She gestured to herself, and he snorted, reaching out to tug the brim of her hair. Eh, it's a cute look. But only something you can pull off, definitely.

And she promised not to lose her smell or her herb, and Nairn laughed, a quiet chuckle. Uh... sure. He murmured, flushing as he pulled the door to the safehouse open, entering last.

Go straight through, and take a left, six doors, then the last door on the right. Gonna be a ladder to climb, he stated, letting her guide their way. He wanted her to learn, so she wasn't entirely hopeless.
She wasn’t interested in Ruth’s story at the moment, but it was a friendship important to Nairn that drew in her curiosity. Nodding, Meg agreed, Yeah, he mentioned that, made a comment about me being ‘a reminder of home.’ Her head shook, not sure exactly what that meant.

Cute? Megara laughed, her cheeks flushing, but she tried to bypass the comment flustering her, for humour instead. Weirdo more like it. Pretty sure Bertie’s gonna regret taking me on one day. Why’d I hire the mad gardener who nags me about my gubbed knee, tells me to eat my veggies and won’t give me drugs when I don’t need them? Chuckling, she’d shrug, there were worse fates than being tied to the Coterie.

As he took the door from her, holding it open and giving her the directions the elf grinned, teeth nibbling the edges of her lip before nodding and brightly skipping ahead. Left, taking the passage, 6 doors… one, two, three… only looking back along as she came to the next turn. Now in the safety of the tunnels, Meg risked a ball of light into the air, illuminating the space better.

Must be nice not always having to go to the mess… does that mean your room is nearby too? It made sense it would be, though seeing it wasn’t anywhere near the agenda of the evening. Or you gotta share like the rest? That be annoying. Bertie’s a terrible snorer.
Nairn snorted, Bertie wants drugs, he knows damn well where to get 'em. He commented, idly. Opting to ignore how flustered she'd been; that let him ignore how flustered he was.

She was doing well with her directions, and hands in his pockets, he trailed after her. Somethin' like that. He stated, with a shrug. I used to share, and eventually will go back to sharin'. But I'm looking after someone important to the Coterie, right now.

A lie. The old woman that had attempted to defect was being held until her life ended naturally; but as the person that retrieved her, he was responsible for her. But that felt like way too much information for a first date... if that's what this was.
Snickering, Meg nodded. He doesn’t ask me for drugs anyway, shaking her head, I was kiddin’, but now you’ve said that, I’mma have to keep an eye on the old coot a bit closer now. Taking another puff, Meg shrugged, only real drug I do got is pretty common, but you City folks just don’t know how to dry it right. Hence you all after my stash now.

Her pace slowed marginally to nudge his arm lightly, You can have some though. We good, so… I won’t mind.

Be it naturally, or exaggerated by the herb, Meg’s remorse for his situation returning to the normal was obvious. The offer falling out of her mouth before she’d even thought it through. Stop by my place then. Pretty sure you came in through the window last time? Oh. No. You dropped Martin through the window, that’s what it was… anyways, if I’m not there, you can just chill if the mess is too noisy. No-one gonna bother you in my jungle of plants. Might be a good hiding place not gonna lie.

She was gibbering again, her laughter peppered with a mixture of nervous giggles and short chuckles, before the pipe’s nib found her lips again.

What… like who? Are they Royal? Oooo, some fancy toot who’s spurned their rich lover? A long lost love child? Separated siblings who murdered their asshat Dad? OH. I bet they stole the Chantry Ladies hat!
Not a fan of drugs, Miss Healer? He chuckled quietly, as she slowed, nudging his arm. Mmm, might take a puff or two. He assented, not recognizing it for more than just being nice. She was new, looking for friends.

He raised his eyebrows as she offered her place as a hideaway, and flushed lightly. Well, if you're sure. He murmured, watching her silently. She was nervous, but her laughter was cute, and he found that he wouldn't mind hearing that laugh for longer.

But then she was asking about his target, and he laughed, shaking his head. You got a lot to learn, Miss Healer. He chuckled softly, moving to throw the hatch open. He'd wait for her to climb up first, staying at the bottom of the ladder until she was clear of it. Then he'd follow, closing the hatch back down.

So... my arm, he murmured, self-conscious of how bare the area looked. Unlived in, which was on purpose, he wasn't here often. It was just a place to pass through as he needed, for now.

@Megara Fern
Bad ones? No, she’d nod affirmatively. Elfroot isn’t a bad one. You can get a puff after.

Meg smiled, humming an affirmative murmur, I won’t mind. Not one bit. Bertie trusted him and Nairn hadn’t led her astray on their wander, Nairn was a member she could potentially rely on. His laugh only solidified the easy smile across her face, enjoying how freely it fell compared to his usual stoic silence. He didn’t like the spotlight which was good, since she didn’t either.

Well, I am new, she’d playfully tease going up the ladder to reach his room. In the short few moments it took him to join her, a seed had planted itself in her mind. It simply wasn’t cosy enough, no blankets, cushions… catching what he had said but finding herself distracted.

You… need a plant, but arm first, flashing him a grin before turning to take off her outdoor clothes. [q]Whip off the shirt and I’ll take a look.[q] Hands loosened the scarf around her neck and then deposited it with the rest over a chair.

What if I like 'em, the bad ones? He inquired, as he studied her. Elfroot wasn't bad, and he could guess what was bad. Nevertheless, she'd told him to take his shirt off, so she could look at his chest, and for approximately thirty seconds... he just stared, blankly at her.

And then he carefully tossed his shirt over his head, Why a plant? He inquired, as he moved to sit on one end of the couch.

@Megara Fern
Well, I gotta say they will eventually come back to bite you in the ass, she warned gently. You shouldn’t be that kind of silly too often. It wasn’t her place to judge, nor did she know his reasons for needing to chase that cursed high. In this moment, all that addled his brain was a healthy drop of beer and for the moment that was enough.

Her outer gear carefully folded over the chair Meg just smiled as he stared, chuckling when he eventually removed the shirt. Following him to the couch she’d roll up her sleeves, tucking the cuffs up to the elbow. Well, they do a lot of good things for a person. I’mma sneak in behind you by the way, hands gesturing that she’d sit on the couch’s back to gain the best angle of the shoulder and arm.

Feet slipped out of her sandals, climbing onto the couch and taking it slowly so as not to startle him unnecessarily. Then she was rubbing her hands, hoping to dispel any chill out of them before beginning a tentative feel. Looking after one, means you look after yourself. You want a healthy plant, so you make sure it’s watered, fed, trimmed up, that it’s not too hot, or too cold.

Palms slipped carefully across the area of complaint, faintly tracing the old injury to find it was merely knotted scar tissue needed worked out. I think got it, she’d confirm, hands working together to begin massaging out the knot.
