Same day delivery
Kellam strode down the stone hallway toward the infirmary, his footsteps echoing off the cold walls. The tightness in his chest hadn't let up since the moment he’d gotten word that his son was there. But the frustration mounted as he tried to get clear answers; every healer he passed murmured vague reassurances or averted their gaze, leaving him empty-handed and sour.

A part of him wanted to turn back. How many years had he told himself that his son was no longer his concern? And yet, here he was, because Megara had suggested it—no, urged him to try to reconcile with the boy. “Boy.” *He must stop thinking of him like that*, he reminded himself. They hadn’t spoken in so long that the distance between them had grown into something harsh, bitter, and cold. But Megara was right. It wasn’t just his own life and decisions he was upending with this bitterness. If he wanted peace—however distant that goal seemed—he knew he had to try.

When he finally reached the infirmary's low-lit interior, he scanned the room, letting his eyes adjust to the mixture of lamplight and late-afternoon shadows. He didn’t see Ruth within the infirmary, with a slight eye roll he ventured out into the gardens, perhaps his son had wandered out there. He noticed someone up in a tree and assumed it was probably his son.

A few steps in his direction and the similarities struck him hard. He hadn't expected to see his mother’s features so clearly. The resemblance opened up an ache he thought he’d long buried, a reminder of the grief he kept under the surface, held steady only by sheer will. The rage demon within him bristled to the surface, but Kellam took a deep breath and did his best to quell it.

Caught in the sharp grip of memory, Kellam stopped short of the tree, feeling suddenly out of place. He reached up, adjusting his collar, his fingers clumsy with the unfamiliar discomfort. Clearing his throat softly, he opened his mouth to speak, but no words came. Instead, he stood awkwardly, shuffling his feet, his gaze shifting from the floor to Ruth and back again, unsure how to begin.

@Ruth Yoesif
The infirmary had felt like a prison since the moment Ruth woke up the second time. The first, hadn’t been long, but long enough for Megara to explain to him what the fuck had happened.

“You aren't so far gone that you can't make it out of this, but you are going to have to make some dramatic lifestyle changes, Ruth.”

He’d just stared at the ceiling, mind wrestling with the weight of everything laid out before him. Then the days after had bled together in between hazes of bitter medicinal brews, scolding's and nagging, with the skeletal ache of detox overhanging it all. Megara spoke of progress, his strength slowly returning, but all he felt was confinement, each sip of his new daily, and wholly unfun cocktail, leaving a bitter taste that lingered for hours.

Today he’d managed to slip past them, a small victory, a step forward instead of being brought to his knees in defeat. He couldn’t leave, but a measure of anarchy in his vanishing brought a glimmer of amusement to his features. Ruth watched from his perch in the tree, the gardens offering a small semblance of the freedom sought. He’d done this as a child, escaping his father’s fury and vanishing among the branches where fists and voices couldn’t reach. He could breathe here.

He was rolling a cigarette when Kellam came across him. Ruth’s ear twitched at hearing the footsteps linger around the tree’s base. His gaze dropped from teasing the stick of tobacco, meeting Kellam’s, but only offer his father a weary sigh.

Well this is... oddly familiar... He leaned back against the trunk of the tree. Megara has already beaten you to the lecture. And is far better at it. There was a whole presentation and everything, but if you're... staying. Get up here. I have no intention of sitting in bed to be gawked at.

No. Everyone had already seen enough of Ruth fucking up. He’d stolen the fucking show at the wedding.

@Kellam Yoesif
Kellam’s lips pressed into a tight line as he gazed up at Ruth, his son’s nonchalant tone tugging at emotions he wasn’t ready to name. The casual dismissal, the way Ruth leaned against the trunk as though Kellam’s presence was as inconsequential as a passing breeze—it all stoked the embers of frustration simmering just beneath his skin. But there was also something else, something raw and jagged, hidden beneath Ruth’s words. It was a knife’s edge Kellam recognized because he had carried it himself once.

For a moment, he hesitated, debating whether to let the boy—*no, the man*—see how the sharpness of his tongue cut deeper than he likely intended. Instead, he rolled his shoulders, forcing the tension in his body to disperse. Ruth wasn’t wrong. There *was* something familiar about this, wasn’t there? The boy in the tree, always just out of reach. The man in the tree, trying to be even further away.

With a quiet sigh, Kellam stepped closer to the trunk, his voice calm but laced with just enough steel to remind Ruth who he was. It seems some things never change, do they? He hesitated, the idea of climbing up into a tree just to talk to the son who probably, didn’t want to talk to him, seemed silly, and the demon in him bristled at the idea, but then Kellam thought about Meg.

So he began climbing, his movements deliberate and steady, though there was a slight stiffness to his stride. It had been years since he’d done something like this—his pride would’ve scoffed at the very idea—but Ruth had always been a stubborn creature. When he reached the branch below Ruth’s perch, Kellam settled in with surprising ease, one arm draped over the trunk for balance as his boots found their place.

For a moment, silence stretched between them, broken only by the faint rustle of leaves and the soft chirp of a bird nearby. Kellam studied Ruth, his sharp features softened only slightly by the dappled sunlight breaking through the canopy.

You look like her, he said finally, his voice quieter now, almost wistful. Your mother. Every time I see you, it’s like a slap to the face, you know that? He let out a low chuckle, devoid of humor. I’ve never been good at this... at us. And Maker knows I’ve given you plenty of reasons to keep climbing higher. But here I am. So, what now? A moment of vulnerability despite what the demon inside him wanted to say or do.

@Ruth Yoesif
He leaned against the trunk because despite the weak facade, Ruth was out of what little energy he had. Frankly, if his Father had told him to get down he’d have had to fall out the tree and he doubted anyone would be happy with this, himself included. Ruth exhaled sharply, running a hand through his hair. The climb up had felt like a herculean task, his limbs still leaden from the events of the wedding. He tried to mask his fatigue as Kellam settled below him, though his trembling hand betrayed the effort it took to keep holding the half-rolled cigarette steady.

When his father began his climb, Ruth’s eyes flickered with surprise, a ghost of his younger self surfacing at the sight. Had Kellam ever done this before? Followed him, instead of hauling him out of a tree by force. It seemed wrong, like seeing a fish trying to climb a mountain instead of standing proudly at its base. Ruth had spent his youth seeing Kellam as unmovable, a fixture in his life as solid as the ground beneath his feet. Yet here he was, swaying slightly on a branch, looking for all the world like a man trying something unfamiliar and maybe a little foolish.

Ruth bit back the reflexive urge to tell him not to bother, but what would’ve been the point? Instead, he let the sarcasm that rose to his lips fall flat. Mythal’s Balls, if you fall and break your neck, I’ll have to listen to Megara say it’s my fault. Like always. He didn’t bother inflecting humor, the words slipping out with as much energy as it took to roll his tired eyes.

His shoulders slumped. Maybe it wasn’t worth trying to keep the edge up anymore. It wasn’t useful to waste what little energy he had trying to. Tugging the edges of his coat closer, as though the weight of it might shield him from the expected intensity of Kellam’s gaze.

The words his father finally spoke cut through the silence, “You look like her.” Ruth flinched, his first real reaction since Kellam arrived, but said nothing at first. His eyes darted to some point beyond the garden, far past the edge of the tree and the quiet that followed was heavy. Ruth felt his father’s unspoken emotions pressing against him, tangible and raw in a way he wasn’t used to, causing the younger Yoesif to shift uncomfortably. It's not like I can help, how I look.

“What now?”

Ruth shrugged, his response slow and deliberate. Hell if I know. I’m not allowed to make any decisions until she gets back from her honeymoon. I apparently make too many bad ones. His voice cracked halfway through, the strength behind it faltering like his legs after the seizure that had left him in this state. He glanced at his father, wary and tired. There were no quips this time, no sly remarks. The exhaustion was too deep, too rooted in his bones to muster the energy for more than the truth.

He sighed, resting his head back against the trunk, his cigarette forgotten in his lap. You came all the way here for a reason. You’ve got the floor. Go ahead and say what you need to say.

@Kellam Yoesif
Kellam’s fingers gripped the bark beneath him, the coarse texture grounding him against the flood of emotions Ruth’s words stirred. The quiet acceptance in his son’s tone wasn’t the defiance he was used to—it was something worse. Resignation. That heavy, soul-deep kind of weariness Kellam had once believed he owned the patent for. He leaned forward slightly, his jaw tightening, trying to temper the fury bubbling in his chest. Not at Ruth, but at himself, at everything that had led them here.

*Say what you need to say.* Ruth's voice echoed in Kellam’s mind like a taunt, daring him to reach beyond the barriers they'd both built over the years. But what was there to say that wouldn’t sound like a hollow platitude? What could he say that wouldn’t crack open the unrelenting anger he felt toward himself, toward the world, toward the demon raging inside him?

Kellam exhaled slowly, a sound that was almost a growl. The demon, Malakar, stirred, whispering sharp and caustic suggestions in the back of his mind: *This is a waste of time. He doesn’t want you here. He doesn’t need you. Turn around and walk away before you make it worse.*

But Kellam stayed. For once, he shoved Malakar’s voice aside.

You’re not wrong, he said. About Megara. She’s got a talent for saying what I need to hear, even when I’d rather not listen.

He paused, leaning back slightly against the trunk, letting his gaze drift to the canopy above. I’m not going to pretend I’ve earned the right to be here. That I suddenly know how to... He trailed off, his fingers flexing against the bark as if grasping for the right words. How to do this.

Another pause, longer this time. Kellam wasn’t good at this kind of thing, and it showed in the deliberate way he chose his words, trying to tread carefully without losing the core of what he needed to say.

I didn’t come to lecture, he continued, his tone quieter now, almost contemplative. Maker knows you’ve had your fill of that. And I’m not here to... fix anything. I’m not that naïve.

His gaze shifted to Ruth again, hesitant, as though unsure of how his words would be received. But maybe, just this once, I could... listen. If you wanted me to. He let out a dry, humorless chuckle. I’m told that’s where people like me usually start.

@Ruth Yoesif
Ruth snorted, a short, dry sound that didn’t quite match the tension in his body. For someone who smokes so much elfroot, she is remarkably wise. He rolled his eyes upward, as though Megara’s knack for having the right words at the worst times were a cosmic joke. The attempt at humor barely carried, but it was something.

His gaze flickered back to Kellam, scrutinizing him for a moment before he spoke again.
How to…
he hesitated, the word sticking like a splinter in his throat. Parent? The hollow laugh that followed was sharp, bitter, and self-deprecating. If he dwelt on it, Megara had stepped into that role… but there had been someone before her. Amara. She was always better at it. At least from what I remember.

Ruth shifted uncomfortably, the bark digging into his back as he leaned further against the trunk, using it for support. The idea of Kellam parenting felt foreign, alien, almost. Not wrong, but like something out of place, a picture tilted just slightly off-center. His memories of his father were a collection of sharp edges, harsh words and beatings, not soft corners and gentle words.

The surprise of not being immediately scolded or dragged back to the infirmary was... unsettling. Ruth studied Kellam’s face again, searching for a crack, a tell, a reason to pull back before something inevitably blew up in his face. So... what are you here for? His voice carried an edge, suspicion curling around the question like barbed wire. Whatever this was, Ruth doubted it was about him. It was easier to assume it wasn’t, to brace for disappointment rather than risk hope.

He let the question hang in the air, watching Kellam carefully, his narrowed gaze a shield as much as a challenge. Not here to lecture, not here to fix anything... What’s left?

Ruth’s gaze dropped, his fingers toying absently with the forgotten cigarette in his lap. The suspicion softened for a moment, overtaken by something rawer, something he rarely let surface. You know what’s funny? I’ve gotten pretty good at knowing when someone’s about to leave. Or fuck me over. There’s a look, or a tone, or just... something in the way they breathe. And it always comes. Like clockwork. He let out a shaky exhale, his voice quieter now, stripped of its usual sharpness. I stopped asking why a long time ago. Stopped trying to figure out if it was something I did, or just... who I am. It’s just easier to expect it, you know? That way, it doesn’t hurt so much when it happens. He gave a hollow chuckle, but there was no humor in it, only a brittle sort of acceptance. So, yeah... forgive me if I’m a little suspicious of what you’re doing here.

@Kellam Yoesif
Kellam absorbed Ruth’s words in silence, his hands tightening into fists against the bark of the tree. Not because he was angry at his son—no, this was anger at himself, at the years of mistakes that had built this wall between them. Ruth’s bitterness wasn’t misplaced, and the sadness threaded through his voice hit Kellam harder than any blade ever had.

For a moment, Kellam let the tension sit in the air, his gaze dropping to the ground below. He wrestled with Malakar’s voice, the demon sneering from the corners of his mind. *He’s right to doubt you. What are you even doing here? He’s just going to fail you again.*

But Kellam ignored it. He was here because walking away again would make him the very thing Ruth expected him to be, and ever since the conversation with Megara, he couldn’t help but pause and think about what Amara would say if she found out how things had transpired over the years between himself and their son.

He let out a slow, deliberate breath and looked up at Ruth, his expression unusually raw. There was no fire, no sternness, just the weight of a man trying to carry too many things at once.

You’re not wrong to ask that, Kellam said, his voice quieter now, rougher around the edges. I’ve given you every reason to doubt me. Every reason to think this is just another passing moment, that I’ll climb out of this tree and be gone again before you know it, or worse.

He paused, the words coming slower now, as if each one was dragged out of a pit of self-loathing. The bark dug into his palm as he gripped the trunk tighter, forcing himself to keep going.

I didn’t come here to fix you, Ruth. Maker knows I’ve broken enough things in my life to know you don’t ‘fix’ people. I won’t lie to you, Meg asked me to take some steps towards reconciliation. At first I thought she was crazy, but the more I thought about it, the more I tried to see you through her eyes.

@Ruth Yoesif
Ruth let out a slow breath through his nose, shaking his head as he turned his gaze back to the horizon beyond the trees. His fingers worked at the cigarette, rolling it absently before finally clicking his fingers and bringing the conjured flame to the tip. The first inhale was a relief, a familiar burn in his lungs, the kind of comfort that no bitter medicinal brew could replace. He exhaled through his nose, watching the smoke curl into the air before he finally spoke.

Worse. I always expect worse. His voice was quiet but firm, as if he were stating a fact as plain as the colour of the sky. You’ve never had a kind word for me. It was always a backhanded slap or a speech about how I was the clan disappointment. His tone wavered slightly, but he masked it with another drag of the cigarette, letting the sting of nicotine settle something deep in his chest. And the worst part is, you were right. I proved you were always right.

He scoffed, rubbing at his face with his free hand before flicking ash off the side of the branch. All that woman does is meddle… The words held a note of exasperation, but there wasn’t real anger behind them. If anything, there was understanding. Ruth knew Megara never did anything without reason, that she always had her eyes on the bigger picture, even when it made people like him feel like test subjects in some grand experiment of hers. But, I get it. She means well. Even if it makes me feel like a sodding guinea pig.

A hollow laugh slipped from his lips, lacking any real humour. A moment ago, I called her wise, and now I’m thinkin’ she’s just delusional. But that would mean I agree with you, and I’m not sure I’m ready for that amount of growth. Not yet. He smirked faintly, a ghost of his usual sharpness, but it faded just as quickly as it appeared.

His grip on the cigarette tightened slightly as he looked down at Kellam again. I don’t know if you want to do that right now. Look at me through my own eyes. He gestured vaguely to himself, the circles under his eyes, the way his clothes hung just a little too loose, the trembling in his fingers that still hadn’t fully left. I’m frankly pretty fucked up right now. His voice was steady, but there was no bravado in it—just honesty. A rare, painful kind.

Another inhale, another exhale, as if the smoke might help fill the hollow parts of himself that still felt empty. But, you’re still here. For now, at least. He flicked more ash away, watching it drift down to the dirt below. So, what now? Back to bed?

@Kellam Yoesif
Kellam studied Ruth carefully, his son’s words settling over him like a weight he had no choice but to bear. *Worse. I always expect worse.* That one hurt more than he wanted to admit. More than anything else, it told him exactly how deeply he’d failed. And yet, Ruth was still here, still speaking to him, still watching him with that same wary defiance he had as a child—expecting to be disappointed, bracing for impact.

Kellam let out a slow breath, rolling his shoulders as if shaking off the ghost of something neither of them had the strength to name.

You proved nothing. His voice was steady, sharper than before, but not with anger—with conviction. Your mistakes don’t define you. If they did, I’d be little more than a monster crawling through the dirt.

He let the words hang for a moment before leaning back against the trunk, his fingers still curled against the bark. Ruth’s self-loathing was familiar. Too familiar. It was an old companion Kellam had carried for years, a voice that whispered in the quiet moments, gnawed at the edges of his mind. He recognized it now in his son’s tone, in the slight tremor in his fingers, in the way he deflected even when there was nothing left to protect.

Megara might be meddlesome, but she’s not wrong. His lips curled in something that almost resembled a smirk. And believe me, I’ve spent enough time ignoring her advice to know how that ends. He exhaled through his nose, gaze flickering toward the distant sky. She thinks there’s something worth saving in both of us. Maybe she’s mad. Or maybe she’s the only one with any sense.

His eyes returned to Ruth, scanning the sharp lines of his face, the exhaustion etched into his features. It would be easy to offer some empty reassurance, to tell him things would get better, that he wouldn’t feel like this forever. But Kellam didn’t believe in lying to his son, not anymore.

You are fucked up. The words were blunt, almost harsh, but there was no malice in them. Just truth. So am I. We always have been.

A pause. He shifted slightly on the branch, the discomfort of the conversation settling into his bones as much as the physical strain of perching in a damn tree.

But you’re still here. His voice was quieter now, the admission weighted. And so am I. For now, at least.

It wasn’t a promise. It wasn’t some grand declaration that things would be different, that they would suddenly understand each other, that years of damage could be undone in a single conversation. But it was something. A step forward, even if it was a small one.

Kellam tilted his head slightly at Ruth’s last question, his expression unreadable.

Do you want to go back to bed? His tone wasn’t mocking, just matter-of-fact. Because I’ve spent enough time around sick men to know when one is running on borrowed strength. If you want to sit up in this tree and smoke yourself stupid, that’s your decision. But if you fall, I’m not catching you. A pause, then, almost begrudgingly— …I might drag your sorry ass back inside. But that’s as far as I’m willing to go.

His gaze flickered toward the horizon for a moment before he added, quieter, more hesitant— Or we can just sit here. Until you decide.

It was as close to an olive branch as Kellam was capable of offering.

@Ruth Yoesif
Ruth stayed quiet for a long moment, the only sound between them the faint crackle of burning tobacco as he took another slow drag. The sharp burn against his throat was grounding—something solid to hold onto when the rest of his world felt like it was crumbling beneath his feet. But even that wasn’t enough to drown out the ache creeping up his spine, or the deeper one lodged somewhere behind his ribs. Grief. Loss. Abandonment.

His mother’s death had left a wound too jagged, too deep to ever fully heal without compassion. And there had been none—not between them. Not after she was gone. They had retreated instead, two wolves nursing their own wounds in separate corners, snapping teeth at anyone who came too close. It was easier to push each other away, to pretend the hurt, the rejection both given and received, wasn’t there. Until now. Until this.

Because here he was—his father—sitting on a branch below him. Not delivering another cold lecture. Not turning away. Offering something Ruth never thought he’d get: a choice. A chance. And for all his sarcasm, for all his anger, it stung. To want it. To want his real respect.

Still, his suspicion held tight. Trust was a fragile thing, and his father had never given him much reason to extend it. The sharp flicker of irritation crossed his face at the mention of Megara’s meddling—because of course, of course, she had her hands in this. Always prying, always pushing for the greater good. Ruth couldn’t decide if it was loyalty or sheer stubbornness that kept her trying to knit together what had frayed apart years ago.

He snorted softly, shaking his head. Trust me, she’s batshit. You’ve had months, I’ve had decades of nagging from that Marches elf. The words were dry, laced with that familiar bite—but under it was something else. Something begrudging. Because Meg was also right, ninety-nine percent of the time. Especially when it came to family, to bonds, to living the kind of life neither he nor Kellam seemed to know how to grasp without it slipping through their fingers. Still. Reckon she rivals the Chantry Wifie on how impressive she handles messes. If you’re gonna be an unbearable bastard, she’ll tell you so, nicely. Then beat it into us over and over again until we learn or try to kill her, and trust me. You don’t want to fuck with that woman.

Kellam’s bluntness—the flat truth of his words—earned a short, bitter laugh from Ruth. He tipped his head back against the trunk, eyes slipping shut for a heartbeat before opening again. I think that’s the first time we’ve ever agreed on anything… His lips curled into something too sharp to be called a smile. You sure whatever demon you’ve got isn’t at the wheel? It was easier to lean on humor, to let his mouth run instead of admitting how much the honesty got under his skin. How much it mattered.

But the truth was, things were going to be different. Had to be. A sober life stretched out ahead of him—bare and raw, with no numbing edges to blur the things he didn’t want to feel. He had to cut out the disease with his own hands and battle it every day if he wanted to stay alive. The choice was his. And fuck, it already sucked.

It already sucks that I can’t drink and do lyrium, Ruth grumbled, the words half-muttered as he took another deliberate, slow inhale. A small act of what little defiance he had left. You can’t allow me one vice? Besides my own mouth? My handsome good looks? He savored the smoke like it was a luxury, holding onto it just a little longer before exhaling in a long, measured breath. His jaw ticked slightly as he leaned further into the branch, every muscle aching from the strain of climbing up here in the first place.

He waved a vague hand, as if to dismiss the concern. I’m not going to fall out of the tree because of smoking while recovering. I haven’t fallen out of one since… The words cut off, but the weight behind them lingered in the air. He didn’t need to finish the sentence—didn’t need to say that the last time he’d fallen had been after Amara died. That night, Ruth had climbed higher than he should’ve. Hoping—maybe—that the sky could swallow him whole. It didn’t. It never did.

He let the memory slip away on the next exhale, unwilling to hold it too close. But fine. His voice was quieter now, resignation curling at the edges. After this, I’ll go back to bed. I just… A faint, humorless smile touched his lips. Might need some assistance on the walk back.

For all his pride, Ruth wasn’t too stubborn to admit what his body already knew—he wasn’t as steady as he wanted to be. But if his father was offering a hand, for once, maybe he’d take it. At least for a short distance.

@Kellam Yoesif
You must truly be on death’s door if you're asking for help rather than spitting in my face.

The words were dry, almost sardonic, but there was no heat behind them—only the faintest waver of something uncertain. Kellam's gaze flicked toward the cigarette smoldering between Ruth’s fingers, nostrils flaring as if the smoke itself offended him. His lips pressed into a hard line before he exhaled slowly, letting the judgment pass without giving it voice.

One battle at a time.

He shifted against the tree, the bark scraping against his shoulders—something solid, something grounding. His whole life had been built on standing firm, on meeting every storm head-on. But this? This was... different. It wasn’t a fight he could win with steel or sharp words. And Maker's breath, he was fucking terrible at it.

You think I don’t see what you’ve become? The question was low, half-muttered, as if the admission cost him something to say out loud. His knuckles flexed against the branch. I see it. You’ve got my temper. My stubbornness. My self-loathing. The difference is—well the difference isn't important. He hesitated, the words catching in his throat before they could turn sharp.

A bitter chuckle slipped out of him, barely more than breath. He glanced up at the canopy, as if searching for some unseen answer among the branches. He didn't like admitting shortcomings, but somehow it was spilling out of him despite his demon's protests.

@Kellam Yoesif
Ruth blinked, his father’s words catching him off guard—not the usual bluntness, but the edge of sarcasm curling at the corners. That was new. New enough to make him roll the cigarette between his fingers as if the action might ground him against the strange discomfort curling in his gut. It was easier when they were predictable—when Kellam was just a storm of sharp words and harsher expectations. This... this was harder to box in. And the worst part?

Kellam wasn’t wrong. Ruth shifted, trying to brush off the unease creeping up his spine. I’m betting half the infirmary’s been put on the lookout for me. Megara’s orders, no doubt. His tone was light, but there was a weight behind the words. He shouldn’t be out here. Shouldn’t be perched where they were while his body struggled to stitch itself back together, especially knowing what he knew. But, being told to sit still and do as he was told had never sat well with him—not as a child, and sure as hell not now.

Still, he couldn’t help but picture Meg’s face when she realized he’d dragged himself up here. He was going to hear about this later. In detail. The thought made him huff out a dry, humorless laugh. Glancing down at his father, some part of him was still wary, still waiting for the inevitable cutting remark that never came. Instead, there was restraint—a deliberate effort not to dig the blade deeper. It shouldn’t have surprised him as much as it did.

So, naturally, his mouth ran ahead. The difference is I’m far more handsome and charming than you ever were. That’s what irks you, really. He flashed a grin, all sharp edges and bravado, leaning into the joke because it was easier than sitting with the raw truth his father had laid bare.

It wasn’t the difference. They both knew it. But if Kellam wanted to call a truce—even a fragile, temporary one—Ruth wasn’t going to be the first to break it.

The cigarette burned low between his fingers. He stared at it for a beat longer before exhaling one last slow drag, the smoke curling lazily from his lips. With a flick of his wrist, he ground the embers against the bark and dropped the spent thing to the ground below. The silence stretched between them, and eventually, he let out a soft, reluctant sigh. I suppose I shouldn’t piss her off any further than I have. The words were quieter, less sharp—almost like an admission. Pushing his luck wasn’t exactly a winning strategy when it came to her patience.

The descent was slower than he wanted—more effort than it should have been—but pride wouldn’t let him ask for help. His limbs trembled with the strain, but he managed. And when his boots hit the ground, he lingered for a moment, catching his breath, refusing to show how much it had taken out of him.

He cast a sidelong glance at Kellam, the air still humming with things left unsaid. You coming, Old Man? The words were flippant, but the question underneath was something else entirely. A fragile thread stretched between them—an offering, if Kellam chose to take it.

Without waiting for an answer, Ruth started toward the recovery wing, slower than usual but managing for now.

@Kellam Yoesif
Kellam exhaled slowly, watching Ruth’s careful descent with a scrutinizing gaze. He didn’t offer a hand—not because he wouldn’t have, but because he knew better. Ruth’s pride was a fragile, stubborn thing, and Kellam wasn’t about to be the one to snap it in half. Instead, he shifted against the bark, waiting until his son’s boots hit the dirt before making his own move.

He could have stayed in the tree, let Ruth walk off alone. That was what the old Kellam would have done—watched from a distance, let his son take his steps without interference, let the gap between them stretch until it swallowed them whole again. But Megara’s voice still rang in his head, and more than that, his own damn conscience—something he wasn’t used to listening to, but had been growing louder as of late.

So, with a slow, deliberate movement, he climbed down. Unlike Ruth, he didn’t hesitate or tremble—his body might have been aging, but it was still honed from years of discipline, of battle, of carrying weight most men would crumble under. When his boots hit the ground, he rolled his shoulders, casting a sidelong glance at Ruth, who had already begun walking.

Kellam fell into step beside him, neither leading nor lagging. Just walking.

You’re slow, he remarked, voice edged with dry amusement. All that smoking and moping has finally caught up to you.

For a while, they walked in silence. The night air was thick with the scent of damp earth and lingering smoke. The kind of quiet Kellam had spent years finding comfort in—solitude that didn’t demand anything from him. But this wasn’t solitude. This was something else. Something he wasn’t quite sure how to name yet.

You think you proved me right. The words came suddenly, as if they had been simmering beneath his ribs for too long. That you’re some lost cause, some disappointment. That I looked at you and saw something lacking.

He didn’t look at Ruth as he spoke, his gaze fixed ahead, but his voice was unwavering. That was never it.

A pause, heavy with unspoken things.

I saw myself.

The admission sat between them like a stone in the road. Kellam didn’t elaborate, didn’t soften the edges of his words. He let them be what they were—raw, unpolished, true. Ruth might not understand it now, might scoff or brush it off, but one day, he would. And that was enough.

The entrance to the recovery wing loomed ahead, the dim glow of lanterns spilling onto the dirt path. Kellam slowed his pace, glancing sideways at his son.

@Ruth Yoesif