Madeline stepped through the shimmering Eluvian, the ancient mirror's surface rippling like water as she emerged into the heart of Ferelden. The sudden shift in surroundings still took her breath away, no matter how many times she used the Eluvian Network. One moment she had been in the quiet solitude of West Hills, and the next, she found herself in the bustling city of Denerim, the capital’s sprawling skyline stretching out before her. The city was a mix of old stone and new growth, a testament to the resilience of Ferelden and its people.
Her thoughts drifted briefly to West Hills, to the responsibility she had left in the capable hands of Rian Bradigan. Trusting someone with her lands and her people wasn’t a decision she made lightly, but Rian had proven himself time and again. Madeline knew she had made the right choice, though a small part of her still felt the weight of her absence. Leadership was a delicate balance, and leaving for such an extended period always left her with a sense of unease. But this meeting was too important to delay.
As she walked through the winding streets of Denerim, Madeline’s mind focused on the task ahead. The Orlesian refugees were fleeing the blight, seeking safety in Ferelden, and the situation was becoming increasingly dire. She needed to speak with the Arlessa of Denerim, Mara Tabris, to discuss how they might coordinate efforts and ensure the refugees were treated with compassion and care. Ferelden had its own scars from the last Blight, and Madeline knew that handling the influx of refugees required both diplomacy and a firm plan.
The predetermined meeting place was a quiet, discreet location on the edge of the city—a small, well-tended garden tucked away from the bustle of the streets. It was a peaceful spot, a place where they could speak openly without fear of prying eyes or ears. Madeline appreciated Mara’s choice; it reflected a mutual understanding of the delicate nature of their conversation.
The garden was bathed in the soft glow of the early afternoon sun, the warmth of the day tempered by a gentle breeze. Madeline allowed herself a moment to take in the surroundings, her sharp eyes noting the well-kept hedges and the small fountain at the garden’s center. It was a place of serenity, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing across the border.
She approached the stone bench near the fountain and took a seat, smoothing the folds of her travel cloak as she settled in. Madeline’s mind began to run through the points she wanted to discuss, from the logistics of housing and feeding the refugees to the potential strain on Denerim’s resources. She knew Mara was a capable leader, and she hoped that together they could find a solution that would benefit both Ferelden and the displaced Orlesians.
As she waited for Mara to arrive, Madeline’s thoughts returned to the Eluvian Network, and the immense possibilities it held. The ancient mirrors connected distant lands in ways that had once seemed impossible, bringing leaders like herself and Mara together to discuss matters of great importance. It was a reminder of how small the world could be, and how interconnected their fates truly were.
Madeline straightened her posture, her expression calm and focused. She was ready for this conversation, prepared to navigate the complexities of politics and the very real human impact of the Blight. The wind rustled the leaves around her, carrying with it the distant sounds of the city as she waited for Mara Tabris to join her in the quiet garden.
Mara knelt among the flowers, taking a moment to enjoy them surrounding her in the garden. Since becoming Arlessa, she had made efforts to improve the visual look of Denerim, and having more hands working in the garden was but one of the ways she did it. She wanted to bring some life and joy back to the place where her mother would always take her.
There were the common flowers one would expect to find in this garden- roses, lilacs, lavenders, but Mara has also made an attempt to grow some of the wilder varieties for morale’s sake. Crystal grace, Ebrium. She has even made an attempt to grow Andraste’s Grace, but growing them domestically had proven to be quite challenging.
Mara had wanted to come early to this specific garden. It was a more private garden, not many people would come here save for the people tending to the gardens and the occasional visitor. Most tourists in Denerim preferred to visit the more extravagant, lively places- one of the larger, grander gardens or the marketplace. Mara would try to keep it as much of a secret as possible that she visited this garden- she’d rather keep it a small refuge for herself whenever her duties as Arlessa were too stressful. But today, she was here for business.
There was a refugee crisis in Ferelden- hundreds of refugees were flocking into Ferelden, seeking shelter from the crisis of the Blight, and some had begun to seek refuge in Denerim. She would be speaking to Madeline Wulff, mother to the King of Ferelden, and Arlessa of West Hills. It was a matter of urgency to address the issue as quickly as possible- as much as she does not want to turn away the people in need, she needed to consider the Ferelden people as well. Her people. She needed to discuss matters of housing, food, employment, and surely the uproar many Fereldens would have against having to co-exist with Orlesians
Mara stood up. No doubt Madeline would be arriving soon, if she had not already. She had encountered her fellow Arlessa before- having seen her at gatherings the two attended, mostly hosted by her son. The two had briefly exchanged formalities, but that was the extent of their interactions with each other. She did know that Madeline was a competent leader, who took her position seriously. In such confusing and unusual times, that was needed now more than ever. Especially if, Mara hoped, Madeline did not suffer possession like the former has.
As suspected, Mara found Madeline sitting on a bench. Feeling a little more relaxed from her time in the garden, but still remaining as professional as she could, she approached Madeline and cleared her throat to make her presence known.
“Madeline Wulff,” Mara greeted bow, polite and formal. “I am pleased to see you have made haste with your arrival. We have much to discuss.”
Madeline turned her head at the sound of Mara's voice, offering a warm, welcoming smile as she stood to greet the Arlessa of Denerim. The tranquility of the garden, combined with the weight of the impending conversation, made the moment feel both serene and solemn.
Arlessa Tabris, Madeline replied, inclining her head respectfully. Thank you for meeting with me on such short notice. I agree, there's much to discuss, and I'm glad we can do so in such a peaceful setting.
She gestured to the bench, inviting Mara to sit beside her. The soft murmur of the fountain and the rustling leaves created a soothing backdrop for the serious conversation that lay ahead.
As she settled back down, Madeline took a moment to gather her thoughts, her gaze briefly sweeping over the flowers that surrounded them. There was something comforting about the blooms, a reminder of resilience and beauty even in the face of hardship.
I wish our meeting could be under better circumstances, she began, her tone measured and thoughtful. The situation with the Orlesian refugees is becoming increasingly dire. Ferelden has always prided itself on its strength and its ability to withstand adversity, but this influx of people... it presents challenges we haven't faced in a long time.
Madeline looked at Mara, her expression earnest. I’ve been doing what I can in West Hills—taking in as many refugees as possible, ensuring they have food, shelter, and some semblance of security. But the numbers keep growing, and I fear that we may soon reach our limits. That's why I wanted to speak with you. Denerim is the heart of Ferelden, and your leadership here is crucial. We need to coordinate our efforts to ensure that these people are treated with compassion and care, but also that our resources are managed wisely.
She paused, allowing Mara a moment to absorb her words before continuing. I’m also concerned about the potential unrest this could cause among our people. The memory of the last Blight is still fresh for many, and the idea of Orlesians settling in Ferelden—however temporarily—might not sit well with everyone. We need a strategy, not just for managing the resources, but also for maintaining the peace.
Madeline leaned forward slightly, her hands resting in her lap as she considered the many facets of the situation. I believe that with careful planning, we can find a way to help these refugees without compromising the well-being of our own people. But it will require cooperation and a clear plan. I'm eager to hear your thoughts on how we might approach this together.
The gravity of the situation was not lost on her. The decisions they made in this garden would ripple across Ferelden, affecting countless lives. But Madeline also felt a sense of resolve, knowing that this was where she was meant to be—working alongside others to protect and guide the people of Ferelden through whatever challenges lay ahead.
Mara accepted Madeline’s offer and sat down next to her fellow Arlessa. She sat silently, allowing Madeline to speak. Mara could not find fault in Madeline’s words- this was a crisis that needed to be addressed swiftly yet carefully, effectively and efficiently so that all involved would benefit.
Mara nodded. She had heard the stories of Ferelden refugees of the Fifth Blight being rejected in the Free Marches and Orlais. Even when Ferelden was deemed safe again for the refugees to return, many of them had nothing to return to. Many of the smaller villages were destroyed, and even her city was partially decimated by the Darkspawn’s attack. She knew the horrors of people having nowhere to turn to when their home has been lost.
“The Fifth Blight forced thousands of Fereldens to leave their homes for refuge in Orlais and the Free Marches,” Mara said with a frown, her voice solemn. “I have seen those that have returned after the Blight having nothing left. Not even resources to rebuild their old life. It would surely be no different for the Orlesians.”
Her biggest priority was her people. With the influx of refugees, there would surely be tension between the Fereldens and the Orlesian refugees. She knew Denerim’s alienage would be more welcoming to their elven brethren, but even she could not be certain that the Alienage would be able to accept the refugees, let alone accept them peacefully. And who was to say the Orlesian refugees were not to cause any problems, especially those with ‘holier-than-thou’ attitudes towards the elves?
“One of the biggest points of concern will be resources,” Mara continued. “Denerim is the largest city in Ferelden, true, but even we have only so many resources to go around- food and water we could easily enough through trade, but shelter and housing may prove to be more difficult to provide for. A majority of these people may be forced to sleep in the streets if we do not provide the adequate shelter they will need. I’ve never been the religious type, but Maker knows what could happen. They could easily be taken advantage of by petty criminals looking to make easy coin, or worse. Not to mention, Ferelden Winters are not the kindest for the people to endure.”
Mara shivered slightly at the thought. She remembered when life was more difficult in the Alienage, where she caught numerous fevers from the cold alone, having to cling to her mother or father’s side for the slightest bit of warmth.
Madeline listened carefully to Mara, her expression solemn but thoughtful. The Arlessa's concerns mirrored her own, and it was clear that both leaders were grappling with the same difficult realities. The memory of Ferelden’s own refugee crisis during the Fifth Blight was a painful one, and it gave Madeline a deeper understanding of what the Orlesians were facing now.
You’re right, Madeline agreed, her tone measured. The strain on resources is going to be immense, and shelter will be one of our biggest challenges. I’ve seen it in West Hills already—makeshift camps springing up on the outskirts of towns, people huddled together with barely enough to keep them warm through the nights. It’s unsustainable. And as you said, the coming winter will only make things worse.
She leaned back slightly, her gaze drifting momentarily to the fountain before returning to Mara. We need to approach this with both short-term and long-term solutions. In the immediate future, we could repurpose some of the unused buildings in Denerim—warehouses, perhaps, or even large halls that could be temporarily converted into shelters. It wouldn’t be comfortable, but it would be safer than the streets. We can also look into establishing more formal refugee camps on the outskirts of the city. They would need to be well-guarded, of course, to prevent the kind of criminal exploitation you mentioned.
Madeline’s brow furrowed as she considered the broader implications. In the long term, though, we have to think about how we’ll integrate these people into Ferelden. They may not be able to return to Orlais for years, if ever, and we can’t expect them to live in temporary conditions indefinitely. We need to find ways to employ them, to make sure they can contribute to the communities they’re living in. Otherwise, tensions will only grow, and we risk creating a situation where they’re resented by the locals—or worse, exploited by the nobility.
She paused, her expression softening as she added, I know this won’t be easy, and I don’t pretend to have all the answers. But if we can work together, I believe we can find a way forward. I’ve already started coordinating with some of the other arls and banns, and I think it would be helpful if we could present a unified front. If the people see that we’re working together—acting with compassion but also with pragmatism—it may help ease some of the fears they have about the Orlesians.
Madeline offered Mara a small, encouraging smile. We both know how important leadership is in times like these. The people will look to us for guidance, and it’s up to us to show them the way. I’m confident we can do that, even if it means making some difficult decisions.
Mara listened to Madeline’s suggestions, at the same time going through her mind what can be done for the refugees.
“Empty Warehouses could be easy enough,” Mara said. “There’s one down near the alienage that hadn’t gotten the opportunity to utilize. Not the most ideal, but it’s a start. The Chantry could provide some shelter as well, and I could persuade some of the nobles to allow the refugees to take shelter in their halls, though that may not be easy. I could even allow some refugees into my estate as well. There’s plenty of room.”
Having lived with only advisors and her staff for so long, Mara had found she had a lot of extra room in the estate, and not much of it is being utilised. Perhaps it wouldn’t be the most ideal place to permanently have refugees settle, but for the time being they will have shelter.
“Setting up refugee camps is something to look into. Not only for the refugees to have somewhere to live for the time being, but also employment opportunities. Some can be paid to build the shelters, those who can fight can guard the camps. Those proficient with a bow can be taught to hunt for food as well in the nearby forests. As for other employment opportunities, I know of a few practices looking for apprentices- blacksmiths, shoemakers, jewelers, and with the current situation at hand, having a few extra soldiers in Denerim’s Army could prove to be helpful in the long run.”
She thought of the potential uproar the Orlesian refugees would cause among the people of Denerim. “I have some advisors who could help keep morale up and prevent the outrage the crisis may call for. I will even speak to the people myself to ensure there is no rioting or violence targeted towards the refugees. I know all too well what it is like to be sneered just for existing.”
Madeline’s words were surprisingly uplifting, and she had a point. The leaders of Ferelden needed to unite and decide unanimously on what the future for the refugees hold. But she had her doubts and worries. She hadn’t been the most popular arl in Ferelden. Not only for her elven heritage, but having a more radical political viewpoint and heavy reforms in the city.
“Your confidence is reassuring, my lady,” Mara said with a small smile. “It makes me almost confident that the rest of the arls and teyrns of Ferelden won’t look at me as if I were a dead cat.” She chuckled, though more of a sad chuckle than a funny one.
Madeline’s smile softened as she listened to Mara’s words, appreciating the Arlessa’s practical suggestions and the personal touch she brought to the conversation. The idea of turning unused warehouses and the Chantry into shelters, along with the possibility of enlisting nobles to help, was a smart start, and it reassured Madeline that they were on the same page. Mara’s mention of her own estate was especially telling of her commitment to helping those in need, even if the task was daunting.
You’re doing exactly what a great leader does, Mara—thinking of every possible solution and using all the resources available to you. Offering your estate is an incredibly generous gesture, and I believe the people will take notice of that. They’ll see that we’re not just asking them to make sacrifices, but that we’re leading by example.
Madeline leaned forward slightly, her tone encouraging. And the idea of creating jobs within the camps—construction, security, hunting—that’s exactly what we need. If we can show the people that these refugees aren’t a drain, but a potential asset, we’ll be one step ahead in keeping tensions low. Giving them meaningful work, especially in trades like blacksmithing and shoemaking, will not only help integrate them but also strengthen our local economy in the long run.
She paused for a moment, her expression turning more thoughtful. Mara’s comments about keeping morale high struck a chord with her, especially the Arlessa’s candid mention of her own experiences. Madeline could hear the sadness in Mara’s chuckle, and it made her admire her resilience even more.
Mara, you’ve faced more challenges than most Arls in Ferelden, simply because of who you are. And yet, here you are—leading Denerim with integrity and compassion. If the other Arls and Teyrns can’t see the strength and wisdom in that, then they’re the ones who are blind, not you. Madeline’s voice was firm, laced with genuine belief in the woman beside her. I’ve seen firsthand how much you care about your people and about doing what’s right. And that’s what will make the difference here. We may not win over everyone, but together, I know we can find enough support to turn the tide in our favor.
Mara felt a sense of appreciation for her fellow Arlessa's encouraging words, kind even. She thought of it as mere practicality, nothing more, but the thought that the fellow Arlessa, someone who had lead for much longer than her, approved of her strategies was encouraging.
“I’m merely thinking practical,” Mara said. In the past, such words would have caused a more cocky, arrogant response, but she had certainly humbled herself over the years. “I have the resources, and it does not inconvenience me or others to make use of them for the refugees. Too many of the leaders I have seen facing similar refugee crises focus on what they do not have, instead of utilizing what they do have to benefit the people.”
Madeline’s words of Mara’s achievements were kind, perhaps something the elf needed to hear in such desperate times. She had faced many challenges as Arlessa, and many of those challenges came from people who disapproved of Mara’s new title. But Mara had spent her whole life as an elf in a human’s world. She was used to humans after her for blood. She merely had to rethink her strategy- she was no longer a scrapper of the alienage, nor a mere warden rogue, but a leader the people look to for security, wisdom and most importantly guidance.
“Your words are encouraging, Lady Wulff,” Mara said with a small smile. “I may be an elf in a field dominated by humans, but that’s how it has been my entire life. All that it took was for me to look at my options. Being an Arlessa certainly opened new possibilities for my old challenges, not to mention the new ones I have had to face.”
If only there was a solution to the Spirit inside of her- restless as the elf had been years ago, when the first Blight was still considered a threat to Thedas.
“I would also have to speak to the king about such matters. Hopefully your son will be willing to see reason and help with resources for the refugees.”
Madeline chuckled softly at Mara’s practical yet humble response, nodding in agreement as she considered the Arlessa’s words. Mara’s straightforward approach to leadership was refreshing, and it was clear that she had a knack for cutting through the noise to focus on what mattered most—actionable solutions.
You’ve already proven that you’re more than capable of handling these challenges, Mara, Madeline said, her voice carrying a tone of quiet conviction. Practicality is exactly what we need right now, especially with so many moving pieces to consider. And I think you’re absolutely right—too often, leaders focus on what they lack instead of finding innovative ways to maximize what they already have. That mindset will serve you well, not just now, but in the years to come.
The mention of her son brought a fond but slightly guarded expression to Madeline’s face. The dynamic between a mother and her son—particularly when the son happened to be the King of Ferelden—was always layered with complexity.
Cailan is a reasonable man, even if he sometimes lets his idealism get ahead of him, she said with a wry smile. But he has a good heart and a deep sense of duty to his people. I’ve no doubt he’ll listen to reason when it comes to this crisis. After all, it’s not just about helping the refugees—it’s about ensuring the stability of Ferelden as a whole. Allowing the situation to spiral out of control would be a far greater risk than committing some additional resources now to prevent it.
Madeline folded her hands in her lap, her gaze steady and thoughtful as she continued. I’ll speak to him directly. With your plans and insights, I think we’ll be able to present a compelling case—one that shows how this isn’t just a matter of charity, but of foresight and strategic thinking. The nobles and banns may grumble, but they’ll come around when they see the benefits of what we’re proposing.
She glanced toward the garden’s fountain, her expression softening as she added, And as for you being an elf in a human-dominated field? I’d argue that’s one of your greatest strengths. You bring a perspective and a determination that many others lack, simply because they’ve never had to fight as hard as you have to earn their place. That kind of resilience is invaluable, especially now.
“In the past it was the moments when I used what I had that had helped more than complaining about what we don’t have,” Mara mused. “And I’m not the only one. The Alienage always had some form of hardship, but we also had a sense of community. And that was something that could never be taken from us. If we extend that same level of community and camaraderie with not only the people of Denerim, but with the refugees, the city will not only be able to withstand the crisis, but thrive from it.” After a brief pause she shook her head. “Sorry, a little optimistic thinking."
A little optimistic thinking from someone who was usually more a realist, but she heard a faint whisper in her mind. She couldn’t make out what was said, but it had a tone of approval. At least Valor seemed to approve of her stance.
Mara felt a slight sense of relief that Madeline offered to speak to her son. It would have been slightly daunting, talking to the King of Ferelden, though they have spoken before. But it didn’t matter. He may be the King, but this was her city just as much as it was his.
Mara nodded. “I’m sure your son will be able to listen to you. I know I would have listened to my mother for advice and suggestions if I could have.”
Adaia’s death still would haunt Mara every so often; sometimes appearing through a nightmare, different from the usual ones of the blight, either begging her daughter to save her, or blaming her daughter for her death. Mara sometimes wondered how her mother would have reacted to seeing her daughter become Arlessa.
Mara let out a chuckle. “It was something I never expected, becoming Arlessa as a reward for what I’ve done during the Blight. I would have thought they’d have given me a pat on the back, maybe some kind of medal of honour if I was lucky. Being an elven arlessa has certainly brought some mixed feelings, not only from nobility but the common people as well.”
Madeline observed Mara with a mixture of respect and empathy. The younger Arlessa’s candid reflections painted a vivid picture of someone who had endured countless trials and emerged stronger for them. It was a story Madeline found deeply admirable—and inspiring.
Mixed feelings or not, you’ve earned your place, Mara, Madeline said firmly, her voice calm yet resolute. Your people see the difference you’re making, even if not all of them will admit it openly. And for those who doubt you? Actions speak louder than words. Every step you take to support this city and its people proves your worth tenfold. Titles are inherited; leadership is earned. And you, my dear, have earned it.
She glanced toward the horizon, her expression contemplative for a moment before returning her gaze to Mara. The idea of fostering a sense of community resonates deeply with me. During the Blight, it was that same spirit—people banding together, setting aside differences—that helped us survive. If Denerim can mirror what you described in the Alienage, then this city has every chance of thriving, even in the face of such adversity.
Madeline hesitated briefly, as though weighing her next words carefully. I won’t pretend it will be easy. Change rarely is. But history has shown us that the most profound transformations often come from the least expected places. You being here, in this role, at this time? I believe that’s no coincidence. You have a unique opportunity to redefine what leadership in Ferelden looks like—and to show everyone, noble and commoner alike, what can be achieved when courage and compassion lead the way.
Her gaze softened as she added, And as for the king, don’t let his crown intimidate you. Beneath it, he’s just a man—a man who grew up hearing stories of the heroism and sacrifice that saved this kingdom. I think he’ll find it hard to ignore someone who embodies those same qualities. Besides, with a strong advocate like me in your corner, how could he possibly say no?
Madeline’s lips curved into a faint, knowing smile, a flicker of humor lightening her otherwise serious demeanor. I’ll speak to him as soon as I’m able, and together, we’ll make sure the support Denerim needs is secured. In the meantime, keep doing what you’re doing, Mara. You’re exactly the kind of leader Ferelden needs right now.
Mara listened intently to Madeline, nodding as her fellow Arlessa spoke, the words of encouragement giving Mara a new sense of confidence. Perhaps now should be the time more than ever for a little bit of idealistic thinking, even for someone who had endured what she had- as an elf in the alienage, as a Grey Warden, as Arlessa of Ferelden’s capital city.
Mara smiled- a small, faint smile but still a visible one.
“I must applaud you for how persuasive you are, Madeline,” Mara said with a nod. While Mara had her fair share of experience in politics, she was still in the presence of someone who had held political power longer than the elf had. She wished to emulate that sort of persuasiveness- not just to intimidate those she needs information from, but to encourage the masses. Something that won’t be easy considering Ferelden and Orlais’ history with each other.
“In the meantime, I will inform the masses and nobles in advance and have some servants prepare some of the warehouses to give shelter to the refugees. And prevent and repair the damage that might come from the outroar this will no doubt bring.”
Mara knew Denerim long enough to know that the people were not always compassionate towards those in need. She had witnessed the number of homeless people, human or elf, begging on the streets for a silver or two just to have a meal. And while things had certainly improved, it had to be done through a balance of no compromise change and listening to the people. Mara believed it was the only reason why apart from the occasional assassin she still has her position.
This would certainly be a new challenge, having to accommodate for the Orlesians, and while she often laughed at jokes directly targeted towards Orlais and Orlesians, and have learned more about the History of Ferelden and Orlais, she had no real problems with the Orlesians as people. So long as they remember they are in Ferelden territory and needed to respect that, she could handle the occasional complaint about her ‘dog country’ had dirt everywhere.
Madeline chuckled softly, a warm glint in her eyes at Mara’s words.
Persuasion is just another form of strategy, Mara, she said with a small, knowing smile. You’ll find that when you believe in something strongly enough, convincing others becomes much easier. And I have no doubt you’ll handle this as skillfully as you have everything else.
She stood, smoothing out her tunic as she glanced toward the city beyond the garden walls. Informing the masses ahead of time is a wise move. People fear uncertainty more than anything else—if you show them that there’s a plan, something structured, it may help temper their worst instincts. And as for the nobles… well, they can grumble all they like, but they’ll come around when they realize this is happening with or without their approval.
Madeline turned back to Mara, her expression thoughtful. Focus on preparing the city. If anyone can keep Denerim from tearing itself apart in the wake of all this, it’s you.
She hesitated for just a moment before adding, And Mara—don’t underestimate the impact you’re having. You’re not just managing a crisis. You’re shaping the future of this city. That’s no small thing.
With a final nod, Madeline took a step back. I should get going. We both have work to do. We’ll speak again soon.
And with that, she turned and strode away, her mind already working through the next steps she needed to take.