[Open] I can't control my brain
Domestic Violence Implied
Claude definitely wasn’t living the life she’d imagined for herself years earlier, sometimes her happy memories of times at school with Jaskier and Rene felt like they had happened to someone else, the memories so faded and so old.

She sat in a seat at the back corner of some tavern. She honestly hadn’t been paying attention when she’d gone in. She felt like a ghost moving along, going through the motions but not really feeling anything. She looked at her now empty tea cup, the longer she was alone with her thoughts, the more the past came back to her.

A tear slid down her cheek and fell to the table, followed by another. She hated herself for crying, but the longer she sat and thought about things, the harder it was for her to hold back the tears. She honestly wasn’t sure how much longer she could endure being under Manchette’s thumb. He wanted an heir, but she still wasn’t over the miscarriage from the year before.

She wiped another tear before it had a chance to fall to the table and pushed the empty cup of tea back from her.
Paolo entered in the tavern with his lute and the determination to have a great time when she saw a familiar face in one of the most hidden tables. Usually he was too careless to pay attention to the faces around him, but there were ones that were so familiar that it would be impossible to skip.

“Sonaron en la noche acordes de guitarra y dulces canciones…” he approached singing softly, melting with the background. Some people recognized and greeted him but he never interrupted the soft tune, his body language making clear that today he wasn’t here to deliver a show.

He sat without waiting for the invitation in the empty chair in front of her finishing the song and leaning back “It’s been a while huh?” he said with a gentle smile, very unusual and a bit shocking if compared with his usual demeanor.
Claude did her best to smile when her dear friend appeared and sat down. It was good to see him and fortuitous timing as she could definitely use a distraction at the moment. Even it smiling was hard, though it wasn’t as if she needed to wear a mask around Paolo, with him she could just feel her feelings without fear of reproach or disappointment.

Mon cher ami! She exclaimed, greeting her dear friend. Before she could say much a waitress came over and asked if she’d like more tea and if Paolo wanted anything. Once that was out of the way and settled, Claude looked back at Paolo. It is so good to see you! I could use a good uplifting story about now. It was no secret that her heart still belonged to Rene, that she hadn’t wanted to marry Geralt, but she’d had to in order to protect her family. She remained married to the asshole to continue protecting them. Her situation was definitely what one would describe as being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
“I will have coffee I have taste for stronger things” she said as she winked at the waitress with his most suave voice, who left giggling at his attempt at flirting (the line was absolutely terrible but he was good at backing it with a good dose of charm).

“Well in exchange for uplifting my day by showing me your lovely face I will give you a little story about how poor poor Paolo had to flee a house naked” he said with a mournful tone. He started with his tale about seducing a Duchess who had informed him that while married, the husband was out for a business trip so Paolo had offered a trip to her business (again Paolo, those work only because you are good looking). It had been lovely until the husband arrived early and Paolo had fled through the window, which was quite bad because he had to left behind his favorite velvet scarf and the woman refused to meet to return it to him! “She has no manners!!! I miss my scarf, it was soft and protected my throat from the adversities of Orlesian winters!”
Claude chuckled at Paolo’s flirting with the waitress. It was just what she needed right now, a good friend to keep her mind off her troubles. Though in some ways it was bittersweet, because while he was her good friend, he also reminded her of days when she and Rene had been together at University, before Geralt Manchette came along and ruined everything, turning her life completely upside down.

Her eyes twinkled with a mixture of amusement and melancholy as she listened to Paolo's tale. Oh, Paolo, she said, shaking her head slightly. Your adventures never cease to astonish me. She did worry a bit about Paolo, not that she judged his extracurricular activities, only that she worried one day he would cross the wrong person and then end up on the wrong side of a blade.

Just promise me you'll be careful, she added, her tone serious but filled with genuine concern for her friend. I don't know what I would do without your entertaining stories and your comforting presence.
“I know, I should write down my biography but only publish it after my death, just in case any furious husband decides to come after me” she said with a a wink, pouring all his charm in an attempt to cheer her beloved friend. Claude knew that he wasn’t flirting, they had been good friends for too long for that.

“But promise that you will be careful too my dear” he said a bit more serious as he placed his hands on top of hers “We will find a way to make this situation better, I swear it” she said in a lower voice “Worst case scenario we run together and make a band, how good are you at playing the lute? We could call you Gertrudis, it’s a very fancy name” while he was clearly joking with the second part, he knew that Claude knew that behind the joke was the promise of that he was on her team, no matter what happened.
Claude couldn't help but break into laughter at the absurdity of Paolo's suggestion. Oh, Gertrudis, is it? she teased, shaking her head while trying to suppress her giggles. I'm afraid my lute playing skills are quite lacking, but I suppose I could always sing or play the piano, I’m afraid that’s where my musical skills begin and end, and even then I’m not sure how well. Last time I sang with you two we were all quite drunk.
“Bah, don’t worry about your skills dear, have you seen the kind of disasters that call themselves a musician nowadays? With that beautiful smile of your you won’t even have to be good at playing I promise!” he joked as he took a sip from his drink.

“I wish that I could do more for you” he said turning uncharacteristically sad tone. “I wish that things had gone differently but in the end there was little choice for anyone”. At the least he had the chance to break his chains, giving himself to the music even if it had meant to leave everything behind. Claude didn’t have such choices and it hurt to see her friend in such a difficult position. “We can only hope for the best I guess” he said, determined to be optimistic. If it was in his hands, Claude would leave this place smiling, he was one bard on a mission.
Claude set down her drink with a rueful smile, appreciating the attempt at humor amidst the melancholy. You're right, the world of music could use a bit more charm and a lot less cacophony, she quipped lightly, trying to lift the mood.

Leaning forward slightly, she regarded her friend with genuine empathy. You've done more than enough, my dear. Sometimes fate deals us a hand we can't reshuffle, Claude murmured, her voice softening with understanding. But you've found solace in your music, and that's a rare gift. It's something to hold onto, to shape your path forward.

Her expression brightened with determination as she continued, We'll find a way through this, one note at a time if we must. The stage is set, and we'll play our parts with grace and passion. Claude raised her glass in a toast, a glint of resolve in her eyes. To hoping for the best, and making our own music amidst the discord.

@Paolo Fibonacci
“But I am a bard, I write stories I should know a way to reshuffle everything” he said clearly hurt. Despite of the façade Paolo was quite a sensitive man that hurt whenever he saw her dear Claude hurting “My music will solace you too; I will write someday such a lovely song about you that will lift your spirits no matter the circumstances.

He toasted with cheer “And to the most charming and intelligent woman in Thedas” he said matching her toast. If someone could find a way out of her situation it was Claude, that he knew.
Claude's eyes softened as she watched Paolo, touched by his words and the sincerity in his voice. She reached out and gently squeezed his hand, offering a small, appreciative smile.

Oh Paolo, your words are a balm to my weary soul, she said softly, her voice carrying a mix of gratitude and affection. You have always had a way with stories and songs, weaving magic with your words. I have no doubt that one day, your music will lift my spirits and those of many others.

She lifted her glass, meeting his toast with a gentle clink. To you, dear Paolo, for your unwavering support and kindness. You remind me that there is always hope, even in the darkest of times.

Taking a sip from her glass, Claude's smile grew a bit more confident. And perhaps, with your help, I will find a way to reshuffle everything. Together, we can create a story worth telling, one where we both find our way through the challenges we face.

She leaned back slightly, her gaze steady on Paolo. Thank you, my friend. Your belief in me means more than you know. Let us both strive to write a future that is as beautiful and inspiring as the songs you compose. And one that hopefully ended in her being with Rene, and her husband Geralt, being dead.

@Paolo Fibonacci