[Open] Home is where your head lies
A shipment was coming in, and although Ailwin had people for that, this shipment was particularly important to him and wanted to be there himself to see it off loaded. Since the blight had finally ended, trade and commerce were slowly getting back to normal, though it would be a long road before all of Orlais was once again safe.

Though taking advantage of the fact that most of Orlais hadn’t been safe for some time, had been at the top of Ailwin’s agenda the last few years or so. In some ways, despite the blight, they had managed to flourish as a criminal group. Mostly thanks to the Grey Warden that had left the order, also known as his co-leader and good dear friends. They always knew where the darkspawn were, and where was safe to travel because of it, always staying one step ahead of the horde.

As Ailwin entered the docks, he went down a side street. There were children playing ball, kicking it around. Ailwin’s cane made a tap as it hit the ground, as he walked through the children. Someone yelled out something about a cripple, Ailwin chose to ignore them, but then one came up and kicked the cane out of his hands. He stumbled for a moment, but regained his balance and didn’t fall over.

He might have needed the cane’s assistance, but he wasn’t entirely useless without it either. He sighed and bent down to pick the cane up, but another boy came over and kicked it further out of his reach. Someone yelled crippled knife ear, Ailwin rolled his eyes. Bunch of bratty human kids with nothing better to do.
Docks, and the stinking water that heralded in the port made her grumpy, but not so grumpy as what she watched from the edge of the alley way, hidden in the darkness still.  She had slipped off the boat onto the dock just a few minutes before, having spent the time hidden in the cargo bay for the ride, just to sneak herself in without having to deal with many people.  So when she heard the commotion in the alley way, she thought she should just move past, ignore it, and go find some doorway, or balcony to sleep on for the night.  She should have kept walking.

Human children so probably just children, and then the slur.  It was the slur that had her stop, and sink back into the shadows of the alley way, watching, waiting -- she didn't like the idea of what was playing out infront of her.  Stupid children, they never did seem to learn that sometimes one needed to have inside thoughts and not all outside thoughts. Flea sniffed, not loud enough for just anyone to hear, but loud enough that someone with their sort of ears might hear.

She gave herself away, of course, because why not.  She stepped into the alleyway, almost as if she melted out of the shadows themselves and picked up the cane off the stone, making sure she grabbed a few pebbles from the ground at the same time.  She quickly made sure that all of them were well rounded, none hiding sharper than needed points as she walked forward to hand the man his cane back, offering it to him before another one of the children could try and kick it away again.  There was no reason for them to be bothering the man, and she could thing of no reason as to why she felt the need to show up and offer the cane back from where it had been kicked to.  She fully expected to be yelled at to mind her own business, but for what ever reason, the situation didn't feel right to her.  She wasn't about to walk away and have it potentially escalate that parents of the naughty children showed up and decide to take retribution.

[color=#2ecc40]"I think this is yours."[/color]

She ignored the children all together.  She knew better than to engage them, how quickly it could turn -- she had traveled enough in the past six months to know better.  So barring one of them taking a swing at either of them, she would follow the stranger's lead in ignoring them all together.  Besides, children were meant to be seen, not heard?  Wasn't that some human saying or some nonsense?
The kids didn’t seem to care that someone else, another elf, had appeared. They did quite some, as if waiting to see what the newcomer did. They seemed a bit disappointed when she picked up the cane and offered it back to Ailwin. Ailwin nodded at her, taking back his cane with a muttered word of thanks. He turned back to the children, his gaze stern and unyielding, a silent warning to not push their luck any further.

He looked at the children, now quiet and somewhat subdued, then back at the elf who had come to his aid. "It seems I owe you one," he said, his voice low but with a subtle look of sincerity. He took debts seriously, not just who owed him, but who he owed, both with favours and coin. He wasn’t an overly expressive person, not with words or expressions. Emotions often confused Ailwin, which was what he had his ally Aerona for.

Thank you. My name is Ailwin, I don't believe yours is a face that I'm familiar with in these parts. he announced, taking a moment to carefully scrutinize the unfamiliar face of the newcomer. His eyes travelled up and down, taking note of every detail as he attempted to place them within the vast canvas of his memory. He was aware that he did not know every elf that resided within the sprawling city. However, it was also true that his daily interactions and extensive acquaintanceship had made him familiar with a significant number of its inhabitants. Despite this, the individual before him remained an enigma, a puzzle yet to be solved.
Flea's eyes took in the unspoken conversation happening between the other elf and the human children, but she didn't engage in it at all, instead just raising a brow a little, with a nod to the man when he thanked her.  In the few weeks she had been awake, she had learned not much had changed.  At least she knew how to behave in that regard.  "[color=#2ecc40]I don't keep strict tabs, I'll take a friendly face in the same situation in return.[/color]"

"[color=#2ecc40]Vatriel, but all call me Flea.[/color]"  She thought about his words, and found no reason not to tell him exactly why.  "[color=#2ecc40]I've not, I've not been awake long.  A fortnight, maybe closer to two.[/color]"  She moved back some, feeling safer in the shadowy parts of the alley way, and away from the children.  The city she had just fled from, well, she had left a body floating in the canal, so she needed to keep a low profile for a little while at least.  But, that body had given her enough silver to get by a little while longer, while she set up here for a time, to continue her search to find Bajie, if the older man still lived.  She was assuming he lived, but it was so long ago that he might have died in the mean time.

"[color=#2ecc40]Very new back into the world, I'd say.[/color]"  She had problems looking him in the eyes, she had always had problems looking people in the eyes, so she spoke mainly to his shoes for the words they exchanged.  She didn't do pleasantries easily.  Bajie had been there for that, to introduce her and keep conversations flowing.  She had been there to fight, to gain fame, to win... and she was nothing without someone to be a voice, and face for her, just a lost fighter among the crowd who stumbled into work by chance.  "[color=#2ecc40]Are you very familiar with all faces in these parts?[/color]"

It wasn't a tease, but her voice was inflected with actual curiosity.  Maybe, maybe he could be helpful if he knew a lot of people.  She could pay for his help even.  Was luck on her side once again, with a seemingly chance encounter?
Ailwin raised an interested eyebrow at the words, not been awake long. He’d heard of ancient elves waking up all over. He was friends with at least one of them, a tattoo artist, though apparently Nahreida was something more than just an ancient elf, an aberration, but she’d proven useful to Ailwin tenfold since meeting her.

Ah, an ancient. Well, welcome back I suppose. Not sure you’ll like this world you’ve woken up in. I’ve been told it hasn’t changed much. War, slavery, inequality, all rampant in this lovely world you find yourself in. Only thing that’s changed is who holds the shackles. At least from what Nahreida had explained to him. Crazy to think the gods he’d been raised to believe in were really just a bunch of powerful elves with overinflated egos.

It’s in my benefit to be as acquainted with as many faces as possible around here. That and I have an eidetic memory, definitely helps matters. Why? Are you looking for someone? He asked, his reach beyond Orlais wasn’t as gripping as he’d like, but he was doing his best to stretch and grow his and Aerona’s organisation so that they had more resources in the kingdoms beyond Orlais.
Flea snorted a little as he explained, and then got to the part about shackles, her reply barely a whisper, "[color=#2ecc40]No one will hold mine ever again.[/color]"

She hadn't even meant to say it, but in the little amount of time she had been awake, he was the first that had spoken to her in any sort of surety in their tone, that they knew what they said to be true.  And she appreciated it, appreciated someone, anyone being straight with her about it.  And then he was offering to help, something that had her eyes rolling up to his face for, peering out from behind the hood of her cloak.

"[color=#2ecc40]His name is Bajie.  He was,[/color]" and she stopped, she didn't really know how to put it, or how much information to let Ailwin have about her.  She felt like she could trust him -- he looked well off, like he had done well for himself over the years, but looks could be deceiving, and he had just said that not a lot had changed for their ilk over the millennias she had slept.  "[color=#2ecc40]My trainer.  He taught me to fight in the arenas in the past for those holding the shackles' entertainment.[/color]"  It was truth, and any one of the elves like her would be able to give the same story, so it was as little, and as much as she could give him without giving something that could be used against her in the future.

Sometimes it paid to be a woman of as few words as possible, and guarding of one's past.
Ailwin tipped his head curiously as Flea described the person that they were looking for, the name didn’t ring any immediate bells. He knew Alaric, but he couldn’t recall Alaric ever mentioning a Bajie before. Though, the more he thought about it, the more the name did seem somewhat familiar.

Bajie? I’m not sure, I do have a friend who is a lot more in the know where ancient elves are concerned. There’s an ancient city in Antiva called Arlathan, quite a few ancients there. I bet if anyone knows this Bajie, it would be Zevran. Ailwin paused, he had a way of getting in contact with Zevran, but he also didn’t know Flea from a hole in the ground. He wanted to help though, he felt like it was the least he could do after Flea helped him.

I can get a message to him if you want? We have a magical way of communicating. I send him a sign when I need to meet with him. That and he had to admit, he was curious about Flea, he couldn’t put his finger on why, but they definitely had his full attention.
"[color=#2ecc40]Why would you help me like this?[/color]"  Flea's mind was instantly suspicious, because in the past things like what he was suggesting would have some cost associated with it.  [color=#2ecc40]"What will this cost me,[/color]" she finally asked, being a little more plain in her line of questioning.  She didn't think he would give her the actual reason, and it was easy enough to shrug off or lie about a reason, so when it came down to it, it wasn't a question of why, it was a question of how much.

She had learned that lesson much much earlier in life, before she was sold into slavery -- at least, she had assumed she had been sold into it.  She couldn't remember anything before a certain point, and the beatings she had taken before Bajie had started teaching her had taken away what little had been able to glen together from fragments of memories.  "[color=#2ecc40]I'll pay it.  If it means finding him.[/color]"

She hoped she hadn't just earned a debt she'd never be free of.
Ailwin chuckled a bit at Flea’s suspicions, a woman after his own heart. He looked at her thoughtfully for a moment before answering. Why was he so willing to help her? Perhaps it was curiosity, the idea of ancient elves waking up was an interesting situation. What did they have to offer? He’d learned enough from Zevran to know that not all the ancients were worth knowing, and that many in power had held slaves themselves, but that didn’t mean they were all bad, and the ones that weren’t, well maybe they would be willing to help with the fight against Elvhen oppression.

Well, there’s one thing we have in common. I’d be a bit sus myself if you’d agreed too easily. What do I get out of it? He asked and then paused again, he was intrigued by Flea, that was undeniable, and it had been a very long time since someone had intrigued him like that. I’m still learning about the ancients, you see much of our past isn’t known to us, it was lost with time. I don’t know how long you’ve been awake exactly, if you’ve been awake long enough to see how the elves are treated by the humans, but I’m always looking for allies. You see I and this group I’m part of fight against that oppression.
Flea raised a brow, as he spoke, and laid out what he wanted, information, an ally. That seemed innocuous enough -- she could be an ally, she could tell him what she knew of the time before she went to sleep. That was easy enough, and she couldn't see an exact slippery slope to the idea, and then he continued. A fight against oppression against how the humans treated them. She'd be a liar if she wasn't of two minds in that moment. One specifically to run and get away, she'd see what had happened to those who stood taller than the others of them in the past, they were always hammered back down into place.

And then the other part of her mind screamed at her that she knew how to fight, and how to fight well, and it was high time that the oppression stopped, that they not be treated like shite on a boot. Her face said nothing of the inner war inside her mind in that moment. I see, and you're recruiting for this fight, I take it? She knew better than to volunteer, but if that was the cost of finding Bajie, then that was the cost.
Ailwin nodded slowly, his gaze still fixed on Flea, In a way, yes. We're always looking for those who are willing to stand up against those that put the elves down. But we understand that not everyone is ready or willing to join such a fight. Ailwin thought about it for a moment, and decided full transparency was in order, after all they didn’t exactly do things the legal way, something people from Orlais would know, but as Flea wasn’t from Orlais present day, she probably wouldn’t know their reputation.

I won’t sugarcoat things though. My organisation doesn’t exactly follow laws. Our main goal is to stick it to rich human nobles, the ones that hold the money and status in the kingdom are generally the ones who keep the status quo when it comes to how elves are treated by the masses. Some we simply exploit and weaken, some that are beyond redemption, we resort to a more permanent solution. Murder, not something that Ailwin decided lightly, but there were some human nobles that were so horrible to elves, hell some were just plain horrible to everyone, that the only course left to them was murder.
Flea thoughts flew through her head, parts of what he was asking for struck a cord in her, and she knew if it was just her, there would be no thought involved, she would join this cause. She had been a slave, still was in many ways, even awake and how many centuries later? And Flea had no compunction when it came to killing, and killing for money. Especially those who would hold the chains of others. And if it was a good fight that her skills were being used for, well, if Bajie was dead, there was no where better to put them to use at.

I'm not a stranger to things being done in the shadows. She finally told him, Let me find whether my mentor is alive and well or not, and if not, you have my blade. If he is, you have my eyes. It was then that Flea realized that Bajie was her moral compass. Always had been. Without him she would be able to kill indiscriminately, with him --

Well, he kept her on a path that didn't take her spiraling down into the darkness. He would be the deciding factor in how much she could offer Ailwin in return. But until then. As I search, if there are those along the way that would need to suffer an ill fated evening...
Ailwin's gaze was thoughtful as he considered Flea's offer. He understood the hesitation, the need to find someone important before committing to anything. That seems fair, he finally responded, And your offer is appreciated. Please let me know if you need any further assistance in your search for Bajie." The world was a big place, and finding things wasn’t always such an easy thing.

[q]How are you supplied?
He asked, he didn’t imagine it was an easy thing to wake up after hundreds of years of sleep, so much to adjust to after all. If you’d like you can come with me to one of my establishments and we can get you all set for the next part of your journey. Truth be told there was a part of him that didn’t want this meeting to end too soon, but he wasn’t really sure why, or at least it wasn’t something on the conscious part of his brain.

Ailwin’s offer was open and sincere. He had resources at his disposal and, for whatever reason, he felt compelled to assist Flea. Perhaps it was the shared bond of their Elvhen heritage, or the shared pain of their people’s ongoing struggle. Whatever the case, he was willing to lend a helping hand to a fellow elf in need.

@Little Flea
I'll let you know along the way, it seems a good idea to keep in touch as information can change.. As much as she hated the idea of having to be more in debt to someone, Flea knew she needed the help. She couldn't keep stealing to feed herself, and hunting was something she had never really had the stomach for. She could filet a person open and never flinch, but a hind, or a nug? Even knowing they were bred to be killed to eat? Never. She couldn't raise a hand to something so helpless. She'd eat fruit and grains before she'd kill for meat, even if her stomach demanded it.

She needed the help though, even if it would leave her more in debt to the man. At least it was to someone who knew the struggle of elvhes, knew, from his own admission, that he was working towards something more sustainable. Her eyes searched his face, trying to find a reason and she could find none. He seemed truly genuine in this. Alright. It would be nice to not have to pocket apples and apricots from the market and then keep looking over my shoulder.

She told herself she could trust Ailwin. And if Flea was good at anything other than fighting, it was making herself believe something enough that it was true. She had to -- in the ring she had to believe she was the better fighter to live, so convincing herself she could trust him was just a matter of believing it hard enough. And it would be nice to keep talking about this organization somewhere we can't be overheard.

Ailwin nodded, understanding the weight of Flea's words and the struggle she faced. His expression softened with empathy as he responded.

Of course, Flea. Keeping in touch is crucial, especially when things can change so rapidly. I'll make sure to keep you updated on any developments.

He could see the resolve in her eyes, the determination to believe in something better, even if it meant trusting him. He admired her strength and resilience, knowing how difficult it must be for her to place her faith in someone else.

You won't have to worry about stealing or looking over your shoulder anymore, he assured her with a gentle smile. We'll make sure you have everything you need without resorting to that.

Ailwin leaned in slightly, lowering his voice to match the seriousness of the conversation. And you're right. We need to be cautious about discussing the organization. There are ears everywhere. Let's find a safer place where we can talk freely. One of our establishments is just around the corner from here.

He gestured for her to follow him, leading her towards one of the gambling dens. As they walked, he continued to speak in a reassuring tone. Trust is not easily given, but I promise you, Flea, you're making the right choice. Together, we'll work towards a better future for all of us. And this isn’t me expecting more from you than I’m willing to give myself. You’re also free to give as much as you can, we elves need to stick together!

Ailwin hoped his words would provide her with some comfort and reassurance. He knew the path ahead wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to help Flea find the stability and security she deserved.

@Little Flea