[open] We move along
Kellam still wasn’t sure entirely how he felt about running into his son in Arlathan. He’d always fallen short where his son was concerned, though he felt entirely blameless where that was concerned. How was it his fault that his son had continuously fallen short of Kellam’s expectations as a child, or the fact that it was because of Ruth that his wife, Ruth’s mother, was dead? It wasn’t as if he’d expected things from his son that he hadn’t expected out of any of the young mages in his care.

The world was a cruel place, especially for elves and especially for mages, combine those two things and well, he thought it was perfectly reasonable that he put mages in training through their paces. He believed he was far nicer than the templars would be in the human circles. The mages he trained would be prepared for the worst, and in his mind ought to thank him for that.

Once the Clan Ghilain was sorted and situated in Arlathan, Kellam began to grow restless and went looking for some of his possessions, only to realise a box must have been left behind in Orlais. He didn’t like the idea of having his possessions just lying about where anyone could pick through them, so once he was sure his clan was reasonably settled, he decided to head through the Arlathan eluvian, and head to the nearest Orlesian eluvian to his clan.

It was his first time using an Eluvian, they’d opted not to use them when the clan fled Orlais because there were just too many and too many belongings to just pop through an Eluvian. Now that it was just him travelling back to check over the place they had been in Orlais before fleeing, the eluvian was clearly the superior mode of transportation.

At first Kellam got a little lost in the network, but he ultimately popped out where he was trying to go. Once out of the Eluvian, he stopped and took off his pack, dug around in it looking for something. He was lost in thought and desperately hoping that the things they’d left behind when they fled were still at the Clan site.

He knew the blight was over, but that didn’t mean everything was back to normal. There were usually darkspawn stragglers that didn’t immediately flee back underground, not to mention bandits that liked to tale advantage of the chaos a blight caused. He finally pulled out a map, not that he didn’t know how to get to the clan site from this particular Eluvian, but this particular map he had made notes on as they’d fled Orlais. Marking spots where darkspawn had been heaviest, he didn’t want to take any chances so he planned his route carefully. All the while, oblivious to anyone else around him.
Solas didn't frequently visit Orlais, but he'd heard rumor of a clan evacuating. Another clan; smaller. He'd not made it in time to save the majority; but the few that he had gotten to, were trailing behind of him, towards an eluvian. They wandered towards it, getting faster the closer they got, and he watched them hurriedly exit.

He'd told them how to find Arlathan. That was his job done, but he hung back for a moment, staring at a shimmer of magic that caught his eye. It was gone before he could really make it out, and he sighed, moving towards the eluvian.

Pausing next to someone with a map. If that's a map of darkspawn, you're sorely out-dated. I can get you to where you need to go, pretty safely. He offered, absently eyeing the eluvian.
Kellam glanced up, caught off-guard by the stranger's words. He studied the man for a moment, then hesitantly folded up his map. I appreciate that. I'm heading back to the old Ghilain clan site, he explained, gesturing northeast. We evacuated to Arlathan, but I’m afraid some things got left behind and now that we’re settled I wanted to look for them.

That's kind of you, but I can't impose. Unless you're headed that way anyway? Kellam asked, not wanting to pull the stranger from his path, but also not wanting to explain exactly what he was risking everything to find, but at least he was only risking his own life, and not the lives of his clan members.
Solas shrugged, halfway. My way is to seek and aid wayward elves in finding the City of the People. Which meant there was nowhere out of his way, unless his wife needed him. But she was tucked safely within Skyhold for the moment, with their youngling.

I do not know your people. Evacuated just a bit ago, then? He mused, nodding thoughtfully as he fell into step with the stranger.
Kellam nodded, appreciating the stranger's offer. Yes, we did. The journey was difficult, but we managed. Arlathan is a haven for us now**.** He shared, looking at the path ahead, his thoughts filled with hope and a tinge of uncertainty. Then realised he hadn’t mentioned his Clan name. I lead Clan Ghilain, over the years we’ve mainly stayed around The Dales here in Orlais.

It's been a transition, but we're adjusting. We left in a hurry due to the Blight and couldn't carry everything. I'm hoping to recover some important items that got left behind. Kellam said, his tone heavy with concern but also determination.
