Where Souls Come To Rest
It was strange. Returning to a place that held such a name.

So many memories of a place so like what was once almost home to him and yet so different now as he watched the people around him pass by without a care in the world. Within their own minds all seeking something and paying him no mind, the comfort of the veil being gone and his magic free to pull from whenever he needed had been quickly eclipsed by the world he had discovered. Of what remained of home, of the elvhen people, so few and far between among every other race that had taken up Thedas in the centuries since. Perhaps this was why he had come here, flickers of history witnessed as he slept, of this place being discovered years before. No matter the differences it was the closest reminder he had of something close to home at the moment. Save but one place, but he did not feel ready. Not yet prepared to return to Tarasyl'an Te'las and face whatever might remain of the place where such extraordinary magic was created, where emotions aplenty still swirled in his mind and chest whenever he thought on it for too long.

Dismissing such thoughts, fond as they were, he was here to explore the city properly. To see what had changed in his time sleeping, previously he had only seen this place at a careful distance. Never venturing too close on his travels across Thedas over the last few months, gone in the blink of an eye really, at the very least getting to witness races of all kinds coming to and fro, none of them with vallaslin marked upon their faces was a relief. Once it would have been nothing but such a sight, of elvhen rushing to and fro to complete whatever task they were assigned according to whichever Evanuris they were marked for. Not anymore thankfully. 

Though he was dressed for travel, he had long since left the heaviest of his former armor behind, it would do him no good to be walking across the land wearing something for so long. So had opted for something far lighter, neutral and darker colors with a far lighter plate set inlaid within comfortable clothing to better hide the majority of it from view. Protective enough to keep him safe from most things in this land, and anything else? Well he'd always trusted his own magic and barriers especially to keep him safe from the more lethal attempts at harming him. While he had no real need of one, he had picked up a staff on his travels nonetheless, if only to better blend in within certain places. To make others assume whatever they wished about him, and if that led to him being underestimated, well he was all the better for it in the long run should the worst happen.

You are dwelling once again on things that do not matter. A rather now uncomfortably familiar voice reminded him.

Says the great mage inventor, hush if you please, we are almost into the city and I would rather be able to enter Arlathan without any problems. A thought that he hoped, would be heeded.
The markets hummed with activity during this bustling time. Navigating through the lively crowd, Megara moved gracefully, deftly sidestepping fellow patrons. A trail of smoke followed in her wake, dancing along with the dark waves of her hair. Typically, she kept her locks braided and secure, safeguarding them from interfering when healing or tending to her plants. However, today demanded errands and restocking of supplies for the clinic she supported, catering to those newly arrived.

Sylaise, odly, had a rare request.


[color=#008e02]Yes, after we acquire some seedlings. It's our reward.[/color]

The elf felt a subtle approval from the spirit, prompting a chuckle and a grin to form around the pipe's nib. While the years since Sylaise found her had eased the ache between Meg’s ribs, some days the lingering pain felt just as it had on the days it happened. Some days were just too challenging for Meg to feign contentment. Nevertheless, there was an unending amount of tasks to keep her occupied. She had two objectives now: obtaining seeds and enjoying boba. Her pace quickened, skips becoming more pronounced in covering ground between where they were and where they intended to be.

As she neared the edge of the market, a ghostly sensation settled over the elf. She might have overlooked it if not for an unusual sensation, a wind-like presence despite the absence of any breeze. A subtle wave of awareness brushed against her, but it wasn't directed at her; or was it? Was it for Sylaise? Meg's posture stiffened, and the carefree skipping stumbled, her head tilting to one side. The threat of the Eth was real, but they wouldn't be so bold surely? After a brief pause and with a shake of her head, Meg would continue her way forward. The feeling ceased to subside though.

[color=#008e02]Do you...?[/color]

[color=#cccccc]Feel that? Yes. Though it is too faint to discern what exactly.[/color]
Much to his relief, despite June's somewhat unwelcome commentary, passing into Arlathan was of little hassle in the end. The sights and sounds were a little overwhelming at first and it took the elvhen a good few minutes to settle being in a place with so many he had not seen, before he could begin to seek out what he was looking for. While he might wish for nothing more then a soft bed, a place to bathe later that evening and warm comforting food, he had things that needed to be done first. The primary task of which, was resupplying what he would need to take with him when he ventured back out into the wilderness of Thedas alone rather then being surrounded by the convenience of such a large hub of travel and trade between those here. So with a little looking, the markets were easy enough to find his way into.

Unusually the spirit seemed intent to keep to himself for the time being, a relief on his part as it allowed Revas to search for the right selection of items. Rations most certainly and the wraps he had used when training had been worn down with the amount of fighting he'd had to do beyond the safety of a town or city, so they would need to be replaced as well. Such a shame that most things teared so easily these days, so brittle and fragile, much like most of the lives here he supposed. It was only after he'd gathered some of what he'd needed, stopping at the side of the street to carefully store it within his pack, that something shifted. It was not his own magic or another's trying to influence him, at least it did not seem to be. But it set his nerves on edge and his whole body on alert even as he pulled the satchel onto both shoulders once more. Strange yet familiar. 

[color=#aaaaaa]It is her. Ma vhenan. She is here, I can feel it. Follow it.[/color]

Now that made him frown faintly, he knew enough of his people to know who June meant. But surely not? Was she hale and whole here, had the falling of the veil brought her back completely, or just in fragments as he had found June?

[color=#17b529]Are you absolutely certain?[/color]

His only response was a rather harsh tug towards a certain direction and with a sigh, he began to follow that sensation, if June would not cease about knowing it to be true, then he had to figure out just what this was and more importantly who. And if it truly were Sylaise? Well he'd cross that bridge when he got to it, it wasn't as if he had the power to reforge her spirit. No that was best left to someone who knew how, Mythal might have were she still living. Another might too, but that could all be done in good time. If June did not cause him to crash into someone with the force he was trying to excert over his own body first.
Despite the sensation remaining, Meg’s gait soon returned to light skips as she weaved her way to the sought vendor. She’d throw up her usual enthusiastic wave on approach, greeting the merchant warmly once closer. Outwardly, she appeared her usual, cheerful self, happily chatting and ordering what things she needed. Yet underneath there was a growing, gnawing panic setting in. This feeling only grew more intensely the longer she lingered at the stall. Solana had warned them both to be watchful, yet Sylaise’s agitation was not one of fear, but excitement, hope.

[color=#008e02]What is it?[/color]

[color=#aaaaaa]…Not what. Who. [/color]

[color=#008e02]Another Evanarus? Who?[/color]

Silence was the soul's response, Meg’s frustration evident as she expelled a deep sigh. All that was certain, was that the longer she remained, the sooner the presence would find them, and after.. well, she was a swift runner. This thought, though amusing to Sylaise, was discarded for the pull at their eleven o’clock. Instinctively, Meg’s head turned in the direction. Unbound locks shifted with the movement, settling around her shoulders as the forest green of her eyes met those of a complete stranger. Only they captured her attention immediately as the source calling out, or.. at least a piece calling to another?

[color=#aaaaaa]June. Ma vhenan. [/color]
No matter how much he tried to quell the insistence of June, the elvhen inventor would not be stopped in his pursuit, and as a result of that? Using his body as much as he could to get there. Being but a fragment, Revas knew reasonably that the once feared elvhen could not take control of his form unless he willed it to be so and right now he would not do any such thing. But he would listen to the urge to find the source of this magic, information about the other Evanuris would always prove to be useful. If these two were about, what about the others, those that were more insistent upon their ways and destruction of all who opposed them. Were some of them still mag with rage and magic alike or had the time sealed away ceased all of that? He would not find out if he did not ask, which meant for once he and June were in accord of what to do. 

When they both found what they were after, it was much like a moment of stasis, though he had not caused nor cast such magic to make it so. It was simply a feeling. His cloak from atop his head pulled down as hazel eyes stared back at the young woman, waves of hair no longer hidden and spilling down his back. He had untied it after reaching close enough to Arlathan earlier that day that he had sensed no further danger and need to keep it up away from his face. 

[color=#aaaaaa]Go to her.[/color]

Came the almost impatient, yet hopeful voice of June now in the forefront of his mind. And as if some sort of invisible force had gone and rather violently shoved him forward, the elvhen warrior began to move again towards the woman in question. Stopping only a few paces apart, he moved to speak, only to inhale and rapidly close his mouth again. Looking for just a moment, a tad unsure before he found his voice. 

[color=#17b529]"If such a request is impolite of me, then I will apologize, but if I may then I would ask that we speak somewhere a little more... private? I do not think potentially causing a scene in these streets to be wise."[/color]

[color=#888888]Some he was sure, would think him utterly mad to make such a request to a strange of all people. But to a shard of another, she was anything but that, still he could not be sure of anything with so many prying eyes about. And with such words said, with a wave of his hand, he bid the young woman to follow him. An elf yes, but if she were truly completely Sylaise standing before him, or a woman with the Evanuris dwelling within her was yet to be seen and he would not risk pointless questions by nosy bystanders for a topic of such sensitivity. [/color]

[color=#888888]Only as he moved swiftly through the markets and through different streets alike, did he turn just as fluidly into an alley and further down it still into a small open space. Relatively free of magic he had caught on a whim when searching for somewhere as they walked, a quiet spot with benches and surrounded by a small tree, a space in which he began to rapidly pace around, touching the odd surface to set wards quickly. Privacy of a sort, it would do for now and alert him if anyone tried to listen in on their conversation. As he finished and removed his hand from a nearby wall, only then did he turn to the woman once again.[/color]

[color=#17b529]"I am Revas if names are to be exchanged properly, we shouldn't be disturbed here for a short while at least. If I may, who is it that I am adressing?"[/color]
Sylaise seemed to vibrate, almost like an incessant distant buzzing in the edge of Meg’s mind. Patiently waiting, yearning for the soul who completed, complimented her nature. While aware of others who had awakened, the Hearthkeeper had kept herself concealed, the partial return of her essence fragile and, if captured, a tempting gift for Elger’nan.

Despite her hesitation, Meg remained where she was until the person moved out of the crowd, pulling down a hood so the two could lock eyes. The healer had no idea the identity of the man, but she could feel the Evanarus within her thrum, the warmth, excitement peaking as the man converged on their position. Meg noticed they each had some hesitation. The corner of her lips tugging momentarily before his request, caused her smile to widen gently.

[color=#cccccc]He’s quite adorable.[/color] The amusement in Sylaise's tone was unmistakable, and while discretion was better for them to discuss this.. pull towards the other, Megara held some healthy suspicion.[color=#008e02] “That’s… acceptable, yes,”[/color] tilting her head and following his lead. Hands pulled themselves behind, interlocking fingers while the two strangers walked to somewhere less bustling and open.

The alley itself gave way to a nice space, one Meg didn’t recongise and was now chiding herself for. It was quite a pleasantly hidden retreat, one she’d maybe return to now she was aware of it. She took a turn around the tree, hand dragging behind her along the bark until he caught her attention. While he held her focus, body continued to take slow turns around the tree.

[color=#008e02]“Well, names are helpful. Useful to know. I’m Megara, but…”[/color] Her grip firmed to pause her body's turning, half swinging from the tree. Her eyes drifted off, watchful. [color=#008e02]“...you’re addressing two of us. She’s very agitated right now.”[/color][color=#c19e00]  [/color]
The closer they came, the more he could feel residual emotions peeking through, it for a moment felt as if he were a spirit again. That want to help buried deep, the hope, the joy and the frustration at being contained within a form that was not his own to command. Both at a guess, Revas could assume, were just fragments. Parts of the whole waiting to be completed. His memory rarely had failed him even since sleeping, and Sylaise appeared very little like the young elven women standing before him. Though despite that he could see the layers behind her gaze, that of her own whomever she was, and one that was slightly more familiar to him. One of a leader of so many of his people, he had heard mostly good things back then, yet rarely had the chance to converse as was to be expected. He had watched countless times from afar in a crowded ballroom, June barely letting his love out of his sight, and an indignant growl reached the forefront of his mind. A sign of impatience and likely a reminder to hurry up.

For a short time, his mind was on the pathways within Arlathan, though not as familiar as he once was to this city. Some things it seemed had remained the same, an echo of a memory of his time perhaps. Or just a lucky break. Whatever the case may be, he did not stop once he had begun, glancing back briefly only once to ensure she was indeed following. Acceptance did not always mean what many assumed, though he was glad to see she had listened for now. Once there, it took him a good few minutes to set up the wards he wished. Temporary, but it would be long enough for their conversation here. Weaving complexities into them always took him a moment, even if he was sure there were few about who might attempt to break them but still. Never could be too careful. 

When he did at last turn back to her, something in his mind lurched, like the skip of a beat that was not his own. He knew what such a feeling was like, time and time again, it had been exactly the same whenever he'd looked at Feredir. But such memories were not for the here and now and he heard June's voice rather clearly rise above it, shake him out of it almost. 

[color=#aaaaaa]Let me speak to ma vhenan.[/color]

[color=#008e02]In a moment, there are matters I must speak with her about. You'll get your moment June, I will not deny you of such happiness.[/color]

A grumble, almost child-like greeted him and he had to reign in the urge to laugh at the foolishness of it all. A fondness there but not his, yet when Megara spoke that he was adressing both of them at once? It was hard not to be somewhat suspicious. He was certain he could be heard, as June could hear what was said to him, but actually replying? On such matters he could not be sure and there was only one way to be certain that he was speaking with Sylaise.

[color=#008e02]"I am sure she is, as he is. But if I may, I'd like to speak with her personally. There are some questions I would like to ask, and proper introductions to be given."[/color]
While he ensured that their conversation was undisturbed and not overheard, Megara tried to gauge him in-between her turns around the tree. There was a drive there, a need for answers for which she, or rather, Sylaise, could answer. With her momentum drawing to a halt, Meg’s back straightened, her protective instincts taking over briefly, grumbling, [color=#008e02]“And I don’t have questions?” [/color]under her breath.

Her eyes narrowed briefly before closing, her mind and consciousness stepped back and Sylaise came forward to the surface. When her eyes reopened, they were no longer green, but dark pools that glinted with the light. Even how she held herself changed, shoulders became relaxed and hands placed themselves behind her, fingers threaded, cupped together. An air that commanded respect filled the mages chest and while she smiled kindly, there was quiet suspicion in her eyes.

[color=#cccccc]“While you seem familiar to me, some memories are scant, faint. Who are you? Where is June?”[/color] A brow arched,[color=#cccccc] “I sense him, even if only a piece. A piece of me is all Megara has, and she has protected me well. What question do you wish answered, I wish to speak to June.” [/color]

[color=#008e02]Ask him if he knows about heart engines. [/color]

[color=#cccccc]Not yet, Megara. First, let us hear these questions and perhaps gain my own answers first. [/color]
Though he could feel eyes upon him as he set about to the small courtyard with intent and magic freely flowing from beneath his fingertips as easily as he drew breath, he paid such attention no mind. Curious as she may be, just as he was about certain things, he was sure it would all be figured out in due time. Some of it explained, the rest he could hope would just be understood. His reasons were his own and while he was sure Sylaise would be able to figure out parts, the elvhen warrior was not too keen on having to explain his entire life story to someone he had just met and did not trust. No matter the fragment that was kept within her being, that did not change who she was at her core. As such for now, it went ignored, as did the mumbled comment that he caught, he could given his apologies later once he had what he sought. Information.

Watching the slow shift was an interesting experience, from someone unknown to one he might have once called a friend or mentor even, and as that change ended he stepped forward. Still at a distance, but enough to greet her properly as question after question was thrown at him. Despite the onslaught he did not flinch nor cower away in fear. Posture straightening as he lowered his body into a proper bow, a show of respect in Elvhenan and one he had performed more times then he could count. Both before her, Mythal and any others who stood greater in rank then he ever gained. 

[color=#008e02]"I humbly ask you forgive my insistence at speaking with you first my lady Sylaise, June is here, though he is but a fragment - as you are. You knew me first as Aenor my lady, I was once a general to Mythal. My given name I gave to you later at your insistence, Revas,"[/color] At this he paused, waited a moment for such information to sink in before continuing, [color=#008e02]"I wished to ask if you knew anything of the other Evanuris, if any have contacted you or if any had been made whole. I know it is highly unlikely that Mythal might after what happened, and I have not dared to search for Fen'harel for a variety of personal reasons. Being who you are my lady, I knew there were few others who might be able to provide such information with so many of our people still sleeping." [/color]

His words were as concise as he could be, and with her being just a fragment, he did not dare make the assumption of her recalling their friendship. Instead, even as he spoke, he kept his body bowed in respect. Subservient for the time being, until he could attain how she might view him after such knowledge spoken, he would do his best to avoid showing any sort of disrespect. Once his questions were answered, he would give up his control to June and just hope the inventor did not do anything too foolish while in command of his body. But he needed to know what she did first, even a vague idea of where to continue looking would be helpful.
The piece stepped forwards, assuming control of the body and remembering how she used to stand. She found it curious and while not unpleasant, she knew this form was not her own. Since the fall of the veil the two had kept her identity relatively secret, only sharing when necessary the rare fragments' existence. The Eth could be anywhere. Yet, allowing Elgar’nan to continue his reign of terror was no longer an option. Sylaise had always remained neutral in conflicts past. Inaction however, was no longer possible. He would see the world soaked in the blood of millions before relinquishing his chokehold on them all.

Serenely, she watched, listened. Her chest filled as he confirmed the presence of June, the only physical cue she’d allow. After a moment her gaze shifted, thinking and then appraised him, her look still guarded, though there was an unshakeable familiarity about him.

[color=#cccccc]“Listening to your explanation…. Very well. You are forgiven, Aenor, rise quickly now.”[/color] Her chin jutted, bidding him to walk with her, continuing their conversation. Gait paused when drawing next to him. The dark pools of her eyes stared at his chest, or through it, as if aware of where June resided. [color=#cccccc]“I thought so. It is good he is with us, even as we are.”[/color] A small smile took place across her lips before Sylaise turned to take a stroll with him. It wasn’t often the two souls switched, Sylaise, content to experience through the healer preferred not to be intrusive without cause.

[color=#cccccc]“I will be frank, I have been keeping a low profile, but some news has reached me. I cannot say if they are true or hold any merit, that will be up to you, but Megara has seen the Wolf. He returned to reside in his old fortress last we heard.”[/color] Skyhold. Where the Inquisition had gathered, where Megara had been for a time though Solas was not known to her as he was now. A discord between host and soul vibrated. [color=#cccccc]“We have not gone in search of them. Too many catastrophes have happened, people are in need and we have been doing what we can but,”[/color] a quiet sigh was expelled. [color=#cccccc]“Were I whole, I could do more. Aid in the fight,”[/color] drawing up a hand, she looked over the unfamiliar hands. [color=#cccccc]“We have searched, but to no avail yet.”  [/color]
If anyone else were to witness such a scene, Revas knew they might find it incredibly strange. Two people, seemingly unknown to one another and yet here he was, bowing his head and body in deference to the one before him. Not a young woman he did not know, but a part of someone he knew and others of this world might fear - an Evanuris. A quiet breath exhaled as he kept still, though he noticed the slight change, even appeared as if he could feel something. A pressing upon his mind and body, a want to take control yet unable to do so. Not yet, there would be time for that once he received the answers he sought by speaking with her. In truth, it almost felt as if he had been thrown back in time, another day in Elvhenan speaking to Sylaise on Mythal's behalf. Only it wasn't and it never would be again. 

Waiting was a silent sort of pain, one that crept up his chest and reached towards his throat. She could think him lying and refuse to answer, demand to speak with June instead, and while that was a possibility. To see her accept his explanation was reassuring, brought back in such a way, perhaps the madness that had tainted some of the others had been cast aside after the Veil had been raised? He could only guess at this stage. [color=#008e02]"Ma nuvenin,"[/color] Understanding, quiet and soft as he raised to join her. Though he did not walk beside her at first, walking instead a step behind, as was right to show respect. Still he did not flinch nor move as she moved beside him, to look, he could guess as to what she was seeking. If he were being truthful about June, a flicker of the fragment within seemed to stir as she stared, as if his magic was agitated by it. Being in the presence of an Evanuris, not within him, after so long was bound to cause a reaction.  

The news granted to him, had a smile of his own spreading slowly. Faint and hopeful, it was more than he'd learnt in the past six months of searching. He knew she was unlikely to lie for something of such importance as this, if he was alive and had been for some time, then perhaps the situation was not quite as hopeless as he had first thought for this new Thedas. [color=#008e02]"You do not know what a comfort it is, to hear such things. That even the possibility exists that he still lives is, reassuring to me beyond words, you needn't worry about searching my lady. I shall do so on my own, for him and the others. If there is fighting to be done, in that at least, I am more than capable of handling for the time being."[/color] He had to wonder how much such would help, but he was not one to sit around doing nothing. If both host and soul wished to stay here and help in Arlathan, then he could head elsewhere without fear of not knowing where they had gone off to. [color=#008e02]"You are doing all you can, of that I am sure my lady, thank you for answering me."[/color]

A brief smile, one of gratitude before he stepped back only slightly and breathed in. She had held up her end of their agreement and he supposed it was about time that he did the same, though he had only given June control once before and it hadn't gone too well. There was little he could do but hope that the other Evanuris present, would not go overboard while in control of his body. 

[color=#008e02]You understand what happens if you mess around with my body while I let you do this, yes?[/color]

Not a threat but a promise, he would never grant June such control again if it was misused, that had been what he had enforced after the last time and they hadn't needed it since. Revas was not granted a verbal response, only a press of magic in his mind, of understanding and acceptance. Just like that, he let go. His whole posture changed, a little less sure and straight, unaccustomed to this form so unlike his own. But his gait was different, confidant and at ease, the edges of his mouth pulled up into a half grin - hardly believing the sight before him. Her.

[color=#ff851b]"Ma vhenan."[/color]
The Hearth was the heart of any home. Where one burned, refuge and shelter were always to be found. Sustenance cooked, fibres spun into thread and rope while the sick drew comfort from its warmth. Sylaise had always proclaimed that those seeking her hearth had her protection and while she was without form, Megara she had counted as her current hearth. In future, Sylaise would reward her efforts, the protection and friendship gained from sharing herself.

His manner, the way he walked and addressed her was a comforting reminder of the old ways, the familiarity of the past. Yet it also brought along with it the despair, the blood on her hands. Protector. What protection had she offered to those fighting? No. If made whole, her fire would no longer be contained. She was Sylaise, and her fire could not be quenched. The Master who had taught their people how to wield it, how to heal, care for their people in cloth and crop, would not stand behind while they fought and died. For now however, all she could do was be as she was.

The quiet frustration of her limitations ebbed away as the two took a turn around the gardens. At a corner she paused, head turning back slightly to warn him. [color=#cccccc]“You must be careful of your wanderings, da’len. His spies are everywhere and grow by the day. Do not be foolish with your life, and June’s.”[/color] A sharpness glinted in her eye when mentioning her mate, reminding him that it was not just his life hanging in the balance.

Her gentle conversation returned after a sigh. [color=#cccccc]“It is not enough.”[/color] And while it was neither Soul or hosts fault no further shards had been found, Sylaise grew more agitated with the encroaching Eth. Elgar-nan would not spare Megara and the Soul understood the healer's strength and stubbornness in the tug of war in ripping out Sylaise. As she looked over the familiar, yet alien hands her dark gaze would lift, sensing a change.

June. The relief in her face was palpable. She felt Meg’s heart skip in her excitement and while his voice was not his own, eyes closed remembering its sound regardless of time.

[color=#cccccc]“Ma Vhenas,”[/color] came as a whisper, hand tentatively reaching out.
Even with what little he knew of this new world since awakening, there was one thing Revas was sure of. That no matter how long it took, or however much bloodshed might be spilled over fighting Elgar'nan, even if he was indeed dealt with? Those left behind, specifically those of the Evanuris, could cause a reckoning in their own right if they wished for it. Power used wrongly was one thing, but such force unchecked even for one who wanted to do good could end up creating even further issues, and while that was yet another worry, it was one the elvhen set aside for now. Until all that were fragmented were whole again, there was little chance of such mages demanding subservience from the wider population of Thedas that were most certainly not elvhen. It had worked once before, but things were different now. The old ways were a comfort, but they were counted among the 'old' ways now for a reason.

As she bid him to rise, he still kept a respectable distance and though the space he had warded from prying eyes and ears was not large whatsoever, watching the shift in movement to one more familiar to him brought memories forth that made him smile, if only for a moment. No matter if she yet recalled their friendship or not, knowing a part of her existed still, soothed him - even as June impatiently pressed at the edges of his mind. At her warnings, he simply inclined his head in understanding to begin with, he knew the risks rather well of those that would do anything to please the one they served without thought. [color=#008e02]"I understand my lady, I shall be as careful as I am able in my travels."[/color] Careful did not always mean he could avoid fighting after all, honesty rang through in his tone nevertheless. He had no intentions of dying just yet. 

Regardless with answers given and words exchanged, it was only right he fulfill his end of their agreement. A warning given to June and a shift in perspective as the inventor took ahold of his hosts form for himself. Certainly nothing like what he was used to with his own body as he remembered it, but that did not matter, very little mattered save for the one now standing before him. Looking so unlike his vhenan, but she was without a doubt his. A mirrored look of relief upon his face before that half grin took hold, in that moment, nothing else could even compare to her. It never had. 

As that hand reaches out, he moves, quick to grasp it, to press a kiss to skin that is not her own. But neither is the form he resides in, it doesn't matter. What does is that she is here, and in due time, perhaps things could be like they used to be. Before it all fell apart. For now he draws her close, eyes simply taking in every part of her, mirrored atop his own memory. He may have forgotten plenty of things he should recall, plans, projects and inventions, but she was crystal clear in his mind. No matter the time that had passed. [color=#e86e04]"I am sorry it took me so long to find you vhenan,"[/color] A pitiful excuse, horrid, but trapped and broken as he was. There was little else he could offer of himself save words.
Sylaise no longer cared for renown or holding power. History was a bitter revelation, one that had taken time to accept. Countless ages had passed, and while some things remained the same there was little remaining of the kingdoms of old. No, this new world belonged to the young now, guidance and experience was what she had to pass on.

Megara had neither judged nor scorned the Soul’s failings of the past, the youngling had instead listened intently, hanging on to every word or piece of knowledge Sylaise could remember. With the whereabouts of June unknown and her memories piecemeal, there had been a fear of discovery if the healer had not been as amenable. The two had found themselves companions, their varying strengths and weaknesses complimenting each other to create a balance between host and Soul few could hope for.

She nodded, an approving noise her answer that he would take care. They could not afford to lose such skill and talent when the threat of conflict grew looming.[color=#cccccc] “I have given instruction already and Megara has been helping stock the Vhenadahl for shelter. When the time comes I will ward and fortify it to protect those within who are unable to fight.”[/color] It would put her own life at risk, the concentration alone would render her immobile and vulnerable, but both were committed to the cause.

While she didn’t witness the change, the shift in energy rippled through like a ghostly breeze. Her eyes opened as he took her hand in his, her chest swelling as it was brought to his lips. The forms were vastly different than before, yet the spirits within knew each other instantly, completely, even when incomplete. Her first, her only. Before with Revas she had been reserved yet that now evaporated as she threw herself into his chest, arms wrapping around him tightly. [color=#cccccc]“Do not apologise for something you could not change. The world is vast and alien to us now, but I never believed you would ever abandon me, nor I you. There is nothing to forgive my love. ” [/color]
There was no doubt in his mind, returned to bodies or not, each Evanuris still held a staggering amount of power so unlike that of the mages in this world. Sure, some of their best at the height of the wars that spread across the land might be able to do battle with one briefly, but it was still a fool's attempt. The difference in scale, of the magic they could cast, was still vast. No matter the good intentions of Sylaise, perhaps even Mythal if she were still here as well, or even June if he ever felt like telling him just what he wished to do once regaining a body of his own - they as individuals were still a danger. And would likely be seen as such by plenty of the wider population of this new world. Refraining from involvement or not, such magical might still held a price, a hefty burden to be carried and while Revas knew it was never his place to judge what any one of them might do. His worry lingered all the same. How frustrating.

Regardless until certain threats with dealt with, most of it was merely a theoretical argument and beyond that, it was simply rude to think of such things when in front of another. Even more so when it was one of the few who had shown him such care in the past. There was a flicker of a smile, of understanding the strategy she had put in place despite the risks. A familiar game of chance to protect those who could not do so for themselves, just like holding a spiritual blade for the first time, it felt almost comforting. [color=#008e02]"I see. If I may my lady, I'd like to offer my own help to strengthen such wards when the time comes, doing so purely by yourself is not sensible but I'm sure you know this."[/color] He would not dare talk up his own abilities, and of course if she refused then far be it for him to try and insist, he knew the strength of conviction many of the People held. Nevertheless, he did not want to see another cast aside their live to protect many, and he was certain June wouldn't want that for her either.

For as much as the Soul within poked and prodded to seek control, the switch was a smooth one, a testament to their uneasy alliance for the time being. As long as June did not do anything too stupid. Not that he would dare now, he had found his love, his other half. Little else could compare to that feeling. Of such warmth wrapped around him, held as close as she did him. No matter the strangeness of their physical forms, it was still her, and even as she spoke, he held her. Indulged in the familiarity of it, the relief it brought to his damaged psyche. A choked out, sound of relief is all she would draw from him at first, a tightening of his hold around her. [color=#c14700]"It will take time to recover what we have lost, but we will vhenan, I promise."[/color]