The bermuda cluster
The last two months had been hard on Alaric, then again he couldn’t remember a time when his life hadn’t been hard, at least not properly. He knew a time like that existed, somewhere back so far in his memory it felt more like a dream than something that he had actually lived.

The specific problem with the last two months was the fact that the woman he’d been in love with since literally forever, was back in the hands of their enemy.  Though he’d never actually been with this woman, in person, his feelings still ran very deep and he felt helpless to do anything about it. He wasn’t a fighter. He was a lover, a singer, a healer, but definitely not a fighter.

He’d even considered marching himself right into Elgar’nan’s camp and either calling him to some sort of duel, or just throwing himself at Elgar’nan’s feet and see if he could get his spot back as court jester, then at least he’d be able to SEE Arithari if nothing else. Thankfully Anders had talked him down off that particular ledge, but that didn’t change how fucked up his feelings were at the moment.

His interest was definitely peaked where the Sylvas were concerned. As far as he knew they were fighting against Elgar’nan, and that’s what he wanted to do. Maybe there was something there. Sure he couldn’t fight, but he imagined they might need healers. Before making a decision on the matter, he decided to head to Arlathan and check things out. At the very least he’d be able to check in on his friend Meg and see how she’d been doing lately, while at the same time seeing if there was any merit to the Sylvas.

Upon arriving in Arlathan, he went straight from the Eluvian to Meg’s home. Much of their interactions over the years had been via correspondence, as they often ended up at different places at the wrong times, ever since he’d left Kirkwall all those years ago. He was happy for once to be able to actually see her in person. He knocked on the door and waited, hoping he’d caught her at home.
Certainty had been upended for Megara. A new reality, where Nairn was alive and well and not buried or obliterated when Kirkwall fell. While there was still a great deal of residual anger and pain with his deception, there was a definite lightness in her being. Ruth had not taken it as well, not until Meg had revealed the hollo of Nairn’s “heart”. The two had sat for hours into the night pondering over possibilities, theories, Ruth promised to scour the Refectory for any other healing and engineering tomes and literature but it would take time. Time, Nairn may not have much left of.

She refused to give up hope. Sylaise too, urged her not to. Revas had consulted June, and while the soul lacked those parts of himself, Meg knew together they had the best chance.

Ruth remained in bed, despite the lateness of the morning. Meg had risen at her usual early hour, performing her usual household tasks before seeing to her outdoor ones. She’d met Revas while gathering some fresh tea leaves, inviting him back for tea and a spot of breakfast if he hadn’t eaten.

While the house was small, it suited the character of its owner perfectly. Various smells filled the air, freshly baked bread, the heavy scent of herbs and potions quietly brewing on the back stove. The living space was a cosy corner of two sofas with a scattering of cushions and blankets, warmed by the quaint fireplace. A table sat between the kitchen hub and the small nook, one end a mess of vials and different jars all relating in some way to the healing arts.

Meg was chatting while stirring the brewing pot of herbs as the knock came. Her brow furrowed slightly, [color=#008e02]“Funny. Not expecting more company.. Be right back.”[/color] Though it could be a messenger. Nairn had sent her notes, or little packages since their reunion, small gestures to reassure her he was fine and thinking of her.

When her eyes met the face of Alaric though she blinked. [color=#008e02]“Ric?”[/color] Her brain froze momentarily, hands suddenly reaching high up into the air, [color=#008e02]“Riccccccccyyyyyy!”[/color] The short healer leapt forwards in greeting, aiming to tackle as best she could regardless of his superior height. [color=#008e02]“You never said you were coming! Why’d everyone surprising the shit out of me these days!?”[/color]
It was supposed to be a brief visit.

While leaving what had now become known as Skyhold was a far easier process than the one he had taken to arrive there, stepping through the eluvian to move through relatively familiar pathways still left the elvhen with a lingering sense of unease. Certainly he knew more now, what was at stake and had his own goal in mind, no matter what may eventually be asked of him. Still he had promises already made to keep, and as much as he could, Revas liked to think himself a man of his word. Which meant checking up on people. Beyond that, he had a few things to look into within Arlathan, seeking out whatever spirits might still remain and seeing if Solana had found anything new. 

Such things had not taken long, it was only when he had stopped to speak with Megara that he found himself dragged into talks upon a subject he knew nothing about, though found himself quickly filled in. June knew very little or at least it seemed as such, even when asked, memories faint and vague with so little of his consciousness present. While some of the more magical aspects had made sense to Revas, without other parts of the whole - there was very little he could do about it in the moment. Regardless the quiet conversation had been nice as their joint attention turned to other things, including finding himself being poked and prodded into agreeing to help her tomorrow morning. Worn down by not so subtle hints, and given all the information he had taken in over the last few weeks, he hadn't the energy to try to fight against her.

One extra day spent here would not be the death of him, at least, he didn't think so. [color=#008e02]"Mm, I'll stay here, keep an eye on this,"[/color] Soft words as he watched her dash towards her own front door. A flicker of magic from his hand, to continue stirring what she had left behind, though it sounded like she was happy to see whomever had turned up - he was also a guest. It wasn't his place to get in the way of, or interrupt such a meeting and as such for the moment at least, he stayed put.
Alaric felt good seeing Meg, felt like at least for a few moments his troubles with Elgar’nan having Arithari were not quite as dim. He had friends in this world after all. Friends he’d cultivated over the last twenty years since waking, friends that were there for him in his time of need. Even if just in moral support.

With everything going on, I finally wanted to check out Arlathan. See what the hype is all about. He paused, he also wanted to look into learning more about the Sylvas. If they were truly against Elgar’nan, then perhaps joining them was his best bet in getting to a point where he and Arithari could truly be together. If Elgar’nan were good and truly dead one day. Without that, she’d never be safe, and he’d never be able to be with her.

We’ve been in all the right places at the wrong times for too long. I had to finally see you in person, make sure you’ve got all your arms and legs and fingers and toes. He said with a chuckle. There had been things he hadn’t wanted to say in the letter. Not because he didn’t trust Meg, but because he wasn’t sure he trusted that the letter might be intercepted by someone. It couldn’t get back to Elgar’nan that not only was his favourite court jester alive, but was in love with Arithari, that would not go over well.

I hope I didn’t come at a bad time. He asked, noticing that she wasn’t alone, but not really noticing who they were.
There was a great sense of nostalgia with her home once again becoming a hub of activity. Friends visiting, company had always been easy for Meg to come by, but for a long time she had been without those closest to her, her chosen family. The aftermath of Kirkwall had scattered or killed them, and with some like Alaric, letters and notes had been their way to keep in touch.

Meg bounced, hands pulling the taller elf into a tight hug,[color=#008e02] “All the hype, he says, pfft,”[/color] head shook, hands gently shoving him a little. [color=#008e02]“Well, if one of us would quit moving about… “[/color] Meg chuckled, threading her arm through his to pull him inside [color=#008e02]“I’ve got all my limbs and more! I have so much news and it’s never a bad time to come see me! Well, maybe when Nair- I’m getting ahead of myself, come in. Come in!”[/color]

Her pace quickened, excitement clearly agitating her as the free hand gestured, waving as Meg pointed out the interior. Her arm stretched out, splaying her palm as she revealed the kitchen. [color=#008e02]“You know where I work, and this is Revas! Revas, this is an old friend of mine, Alaric.” [/color]Leaving his side, the she-elf made to skip across back to the stove, intending on making a new batch of tea.

Or she would have, if her giddiness hadn’t caused her to slip on the turn. [color=#008e02]“Oh Godsdamnit,”[/color] made it out before the soft thud of her knees finding the floor. [color=#008e02]“... well you know I’ve not changed that much, Rik.” [/color]
If nothing else from what he could listen to distantly, the sight of whomever had come to visit had made the young elf quite happy indeed. He'd almost think it were Nairn, were it not for the words he heard about news to tell. At the very least it seemed she had plenty to check on her, just as he had, even before her heart's reappearance and thankfully June was quiet on the subject. The time he had given them previously seemed to have been enough for the moment, because it had to be, neither Sylaise nor he were complete beings - the selves that Revas knew somewhat well. Such things would take time and likely sacrifices to be made in order to see them whole again, but with Feredir and Mythal both whole, more of the Evanuris willing to take up arms to stop Elgar'nan could be nothing if not a good thing for Thedas as a whole. 

Eventually his head turned as he caught sight of Meg dragging her newest guest by the arm towards where he was leaning, magic still stirring what she had begun working on as to not disturb her work for those few moments. At first, all he did was incline his head slightly in greeting as she introduced him, he'd given up trying to stop her thus far. Maybe another time. The troubling thing was, the name sounded familiar to him, and the other elf reminded him of someone he could not quite place. Was this an elvhen as he was, one he'd met briefly before, he couldn't be sure. 

[color=#008e02]"A pleasure, have we met before.. perchance you seem- Meg!"[/color]

Words meant to question quickly turned to surprise as he reached out a second too late to stop her slipping onto the floor, and a sigh soon followed. Steps swift as he reached a hand out to pull her up, his other supporting her arm to do so more easily. Not that she weighed a lot when he was used to swinging great-swords around, best not to comment on that regardless though. He raised a brow in her direction, a silent admonishment for rushing no matter her excitement, still it could have been a lot worse.  

[color=#008e02]"You must be more careful,"[/color] A gentle insistence.
Alaric tipped his head as Meg introduced him to her friend. Revas, couldn’t be a very common name, could it? The man looked familiar but what were the odds that he’d run into his old friend there in Meg’s home. The odds seemed astronomical, but yet, he couldn’t help but stare a bit at Revas as he tried desperately to pull up a mental image of the Revas he remembered. The problem was it had been hundreds upon hundreds of years since he’d laid eyes on Revas.

He was about to say something when Meg lost her balance. He would have helped her up, but Revas seemed to have it all in hand. Instead this gave him more time to observe Revas. Nah, it couldn’t be, it was probably just one big hilarious coincidence.

I need to invent a protection spell for you! Something that kicks in when you’re about to fall. Not sure how that would work but…. He chuckled a bit, he didn’t know the first thing about inventing new spells. It definitely wasn’t something he felt he’d realistically be able to do, but if he could, he’d definitely make a spell for Meg. Then he looked back at Revas and decided, ya know what, fuck it.

I had a friend named Revas once His voice trailed off as he ought about the events surrounding the last time he and Revas had been in the same place together. Elgar’nan’s men attacking, trying to escape. Alaric realising that they weren’t going to, so he sacrificed his own freedom to lead Elgar’nan’s men away from Revas so the royal could escape. Not that it was all bad what came next, he did fall in love with Arithari, even if their situation was fifty shades of fucked up.
Their sighs over her relationship with gravity were answered with a soft laugh. While Alaric had known her for years, he hadn’t been around her in some time and Revas would likely learn quickly. Pulling her up as if she were a doll, Meg chuckled.[color=#008e02] “I am, it’s just that gravity likes to change on me.”[/color]

Her bright smile was all she'd return to the admonishment, hand waving both men’s concern. [color=#008e02]“Thank you both, but it’s just the way I am, I'm afraid.”[/color] Yet as her chuckles subsided, Meg noted how the two men stared at each other. Glancing between, her brows rose as Alaric confessed to having a friend sharing Revas’ name. Eyes ping ponged again, until Meg shook her head with… was it a coincidence?

[color=#008e02]“Revas is.. “[/color] Meg glanced at the ancient, knowing both of them were hesitant in sharing about their companions.[color=#008e02] “Well he and I have a..”[/color] Oh this was big, but she trusted Alaric. [color=#008e02]“Okay, it’s a bit of a long story. I’m gonna make tea and you boys sit down at the table.”[/color] Hands gestured to the table and taking a step back Meg turned to fill the kettle.
At the very least she accepted his help, that was something, though her laughter made Revas wonder just how often she ended up nearly flat on her face with a bruise here or there. A slight frown at the mention of gravity, no matter how it had worked before with the veil in place, without it, such a concept was far more changeable with the help of magic. Though he supposed that perhaps Megara did not consider such things in the same ways that he did, until recently few had lived without some kind of barrier holding back their own abilities. [color=#008e02]"There are ways to affect gravity with magic Megara, certainly more than enough to ensure you don't end up falling when you shouldn't."[/color] It was not a statement of intent to fix things, but there were plenty of ways to do so if she ever felt like exploring them. 

Yet even as he stepped back once she regained her balance, something still pressed at his mind and for once it was not June. In fact the inventor did not appear to care to be listening to what was currently occurring, no this was something else entirely separate from the fragmented spirit. A sensation of forgetfulness, a wonder of what if every time his gaze settles upon the new visitor within her home, it couldn't be. He had tried his best to not think of such things, of the countless deaths he had caused by fleeing. Of abandoning his own people, those he was supposed to lead and keep safe, reduced to nothingness when put against an arrogant elvhen's demands. He had plenty of time to dwell on such regrets, he was no ruler any longer, and it was not if he had not search over the centuries for any that remained of his people. As far as he knew, no one had but him. 

Of course, as Alaric mentioned knowing someone by his name, Revas could not help but wonder. His gaze caught briefly by Meg, and a small shake of his head was his only answer for the moment. Whatever secrets of her own she wished to share, she could, but that did not mean he would do the same. Still as she stepped apart from the two of them, at least somewhat, his attention returned to the other elvhen. There was no harm in asking, or even assuming a little, and besides if he was wrong he could simply apologize afterwards. But something in him, some gut instinct told him that this was his friend, they looked too similar not to be. What were the odds that Elgar'nan had allowed one to live just for his own amusement? [color=#008e02]"Falon? Am I right that it is you? Elgar'nan.. let you live?"[/color] A bold assumption, but a hopeful one.
It couldn’t be, could it? Alaric had often wondered what had happened to Revas after he’d escaped, was he alive, was he dead? Questions Alaric was never able to answer, only that Elgar’nan was never able to find the elf. His mouth fell open as he realised, this was indeed the Revas he knew all those hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of years ago.

I never imagined I’d lay eyes on you again. He paused thinking briefly about his time as Elgar’nan’s captive. It wasn’t an easy time, but falling in love with Arithari had certainly made things interesting. I became his court jester, I amused him enough that I was more worth to him alive than dead.

It would have been known to Revas about Alaric’s love for music and his desire to be a Minstrel and not to go into politics like his father had wanted. Though his father’s death had meant him taking up the family mantle any way despite the fact that it wasn’t what he wanted, but family was important to him.

After the veil went off, in all the chaos I found a place I felt safe enough to go to sleep. How long have you been awake? I woke up about twenty years ago. He still hadn’t sat down, the realisation that this was the Revas he knew growing up, had him standing in place, starting in awe as he wrapped his head around the fact that they were both alive and well and reunited.
It didn’t matter how many times she fell, tripped or slipped across the ground, Meg got back up. Sometimes taking an offered hand, or reaching for a secure support to lift herself off the floor, but if she was relatively unharmed, the woman laughed. Sometimes it was her own excitement, sometimes too much herb, though in most cases it just appeared as bad luck. There were worse things to be afflicted with than a tenuous relationship with gravity. [color=#008e02]“I appreciate the concern, Revas, but I am certain I’d still manage somehow,”[/color] she’d chuckle, patting his arm lightly before returning her attention to the stove.

Her eyes still ping ponged in three directions though as words passed between the two men, half in ancient from her current guest to the more common tongue of her visiting one. [color=#008e02]“You two.. Are old friends?”[/color] Glancing between the two as her body fell against the counter next to the stove, she grinned. [color=#008e02]“And you both know me? Ha. Funny. What a small world, eh?” [/color]

Her attention was quickly pulled away as a muffled thump came from beyond a nearby door. A long groan of pain rumbled behind it, before a rather disgruntled Ruth called through, “Gods, I swear I should just move out.... why is everyone so chatty today?”

Megara only rolled her eyes, [color=#008e02]“Get up, you’re missing all the gossip.”[/color] One sure way to pull Ruth from slumber was the juicy titbits of news and information he could squirrel away for later.
No matter what Megara said to him in that moment, he heard none of it. She could have told him that Elgar'nan was in the next room just waiting to slaughter them all the moment he dared to drop his guard, he would not have cared one bit. Nothing mattered save the glimmer of recognition in his friend's eyes. He had grieved, battled within himself across the centuries for what had happened. For all he had fled from, simply because he hadn't been strong enough, it was why he had pushed himself once he had agreed to aid Mythal. He had failed once, it would not ever happen again, he would make sure he was strong enough if that bastard ever showed his face again. Lines were blurred and he'd had to be polite to that man, but he hadn't forgotten. A ruler that had abandoned his own kingdom and people as they were being massacred, what sort of man was he to do that? It should have been him, not any of them. 

Yet one had survived. Alaric. 

A foolish horrid spark of hope bloomed in his chest, a what if in the back of his mind. His body not quite his own to control as he stepped forward, as arms wrapped around his dear friend in a crushing, half-shaking embrace. For a moment he buried his face, hid from the world against his shoulder and just breathed. Sucked in air as he listened, he would not shatter here, not before those that would not understand. But it was a hard fought moment to contain the anguish once buried deep now swelling to the surface. Revas could not see, more feel his hands shaking outside of his command even as he gripped uselessly at fabric. [color=#008e02]"I missed you, so damn much."[/color] It was not enough, not nearly enough to begin to convey everything that rushed through him. It was a start. 

[color=#c0f0c6]"About eight months now, I haven't... I didn't- can we talk properly, later?"[/color] Words spoken, but not aloud, jumbled and a mess even as he delivered them into Alaric's mind. A deep exhale, a low inhale before he eased up his grip upon his friend. Body now back under his control for the moment, it was a front and a damn good one, no one else needed to see him like that. [color=#008e02]"Long enough, though not quite that long. You'll have to tell me what I've missed while I was still sleeping falon."[/color] Rather then bother stick to his native tongue, he switched to mirror the elder's words in common. He did not need further questions from Megara or Ruth about why he was saying things in such a manner on top of everything else. Nevertheless he had not let go completely, and probably wouldn't for a while.
Alaric was happy to embrace his long lost friend. He’d always feared the worst about Revas, but was always too afraid to actually consider that Revas hadn’t made it. Better to live with a little hope than think the worst.

It is good to see you! I’d always hoped you’d survived, it kept me going on a lot of dark days back as Elgar’nan’s court jester, but to actually see you alive! Alaric turned to Meg and smiled warmly and happily, despite the troubles brewing within his mind, for now they’d been forgotten and pushed aside.

We basically grew up together. My father was an adviser to the Royal Family, when he died I took his place. It was literally another lifetime ago, but now, in this moment, it felt so close that he could just reach out and touch it. Bitter sweet really, because had it not for Elgar’nan his life never would have been upended, but then again, had it not been for Elgar’nan, he never would have met Arithari. Then Alaric froze when Ruth appeared, what were the odds that Ruth would be there too. He struggled to remember exactly when the last time they’d been together was, but the days tended to blend together, especially where Ruth was concerned.

Ruth?! He wasn’t upset to see Ruth, just surprise. Apparently it was the day for surprises! At this point he wouldn’t be surprised if his mother or sister appeared as well.
Ruth had wanted to sleep, but no, Megara always had to bring back guests. It was a minor inconvenience in their living arrangement, though today seemed livelier than usual. In the middle of his doorway, Ruth leaned an arm against the door’s frame, wiping the sleep from his eyes with the other.

“What ungodly hour do you call this?” he’d sass between blinking around as his vision cleared. His name had his head turn, surprise at seeing Alaric, but it soon shifted into a sly smirk. Ruth’s posture relaxed leaning heavily into the door as memories of a night long passed where they’d bumped more than paths.

“Well well… I hate saying no, because last time was fun,” from what he could remember and it wasn’t much, “but the Nanny’s there,” nodding towards Megara and Revas, “they’re terribly boring.”

[color=#008e02]“Put a shirt on!”[/color]

Ruth’s hand gestured and he scoffed, “See what I mean… but I am cold.” He’d turn abruptly, stomping back into his room like an errant teen, grabbing the thick blanket from his bed and sweeping it around him to rejoin the trio gathered in the kitchen. Ruffling Meg's hair, Ruth took a seat, head poking out from the tightly wrapped blanket.
It took some time. Long stretches of a moment gathered up, a shaky breath slowly evening out, though he still did not release his hold from Alaric. Even if he could feel a part of himself wanting to straighten up, to stop acting so child-like and hiding away, the rest of him remained firmly where he was. Seen as childish or not, he wished to bask in the happiness in finding his friend alive and seemingly well for a little longer before facing reality again. The fact that his dear friend had been kept as some sick form of amusement for the foolish bastard only served to add even more fuel to the fire that was his urge to slice that bastard's head off at the first opportunity he got. For now, he would have to curb such a murderous impulse for the sake of present company.

[color=#008e02]"I'll make sure he pays for that, don't worry,"[/color] It was barely more than a whisper, a murmur of a promise that Alaric might catch if he were paying attention beyond the chaos around him, but even if he didn't, he would keep his word. Not just for a friend, but for the thousands upon thousands that had been lost. Joyful as seeing him was, it was also a reminder of why he'd carried on fighting for so long. Why he still did instead of simply retiring. He was old enough by now, but what point was there when the People still suffered? Of course that seemed irrelevant when Al began speaking of their youth, it seemed like so long ago now. 

He could only grumble a little as he slowly extracted himself from his friend, a tired shake of the head as he turned to stand at his side. [color=#008e02]"If you start saying things like 'royal family', they're going to ask questions Al. No one needs to hear about my boring childhood."[/color] Calling it a 'childhood' likely wasn't the right word, but he wasn't about to talk about what came before, Megara mostly and Ruth occasionally might be decent people, but such a level of trust for anything more took time. Who knows it might happen in their lifetime, but it had taken him decades to share such a thing last time. He would not do so now. If nothing else, Ruth always provided a distraction to the current conversation, somewhat useful. For once.