Broken Solider, Silent Warfare
With her two closest confidants informed Aoife felt the weight easing from her shoulders. She was by no means cured, far from it, but admitting her struggle was the first dia to fall in a series that had stood firm for decades. Exposing, not weakness, but strain in maintaining a leash on Korr was a delicate matter especially considering her position was to protect Sebastian and not accidentally get him killed because reigning in Korr had caused her focus to slip.

And yet his threat loomed over her if they attempted to remove him. Killing her was not an option Sebastian would entertain while Leaf quietly remained pragmatic. She would choose death if it meant sparing him or anyone else harm.

But she wasn’t seeking that path, not yet. Her understanding and knowledge when it came to spirits and demons was rudimentary at best, however, which was why she was in a place Leaf had never thought to step foot in again. A Circle. Lingering on its threshold a moment, she took a deep breath and pressed on, finding help from an enchanter on the whereabouts of their First, or Grand… their leader Akibrus.

The crisp frost of the morning still clung to the grass of the Circle’s lawns, and from a short distance Aoife warmly greeted the man. Her hands found the small of her back as she made her way towards him. [color=#0074d9]“I’m not entirely sure Hawke’s are welcome in Circles these days,”[/color] a shoulder bounced, but her grin twitched, [color=#0074d9]“but I promise you, my riot causing days are long over.” [/color]
Akibrus was seated on a blanket, fiddling with the amulet around his neck. There was a group of young mages, children, practicing in his view with an instructor and he was observing them after hearing that one of the children might have an extremely power demonic possession.

A voice reached him, and he tilted his head back to find the owner, an easy grin on his face. Always welcome, My Lady. He doesn't move to stand, and his gaze travels back to the children. Some of them are young, toddlers. Others are ten to twelve.

Sit and observe the children's class with me while you tell me why you've come. Because she was not one who would enter a Circle without need.
Aoife couldn’t quite hide the slight surprise in her face. She hadn’t expected the First Enchanter to be quite so close in age, Orsino had been far older and the position held the reputation of stuffy old men. Leaf would chuckle, accepting the invitation with a nod. [color=#0074d9]“I’m glad that I ordered Khali to remain outside. She would ruin your lessons, but all mabari love little ones.” [/color]

Once comfortable she cast her eyes over the class, taking in the stark contrast between the Gallows of her past and the new, almost libertarian dream. There was a sting in her mind, a gripe to herself for her own stubbornness. [color=#0074d9]“Bethany and Sebastian tell me you are doing research… into possessions,”[/color] the words came slowly, a shoulder rolled awkwardly. [color=#0074d9]“I have… a particularly volatile one. A demon of rage.”[/color] Leaf grinned, head dipping to scoff a laugh. The sick joke would never get old, not to her, not after everything she’d been through.

[color=#0074d9]“I came because the two people I trust most in this life, believe you might be able to help me.”[/color] The casual aloofness that she gave off gave way to the mature, responsible elder sibling. [color=#0074d9]“I don’t want to succumb again to Korr and kill anyone. I already live with enough regrets.” [/color]
Akibrus listened as she spoke, chuckling softly. His gaze never left the lessons, though. Rage demons... never a fun thing to deal with. He stated, nodding thoughtfully. From somewhere in the gaggle of children, a cry wailed through the air.

A demon stood amongst school-children, and the child that wasn't crying held tightly to its hand. We encourage our students to learn to live with their possession. Sometimes they manifest as physical beings, voices, control the body... A shrug.

The little girl that was showing off her demon beamed proudly, as she received praise from her instructor. Demons, after all, are just spirits who were mistreated, turned against their nature as Spirits until they warp.

The demon that had been shown, disappeared and the child squealed proudly, doing a little dance amongst her frightened classmates. We teach them to accept it, because they cannot change it. Not easily.

And not always safely.

But sometimes, our students come to us with... a particularly unruly demon, who refuses to work with them. In those cases, we exorcise the demon and replace it with another spirit. His gaze drifted across the students.

And for those who cannot, for whatever reason, live with a spirit possession, we have nullification amulets, which nullify the need for a possession and safekeep the person from being possessed. It forced the spirit out, and sent them into the world to find another body. But he doesn't say that, it's heavily implied.

Akibrus finally turned to study the woman next to him. Tell me about Korr. And what you would like to accomplish. Do you simply want better control? Rid of Korr altogether?
Aoife sat attentively, her gaze shifting between the scene of children and the enchanter overseeing. [color=#0074d9]“No. Korr is definitely not easy,”[/color] she’d confirm, her voice was quiet, but still easily audible.

As the demon stood from a swirl of magic, her body tensed, expecting chaos to be unleashed, but nothing of the sort happened. Unsettled, she’d nod. [color=#0074d9]“Children adapt more easily, braver too… adults less so, we fear what we don’t understand.” [/color]

Watching the coexistence between demon and child surprised Hawke, unsure if the two could get to that point of trust. [color=#0074d9]“I used to think my own head was enough of a nightmare… and then I was stuck with a creature literally called such.” [/color]

Meeting his gaze, Leaf nodded, taking a quiet breath before beginning. [color=#0074d9]“He sought me out specifically. He fights me constantly for control. Succeeded once and killed a few people, including my mabari before I managed to regain my senses. He’s also expressed that any attempt to have him exorcised, he won’t hesitate to kill me.”[/color] Her face hardened, that was obviously not a keen outcome, nor one she was sure had merit, but she wasn’t about to try it without checking.

[color=#0074d9]“He keeps harking on about my potential for destruction. My anger.”[/color] Aoife inhaled slowly, collecting herself since she’d threaded the fingers of one hand through the strands of grass, digging them into the dirt. [color=#0074d9]“I’ve wanted the same thing ever since I left Lothering. Peace and quiet. Fate, if you believe in it, seems intent on serving me challenges.”[/color] Her eyes glanced over the scene of children, playing together, unafraid of one another and the spirits surrounding, dwelling and co-existing with them. It was idyllic, innocent.

[color=#0074d9]“I want control, or at least a way we can compromise. There’s no trust, and neither of us can see or have any reason to. About the only thing I can trust is he’ll try to burn everything to the ground.”[/color] Ripping out some grass, Leaf’s hands delved in again. [color=#0074d9]“Sometimes… rarely, he does say something true which doesn’t set me off, but I … I don’t know. Better the devil you know?” [/color]
Akibrus nodded, Mmm, children do adapt easier. They're capable of learning. But with the right support, adults are, too. He raised a hand, gesturing to the group of children, They have never known a world where a Circle is a bad thing. And... that's a major difference.

He drifted into silence as she spoke about the demon that occupied her body. I believe... you are looking at the idea of trust wrong. Korr can understand you would rather die than hurt people, yes? And without a body, Korr is vulnerable.

The First Enchanter settled back on the blanket, studying the sky as he hummed in thought. Perhaps, what you need, is a spell that nullifies your magic should Korr overwhelm you... something you trigger, with just a touch. A suicide pill, without the suicide. He clicked his tongue, and sat upright.

Because to me, it seems that Korr prefers you because of your magical prowess. So, if I can craft a spell that can be used with just a touch or thought... should the demon take full control without permission... then you're no longer what Korr wants. The Enchanter spoke as if this was some kind of scientific discovery; an epiphany.
[color=#0074d9]“They are really fortunate that things aren’t the same as they were when I was a child. Less running and hiding, for one thing.” [/color]

Her brows wrinkled, eyes squinting a little, completely unsure so sought clarification, [color=#0074d9]“How… exactly should I view it?”[/color] Genuinely, she was curious. [color=#0074d9]“Korr could at least find a new person to torment, whereas being ash is not fun for me.”[/color] Somewhere, in the back of her mind was her mother chiding her for sassing the Enchanter. [color=#0074d9]“Sorry, I should mind my tone, but I’m not the booksmart Hawke. I’m the blunt instrument.” [/color]

Watching him, Aoife listened, growing more attentive as he proposed an idea. [color=#0074d9]“I’ve had enough of suicidal situations, yes, so a pill without would be helpful. I could at least…”[/color] A scowl planted itself across her lips suddenly, eyes closing over in an effort to swallow the slight tremor. [color=#0074d9]“Shut. It” [/color]

[color=#c10300]I will resist. [/color]

[color=#0074d9]You will tire, like you did last time. Put a sock in it. [/color]

[color=#0074d9]“So… tranquil, without the full loss? I would still be able to perform my duties, protecting Se-err Prince Sebastian?” [/color]
Akibrus stared at the woman, pursing his lips. To force an unruly demon to change, you have to force trust. The trust that you will not have yourself nullified. The Enchanter was trying to think how he might be clearer; she had obviously misunderstood him.

What I am talking about creating, would strip you of magic. And should only be used in extreme cases of duress. Your magic would be gone, permanently. He let his gaze wander towards the children. The Divine made tranquility illegal, and found ways to reverse it. This is not tranquility, simply a spell that locks away your magic, making you useless to a demon who might want power.

The Enchanter's gaze flitted towards a little girl, who was running towards the two of them with a handful of crystal ice flowers. The child held a flower out to them each, and the man grinned, leaning to whisper in Elvish, Thank you.

He cleared his throat, As for whether you can do your duties to your royal, I would suggest learning martial combat tactics. Magic is useful but magic is not everything. His non-mage husband had taught him that he needed more than just his magic.
[color=#0074d9]“Are you saying that by not allowing him some leeway, an agreement can’t be made… trust can’t be established?”[/color] Leaf was hesitant in loosening her grip, experience having taught her otherwise, yet so far all she had done was suffer with the weight of constant vigilance. [color=#0074d9]“If I could guarantee that he wouldn’t go on a rampage, I’d have more of an open mind about negotiating… building a dialogue…”[/color]

The other option was even less appealing.

[color=#9a00b2]“Your magic would be gone, permanently.” [/color]

That idea was terrifying. Even in her youth when it was raw and volatile, there was a comfort knowing it was just at her fingertips, but if it came down to it, down to life and death it would be worth it. Leaf’s gaze was lost, entertaining a life without her destructive talents when the child presented the flower. The light reflecting from the glassy surface caught her attention finally, and she stumbled over her words, [color=#0074d9]“F-For me… thank you.” [/color]

Her attention on the flower, Leaf tracked the girl's happy retreat in the reflection, rejoining her classmates and friends.

[color=#0074d9]“I’m not sure…”[/color] then suddenly scoffing,[color=#0074d9] “I hate that he’s bloody right. I do make a good weapon. I am not subtle and while I have some martial ability, magic is a core part of who I am, what makes me, me. Being stripped of it completely is…daunting to say the least, but I am also a realist. If it came to it, I would do it.” [/color]
Akibrus offered a smile, I think, unless you are able to trust your demon, he will not trust you. And as trust is a two-way street... An awkward shrug.

But having the threat, that should your demon act against you, act against those you care about, having the ability to render yourself useless to his cause... He held up two hands, showing a balancing of the scales.

It balances out. He cannot act out without you sealing your magic. And it should bring you some peace.
Leaf inhaled a slow deep breath as she thought over the pro’s and con’s of the proposed spell. She thought, long and hard, for a number of minutes going over the past few years. The trauma from being trapped within the Nightmare had almost rendered her a walking corpse, alive, but void. When Korr had found her she was only just beginning to return, thrust back into doubt and uncertainty that he had taken advantage of.

No. There was no real trust. He would cause havoc if left unchecked.

Let’s put the scales in my favour then. Do you need long to prepare? I’d… probably best inform Seb and Beth beforehand than after. They get a little anxious when I tell them after the fact. Not that I don’t trust your skills, don’t get me wrong. Just. I’m trying to break out of keeping things from them, protecting them. Leaf grinned awkwardly, hating to admit the Hawke’s family trait of stubbornness.

A few days later she’d return, playing with her hands nervously as she waited. Korr’s antics and tauntings had ramped up a couple notches since her last visit and Leaf let her eyes shut in an effort to silence him. ...I’m not going to miss these fights, Akibrus, I can say that for sure.
He'd needed a few days, and gave her that long to get her affairs in order. And as she returned, this time they were in one of the various rooms near the topmost of the Circle. Mmm. This should be pretty easy, he held up a vial, shaking the contents at her.

You drink this and I do a spell to activate it. It should ensure that this next bit recognizes you. And this one, another vial held up, should mute Korr. I can re-prescribe this as needed.

A pause, before he held up a spelled ring, Thought about your predicament... And this ring, you turn it one way, it'll lock him out and your magic up. Turn it the other, it'll bring it back.
Eyes blinked open with his words. The mix of confidence and uncertainty didn’t bode well, but then none of the things she ever did, ever bode her well. It was the best guess, and magic wasn’t always an exact science though there were some unbreakable rules. Never being booksmart, Leaf had always left that to her more studious sister and Bethany trusted the First Enchanter so ergo so should she.

Her eyes still squinted at the potion sceptical though. Should, he says, then grinned with a nod. Alright, Potion A. Then Spell. Potion B. Slip on the ring and turn if needed? Just so I got this right. It would all go tits up if she fucked up now with the order.

What felt like a rogue wave of anger broke against her shield of will, Leaf moved to steady herself by gripping the back of a chair. Korr was agitated, and Leaf had to temper her words before speaking. He’s pretty pissed right now. Shall we start? offering a hand to take the first vial.
Akibrus shrugged; Should work. If it doesn't... I mean, that's what the failsafe's for. The ring. He held out the first potion, and once she'd took the vial, he'd start reciting the spell, fingers pressed against her temple, and as he neared the end of the spell the other vial was held up.

The ring still in his hand, he took a step back as the spell finished. Now the ring.
Aoife stared at him for a moment before eventually sighing and taking the first vial out of his hands. If this turns me into a chicken I’m pecking you first. Humour, it always came out at the wrong time. Sorry. Nervous. Well, bottoms up I suppose. She downed it, grimacing at the metallic taste while Akibrus recited the spell.

Apprehension coiled within her gut, eyes pinched closed as the roaring fury sought to push through her iron will. Clenching a fist with one hand at her side, Leaf reached for the second vial, inching it closer to her lips, lid capped until almost at her mouth. It went down as well as the other, the bonds of the encantation beginning to firm, but as of yet not fully sealed.

Slipping the ring over her finger was the hardest point, Korr pressed against the new cage with what almost felt like everything. Sweat beaded across the Champion’s brow, breathing laboured as it finally nestled home. The shift startled her forwards, Silence. Almost anyway. She could sense the demon on the edges, prowling this new threatening defence to rebuff his goal of possessing her fully. No. There would be a cost if he dared.

M’not gonna kiss you, but I could kiss you.