Ink Stains and Blotters
She slept, soundly, happy to be home to the library after having been out on the road, out to find specific herbs to dry and draw into her herbology properly.  After all Ophelia had never been one to do anything half-way.  She could have drawn her own illustrations into her book from the other books in the library, Luce had made sure she had what she needed for this one, after all.


But no, Ophelia needed to go out and find the plants herself, dry them meticulously between protective bits of parchment, tucked into another book, said book carefully wrapped in a shawl of woven wool, tucked into the leather bag she had carried at her side.  It had been a good trip, three days outside the city on her own, without someone there to keep an eye on her.  It felt good to do things without overwatch, but, she knew it was for her own good.  She'd been taken advantage of on the road before, lost all her money, and had her ribbons taken.  She could bare all of it, but the loss of her ribbons, two of them had been woven especially for her, and she had cried at the loss.

Now that she was home, now she could go back to not having to trust people, all the more trusting she was, she didn't like to have to be wary of those around her.  And that was apparent, as she drooled onto the blotter on her desk, ink staining her cheek and nose from where she had not made it back to her bed the night before, instead, a quill in hand, she had used a pile of parchment as her pillow.  She'd be embarrassed if anyone but Luce found her, those who knew knew it wasn't the first time he would have found her like that, nor would it be the last, and thankfully for her, it would probably be him that found her there today, like any other.  And when the door opened, she jped in her seat a little, eyes blinking rapidly to the sudden light being let in, and the price of parchment that was stuck to her cheek, before her wits found her and she went to yank the paper away and tuck it back into a pile to hide it.

Sometimes it was hard for Lucien, being back in the family estate but knowing that even though they were able to get back the estate from the LaRues, they’d never be able to get back the family members who died at their hands. Having Ophelia, Alina and Maeve all there definitely helped, and now with the baby.

He found himself mesmerized by the mundane chaos of family life. The sounds of their laughter, the occasional squabble, and even Ophelia's hobbies brought him a sense of comfort. It was a stark contrast to the silence that used to pervade the estate, a reminder that even amidst loss, they were still a family.

After helping Maeve put the little one down for a nap, he made his way around the estate and eventually found himself outside the library. He decided to check in and see how Ophelia’s day was going. He’d been home a lot more since the baby was born, having taken a sort of paternity leave from the school for a few months. He didn’t want Maeve to have to shoulder all the parenting on her own.

Opening the door gently, he stepped into the slightly dimmed room, the familiar scent of old books and fresh ink greeting him. Seeing Ophelia he smiled and stepped further into the room. Just me. Thought I’d see what you were getting up to. Finally got the little one to lay down for a nap.
Ophelia stretched, blurry eyes turning towards the windows and seeing it was day light now.  That, well, that was not how she remembered it being just a few minutes ago, but if the paper she tried to hide was any indication, wet as it was, she had been asleep for some time now.  That tracked -- she had been working on a rather curious little plant, one that she was going to have to go see Réné about before too long, she figured.  But first, she knew she needed to exhaust all possible explanations and factors -- she didn't want to waste his time with her elementary queries.

"[color=#ff4136]Just.. this.[/color]"  She gestured vaguely to the various botanical drawings and sheets of parchment that littered the desk, before she went to smooth and hand down her cheek, checking for more drool, and effectively streaking more ink from her cheek bone to her jaw line.  "[color=#ff4136]You as a father, not something I thought I'd live to see, or be privy to at least.  Do.. is there laundry or something you need me to take care of?[/color]"  She realized she had been in the "tower" for longer than she intended, and she hadn't meant to fall behind on anything.  "[color=#ff4136]Does Maeve need anything,[/color]" she specified, coming down from the desk and into the main area of the room.  His family had always taken good care of her growing up, and she had said if he ever had his own, she would take as good of care of them as she had received -- and it felt like she might be failing him in that.

"[color=#ff4136]Do you need anything?  A new brain, ten hours of sleep?[/color]"  Even with the small sense of being less than, she felt a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth, the light teasing reminding her that this was Luce she was with.  The person that had treated her like family since they had met.
Lucien had always held a deep appreciation for Ophelia's meticulous and passionate research. Although botany was a field that had never particularly piqued his interest, he found himself captivated by the fervor and dedication with which she pursued it. He admired her deep-seated love for the subject, her boundless curiosity that seemed to know no limits. However, his own interests had always gravitated more towards the realms of history and art. He was fascinated by the intricate tapestry of past events and the beautiful expressions of human emotion and thought encapsulated in various forms of art.

I told Maeve to try and take a nap, that I would keep an ear out for if the baby wakes. He was supposed to have open office hours later in the day, but he still had a few hours before he needed to prepare. He’d set it up that any student needing his help could find him at his estate instead of his office at the University. He’d eventually be back to full time hours at the University, but he wanted to make sure everything was settled with Maeve and their child before he did.

I’m not sure I ever thought I’d have kids. When I was younger I always worried if I had a mage. Not everyone was as lucky as us to be hidden from having to go to the Circle, but at least we live in a world now where it’s OK to be a mage, at least more OK than it was. He imagined there would always be people that wanted things to go back to the way things were, but right now those people seemed to be in the minority.

I have office hours later. I could use your help making sure the students find me in my study. Though sleep also sounds nice! He said with a chuckle.
"[color=#ff4136]You know I could send them away for you too, you are allowed to say that Office Hours will need to be next week instead of this week.[/color]"  As she came closer, she sat down on the edge of her fainting couch, so she could be nearer, but still have a place to sit.  She liked to sit, on furniture, the floor, tables, anywhere was a seat for her, and especially when she thought, she'd end up being in some crazy position in the middle of the dining table if she was convinced it'd help her "think".  And sometimes it did.

"[color=#ff4136]Your father had a good hand in that, if I recall, keeping us hidden for the most part.[/color]" She didn't have fond memories of that time period.  Any time something in the manor was broken it had more than likely been her fault, up until Luce had started to teach her to control her self, much like he had been being taught.  She owed her life to him and his father, and she never forgot it.  She was as comfortable in her life now and over the years because of them.  The few years she had been on her own in the streets had been the most harrowing of her existence, and why she didn't really leave the manor now.  Except, maybe to run down the street to Rene's to bug him on occasion.  No.  Those years had left her afraid of going out, even when she wanted to, to further her study.

"[color=#ff4136]I'll usher them through if they get lost, but I'm pretty sure I'll grab any before they cause a real nuisance.  Have you ate recently?[/color]"  He looked somewhat pale to her, and she'd drag him down to the kitchens to make him eat if she had too -- after all, it had always been something she had been good at, reminding him to take care of himself.
Lucien, with a soft-heartedness that was characteristic of him, chuckled lightheartedly at her comment about him not having office hours that week. In the depths of his heart, he wished he could take a break from the demanding routine, to step away from the intellectual rigours that usually filled his schedule. But then another part of him, the part that lived for teaching and thrived on the pursuit of knowledge, genuinely craved those office hours.

He found a true joy in that, in being there for his students, in extending his help to those who sought it. It was the look of enlightenment in their eyes, the moment when a challenging concept finally clicked in their minds, that he lived for. Especially the ones who were eager to learn, the ones who wanted help, they were the ones who made his day and reinforced his love for teaching.

I know, and I am going back gradually. I estimate I won’t be at full hours at the University until, oh at least another two months. They’ve been quite understanding with the fact I want to be hands on with my kid and take some time to help my wife find a good routine. He’d even made tenure in the last year, so it helped ensure his job was safe. Then she asked about if he’d eaten, and his mind went blank. His face scrunched up as he tried to remember.

What is today? He asked, suddenly realising he couldn’t remember what day it was, let alone if he’d eaten. He tipped his head inquisitively as he tried to think. Please tell me I didn’t sleep through Thursday. He exclaimed.
"[color=#ff4136]I think it's good that you and Maeve are taking such a hands on approach, not leaving her to a nanny[/color]."  That wasn't something the noble houses usually did -- many of them were hands off on child rearing, she'd seen it in the times she had followed kitchen staff to the markets in her own childhood.  Nanny's and the children, while the parents were no where to be found.  At least her mother had been there in the kitchens with her until her death, and then Cook had taken over raising her.  Well, Cook and Luce, and occasionally Luce's father.  He had always been quite kind to her, being another mouth in his house to feed, and way too curious for her own good.

Looking back, she had been given a lot of free-reign of the house, as a servant, and even Lucien gave her more freedom than she'd seen from any other household.  It wasn't lost on her that she was a special case when it came to the two worlds she danced between.  "[color=#ff4136]It's Tuesday.  Or it was, last I checked.  You're asking me of all people what day it is, I've problems remembering what year is it, I've been in the library so long.[/color]"

She teased gently as she reached over to the fruit bowl that was always in her library room.  It was sometimes the only way she knew time had passed -- if the fruit were still fresh, or.. not so much.  And it kept snacks on hand for her to actually remember to feed herself at times.  Her hand rested on an apple, and a quick feel of it told her that it was still fresh, with no bad spots, and she moved to press it into his hands.  "[color=#ff4136]You have to eat and rest when Maeve and Alina eat and rest, otherwise you're going to burn out quickly.[/color]"

her hands cupped over his, to close around the apple.  "[color=#ff4136]And I'm here if you need me to do little things for you.  Guide the students, cook a meal, take a moment holding the baby so that you can help Maeve bathe or eat, or anything else she can't do right now because she's recovering.[/color]"  She smiled softly up to him.  "[color=#ff4136]And when it's needed, you know I'll be here to fix scraped knees and other ouchies that come with a little one learning the world around them.[/color]"
Lucien nodded, ok, that was good, he hadn’t slept through Thursday! He wasn’t usually the sort to lose track of time, but with the odd sleeping hours because of baby Vincent, suddenly Lucien couldn’t remember if he was coming or going some days.

He smiled at Ophelia's offer of help, grateful for her steadfast presence in their lives. That means a lot, Ophelia. Thank you. I'll be sure to let you know if we need help, though I'm sure Maeve will appreciate the cooking more than me trying to cook! He said with a chuckle, thinking of his less than stellar cooking skills. Then he thought about something and realised there was something that Ophelia could help with.

Actually, I still have those boxes of things I need to go through since we retook the estate. The place was a mess, and at the time, a lot of the papers and books and things I just tossed into some boxes to go through later. The LaRues had made a right mess out of the study. It’s nothing urgent of course, but there’s probably some books in those boxes that should be in the library. Then he realised he didn’t want it to sound like an order. I mean if you’d like to of course. Granted he knew she wouldn’t take it as an order, but he said it just the same.
"[color=#ff4136]I'm sure Maeve would enjoy your cooking just as much because it would be made with love,[/color]" she quickly retorted, placing a hand down over his own for a moment, smiling tenderly.  She loved him, and Maeve and the baby, they were the only family she had, and had treated her as family, even if she had been just help in the house hold as they had grown up.  Luce was a good man, keeping her own, giving her back the only home she had every known, and allowing her to study and experiment to her hearts content.  And maybe it was just because he felt responsible for her, but she knew genuine affection for him and the family -- always had.

"[color=#ff4136]I'll work on those for you, separate out the books we already have in the home library into a pile to be donated to the University or less fortunate, and which papers still need to be reviewed by the head of the household,[/color]" she paused and gave his hand a little squeeze, grinning wider now.  Since she had come back from the small room she had lived in while things had been set right again, she didn't want to say it was terse, but, there were ghosts in the walls, ghosts that were finally getting laid to rest properly, and the house starting to be a living entity again, with laughter and love once again in it's wings.

"[color=#ff4136]Please, that wasn't an order, you've not given me an order since I was ten and I boxed your ear in retaliation,[/color]"  she gently moved her own hand back to fiddling with the sleeve of her dress, noticing the ink stains on the white lace, and how she'd need to soak that out soon to not let the stains set.  "[color=#ff4136]I'll set it right, so there's no trace of the LaRues...[/color]" she put an extra ugly twist on the name, they had, after all, killed the entire kitchen staff, she'd only been spared by a market visit that day. "[color=#ff4136]Left in there[/color]."  She still didn't know how he had never pointed a finger at her for it all -- she hadn't been there that day, and the guilt of not having died with the others, of not having done more to find him -- she pushed it aside.  There was nothing else for her to worry her pretty little head over, and besides, she had a proposal to write and her brain was better occupied with that pursuit instead.  But it.. she was suddenly kicking herself for the mention of items needing to be reviewed by "head of household"... he probably didn't want to be reminded.

"[color=#ff4136]Of course you can count on me for that.[/color]"
Lucien chuckled at Ophelia's reassurance, appreciating her unique blend of straightforward honesty and gentle kindness. Thank you, Ophelia. I trust your judgement completely, he said, knowing that she would handle the task with the same meticulous attention to detail that she applied to her botanical studies.

Indeed, change is a part of life and although it can be difficult at times, it's how we grow. Lucien said, acknowledging the shared sentiment. I'll let Maeve know about the cooking, I'm sure she'll be relieved. And I appreciate you taking care of the library matters. It feels good to know the house is in good hands.

He always knew one day he’d be without his parents but having his parents and other siblings taken from him so early had been a blow, but it did feel good filling the house again with laughter and family.
"[color=#ff4136]Remember, I run at a shadow on the wall, so we might need to rethink my judgement at times..[/color]" she teased gently back, but she knew where his thought line was -- he needed a meticulous chore done, and well, those were the types she excelled at, with as obsessive as she could get to anything she set her mind to.  "[color=#ff4136]I'll start looking up some simple things in the pages I saved of Cook's book, stuff we grew up with.[/color]"  She shook her head.

"[color=#ff4136]OF course, you took me back in once you retook the manor.  The least I can do for the roof you keep over my head is to make sure that it's in good order, and to continue serving the family I have my entire life.  Even if you've always treated me more like a sibling than a servant.  I'll do everything I can to make sure that that roof stays in good order.[/color]"  She straightened a few books there on the table, looking around the room.  The only room she liked to be in most days.  "[color=#ff4136]But only because it's you.[/color]"
Thank you, Ophelia. Your dedication and loyalty to this family is truly appreciated, Lucien replied, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. I wouldn't want anyone else looking after this home. It's not just a house, it's a part of our shared history. He paused and then grinned, Besides, I sometimes still jump at shadows too.

After all, it hadn’t been that many years since they had taken back the house, Lucien still bore scars from his few months of captivity with the LaRues, and not just the physical kind either. He had briefly considered selling the home after they got it back from the LaRues, part of his decision in keeping it had been because of Ophelia.
"[color=#ff4136]At least the shadows here, we know the names of.[/color]"  It was bittersweet, she realized, for the both of them.  They both lost their entire families, respectively, that day.  She when the kitchen staff had been slaughtered, and he, when his close ones had been put to the knife.  It was bad, sometimes, in the quite hours like now, to go walking down that memory lane, so she stopped herself there, and just smiled gently.

"[color=#ff4136]You heard Rene helped me get my funding for my thesis and experimentation, yes?  I'll be there on campus during the week in the laboratories.  Making potions and elixirs more potent apparently had a fan somewhere in the university.[/color]"  There, a successful change of topic, so that they could come out of the bad memories, hopefully.  Hopefully.
Rene is a good friend. I wish there was more I could do for him but as I fear Geralt had a hand in the LaRues taking over, and our new budding family we have now to keep safe, well, sticking my nose in at the wrong time could mean our final ruin. I guess at the very least I learned one important lesson from our whole ordeal with the LaRues, it’s to be more careful when playing the game. He hated the game, sure as kids it had been fun to run around the estate and pretend to play it, but pretending to play it and actually being stuck in the middle of it being forced to play it were two entirely different things.

That's fantastic news, Ophelia. Your hard work and dedication certainly hasn't gone unnoticed. You're bound to make great strides in your field. He expressed, the pride in his voice palpable. Just remember not to overwork yourself. Balance is key, even in the pursuit of knowledge. Though that was a bit of pot calling the kettle black, as he himself wasn’t always good at balancing his work and home life.
Something I am quiet happy never having to experience myself, this Game. She folded her arms around herself, hugging her middle as she watched him. She honestly didn't know how Luce nor Rene did it, both being sons of families involved in the Game the nobles played. But she noticed his used of the word "our" and she was thankful to him for that, privately at least.

And then the fact that his voice held... pride? In it, made her feel warm all over. She never really had been one to enjoy praise, but when it came from those she loved, truly loved with all her heart, well, it made it special inside. A good feeling that would have her happy for hours after. I think, by the look on your face, you already know how very.. minisculely, ever so tiny bit hypocritical of you, my dear. She gave him a small bump with her shoulder, a playful, knowing push, all more with the tease, and an entire lifetime of knowing one another. But, I'll heed the warning, no sense in making myself even more useless to you by drowning in my work. This home has to have at least one servant that doesn't take full advantage of your good will and charity. Which was exactly what she had done her entire life, which, to be fair to Luce, his father had doted and spoiled her as if she were one of his children to begin with, so it wasn't exactly a new thing.

@Lucien Beauvais