For the Cause
Being out in the wide world, alone, was more daunting than she had expected. So used to the confines of a cell, or the lands around Treviso, Nyllian had hesitated when stepping through the eluvian for the first time without company. Stepping through of her own free will was strange, but not nearly as strange as the way people went about their meaningless little lives.

Maintaining her disgust had been difficult and when she finally reached the sanctuary of the meeting room, a sigh of relief fell from her lips. The sooner her Master retook power, the better these sheep could be culled. Taking a seat at the table, the elf poured herself a glass of wine, sniffing it first before taking a long sip, setting it back down after.

Letting her eyes wander the room from corner to rafter and after a moment the door behind her thunked open, hitting the wall behind. If it had been an attempt to spook her they were about to be disappointed. Nyllian sighed, almost bored with the light dramatics. [color=#b20080]“... You have kept me waiting. In a place like this, no less. Explain to me why?” [/color]
The elf reached the meeting point just in time, as she always did. Aelyenthi scoffed, not minding her manners next to her companion “Please you barely waited so don’t play the offended party” she sat down eyeing the glass of wine that the other woman had served herself. “Besides I see that you have not wasted time on making yourself comfortable”

She sighed as she sat down in one of the chairs in the table, glaring at the other woman. The brunette was in a not bright mood today and definitively her companion attitude wasn’t helping.

“I wanted to check how well our people was doing out of Ferelden. I am experiencing some difficulties that are stealing a lot of my time which leaves me little of it to catch up” she admitted. “I know that you are a very well informed individual so…”
A dangerous smirk widened across the necromancer's face. Even her head tilted to one side with the insolence of the expendable pet across from her. [color=#b20080]“Comfort?”[/color] she’d scoff. [color=#b20080]“But you don’t know me well enough to know what comfort I’m accustomed to. I wished for some refreshment, the journey to this… backwater was lightly taxing.”[/color] It hadn’t been, but her companion needn’t need to know that.

She returned the glare with an indifferent stare verging on mild amusement. Something had riled the spy and that garnered some glimmer of curiosity, but only if it affected their Master. With the conversation getting to the point of the matter, Nyllian’s shoulders shrugged. [color=#b20080]“What can I tell you? Well. For one thing, Falon’Din, the Lord Death himself has returned. He visited our master some weeks ago.” [/color]

Teeth flashed with the grin springing across her face, [color=#b20080]“Now. Specifics. What is ‘stealing’ your time and hindering your mission?” [/color]
“You are seriously overestimating how much I care about your usual levels of commodity” she deadpanned at the other woman. She had been performing the sweet and naive for a while and it felt good to be a bit mean. Not that she had the necessity of speaking like that to Rian or the Arlessa but she had some pent up frustration to unleash.

“Perfect.” she just stated not letting a slight bit of emotion appear in her expression. “The mission started smoothly but the artifact has to work slower than I expected so I might need to take more time on my assignment. Slightly inconvenient but doable nevertheless”. Well that was not a lie but not a truth either, technically the artifact could be enhanced with magic but doing so could have broken the mind of the arlessa in a deadly way. She told herself that she was doing it in a more slow way in order to prevent a highly suspicious death but the truth was that she genuinely didn’t want to kill the Arlessa, it was hard to regard her as just collateral damage.
Nyllian’s smile turned almost into a sneer. Good. Best the girls' temper crash against her hollow walls than on a mark singled out by their master. A good impression was needed, but playing the dull facade of anice person became tiresome, boredom would quickly set in if it had been Nyllian herself.

She’d scoff at hearing of the women's troubles. We are on a timeline, I do not need to remind you of the consequences of failing to meet his deadline. The mage could care less if the artefact left the woman a drooling simpleton, her mind needed to be broken. Swirling her glass of wine the necromancer thought for a moment, eyes travelling around the room before landing back on the spy before her. Our Master sent me as a reminder, should I have to come again it will not go well for you. Inconvenient or not, focus on completing your task. Now, what information can you give me to return with?
“I know them perfectly” she said with a voice that transmitted no emotion, staring at the other women. “Tell him to send someone a bit more intimidating next time, you didn’t even manage to give me Goosebumps” she stated before throwing a bunch of documents at the table “That’s quite the privileged information about the resources of the Arlessa and how to take them away swiftly, don’t lose it on the way back home will you? I don’t need to remind you of the consequences of losing important documents” she said mimicking her voice before going silent.
This bitch.

Nyllian tutted sharply, the rush of air filtered through her nose in irritation. Eyes flashed dangerously, her necrotic aura reaching out towards the bowl of fruit nearby, the contents beginning to wither and spoil at an unnatural rate. A putrid bubbling soup was all that was left behind, a demonstration of what Nyllian could do to the woman’s insides if she wished.

Do not be so dismissive of my talents for intimidation. Catching the tossed papers without so much as a gesture of a finger. The air stilled around the parchment, then lifting her chin they began falling into a careful pile next to her. Lips twitched into a ghostly grin before she gave the information a glance over, rolling them into a tube and pocketing the information.

Thank you for your time, she’d dryly add, the lack of sentiment palpable in her tone. She slowly stood, picking up her wine to toss back, drawing their meeting to a close. Your concern is unnecessary either. I am more than capable of delivering paper, if you take much longer I’ll take pleasure in delivering you to him and you can see if your glib tongue can sway him from taking your head. Or your just your tongue.

@Aelynthi Loraronna
Ael knew that it was the time to shut up so she merely shrugged at the woman as she took her exit, knowing that she had a point. Her life was on the line and if she failed to satisfy her superiors the consequences for her would be…unpleasant, to put it lightly.