No.1 to No.2 - Judgement Calling
Dearest Death,

I hope this finds you well and in good humour. I know we were supposed to have tea, but unfortunately I was detained elsewhere. You’ll understand of course, the game we both play is one our country dances to in its sleep. Spare me your condolences too, my Mother and I were not on good terms and in honesty I feel freed from that burden. She is at what little peace she’s earned with my father.

I also hear my brother is making some leeway with wrangling the nobles behind him, I will have to, no doubt, return at some point. I may take the long route, I do enjoy the road and the scenery, but like my father I detest a fuss and my birthday is coming up. I expect what I detest, and it makes me wonder, such social convention is so unfair. If I were Queen I’d let no-one plan what I wish to do on my own nameday. Alas, such is life. 

Anyway, I hope you and yours have more interesting things for me to hear, yes?

Best knife forwards,
My Dear Judgement,

Quite well actually. I’ve recently both reunited with someone from my past and recruited them to the cause. Like me it is someone with a grudge against the Crows and the Crow practises and someone with whom I would trust my life. I am confident they will prove a useful ally in these times.

Yes I have heard this as well. I’m not sure how much faith I have in your brother. He’s a fair person, but he’s taking on more than a mountain and I’m not sure I trust he’s up to the task of filling your father’s shoes.

Your nameday should be your own, but sadly in life we rarely get that which we desire, even queens. Anywho, looking forward to that tea when we do finally have it.

Ever your humble servant

Dearest Death,

Oh? I do love to hear that we have increased our number. For the good of the Country, of course. She needs us shadows to keep her on the right path and more eyes and ears are always useful. Your judge of character is, as always, impeccable and I’m sure they’ll provide a perfect addition. The Crows will eventually earn their long awaited

He will do what he can. Eventually that may not prove enough, but currently we are not at that precipice. Not yet. Our Father left large shoes to fill, in time he may fill them and if not? Well, true Judgement will come. 

Yes, outsiders have no idea the constraints the position such as ours entail. I have no doubt since I am soon to be of age, my brother wishes to ‘settle’ me with a husband. I am not opposed to such an alliance being made, I simply wish to be consulted of the potentials and that is not how my brother is supposedly handling this. I will be swiftly correcting him of this. What a truly awful gift to give someone, no?

If you find yourself my way soon, do drop by. My company has grown again too since my Nanny has finally caught up with me.

with appreciation,
My Dear Judgement,

If you like news about us increasing our numbers, you’ll love this as well. I’ve convinced a freelance I’ve used in the past to officially join the ranks. I want to make sure our ranks are well bolstered before we start to work on our plans.

To be quite frank, your brother is demonstrating a level of foolishness that surpasses even what I had previously imagined possible. To think they would be able to scheme behind your back, especially concerning something as important and personal as your own future, is truly astounding. It's a misguided notion, one that is sure to backfire. I really do wish I could be there to witness the expression that is sure to cross his face when you stand your ground and correct this. It will undoubtedly be a moment of awakening for him.

I should be free to meet up with you soon. Unless something comes up, but I’ll get word to you if it does.

Ever your humble servant,

Dearest Death,
Wonderful to hear, and wise of course. While our numbers are few, it does mean our work goes on unnoticed still, allowing us the perfect opportunities to strike when we decide to. You do possess an uncanny ability and I'm most grateful for your continued support. 

Ah, yes. It is rather meddlesome, but then most expect me to roll over and accept my new future without fuss. This, of course, will not happen. I do plan to step out of the party itself in the most dramatic way feasible if he foolishly decides to announce such a decree on my nameday. As always, I'm open to suggestions, while I'm certain I can think of something quite creative on my own I do appreciate the input of a fellow creative. Memory recalls my father once poisoned a cake, it made for some scandelous activities in the proceeding hours, and while it is amusing, I can only feel for the poor servants left to curtail such indecency. 

I do look forward to it, and do send word, I'll make sure to have the best tea and refreshments for your visit. Or would you rather we meet more discretly, less teas leaves more hops and bitter? It has been a while since I was in a tavern. 

with appreciation,
My dear judgement,

Perhaps you could take someone that the family wouldn’t approve of in a million years? I’d say I’d go, but I don’t think it would have as good an effect, but in general it’s a good way of getting people to talk. If you know of anyone that is.

I should be free to visit a week from this Thursday, as far as where, I leave that up to your discretion, what you feel best. As it’s common for me to be there visiting friends, I don’t think anyone would assume the two of us are up to something if they saw us running into each other there.

Ever your humble servant,

Dearest Death,

You know I did considering inviting some extra guests. Make things a real party. My Grandmother used to throw some spectacular affairs and my Father invited many that made them most memorable. Perhaps more than one, but I understand your meaning. There is someone… I will have to enquire, he may need some convincing.

Tea would be fabulous. I will see you at my aunts, less formal and even if some birds see us it would be nothing unusual, just two Antivan’s having tea. I look forward to seeing you there,

with appreciation,