Surprise! Bang! Wallop!
Mentions of child abuse.
Waking up was different these days. Rarely, either her bed or his was being shared by the other and on the nights where going to bed alone was expected, there were still reminders of the other to wake to. Her bed wasn’t empty though and Megara curled, nuzzled into him for a moment before sitting up a little to watch him, a soft smile gracing her lips as the line of his brow appeared lighter, smoothed out as he continued to dream.

Eventually she would leave his side, letting him sleep longer while she prepared for her day of meetings and the endless paperwork she now seemed to be constantly working through. Megara walked into the kitchen, lighting the stove and placing the kettle on top to boil while she pottered and made herself some breakfast, visiting her small garden to pick a few berries and gather some eggs to go along with the sweetbread she had in the pantry.

The kettle was just about boiling when the knock came from the front door. Meg paused, the hour still early, but not unreasonably either. Ruth’s door was open, which meant the elf had stayed elsewhere overnight and he would use the door to the garden rather than the front. Curious, she approached and opened it to find Danny, brows lifting in surprise at finding the Coterie artificer on her doorstep. He didn’t have to speak, she knew what he wanted.

“You need to talk to Nairn,” she’d sigh, the unspoken statement clearly evident by his serious expression. There went her idea of an impromptu breakfast in bed with him, but she opened the door further. “I’ll get him, help yourself to tea.” Leaving Danny, Meg returned to the bedroom, lingering a moment at the doorway to watch him, unwilling to disturb him at all, but people depended on them both.

Slipping back onto the bed, Meg planted a soft kiss to his temple, whispering into his ear, “Ma Vhenan,” hand reached to part the strands of hair fallen across his face. “My love… Danny is here to see you.”
Nairn slept peacefully; like a rock. It was the kind of sleep he didn't get when they were in Coterie safehouses. Nobody in Arlathan needed him, though. Or... they shouldn't. He'd grumble, as she whispered in his ear.

Place better be in flames, he muttered. It was an unspoken rule; the Coterie wouldn't seek him out when he was in Arlathan. Not unless something was going down.

He waved her away, pushing himself upright slowly. One hand rubbed across his face, and he grumbled, reaching to pull his hair back. Free hand searched the nightstand, until he found the tie he'd left there, tying his hair.

Not put together, he muttered under his breath as he pulled pants on, and then his boots. Foregoed claiming a shirt. Mmm, breakfast? What'dya cook, ma vhenan? Nairn grinned at her, as he nudged the door to the bedroom shut, just for a moment.

Pulled her to him, leaned for a kiss good morning. And he groaned as he parted from her mouth, Danny best not ruin our mornin'. Of course, he didn't know that the boy's arrival already had ruined her plans. Another kiss, and then he'd release her, ducking out the door and into the kitchen.

Danny. He took a seat at the kitchen table, across from the boy. Why are you here? Neutral-toned; no edge to his words.

The young man glanced over at Megara, and opened his mouth to say something. Before looking back at Nairn. And deciding that whatever he was going to say, likely about the woman, was better left unsaid. Well, uhm, some of the Rats got into some pockets they shouldn'a.

That wasn't the end of the world, by any means. Nairn raised his eyebrows, eyeing the artifacer as if this wasn't worth traveling all the way out to Arlathan to talk to him about. Danny? Why are you here? The Rats get into trouble all the time, that's part of being a kid.
She tried her best to stifle the giggle, but only just managed it, “It better not be, not again, but I can send some help if it is.” Her tone was still teasing, but the offer was genuine. If he needed something, anything, all he had to do was ask and she’d do everything she could.

Pulling away, Meg would sit, watch him, flickering between the real thing and his reflection in the mirror nearby. There’d be a moment she’d bite her lower lip, drawing in a deep breath to exhale and stand before her inner thoughts were acted on. Mostly with telling Danny to come back in an hour.


Sylaise’s tone was playful, quickly settling back down as Nairn nudged the door closed. “Got some eggs, toast, there’s tea or coffee and I’ve bacon, but I’ve not started cooking yet. Then there’s me, but we'll save dessert for after you deal with who's in my kitchen,” Meg’s grinned, letting out a small giggle when he’d pull her to him, greedily turning into the first kiss of the day. She’d echo his groan in parting from her, but their lives were not as carefree anymore. “Quicker you find out, the sooner it’s sorted and we can enjoy our breakfast.”

She’d shoo him out with a chuckle, following after him to begin cooking. While the conversation had nothing to do with her, Nairn allowed her to listen, just as he listened when she talked his ear off about her day. She’d only offer an opinion if he welcomed it, the Coterie ultimately, was his responsibility, not hers. Before beginning to cook, Meg first began finishing up the dishes, hands only pausing as Danny began discussing with Nairn the reason for his visit.

What had happened to the Rats?
The wizard... He beat Enda in Link's place. And he ain't lettin' nobody help her. Says Link gotta learn a lesson. Danny spoke so fast that his words ran together, and before Nairn understood what was happening, the room felt too hot.

He didn't recognize it for what it was; a surplus of magic reacting to emotion. He'd left the table, Enda's just a kid! She wasn't even there, but he said that Link ain't gonna do it again, if it gets the lil'un hurt— Danny had trailed after Nairn, only to recoil and flee the living room—

From which, smoke filled the air. Eager flames, spreading quickly, Arlathan had yet to perfect keeping their wood wet enough to help proof it against flame. Nairn was retreating from the room, slowly, coughing into one hand as he stared at the room. Flames licking across drapes, spreading quickly through the room. Even if the best of Arlathan's water mages showed up, there was no salvaging the cottage.

Silent, another moment spent staring from his hands to the flames—

—and then he'd turned to search for Megara, shoving Danny ahead of him. Shit, get outta here, kid.
From the sink, Megara listened, pausing to scrape a plate clean before setting it into the suds. Her head turned to cast a look behind, to try and gauge Nairn’s look, knowing full well that this was now very serious, the kids were a sore spot and Bertie had always been good with them, looking out for them. Nairn did the same, if not more.

Only a wave of magic vibrated through the air, catching her off guard, unsure of its origin at first. Green eyes fell on the now vacant chair, Danny’s voice changed to that in fear and Meg found herself turning properly now. What the hell’s was going on… eyes finding fire too late to really do anything about it.

The plate dropped from her hand, smashing around her feet as a flame licked around the flour tin. Oh fuck. Arms reached to protect her face even as the magic around her rippled. Sylaise reacted far more quickly. A personal shield erected around the two as flour ignited, exploding Megara’s small kitchen and sending the elf out the window into the flowerbed outside. Glass smashing, flames picking up with the new flood of fresh air feeding it further.

With the flight, fall and general speed of how things had turned, Meg was slow in getting back to her feet, still stumbling, voice shaken as she tried to make sense of the past few moments. “Wha-... How?... Nairn.” She looked around her. “Nairn!?... NAIRN?!
Nairn and Danny had been blocked from the front door; and for a moment there's just the roar of flames. And then out of one window, wrapped in a blanket to stave off burns from the flames, came Danny. The boy was on his feet, shouting something; Nairn was supposed to be right behind of him.

Another moment, a beam in the ceiling collapsed. And then Nairn, wrapped in a quickly soaked blanket, crawled out from the same window. He was dabbing the blanket against his chest, the metal searing in temperature. Coughing against his arm, he stumbled away from the house, shouting, This'll spread! Megara— Another coughing fit, and he only sat when the Coterie boy shoved him to the ground.

The burns that peppered his arms were hardly noticed; though the angry red skin surrounding his chest-piece hurt more than he cared to admit. The metal hadn't got hot enough to melt; but it was certainly hot enough to hurt. He ground his teeth as he watched the house burn.

What... the fuck? He murmured, glaring at Danny. The boy shook his head, and mouthed 'wasn't me'.
The clear blue day was transported into the choking hell of the past for a long few moments. She was back in Kirkwall, just seconds after the explosion, dazed and confused as flames broke out around them. The terror of that day came back in a flood, freezing her in place as she watched, his name yelled, then screamed.

The smash of glass and ruckus from the other side caught her attention and running around the side she managed to catch sight of Nairn, scrambling his way out. She went to him, magic already coming to her hands, on hand reaching for his shoulder, the other Danny’s. “I’ll deal with it in a second,” head shaking and sucking in a deep breath. After a moment the hand over Danny retracted, slowly followed by the other and Megara turned back to the cottage. “It wasn’t Danny,” but she’d explain after.

He was right, it would spread and raising her palms she gently tugged on the magic around the air itself. One hand began motioning a continuous circular path, the other remained cupped underneath as she commanded the air, whipping it into a wind. At first the flames licked higher, the blaze brightening briefly before quickly dying as the elf drew every ounce of the vital component to further feeding the fire. With the air redirected she then erected a barrier, cutting off the remaining oxygen and sealing the fire inside.

She watched the flames dip and then fade into embers at first, relief settled across her shoulders before tensing again when turning back to the boys, the messenger specifically. “Danny, you’re mostly fine, but in the shed is my spare kit. Can you grab it?” Glancing back to her home, the newly appointed Keeper shrunk, the blasted out windows and charcoaled wood had and was continuing to wreck through the wooden structure a sad, upsetting sight. Ignoring it for the moment, Meg went back to Nairn, falling to her knees to pull carefully at his arms.

“...I guess.. With everything you’ve been through it’s not surprising this was missed,”she’d glance up from looking over the burns to his arms. “...You got upset. So you did… well… you did that. And sent me out a window. Can't say I've ever had that happen before, but uh.. well done?”
Nairn stared at her, dazed as she dealt with containing the housefire. Watching the flames in silence, and he hardly noticed when she was looking over his arms, at least until she was speaking to him.

Tearing his gaze away from the flames, he stared again. If not for the house burning in front of them, she might remember seeing a similar, dazed look upon his features from the first time he'd heard her say the words 'I love you' to him, and not to a friend.

He exhaled softly, and then he started to laugh. The kind of laugh that doesn't keep in mind a disaster has just occurred. Sent the most important thing to me, out a window, he repeated, chuckling quietly. That was very him; very much something he'd do to ensure her safety.

Shaking his head, he scoffed. Ain't got magic, just sleight of hand and tricksy tricks. He sounded more somber, now, staring at her with care. Trying to find any scraps or bruises where he might see them.
Megara let the cottage continue to burn out within the barrier, taking the worst of Nairn’s arms into her hands. Holding it straight, she’d run a palm up and down, casting a healing aura over his wounds.

In respect to his face, her own was pensive, caught between concern and surprise at what had happened. His laugh broke through the haze, lips curling though unsure. She hadn’t expected Nairn to possess magic, or for it to send her out via her kitchen igniting. Yeah… you did, let's not do that again though.”

She’d manage a weak smile, though when he scoffed at her, Megara felt her back straighten sharply. Raising her head to stare at him, she arched a brow, And now, fire. Cos I sure as hell didn’t do it and neither did Danny.

His stare though, hadn't quite melted the fear of nearly losing him again. You scared the shit out of me, Nairn. Not because you have magic, but for a moment I was... I was back there. Back in the rubble, digging for him. The path of her hand wavered, falling away to join the other in framing his face, pushing hair behind ears to rest her forehead against his and exhaled deeply.

You're gonna need a teacher if I'm getting my kitchen back. This is not up for discussion. 
Nairn exhaled softly, Yeah, I didn't wanna be the first to admit it, he mumbled, as she wavered and leaned to cup his face. He raised one hand to run his fingers through her hair, pulling her to him for a kiss.

Be my teacher? Always been a fantasy of mine, he murmured, claiming another kiss. Reminding himself that she was right there, with him. Nothing more. Nothing less. He settled his other arm loosely around her waist, I sure as hell ain't learning from the Coterie's wizard. Might slit his throat, though... He tittered thoughtfully.

And then he heard someone clear their throat, and found himself staring at Danny. You didn't hear that.

...Hear what?

Nairn cracked a grin. Good boy.
Her eyes pinched together tightly, his words earning a hiccupped cry of a laugh. A-huh. Good. Unlike the two men she was unharmed, her joints had a few mild cuts and bruises, but there was nothing broken or burned about the new High Keeper. She only shed a tear when he kissed her, chest sore with how quickly panic had taken over yet he was still here, still with her. She could breathe again. 

Meg’s cheeks soon flushed crimson as he murmured, though unable to speak as he caught her lips for a second time. You… this is not the time to talk dirty to me, she’d lightly chide, folding herself carefully into his side. Yet, it was the perfect way to smash through the terror of the past half hour. His way. The idea of him learning to control his new found power from the likes of John Marc though had Meg pouting, tsking, but smirking with his follow up.

Mercifully, her lover was wiser and the healer snickered as the two were joined by Danny and the two… didn’t have a conversation. You're not letting Ruth try either, he’s going to be pissed as it is. Meg muttered before sighing. We won’t start today though. I think we can agree there’s been enough practising for the day. Turning her head back towards the cottage she was struck with the sudden realisation that she had nothing but what clothes were on her back and what was in the pack brought from the shed by Danny.

... I guess we’re going shopping? After I finish checking you both out.
Nairn snorted, and nuzzled against her as she settled. I'll talk dirty to you when'ver I want, he murmured, eyeing Danny. The boy was ruining his entire morning, it'd seem.

Look Danny over. I've gotta deal with the C, and it sounded like the lil'un needs a healer. I'd like to bring my best healer with me, he murmured, watching the messenger boy. Clearly, Danny was uncomfortable, and it was almost enough to make Nairn feel self-conscious, if he couldn't feel how hard Megara's heart was beating. If he couldn't feel that she was still just a bit frightened, he'd have let her go and distangled himself.

Instead, he stayed put, dragging his fingers through her hair, almost a nervous tic, comforting himself that she was very real and very uninjured. After we see to the C, I'll take you shoppin'. We'll see if you remember your way 'round. He teased.
She’d chuckle quietly, rubbing her nose into his neck as he spoke, holding onto him. As relief settled over the trio she’d eventually pull away, just enough to give her love a close final look over, unwilling to disentangle herself quite yet from the ministrations of his fingers through her hair and scalp. I still need to check your chest plate, but your tech’s are probably better equipped. Concern littered her brow, but Megara knew she wasn’t equipped to evaluate the mechanism, eventually pulling away to check on Danny.

The artificer had a few flash and contact burns, but nothing that was beyond her skills to mend and soothe away, however, ...John Marc punished one of Nairn’s kids that badly? The question was posed to Danny, not Nairn, and even if Danny refused to answer his nervous glance to Nairn was enough. Meg stared for a long moment, then took in a deep breath, exhaling it just as evenly, Don’t worry Danny, there won’t be a scar and I’ll make sure the little one doesn’t either.

Once she was certain both men were attended to, Meg donned her satchel, finding a small container and handing it off to Danny. Calming balm, rub a little over the area if it feels itchy. Returning to Nairn’s side her hand splayed out towards him, C’mon. Back to the C for a check-up. I’ve a patient, and a wizard to see to. Then we’re going for ice cream and then shopping.
Nairn grumbled as she pulled away to study him. His hand was slowing in her hair, slowly preparing himself to let her go check on their younger companion. He sighed when she moved away, picking at the grass as he watched her.

Eventually, she'd handed off salving balm to Danny and returned, offering her hand out to him. He accepted, scowling down at her. You ain't goin' near the wizard. But, nonetheless, he began to lead the way to the nearest eluvian.

He was uneasy, as they arrived to the safe-house, entering through a side-door and making their way past the common halls until he was in the younger dormitories. The door to one room was solidly closed, and locked, and a gaggle of children were lined up with lock-picking implements at the ready.

A particularly guilty-looking older boy, about age nine was quietly cursing the lock, as he pressed his ear to the door to listen. The children scattered, as they noticed Nairn. All but the boy attempting to pick the door's lock.

Link, Nairn moved to settle next to the boy, holding up the old, skeleton key. Let's check on Enda together, hm? He let the boy take the key and open the door, following after him slowly.

The little girl was curled with her back to the door, fresh lashes across her back. No older than five. Nairn settled into a chair in the corner, pulling Link towards himself, talking quietly to the boy. Getting the full story.
Meg’s touch lingered every moment before the distance between the two men grew so far to break the drawn out contact. She knew Nairn wanted her close, her presence at his side reassurance that they hadn't lost each other. Her absence wasn’t long and while he scowled hers reflected a flat calm sea, experienced sailors understanding it was the lull before the sudden swell of a storm rolling in. There was a firmness in her grip as she took his hand,You might blow him up. One of us needs to keep a level head.

Following him step for step, Meg joined him at the safe-house, eyes scanning the room and making an assessment of each child she saw before the flock scattered to leave the boy behind. They were his kids, so Meg remained silent as Nairn spoke gently to the young lad desperate to get beyond whatever, whoever was there behind the lock.

It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the light, but the swell against her calm raged once her gaze focused, landing on the poor girls marred back. Meg paused, sparing Nairn a firm look that they would talk about the consequences after she summoned her warmest smile for the childrens sake. Hi there, the healer would begin, slowly approaching the girl so as not to startle her further. I’m Megara, Nairn’s here too with.. Link is it? Yes. Nairn has candy for you, top pocket grinning slightly, Meg gestured a finger encouragingly, Go on. Me and Enda are just gonna have a quick chat and then I’m going to make everything feel a whole lot better. How does that sound, eh?

Making her way around to the girl, Meg crouched down to offer some comforting reassuring words, wiping away the lasses tears with her sleeve. There were a number of ways, though undressing the girl and getting a closer look would tell her more. Alright, do you think you can be a little braver for me? Yeah? Don’t worry, the boys can turn around, they won’t see a thing. I’ll make sure of it