Out of the Shadows
She had decided that she needed to get out of the house for the day.  Poor Luce was seeing students, and had no need for her to be there hovering right now, so she had taken the opportunity to head down to the markets, there was a new ribbon stall she wanted to visit after all.  She was weak when it came to the bits she could use to pretty up her hair, even if it was simple vanity, and even as she felt the distinct feeling of being followed, something she had tried to put off as her overactive imagination, and her attempting a trip out of the manor alone.

But as she wandered further into the market, the feeling wouldn't leave her, couldn't leave her a moments peace, and the crowd was crashing in on her, the buildings drawing closer and closer and she was off running, blindly, trying to escape to a place that didn't feel so strangling.  Luce was at the manor, Rene was.. elsewhere.  Maeve was at the manor too.. so headlong she ran to the only other safety she knew -- Vincent, and prayed he was on duty today and that he wouldn't laugh her off and turn her away.

"Vincent!"  Ophelia yelled, as she came upon his normal post, her heart threatening to burst from her chest, her head empty save for the all consuming fear that the world was trying to swallow her whole.
The day had been relatively uninteresting, a lot of coordinating clean up around Orlais in the wake of the Blight. There had been a lot less paperwork before he’d become the second in command, warden-constable, but the pay was better so there was that, and he did want to save up money to buy Rosalie an engagement ring one of these days.

He was about to go on lunch when he heard Ophelia and turned around to find her out of breath and running towards him. Whoa, whoa, Lia! What’s wrong? Is something wrong with Maeve, the baby, Lucien?!?!?! His brain was going to all sorts of dark places, and he didn’t like it very much, as his own pulse began to rise.
She didn't stop until she had nearly collided with the younger man, the fear telegraphing through her, her head shaking a negative to each of his questions about something being wrong with the family.  She couldn't put the fear aside, couldn't get words to form as she tried to breathe, she knew she had to breathe, had to otherwise she was going to pass out, but it couldn't be helped. 

But she finally caught her breath enough, maybe a little too late, but enough, "[color=#ff4136]Person.  Following me.[/color]"  Probably just a shadow, she chided herself now that she was near someone relatively safe in her head.  "[color=#ff4136]The walls, they were closing in.[/color]"  She knew Vincent had a sharp bite to his words at times, so she was already steeling herself on the off chance that Luce's brother in law was about to fuss at her, something fierce.
Vincent was still very concerned, even though Ophelia didn’t say it was anything about Maeve, Lucien or the baby. She was clearly distraught and worked up, and even though the LaRues were mostly dead, it didn’t mean they didn’t have allies that might eventually want retribution.

Did you get a look at them? He looked past her and looked around where she’d come from, he didn’t imagine they’d have followed all the way there, they’d have wanted to stay hidden in the crowds, but considering what happened to Lucien’s family with the LaRues, and what happened with Maeve and the asshole she used to work for, and the fact that he himself had enemies from his past, his head was now on a swivel.

Why don’t you come inside. I’ve got a fire going, you should warm up, and when you’re ready to leave I’ll be going with you, no ifs ands or buts. Ophelia wasn’t technically his family, but as Lucien considered her family, and Lucien was now his family, by extension that made Ophelia family in his books.
When he asked if she got a good look at them, she faltered some, trying to gasp at words, but instead, she just looked rather out of place, and frustrated that, as she was slowly realizing, the agoraphobia had gotten the better of her again. She had been good though, it had been a good day, she had gotten out of the house on her own, had gone to the market, but too many similarities with that day, the day the LaRue's had murdered the entire house hold, and she had been away at market with one of the assistant chefs to get the weekly food pick up.

It was a wonder that Luce had never suspected her of being in on it, being one of the only survivors. No, no I didn't. I.. I might have been mistaken.

Now she felt well and truly foolish as he welcomed her inside, and she nodded at allowing him to escort her home. I'm so sorry Vincent, I think this was just another instance of my imagination running off with me. Her face nearly matched her hair now as she let herself be coddled a bit. It did feel nice to be the one being taken care of every now and then.
Don't apologize, Ophelia. It's better to be safe than sorry**,** Vincent reassured her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. Let's take a moment to relax, alright?****

He guided her gently towards a bench nearby. His eyes still scanned the surrounding area, the instinct to protect ever present. After making sure they were indeed safe, he turned his attention back to Ophelia.

****It's alright, Ophelia. Take your time, take deep breaths. We're safe here. If you want, we can talk about anything that comes into your mind. Or we can just sit in silence. Whatever makes you comfortable**,** he offered, his voice gentle and steady, a stark contrast to the chaos that had occurred moments before.

He hoped his words and presence could bring her some comfort. After all, they were family in a sense, and he could do no less for someone Lucien cared about.
I'm so sorry Vincent, I probably imagined it all.She felt horrible now, for causing him problems. She'd reflect later on how self-centered she was, once she was home, she's make sure of it. Of course no one would be following her. She was low born, a servant, and a pretty useless one at that. She had let her imagination run away with itself again.

You should come by the manor sometime soon, the baby is growing so fast, and Maeve is so beautiful now that she's back up and about. I could set out tea for you and her one afternoon if you can get away of course. I know it's not my place to invite on their behalf, but I'm certain everyone would love you to come by more often. There, she could turn this fearful turn into something nice by talking Vincent into a visit.

@Vincent Valathrian
Vincent smiled at the mention of visiting the manor. I'd love that. A cup of tea sounds perfect. Just let me know when, and I'll make sure to be there, he responded warmly, as Maeve and Lucien considered Ophelia family, so naturally did he. Now, let's get you home. You've had quite a day. I’ll walk you home, and don’t even try it. I won’t hear any objections, I was about to go on break any way, a walk sounds nice. He explained, firmly but warmly. Maybe she had been imagining that someone was following her, but he wasn’t about to just let her walk home alone even in the slightest chance she hadn’t been.

@Ophelia Jolfy
Yes, yes, and you can see the baby, since you're taking me home anyway. She slipped her arm through his, so that they could walk the ways together, knowing that if she had a firm grasp on reality, a grounding person that was a safe person, then it wouldn't feel quite so scary, quite so.. horrible to be out in the regular part of town. Vincent was a safe person, he would keep her safe, and with him, there was no way the La Rues would attempt retribution once more. That was done, long gone in the past, even if her brain didn't recognize that it was over.

Walking is quite healthy after all, and the carriage wait times here in town during a nice day like today are so horrible, can't get from one side of the city to the other without sitting for hours. I often times feel very bad for the horses, having to stand there and wait for people to get out of the way so they can continue on along the lane. It's just simpler to ride or walk, so you don't get trapped in a long line.

@Vincent Valathrian
Vincent chuckled softly as he felt her arm slip through his, her touch grounding him just as much as he hoped to ground her. Her confidence in him, her trust—it filled him with a quiet determination to protect and support her. He knew how much courage it took for her to step out into the bustling streets, and he was honored to be her safe person.

Well then, a walk it is, he said warmly, giving her arm a gentle squeeze. Besides, I could use the exercise myself. Keeps the mind sharp and the heart strong, they say. Not that he didn’t get enough exercise in his line of work, but he didn’t want Ophelia to feel bad for taking him away from that to walk her home.

He listened to her talk about the carriage wait times and the poor horses, nodding in agreement. Her empathy for even the smallest beings always touched him deeply.

You're right, walking is much kinder to the horses, he agreed. And it's a lovely day for a stroll. We can enjoy the fresh air and the sights of the city. Plus, it'll give us more time to chat. I've missed our conversations.

@Ophelia Jolfy
Sir, you walk these streets more than I do, don't try and trick me. She said with a small sly smile. She knew better than to take his agreeing to the walk was just about health, but she was thankful for it all the more than she didn't have to feel quite as ashamed about being a handful. That was something that none of the people in her life had ever let her think -- society? She was more than anyone could handle, a strong minded, unmarried female? At her advanced age? She had to be defective in some way to run off any suitors. But the fact of the matter was that she didn't feel the sting of a loss of companionship, yet. She knew one day she might, but for now she was happy with the people that she did have never making her feel like she was a burden to them.

Maker knew that she was blessed in that respect. And so did she. But I believe your heart is healthier than most. Which, tell me, how are things with you and Rosie, since you seem to miss our conversations. She teased gently, tucking stray strand of hair that had slipped from her braid back behind her ear. While she was doing her best to look normal for their walk, inside she was still shaking a little. Her eyes went to the alley ways, checking and making sure. She had been so certain, and with her arm firmly tucked around Vince's she felt invincible again.

You first and then I'll tell you about my news about getting invited up to Tevinter to speak to some of their academics.

@Vincent Valathrian
Vincent chuckled softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he looked at her with genuine affection. Caught me, did you? he said with a playful tone. Alright, I admit, this walk isn't just about our health. I like our talks, and I worry about you, especially with everything that's been going on.

As they strolled, Vincent felt the warmth of her arm tucked firmly around his, a simple gesture that seemed to anchor them both. He was unaware of the societal whispers about her, the criticisms of her independence and strength, he’d never been one for high society even when Maeve entered it by marrying Lucien, and even if he had in his mind those were her most admirable qualities.

You know, you're right. My heart probably is healthier, thanks to all this walking, he said, his voice taking on a more serious note. As for Rosie and me... well, things are steady. She's got her hands full with the blight research, and I with my Grey Warden duties, but we're managing.

He watched as she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, noticing the slight tremor in her movements. She was putting on a brave face, but he could sense her unease. His grip on her arm tightened slightly, a silent promise of support.

Tevinter, you say? he said, raising an eyebrow. That's quite an honour. I'm not surprised though; they've got an eye for talent, and you, my dear, are full of it. But tell me, what kind of academics are we talking about? And what exactly do they want you to speak about?

He glanced at the alleyways, mirroring her vigilance. The city had its dangers, but together, they were a formidable pair. Vincent felt a surge of protectiveness, coupled with admiration for her courage. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he was determined to face them with her, every step of the way.

@Ophelia Jolfy
You shouldn't worry. I am getting better. I even traveled out of country recently! It's not like when you found me and the only way I could leave the workhouse was to go from the dorm to the work floor. I never.. Maker Vince, if you hadn't found me. She let that line of thought trail off, because Vince had been the one to find her once Luce had taken the manor back over. It's why even though they were not related by any means, that it felt like they were family all the more. Vince had found and saved her, and that had been that. Since that day he had been her baby brother, and protector. She does important work with solving the blight, and I am more than willing to help her with her research, you know it's a specialty of mine, if in theory more than practice in a lot of things, I am afraid though, that unless it's solving another theft or murder with your Warden duties, I am of little help there. She grinned at him as she put her head over on his shoulder, with his tightened grip.

He was there. And real. She was safe. She was getting better. Soon she'd take trips on her own, she would get there. She would.

Dry boring dusty old men, she whined as she sighed, exaggeratedly. That wanted their own peer review of my latest work. You know where I solved that we can adjust a potion to size so we're not medicating a child into oblivion for several days on a dose that would be good for an elephant, and not making someone with a larger frame be in pain still because we gave them a dose that would be good for a house cat. They didn't trust that a woman, and a low-born woman did it themselves, but jokes on them. I may not have claimed the name formally, but they can't doubt my parentage anymore.

She thought a moment before she raised her head up off his shoulder. She was never afraid to show physical affection with the men in her life -- after all, Luce, Rene, Vince himself -- they were all brothers to her. Had cared for her like she was truly their little sister, and she not the big sister. It meant so much to her, to be allowed to be herself, without being force to be... someone she wasn't. Of course, her father had started that, long before they had known he was her father. She had been spoiled in the house from a young age. It all made sense now. So I was talking with one that has a theory that poisons and the things they use to make women groggy, that one plant you usually find in drinks after you find a woman, or man, in the alley way been rolled or.. taken advantage of, they have a theory that we should be able to detect it and the magic in the blood and body long after ingestion, and that may be able to help us treat people better, knowing how much is in their system. And well.. if it lead to death, knowing when it was given to them to find out how long the body had been ... laying out. It's an interesting theory, and the man said he had no mind for it, so I thought I'd take a crack at it. It would help you and the other Wardens so much I think.

@Vincent Valathrian