The bottom of the pit
Maeve waited for her friend to arrive, drinks prepared and for once well dressed. After discovering her husband’s affair, she had left the house with her baby, who would be under his uncle’s watch while she had a free afternoon with her friend. She knew that Vincent’s first instinct would be to go to the state to yell at Lucien but she had asked him to stay away from the conflict. She was absolutely devastated but seeing the two people that she loved the most in the world argue would be too much for her to handle for now.

When Lyric knocked at her door, Maeve opened it with a small smile. She was staying in Rosalie’s home after asking the couple for permission, while she figured out what to do next. Lyric didn’t know yet why she had left her home, but she knew that the woman would figure out that there was something going on since she had never told her to met for tea at her brother’s house.

“Hello Lyric, come in. It’s a pleasure to see you dear”
Lyric’s life had turned upside down ever since her parents had so forcefully retrieved her from the Free Marches in order to try to force her in a marriage with some oaf from Tevinter that had originally been betrothed to her sister, but when her sister passed away from Cancer, which was sad, but then Lyric hadn’t been particularly close to her siblings.

The upside to being back in Orlais, meant getting to see her dear friend Maeve whenever she wished, and not the rare visits and the boat load of letters. Though this would change once Tiberius took her back to Tevinter with him, something she wasn’t looking forward to. When she arrived at the address Maeve had given her, she was a bit confused at first, as she’d been so caught up in her own life, she’d not been filled in yet about Maeve’s current situation. Lyric beamed when Maeve answered the door.

You are the best part about Orlais, honestly, possibly the only good thing about it. I’m so glad to see you!!! She hugged her friend, not waiting for permission, because Lyric was a hugger, but then when Lyric stepped back she looked properly at Maeve and tipped her head. OK, what’s wrong? She demanded, something was off.
Maeve smiled warmly at her friend, it was so good to see Lyric; her friend never failed to cheer her and she could really use a good dose of happiness with how miserable she had been lately. Her son distracted her but at times his blue eyes reminded her of Lucien which shook her to the core.

“Well, I don’t know if the gossip has reached you but Lucien and I parted ways” she said as they passed inside of the house “What the rest of the people doesn’t know is that the reason for it is that he cheated on me” she said as she swallowed; if she could trust someone it was Lyric “Which is kind of a secret, just in case you haven’t guessed”
Lyric's heart went out to Maeve as she listened to her friend's painful revelation. She knew Maeve well enough to understand how deeply she must have been hurt by Lucien's betrayal. Taking Maeve's hand gently, Lyric offered a supportive squeeze and a sympathetic smile.

Oh, Maeve, I'm so sorry to hear that, Lyric murmured softly, her voice filled with genuine concern. I had no idea. You're right, the gossip didn't quite reach me, but I'm glad you felt you could trust me with this.

She guided Maeve further into the house, feeling the weight of her friend's sorrow. Cheating is never acceptable. You deserve so much better than that, Lyric added with a hint of frustration, unable to hide her disappointment in Lucien's actions. How are you holding up? Is there anything I can do to help?

Lyric wanted to be there for Maeve, to offer comfort and a safe space to share her feelings. She knew that sometimes just having someone to listen could make all the difference.

@Maeve Valathrian
“You are one of my best friends, there are few people besides you that I would trust this information with” she said with a sad smile as she took a sip from her drink.
“I know which makes the fact that I miss him make me feel stupid. I should hate him after what he did yet at times I think about going back to the state and speaking with him again” she admitted, almost ashamed about it. “Just you being here is enough” she said extending her hand to touch her friend’s

“And how are you my dear, any interesting news?” perhaps Lyric would have something more cheerful to share. She tried to keep her spirits high for her child but it was admittedly quite hard.
Lyric listened intently, her expression sympathetic as her friend confided in her. She could sense the turmoil within her, the conflict between the heart and the mind, familiar in its complexity.

I understand, sometimes our hearts lead us in unexpected directions, Lyric responded softly, her voice carrying a comforting tone. It's okay to feel conflicted, to miss someone even when you know they've hurt you deeply. Emotions aren't always rational.

She took her friend's extended hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. You're not stupid for feeling this way. It's a testament to your capacity to love, even in difficult circumstances.

As her friend inquired about any news, Lyric hesitated for a moment, contemplating how to bring a lighter note to the conversation.

Well, you know me, always finding little adventures to brighten the day, she said with a playful smile. The words escaped her lips before she’d had time to process them. Things hadn’t been well lately, in fact her parents were trying to force her into an arranged marriage after years of ignoring her very existence, threatening her loved ones in the process, but Maeve had so much on her plate already, Lyric didn’t want to burden her friend any more. The conflict in her mind at the moment probably showed on her face.

@Maeve Valathrian