No one can blame him for trying...
No Triggers
Dear lovely Claude

I want to inform you of that I am very drunk and extraordinarily upset at the fact that I have been misinformed by my dear friends about a crucial fact. I have to say that I could understand this sort of behavior from my dear friend but you? How could you know how pretty is Micaela without telling me!! I found out on my own by bumping on her in the market!

Preposterous, I thought you had my back but I see that I am on my own, cold and lonely.

To be compensated for this, I do believe that you should put a good word for your dear and very hurt friend Paolo and help me to arrange a date with Micaela. Wouldn’t you do that for your dearest beloved friend? I think you would because despite of this fault you are the kindest and most sweet woman in Thedas.

All yours

My Dearest Paolo,

I am excited to hear that you and der Mica have met, based on the way you are speaking, I can only assume she didn’t explain to you her difficult situation. Which makes sense, it’s not really something she talks about upon first meeting someone.

She is in a similar situation to me, only her husband isn’t a monster, but despite that it was an arranged marriage, and there is no real love there beyond respect for Mica’s son. She has a nine year old son from something that happened before she was forced to marry Pero.

That being said, I can reach out to her for you. She where she stands on meeting people right now. I’m assuming your meeting must have gone exceptionally well if you’re writing to me, so perhaps there’s something there. After all, look at me and Rene.

Yours thoughtfully,

My dear Claude.

Well I wasn’t informed of the situation as you can guess, otherwise I wouldn’t have been so bold (even I know that at times I need to shut my mouth). At the least I am glad of that her “husband” is not a bastard like other people that we do know. To live without love is bad but it’s better than to have a bad life.

Do you think that I would put her in trouble by contacting? I am not against seducing a married woman, I am not going to lie about that but if she’s Rene’s sister I would rather not make things difficult because first, I do respect my friend and second because I know that he would cut my balls if I ever did anything that could affect his sister.

With love

My dearest Paolo,

Your concern for Frankie's sister is duly noted, and I appreciate your candor. You needn't worry about causing any trouble by contacting her. In fact, it might bring her some comfort to know she has friends who care, especially during what must be a challenging time. She’s lost her brother, her sister-in-law and the family’s beloved butler all in the same month.

As for seduction, I trust your discretion. You've always been adept at navigating such delicate matters, and I have no doubt you would handle any situation with the utmost respect and care. Her family and friends’s protective instincts are well-known, but they also value trust and honesty. If you approach this with sincerity and caution, I believe they would understand.

Let me know if there's anything more I can do to assist. Until then, let's keep an eye on the situation and see how things unfold.

Warm regards,


@Paolo Fibonacci
My sweetest Claude

Then I will send her letters! Proper ones I swear! Nothing horny or innapropiate only sweet support. I wouldn’t want to make her suffer, I am shameless but not evil, perhaps we could meet so that you can give me tips to navigate through this situation properly? These specific situations are a bit out of my usual area of work

With love

Claudette read Paolo's letter with a soft smile, her fingers tracing the words as if she could feel his earnestness through the ink. She settled at her desk, quill in hand, and began to pen her response.

My dearest Paolo,

Your letter brought a smile to my face. Your willingness to provide support and kindness speaks volumes about the person you are. Proper letters filled with sweet words are exactly what she needs right now, and I know you will bring her comfort.

Navigating these delicate situations can be challenging, but I have faith in you. Let's meet, and I will share what I can to help you. Perhaps over tea at our usual place?

With all my love,

She sealed the letter with a gentle press, feeling a warmth in her heart for the man who always managed to bring a bit of light into the darkest of times.

@Paolo Fibonacci