This Magic Moment
Sexual Induendo, Talk, Reference, threats of violence, hint of former parental abuse, epic pettiness, and a tuxedo gown
A ball. A gods-forsaken-ball, and they had to attend because all of society would be there. And while it was good that her wife had asked to start over in their relationship, and a night out in society would be good, but she wished it was anything other than the Archon's Ball. An art gallery, a concert, an in home party, anything but a ball for and by the Archon. But as she stepped out of the carriage and tugged down her suit jacket and make sure her hair was tucked back into the more feminine cut Ella had helped her with, she turned back to the carriage and held out a hand to help her beloved down. I'm sure your mentor will be here, I haven't seen the man since the wedding.

She let a pleasant smile settle across her face as she raised the other hand to wave at an heir she knew from university, the switch from Kaczor, a wife and mage set on making sure her wife and daughter were never made to feel inferior ever again, to Kaczor, the mage who fought duals, sat naked for artists in many ways, who never worried about what something cost, what was price but a barrier to "new" money anyway, the arrogant daughter of the progressive politician, before her gaze was back to her life once again. And if your sperm donor is here you let me handle him, I've been ready for another chance to castrate him.

He would be happy to castrate Ella's father, the man had made her life miserable for far too long, and now Kaczor would do what she could to make sure that the older man was humbled at every turn. Petty? Yes, but that was Kaczor. As much as I want to take this off you, I suppose I'm equally happy to keep you clothed, and away from prying eyes. I may like you undressed as much as possible for my own eyes, but no one else. Thank you. She would tuck her wife's arm over her own to escort her inside, still waving to those here and there that she knew.

@Novella Tilani
Novella stepped from the carriage, prim and proper, though she was not dressed in ball-attire. Instead, she wore her military leaths, her face neutrally composed. Mmm, Malachai will be here. There's no public event this large without him, she stated. It was a matter of security, and that was what she was here.

She smirked, as Kaczor brought up her sperm donor. He wasn't invited. Mal enjoys snubbing my birth family. She knew it'd look bad, the Calidus's didn't attend this ball... But she also knew that if her father did show up and make it through security, by some gods-given chance, her wife and her surrogate parent might actually team up against him. That'd be a sight to behold.

Ella snorted, Filthy. Positively. As they came to the entrance, she stepped away from her wife, and offered a salute to the members of the Eyes on the front door.

"Tilani. No wings tonight?" The man let his gaze wander over her, and she brought the sword-cane at her side up, tip under the man's chin, forcing his gaze upwards.

Eyes up here, Osiris. Your daddy isn't here to save your ass. She dropped the cane once his eyes were where she wanted them, and tapped it against the ground, as if shaking off his germs.

The young man's gaze flitted towards her wife, and Ella narrowed her eyes slightly, cleared her throat loudly. I assume we're on the list. She moved past him, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with him until he stepped aside entirely.

Come along, my love. She reached behind of her, fingers finding her wife's hand to tug her inside. You get me for... like, I think an hour? She mused, Then I've got to see where my post is.

@Kaczor Tilani
Pity, I had rather hoped I'd get to glare menacingly at the man the entire evening. Oh well, I suppose I'll have to make small talk to those of the families that maybe are worth my time, if I only have yoy for an hour after all. She leered at the standard grunt on the door, a brow raised just slightly at the way he addressed Ella.

Looks like they make them all balls and no brains still, how old is this one? Good chance I fucked him bare back in an alley way before I met you, my goddess. Probably his daddy too, come to think of it... I was such a slut in my university days. Osiris, eh? I think I do remember you, two inch dick and couldn't stay hard for more than a minute at a time. She blew a kiss at the grunt as Ella pulled her along, letting out a little sigh.

Is there anyone here that won't have me bored to tears? And please don't say your surrogate. I tolerate the man for you, and only you, but darling you know he and I are too much alike to get along. I bet he was positively a beastly slut in his youth too.. She playfully growled out the last few words, The Kaczor Tilani on and ready to perform the tricks of society for the evening. It was almost like she was back to the same person she had been two years ago. The person most of this portion of society would have remembered, anyway. Dance with me, for a little while at least. I want you all to myself before I have to go mingle, the last word was uttered with undisguised disgust.

@Novella Tilani
Ella snorted, You would be bored to tears, leering at him all evening. Enjoy yourself tonight. As they left the grunt at the door behind, Kaczor commented, and Ella rolled her eyes, turning to eye her wife. She ignored the grunt's quiet comment, "Fuckin' crazy bitch."

One day, you'll need to introduce me to everyone you've fucked. She teased, rolling her eyes again when she brought up her surrogate. You might enjoy his company if you tried. She was amused, watching the woman slowly find the persona she'd wear for this evening. A rogue, dasterdly tease and flirt. It only made her grin wider.

Y'know, nobody knows my real last name? She raised her eyebrows, smirking as she turned them towards the dance floor. It was mostly empty; everyone was too busy trying to earn the Archon's favor. But everyone knows the new Mrs. Tilani spoke publicly to the Archon on the topic of gender affirming care. And that scares them. She let her gaze sweep over some of the Tevenes in the room, noting how once they caught her looking, they'd glance askew.

Satisfying. She purred, brushing her hand down the skirt of her wife's gown as the music began for a mid-tempo waltz. She grinned, and set herself up to lead. After all, she lacked skirts for tonight, and even though she was shorter than her wife, they'd simply adjust the waltz to suit. She wasn't here to make an impression.

@Kaczor Tilani
Orion, didn't like that the comment hurled back by the peon could be about his host, or his woman, and quietly made designs on the young Osiris' demise, all while leaving his host perfectly unawares. He'd sit in silence for now, Kaczor seemed perfectly happy to let the slight slip by, with a roll of her eyes, so he too would let it lay, for now. You know darling, I think he's quite jealous of us, we do after all cut a beautiful couple among the rest,Kaczor spoke loud enough that the grunt could hear, but, by this point, it wasn't worth her time, there would be tomorrow, and new opportunities to cut the young man down to size, later. Of course.

Not on a night when she had to be on her best behavior for her wife, and not on a night when she wouldn't have her life with her the entire evening. She was determined not to pout about that simple fact, but she understood, more now than ever, that Ella's rank in the military, was quite higher than originally expected. So there was little that could be done about her father in law pressing her wife into service for the night. Best of the best and all that. Truly it would be at least seventy percent of all the men folk, and around fifty of the women folk, both young and old. An oddity in social circles, these conquests were more a notch for them to say they had the experience. We'll host a party, if you truly want to look all them in the face and be triumphant that you hold my heart.

She raised her wife's hand to her lips, pressing a small kiss to a knuckle. I'm happy leaving them all in the past, except when one of them thinks they can disrespect you. She thought about the surrogate, and nodded. An experiment for another day, my life. I'm sure the man would positively want to kill me for my antics the past few weeks.

The sense of pride that surged through her, her entire being, as she nodded, the possessiveness in her eyes, as she leaned down to whisper in Ella's ear, Mrs. Tilani is brave, beyond what any of they are, and they should be. You're an exceptional force of nature to behold when angry, it takes everything in me to not press buttons to see that passion more often.

As the waltz started, she had a pleasant look of surprise as Ella took lead, the little surge of joy that ran through her that her tiny wife, was going to lead her six foot self around. She's never had the chance to dance this side of the dance before, and threw herself into it head long, breathless and giddy as they glided along. Kaczor was certain they could have held a candle between them and never had the flame go out with how smooth her wife lead them. Tease, you keep dancing me like this and I likely will never want to trade back..

@Novella Tilani
Ella snorted, and bumped her wife with her shoulder. Kaczor Tilani, that's an impressive list. She tilted her head, studying the much taller woman next to her. Might be enough to make a girl self-conscious, she teased. Despite my provocative nature in my service, second base is as far as anyone else has ever gotten. She chuckled quietly, and leaned on her toes, to murmur, Guess you were a failed assignment.

She grinned, and let her gaze leave her dance partner to wander across the crowd; seeking the man that had more or less raised her. But her wife was whispering in her ear, and she chuckled again, exhaling sharply. Stop talking like that, Mrs. Tilani. You can't take my service-clothes off, not here, not tonight.

The waltz was fun; she'd never minded leading, and thought it was a bit hilarious that her Amazonian wife was playing the party many might expect of the much shorter woman. It earned them a few looks, but Ella's focus was Kaczor, and the look of glee on the other woman's face. Who says you'd have to trade back? Ella inquired, as she adjusted where she stood, to spin her wife in an open spin. The majority of those around them, did the usual closed spin, and she stepped back around Kaczor and reclaimed her hand without missing a beat.

I'm quite classically trained. Was always important for missions; be able to dance with whatever partner I was given. If female, take the lead, because they were usually a target. She shrugged, as if it was unimportant.

@Kaczor Tilani
Oh darling. I would just simply die with laughter watching you take a couple of the more pompous ones apart verbally. They could deserve a little bit of a knock back in their place. Kaczor sniffled dramatically as they continued along the waltz keeping her cheerfully distracted. I'll take that failure as the best one of my life, mind you. No one could hold my heart like you do Ella, no one would come close, and don't tease me minx, one of these days you'd say "Czora, swing me around the dance floor, please, I have a swisht dress." And I'd absolutely have to oblige because I can't deny you anything, you know.

As the waltz ended she leaned down and pressed a small kiss to the flesh right behind Ella's earlobe, before her hair line, her nose trailing along said ear's shell as she stood back up to her full height, bringing her wife in close to gently sway now with the filler music between major dances. I'm quite sure that neither of us stood a chance the moment you stepped into my solar that day. I'm also quite certain neither of us expected any of what happened after. I will, though, say, that I am quite happy with how my life have changed since. Barring the occasional depressive state here and there.

@Novella Tilani
Novella grinned, as her wife teased her. The words rang true; if her dress was swishy enough, she'd beg her wife to lead in their dances. The dance was over, and Kaczor was taking her sweet time in telling her wife how much she had enjoyed the dance...

Yeah? Well, it's my pleasure to be your wife. Even if they had their bad moments; so much distrust between them still. Mmm... this life, it's not something I thought I'd want to hang onto, she mused, leaving the sentence there.

Onto her tiptoes, she'd delicately kiss the corner of her wife's mouth, But it's grown on me. Especially the child, though unplanned. Love hadn't been on the table, until it was. And now, she had no plans of letting that go; even if their personal life was complicated by the fact Novella only knew what she was as a weapon, as a spy, and not as a person.

@Kaczor Tilani
Kaczor waved to an acquaintance as they stopped the dance, her whole attention back on her wife in that moment. Truly? I mean I am an amazing wife, so it should be a pleasure. She teased, her face soft, her hands gently squeezing Ella's, as she paused at the next part. I suppose I deserve that.

The kiss disarmed her a bit. Ella, I thought my life was going to be a series of one night stands, dismal lovers, and eventually a loveless marriage and being forced into conforming to some ideal that I never could be. She hooked a finger under her beloved's chin, And now I am happier than I could ever imagine. Even with all the additional .. lovely incidents. She stole an equally delicate and chaste kiss. There were eyes after all.

@Novella Tilani
Lovely incidents, huh? She teased, their dance around naming their issues amused her to no end, and that was about all that amused her about their problems.

You know, it could still be a series of one-night stands. But... your partners might go missing, she was quite certain they would; unless her wife made some sort of arrangement with her. And she didn't know how she felt about the possibility of such an arrangement existing.

@Kaczor Tilani
Take lovers? Outside of our marriage bed? Absolutely not. She said quickly, firmly, at the suggestion. The very idea of having someone in her bed that wasn't her wife at this point, well, it was not something she even wanted to think about.

Ella, my darling, I may be an insufferable know it all, a play-girl, a shameless flirt, incorrigible rogue when it comes right down to it...[q] She trailed off, going to move a stray lock of Ella's hair back into place, her eyes studying every bit of her wife's face as she spoke. [q]But I will not ever be doing that. No. I don't think I could any more. You are the mother of my child, the woman who said yes at the altar... why would I need anyone else?

@'Ella Tilani'