The Dragon Tome
A smile curved on his lips, stretching wide as his eyes traced the intricate swirls of ink etched onto the aged leaves before him. Secluded in the library, his attention was wholly captivated by the tome cradled in his hands, its weight reassuring against his palms. Each page turned revealed a new trove of knowledge, each word a whisper from the past, and future. As his fingers delicately traced the creases of the tome's weathered cover, a warmth radiated from his face, infusing the air around him with an aura of contentment.

The boy's fingers trailed along the worn spines of the books, his gaze flickering from title to title in search of a specific tome. The scent of aged paper hung in the air as he navigated the labyrinthine aisles of the library, each section a world unto itself. Among the hushed whispers of pages, he found himself drawn to the section known for its volumes dedicated to spirit magic and the enigmatic realm of the Fade.

Amidst the array of choices, his fingers gravitated towards a weathered tome, its cover adorned with scales akin to a dragon's hide. The Conduit of Chaos: Vir Tel Vehl, its title whispered secrets of ancient power. His tongue stumbled over the unfamiliar syllables as he attempted to pronounce them, revealing his novice grasp of the Elvhen tongue. The letters seemed to dance before his eyes, teasing him with knowledge just beyond his reach. It was evident that if he wished to delve deeper into its mysteries, he would need to master the language it held within its pages.
It was not odd for Merril to find herself in places she had not planned. She got lost in her head and her feet kept going and next thing she knew she was in someone's backyard... or a closet... or who knew where. Finding herself in a circle was unusual however. She must have wandered in without even noticing the place where she had fought so many years ago. What's more she seemed to have wandered deep inside. She should really stop being surprised about this. With her reputation people did not often stop her anymore. That only lead to finding herself in even stranger places. Like a Circle library.

Merrill tossed her long black curls over her shoulder as she looked around. It felt nice here, soothing surrounded by learning and magic. Perhaps she could even find a book that would be enjoyable and curl up with it! She was not the best at reading Shem languages yet but she had learned a great deal!

That was when she turned around a shelf and noticed the human. Merrill tilted her head to the side. He seemed transfixed with the book in his hands. Perhaps she should just leave him to it? That idea fell apart in her mind instantly as he spoke. Her people's language was butchered on his tongue But Merril could tell that he was trying his best. Putting a bright smile on her face she walked up to him and repeated the words he had spoken correctly. "Vir Tel Vehl!"
With a quick smile, he scratched the back of his head. Um, thanks! I mean—sorry! Uh, both! he stammered nervously, kneeling down to pick up the heavier-than-expected book. As he did, he could feel his cheeks burning, a blush creeping up his neck.

He stole a glance at Merrill, taking in her bright smile and the way her eyes seemed to sparkle. The warmth she radiated was almost tangible, a stark contrast to the cold, impersonal air of the tower.

Jareth's mind raced, thoughts tumbling over each other. He felt a mixture of embarrassment for his clumsiness and awe at her ease with the Elvhen language. Despite his initial shock, there was something reassuring about her presence.

As he straightened up with the tome in his hands, he tried to steady his breathing, hoping to regain some composure. You speak the language quite fluently, he remarked, his voice a mix of admiration and lingering surprise.
Merrill's eyes seemed to light up at his awkwardness The smile increased. She looked positively delighted at him.

"Oh you are awkward like I am sometimes... well most of the time. Wait was I not supposed to say that? I probably should not have said that."

Merrill watched him as well faced flushed. She moved a hand to grip her shoulder for a moment, near the neck. "Don't mind me I'm always saying strange things or more than I should. Not that I tell everyone's secrets... just I ramble... like this I suppose."

The smile remained on her face. Merril was happy with his reaction. He had not snapped at her and it was truely very nice to meet someone who could be awkward like herself. Even if she probably should not have mentioned that. But there was nothing she could do about her social mistake now. And she was used to making them. She kept talking instead, Her words came out unfiltered as usual.

"You have very prominent cheekbones. Oh yes! Elvhen! The clan I grew up in spoke it mostly exclusively. When I was moved to the Sabrae clan they spoke it less but still a good amount, unless outsiders were around. That's where I learned common. With them. It's my first language. Elvhen I mean, not common. Are you translating the book?"
Jareth blinked, caught off guard by Merrill's candor and friendly demeanor. His eyes widened as he struggled to mask his surprise, and he let out a nervous chuckle. His fingers, trembling slightly, sifted through his disheveled hair, pushing back stray locks that had fallen across his forehead.

His voice, though earnest, quavered with a hint of frustration. Uh, yes, actually. I’m trying to get a better grasp on the Elvhen language so I can understand this book. It’s supposed to be about some ancient power or something, and I’m really curious about it. But, as you can tell, he said, his brow furrowing with a touch of self-deprecation,

I’m still a bit of a novice.

Jareth’s gaze lingered on the book as if hoping the secrets it held would reveal themselves with a mere glance. The cover a tapestry of dragon-like scales that seemed almost to shimmer in the library’s soft light. But I can’t make out a lot of the text. I’d love to learn more, if you’re willing to help.
If Merril noticed his wide-eyed surprise she did not show it. Instead, she tilted her head slightly to the side as he spoke of the book, black curls tumbling over thin shoulders. Merril tossed her unrully hair back over her shoulders again and nodded eagerly as he spoke.

if it about an ancient power having to do with Elves, you have made a wonderful find. I was going to help even if it was a book about how to scrub a broom cupboard... She paused frowing thoughtfully Not that you actually scrub a broom cupboard... you use the brooms in the cupboard to scrub the floors. But I suppose you have to clean a broom cupboard too so perhaps you do

She waved a hand dismissing the thought perhaps realizing she was rambling again. Merrill Smiled What I mean is it is nice to see a human wanting to learn our language so I was already ready to help you. But if it's about some ancient power having to do with the elves it is my duty to help you. Merril's face grew serious as she spoke this last statement.

She then moved close by his side so she could see the beautiful book let us do it! Where do we start?
Jareth’s heart raced as Merrill leaned in, her breath brushing against his skin. The warmth from her presence, the soft rustle of her clothes, filled the small space between them, a sharp contrast to the quiet solitude he usually knows.

He swallowed, fingers tightening around the book, grounding himself in its familiar weight. Her vibrant energy crackled in the air, unsettling him in a way he couldn’t quite define. It was like trying to focus amid a brewing storm—thrilling, chaotic, with a hint of danger.

Th- thank you, I really appreciate it, he managed, though his eyes flickered nervously to the page. He adjusted his grip on the book, his thumb tracing the edges as if seeking reassurance from its solid presence. We should start with the first page. The script is intricate, he continued, his brow furrowing as he scanned the ornate letters, and some of the words are completely unfamiliar to me. His lips pressed into a thin line, a subtle tension pulling at the corners. I think I recognize a few phrases here and there, but the meaning often escapes me.

The pages revealed delicate, ornate script that shimmered faintly, as if touched by some unseen magic. The intricate designs along the edges wove tales long forgotten, inviting them into mysteries written in black.
Merrils heart sped up at well, she felt a bit hot. It was not and unpleasant sensation she just had to figure out why it was happening. She was almost there...

Merril's green eyes traveled over him and seemed to notice him grounding himself. Are you alright? Am I upseting you? That happens with some people. I'm used to it. Please tell me if I am I can see what I can do. She sounded slightly sad. It was true, Merril has spent years with people who thought she was too much, Mistaken, or a threat. There were some things she could change to try to set people at ease and some things she never would. They were part of her, for better or worse.

As she waited for him to respond she turned her eyes on the book You are very welcome! Do you also see it shimmering? The writing? I've never seen anything like that before.

Min valas Lasa ghilan fra ga rahn Sethen’a elgar ehn in Tamahn She spoke the words softly as she read before trailing off and mouthing the rest.

It says it's a guide to magic using the fade and those who live within. It was writen by a keeper shortly after the fall of Elvhenan. Jareth this book is a treasure. Ma serannas! She looked at him wide eyed then seemed to remember what she had asked him before, and grew growing more calm and waiting for a reply. Though the pounding heart remained... She was close to figuring that out.. so close...
He shifted slightly, feeling the weight of her gaze and the concern in her voice. His eyes flicked up to meet hers, then quickly looked away, unsure of how to navigate the moment.

No, you're not upsetting me, he replied quietly, his voice steady but soft. It's just... I'm not used to being this close to someone. But... I appreciate you asking.

He hesitated, searching for the right words, then added, You don't need to change anything. It's just me. He offered a small, almost apologetic smile, hoping to convey that he didn't want her to worry.

Jareth's breath caught for a moment, his fingers tightening around the tome as he listened to Merrill speak. Her soft voice carried the weight of history, the Elvhen words filling the air with a melody he could almost grasp, but not quite understand. His heart skipped a beat at the realization of what the book contained—knowledge that had been lost to time, now within his grasp, yet still tantalizingly out of reach.

His gaze flickered back to the book, the shimmering script catching his eye once more. Yes, I see it too. It's like the letters are alive somehow, like they're trying to tell us something beyond just the words on the page he paused, considering her previous words.

He swallowed hard, nerves tingling with anticipation and the thrill of discovery. Jareth could feel the warmth of Merrill beside him, grounding him even as his thoughts spun in a hundred different directions. He glanced back at her, his expression softening as he met her gaze. I think I know what we need to do next, he said, his voice steady despite the excitement bubbling within him.
The realization finally stuck her like lightning Oh. She was attracted to him that was what this was. She really had no idea what to do with this information. Flirt. that was what people normally did right? But she had no idea how. She was afraid to mess it up if she tried.

so For now she stored the knowledge away until she could think of what to do. Hopefully she wasn't blushing? Or was it good to blush? Well she couldn't exactly control if she was or not. So instead she focused on the conversation. Oh good! she wasn't being to much.

I was like that at first too. in a way She told him In fereldan there was all sorts of room, then we had to board the ship to the free marches the entire clan. It was horrible I was sea seek and everyone was so close. It was better when we got to the free marches. But then I was exiled and I had to adapt to living in the Kirkwall Alianage. So many people so cramped together."

She watched the man as the presence of knowledge seemed to light him up from inside in his own quiet way. Her gaze flicked from his face to the letters of the book. He was right. They were clearly more than simple lettering.

The feeling of magic seemed to emanate from them the more she observed. Perhaps this was some ancient technique of her people. Nadas Dirthalen She whispered: the inevitability of knowlage. Was it just Merril or did the magical writing seem to react to the spoken elvhen?

As he spoke of knowing what to do next she smiled at him, heart pounding eagerly in her chest Tell me. If he knew of something special to do she was eager to hear.
The mage’s heart raced as he listened to Merrill's words, her voice filled with such sincerity. It was a relief, yet his brow furrowed. That sounds... overwhelming, he replied quietly, eyes lowered as he considered her experience. I can only imagine how hard that must have been for you His words were soft, heavy with concern.

His fingers traced the edges of the glowing text with a feather-light touch, his breath hitching in his throat. His gaze softened as he considered that the book might hold more answers than they realized. Carefully, he closed the tome.

When he looked up at Merrill, the tension in his face had softened. A small, almost tentative smile curved his lips, the warmth in her gaze momentarily easing the weight on his shoulders. It had been too long since he’d felt this— His smile faltered, his expression tinged with something unspoken, a flicker of doubt shadowing his eyes. H-have you ever been to the Fade? he asked, the question slipping out unevenly. He caught himself, his fingers nervously twisting the fabric of his robe, as if bracing for her reaction. His gaze darted away, then back to her.