Couldn't Utter My Love When It Counted
Nairn had not returned home for a week — he'd sent someone to the house when he needed clothes; and he'd watched her from afar, hidden in the shadows, even when she knew to look for him. He didn't try to interact with her, nor did he attempt to apologize. An apology wasn't going to be good enough, and when Danny told him that his house was empty and the missus must've left, he'd been truly concerned.

She wouldn't leave without saying some sort of goodbye. Not unless he'd really fucked his chances... But the feeling of dread that was settling in his gut dissipated, when he'd arrived home to find his plant — one of her first gifts to him — missing from its place in the corner of the living room. And saw the ring box sitting where the plant should be.

She'd known he'd come home to take care of it, once he heard she was gone. Conniving woman. Two days passed, while he prepared his apology. Handwritten notes; written in handwriting that wasn't too clean, scribbled quickly but with thought.

He sent Danny off to Arlathan, ensured the boy would plant the notes where she'd find them, along the way. The boy was instructed to stay out of sight, and only interact if she needed help.

The first note, planted in an Arlathan garden read: 'Go and get the plant you kidnapped. - N' With a little drawing of a plant, clearly colored by one of the children he'd been handling when he'd started the project.

The next note, would be found tucked under the plants flower pot. A clear indicator that whoever he had sent had slipped into her new home. It'd read: 'Bring the plant home. - N'

The next note was tucked into the nearest eluvian's frame. Danny followed along behind her; about six or seven feet away, dressed like he belonged. 'I should've told you a lot of things. Like my name, for starters. Athos. - N'

She'd not find another note until she came to the front door of the Coterie's main safehouse. And then Danny slipped into view, "Boss ain't here right now, but he gave me somethin' for ya."

This time, it was a letter-size piece of parchment. Same handwriting as before.

Quote:We met in a bar, to the west. You said no to my friend, and he told me you'd asked about me. You had this earthy scent, favorite thing to smell.

You still smell the same. All those years apart, you never changed.

Keep Danny, it is dangerous. Our first date, remember?

P.S. Bring my plant.

Danny clasped his hands behind of his back, and waited for her to finish reading the letter. He'd been heavily instructed to let her lead; and only provide the hints he'd been given on another sheet of parchment.

Such hints as:
- There was a garden.
- And also a boat.
- He said it'll be your favorite color.

If Danny was upset at being ordered to play scavenger hunt with his boss' girlfriend, it certainly didn't show. He seemed more than eager to show her the way; though many of the Coterie members were anticipating the day they smoothed things over.

@Megara Fern
Calling out sick the first day was the smartest move, but afterwards the work had to continue. She had to leave, returning every night to the house empty, void of company in the wake of that dreadful night despite feeling his eyes on her all day, Meg didn’t spare him a glance. The silence was suffocating, Sylaise did her best to comfort the woman, though knew only one person could soothe the pain. In her fury Meg had set out a bag for him, leaving it at the entranceway and when she returned to it gone, had understood he was at least alive and changing, not wandering the streets in the same set day in day out or dead.

When the word came her house in Arlathan was finished she had taken her time packing. Every nook and corner was searched for anything of hers, unwilling to leave it behind if he didn’t get his head straight. Ruth could sort himself, neither had much since the fire. The ring box had remained behind the cushions, nestled safely in the couch unopened, and would remain so even as she plucked it out. Meg spent a while thinking, staring, tears streaking her face until eventually her mind was made up. They’d always left notes before but currently she was at a loss for the words to leave him with, choosing to say nothing than be cruel. Taking his plant though, yes, that would send a clear message.

It was technically hers to begin with and after mending the crack in its pot, placed it in her new garden. Two days later he’d pinned a note to the communal gardens, the drawing catching her attention at first before recognising his handwriting. Meg chewed her lip, rolling it back and forth as she thought about following his instructions or not. Instead she took out a pencil of her own, scribbling a response herself, and then doing as she was asked.

The plant acquired and safely nestled in her satchel, she read the next one with a scoff still continuing the quest and finding the third soon after. Each note was quietly read, her face softening, recalling things from years past before she’d scribble down her own reply and moved on.

When she reached the main safehouse it was of course Danny who greeted her, presenting the elf with the final clue. Offering the lad a small smile, Meg shook her head, of course he wasn’t here and after reading the letter knew where exactly to find him. You can walk me there Danny, but the minute we get to the gate you can go. An audience, even just Danny, would be too much added pressure.

She’d returned to the garden often after the blast that rocked Kirkwall, a small sanctuary tucked away from the destruction a few streets away. In more recent years her visits had faded into rarer occasions, life and work taking her away from the City of Chains to eventually Arlathan. Megara led the way, honestly not caring how closely Danny followed, or if he kept up with the twists and turns until she stopped in front of the low gate bordering the first place they talked.

Danny shrugged, and trailed after her. Not close, just always keeping her in his sights. He'd rather not earn any new bruises because he lost sight of her. By the time they reached the gate, he'd slacked off, slowing to a stop against a building.

In the little garden, Nairn was seated, flipping a single throwing knife in the air, hardly paying attention to how he caught it, over and over. It was a calming motion; he was so familiar with the blade. And when he heard the quiet footsteps of someone approaching the little garden, he stood and made his way to the gate, knife disappearing into a pocket, fingers smoothing one of his best green shirts.

Standing on the opposite side from her, his fingers curling over the low gate, his gaze momentarily searching behind of her... until he found Danny. A single nod, as he pulled the gate open, stepping behind of it.

For the moment, the streets were cleared. He'd likely paid the vendors to take a half hour off, and sent children running indoors with sweets. And once Danny left, he turned to trail after her.

As he reclaimed his seat on the bench he'd vacated, one arm across the back of it, he'd suck on his teeth, before asking: Didya bring my plant?

@Megara Fern
She watched him approach, eyes trailing over the shirt, the corner of her mouth twitching as she noted the miss button at the bottom. Meg’s heart ached, a heaviness had replaced the usual lightness in her steps as she walked into the garden, the only noise filling the air being the birds and the quiet, measured breaths between them.

I brought my plant. Hand taught around the strap pulled a little to jostle her satchel in a gentle sway. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to sit or stand, so shuffled between her feet awkwardly. I was the one who planted it, gave you it to look after, brighten up your place. It’s fine.

I got your notes. Wrote my own. She pulled the notes of parchment, offering them for him to take and read. Meg offered a slight shrug, Might seem mean, but I’m… she let out a long sigh, taking a seat after he took them, palm rubbing over where her heart beat. It hurts. A lot.

Scribbled in her more fluid pencilship, she’d replied with her own answer, question and truth.
Go get the plant you kidnapped. - It’s not kidnapping if it's technically mine.
Bring the plant home? - Where is home? You left me. Not once, not twice.
I should’ve told you a lot of things. Like my name, for starters. Athos. - You should have. But I already knew that. Bertie let it slip one night, told me you didn’t like it so I never used it. I’ve never held anything else from you. Not ever. And I’d never share your secrets to anyone, never, but you still kept them.

Nairn sucked on his teeth, as she presented her satchel. It was a gift. Therefore, it belongs to me. He stated, accepting the offered notes as she settled next to him on the bench. He straightened, to read her replies, and exhaled quietly.

He pondered her handwriting, before he slipped a hand into his pocket to produce the unopened ring box. He held it out. Home... is wherever you are. Because I'm gonna follow you. Even if you can't see me. He didn't look at her, while he spoke. Likely if he had, he'd have started to forget the carefully prepped words. But it's not fair to you, that I hide in the shadows. And it's not fair of me, to keep you in the shadows, either.

He paused, biting his lip, before he spoke again... No more shadows in our relationship. No more secrets. I don't prom-promise to be a good man... but I'll be a better man. Another long pause, as if he'd forgotten the words he'd wanted to say. He glanced sideways at her, and flashed her a grin. Trade me that plant for this ring?

@Megara Fern
Meg tutted softly, he was right of course, but she still kept it buried in her satchel for the moment. There were things that needed to be said, explained, before she released her hostage. Meg let him read, drawing her hands into her lap to play with the base of the pot and stems of the living thing.

It's the same for me, but what else does a home have, Nairn? Haulean could have made it less lonely. If you had told me I could have helped. Her voice grew quiet, jaw trembling, but he needed to understand. I’d have showered him in love, protected him and.. I’d have had someone to grieve with when you were gone. Because he’s part of you. It could’ve hurt less. Perhaps it was selfish of her, Meg’s mind was too busy to really gauge, only knowing that she’d have welcomed him with open arms.

It’s not fair, no, but I knew what I signed up for. I know my own mind, Vhenan.

His avoidance of her gaze had helped steady her oddly, but as he flashed her a grin she’d feel that familiar skip across her chest. Reaching into her satchel Meg carefully pulled out the plant, keeping it firmly in her lap for the moment. That depends on what you are going to do with Haulean? You’re not sending him away are you?

Nairn nudged her with his shoulder, I really didn't know. Not u-until he showed me those letters. He settled an arm around her shoulders, But I shoulda told you there might be a child out there. He squeezed her shoulder, and rested his lips against her temple.

Mmm, Haulean's gonna take over training my urchins to pickpocket. He chuckled quietly, and shook the ring box at her. If he goes anywhere, it'll be with us.

A promise, and he pressed another kiss to her temple. Now, take your ring and gimme my plant, Meghren. Very special lady gave me that plant, and I don't plan to let it out of my life again.

@Megara Fern
Meg swayed, nudging him back with a nod. If that was how it had come to light, then she didn’t need to add to it. Her shoulders tensed at first, but they soon relaxed, her body naturally sinking and melting into his side. Yup. You big dummy. It only takes once, and your bestie is a manwhore.

Warmth returned to her growing smile as he spoke quietly, confirming that Haulean wasn’t going anywhere, that he wouldn’t be abandoned. Good. Maybe one of you might be on time for dinner that way. Her voice teasing, chuckling as his lips pressed against her temple.

Oh is that right, yeah? Well. I best do it, just in case I bump into her. Don’t want to make her mad, do I? She’d nudge him back, and offered both hands, one carefully presenting the plant while the fingers of her empty one wiggled towards the box ready for the ring to be slipped on. Kiss me properly.

Nairn rolled his eyes, though she was relaxing into him, and his arm settled properly around her. Mmm, don't bring Ruthie into this. We aren't talkin' about him. He grumbled, nudging her gently. Another eyeroll, as she commented that maybe his son would be on time for dinner.

I told you, you've gotta tell me to get my ass home four hours from dinnertime, and I'll show up on time, he snorted, settling back from her at her nudging.

She held the plant back to him, while offering her other hand, wiggling her fingers towards the ring-box. He flushed, glancing down to the ring-box in his hand. After a moment, he claimed his plant, settled the pot on the bench beside of him, and tapped his fingers on the ring-box.

A breath inhaled, he'd lean to kiss her, as she'd asked. It's this moment that he opened the box, and slipped the ring on her finger. Another moment to draw the kiss out; until he's breathless and pulled away. With a too-proud-of-himself grin on his face, even though he was flushed scarlet.

D-d... do you like it?

@Megara Fern
Meg giggled while he grumbled, rubbing her cheek into his neck with a hum. That idiot is our friend, but you’re right. We aren’t talking about him.

Of course he made sure the plant was settled and safe before anything else. It was precious to him, in a way it was her ring to him she supposed. Snorting a chuckle, she’d pass it off with a shake of her head, smile widening until he leaned it to claim her lips with his own. The public, and not so public display, was savoured for every moment, the sensation of the metal slipping over and across her finger sending a shiver throughout her body.

They parted with a small whine from her, though Meg’s face beamed, the grin across her face sprawling and giddy. Nairn’s expression earned a bright giggle before her attention went to her hand, the other pulling and gently tugging at his shirt in need of his closeness. My toes are dancing in my boots, gimme a sec… she’d squeak out, trying to focus on admiring the craftsmanship.

I love it, but not as much as I love you… Y-you never said it before. Not till the other night.
She pulled him close, and he exhaled softly. I know. But I w-was l-leaving the house. You w-were mad. Needed you t-to know. Because he knew, she'd been abandoned in the past; had made that abundantly clear that night. But he also knew staying in the house wouldn't have helped either of them. They'd needed space.

He inhaled quietly, and rested his forehead against hers. I l-love you. Al-always have. He reached to tap her cheek three times, as his gaze wandered to study the ring on her hand.

Just not good with words. He murmured, reaching to tap the ring three times. D'ya like it, r-eally?

@Megara Fern
You… needed me to know that you’d be back. I took the plant for the same reason, once I calmed down. She’d have thrown him out regardless, kicking him out of his own home would have seemed like some brief justice. Then there had been a lot of tears, questions and second guessing in that first night alone.

Meg felt her heart swell as he said it again, cheeks beginning to hurt with how much she was now smiling. His forehead against hers, the taps to her cheek caused her smile to wobble, biting back the happy tears that threatened to roll down. I… Can you say it again? And again? Just so I know I ain’t dreaming.

Eyeing the woven band of leaves and branches encircling the stones set, Megara sighed. Words… words are overrated anyways. Pulling back a little she tilted her head to kiss the space on his neck just below each of his ears, then finally plated a longer peck on his nose. It's beautiful, Nairn.
He flushed, as she put what he couldn't into words. That he'd needed her to know he wasn't leaving for good. That he was going to come home to her. And then she was asking if he could say it again; three little words that she'd always known but never heard. I love you.

He cleared his throat softly, as she pressed a kiss just below each ear, then his nose, he chuckled again. I love you, v-very much.

The silence was comfortable, his gaze swept around the deserted street, assuring himself it was truly empty. And eventually, he pulled her into his lap, and slipped his arms around her. Your ring, he reached to trace the delicate metals. was a bitch to make. Cost me a pretty piece, back in '37. Knew you were it for me, though.
I love you

Her heart would burst out of her chest if it could, every part of her thrummed with so much energy Meg trembled, abuzz with excitement. Emotions flickered between elation, bliss, causing her breath to catch when pulling away after kissing his nose. There was nothing that could remove the feral grin, how she stared up at him, foreheads pressed against one another.

That easy silence which had always followed the pair returned and Meg offered no resistance when he pulled her into his lap. She sank deep into his chest, cheek rubbing against his neck idly, inhaling the scents left behind from his bath earlier. Nestled, the two let their eyes wander over the promised metal.

...37? You mean y- her head turned to look at him, grip momentarily tightening before relaxing with a sigh. ... Could’ve asked me sooner if you’d stopped being a wraith. You’ve always been it for me, Nairn.
Nairn chuckled softly, trailing fingers across her legs, idly. Mmm, no doubt 'bout it. But I didn't wanna ask you when I was so fucked up. Not gonna be a burden. He pressed a kiss against her jaw, nuzzling.

Let's go home? He patted her thigh, grinning against her ear. Maybe see you in nothin' but your ring. He teased, nipping at her jaw. Time's almost up, and I didn' bring enough to clear the street for another thirty.

He'd never thought he'd enjoy the words I love you. But as he patted her hip again, he murmured in her ear, You've always looked good in green. Startin' to become my favorite color, he joked, softly.

@Megara Fern