Traitorous or true
Elanna had maintained a mutually beneficial agreement with the Red Jennies for some time. They kept each other apprised and moved a few things around on the chessboard as needed to ensure the welfare of Ferelden and her citizens. Byron knew she had connections (who wouldn't in her position?) but just who they were and what she acted on she kept to herself. It was better that way, for everyone.

Zevran was perhaps the only one who knew of the association, as he and his Vultures shared the same connection with the Jennies. She and Zev helped each other over the years, and he'd taught her much. With the upheaval and change in leadership in Antiva, the Vultures were making some moves. As Elanna too wished to see the Crows iron grip broken for many reasons, she offered her aid. The Vultures were always recruiting, but it was even more important that they were careful who they let into their ranks. A loyalty test was in order, and Elanna had the means to help carry it out.

In a tucked away corner of the Teynir of Highever, near one of the more treacherous parts of the Storm Coast, was an unassuming cabin. A rumor had been spread that anyone seeking to leave the Crows could find refuge here. Just getting to the cabin's location required commitment, but once someone arrived there would be more trials to face.

Two had arrived a day ago. Food had been left for them, as well as instructions to wait. Once Zevran arrived they'd begin to sort out who, if anyone, was genuine in their desire to escape the Crows... and who might not be.

@Zevran Arainai
Zevran, with his characteristic charm and a hint of mischief in his eyes, stepped into the cozy cottage where the recruitment takes place. He greeted Elanna Cousland with a warm hug and a playful smirk.

My dear Elanna, it’s always a pleasure to see you, Zevran began, his voice smooth and reassuring. Your hospitality is, as always, a delightful respite from the chaos of our world.

He glanced around the familiar surroundings before turning his attention back to Elanna. I understand we have two potential recruits to evaluate today. Former Crows, you say? Interesting prospects indeed. The Vultures could certainly use their talents.

Zevran's demeanor shifted slightly, becoming more serious but still friendly. I trust your judgment, Elanna. If you believe they have what it takes to join our cause, I’m eager to meet them. The work we do is crucial, and we need every capable ally we can find.

He took a seat, leaning back with an air of confidence and readiness. Let’s bring them in, shall we? I’m curious to see what they have to offer and how well they’ll fit into our little family. And, of course, to ensure they understand the risks and rewards of standing against the Crows.

With a final nod to Elanna, Zevran prepared himself to meet the potential recruits, ready to assess their skills and loyalty with the keen eye of a seasoned assassin and leader.

@Elanna Cousland