The Highwing Restoration Initiative
The Griffon Conservation Project
The Griffon Conservation Project came to light in 9:41 Dragon, however the resources were not available due to the events of the Inquisition, to allow Tevinter Officials to make any kind of progress on re-discovering Griffons.

The Project came to a new light in 9:50 Dragon, after the barrier around Tevinter was brought down. Headed by Professor Proserpina Verax, the Project was named The Highwing Restoration Initiative, and put into action.

Name • The Highwing Restoration Initiative
Scope • Sitewide / Worldwide
Headquarters • Anderfels, Hunterhorn Mountain Range, Southwest of Hossberg, along the Lattenfluss River
Leader • Proserpina Verax (NPC)
Values • THRI values the further exploration of magizoology, specific to griffons. The organization values the protection, safe breeding, and handling of griffons.
Goals • The primary objective of this restoration initiative is to bring a nearly-extinct (or believed extinct) species back from the brink of total extinction.

Allies • Tevinter
Enemies • Griffon Poachers
Rivals • Not Applicable At This Time

Anyone! Your character does not need to be from Tevinter or living in Tevinter to participate in THRI. They don't need to be living in the Anderfels or from there, either. This is a neutral organization that can be paired with any character no matter existing affiliations.

Existing & Available Roles
If you have a character that would like to be involved, but the role is taken or played by an NPC, talk to @Neology and @Ivy to discuss adjusting the roles, adding new roles, or altering existing roles~! This is an extremely open group that anyone can join.

Conservationist & Lead Research Professor: Prosperina Verax
A formidable Zomancer in her mid to late 40’s, long time champion of the Parthanakios reclamation project. Once the griffons are discovered, Proserpina is all in on making sure the new griffon caretakers are set up to succeed, whether that involves her advice as a naturalist or the use of her magical expertise.

Professor in Breeding: Open
This position will be manned by a character that is passionate about ensuring the small number of griffons breed appropriately without risking dangerous genetic mistakes. This is somebody who has dedicated their life to understanding extinct or near-extinct magical zoology.

Professor of Griffon Nutrition: Open
Not every griffon eats meat, and this person knows that due to their extensive studies of ancient text and observation of griffons once brought back to THRI. They'll ensure that caretakers provide their griffons with the appropriate meals and that no griffon is lacking nutrition.

Donors: Open/Unlimited
These are the people funding THRI. They might not be as involved as other roles, but they're important. A lot of donors are from Tevinter, but not all. Other wealthy people from other nations may donate in exchange for a variety of write-offs or promises, or access to griffons from THRI.

General Conservationists: Open/Unlimited Spots
People who may not have griffons of their own, for whatever reason. These folx just want to help out the cause. People in this area might be sent on missions to retrieve griffons or eggs, to make deliveries to those with griffons who are not at THRI headquarters, etc. They're a general member who may be trained in more than one area of THRI to meet any and all needs.

Riders: Open
Griffon riders are those who are bonded to a specific griffon. Typically, this person's griffon is never far from them, but not always. People in this role may leave their griffon at THRI if they choose to, but they will be required to bring their griffon in for check-ins with the THRI professors. Though, whether these threads are threaded out are totally up to the writer, and the check-ins can be implied.

Hatchbuddies: Open/Unlimited Spots
Folx who hold this position do not have their own griffons all the time. At times, there might be a griffon egg, hatchling, fledgling or adult that needs specialized care. That's when they're sent with a hatchbuddy. Hatchbuddies are responsible for ensuring a griffon that is struggling receives one-on-one care before going back into the pool to be bonded or bred at a later date.

Caretakers: Open/Unlimited Spots
When a griffon does not have a bonded partner or require specialized care, a caretaker is assigned to their general care. These people help groom, feed, and exercise the griffons without bonded partners.

Other Roles: Open/Unlimited Spots
If you have a character who doesn't fit in any of these roles, but you'd like to participate, let us know! We're happy to add more positions within THRI to ensure everyone gets a chance to participate in this group.

IC Rules of THRI
These rules are optional and purely for flavor; so if you'd like to use them, you can, but we won't be enforcing their use from a staff point-of-view.

1. THRI prioritizes the health and happiness of griffons. All decisions made are made with the well-being of the griffons in mind.
2. All methods are safe, unharmful, and are based in research, data collection and collaboration with experts in zoology, magic and griffon history.
3. THRI maintains open communication with its members and the public. Public education is important for long-term griffon survival.
4. Griffons are not to be put into dangerous situations; should someone be caught riding a griffon into battle, or otherwise placing them in harm's way, THRI will seek to obtain the griffon to protect it.

Use this space to keep count of the number of characters in your faction. Preferably provide links to their profiles. All factions are assumed to have a number of “faceless” NPCs appropriate to their Scope though you may apply for NPC members as normal.
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • Deep Pocketed Tevene Magisters

Legacy Clause • This would be left open to interested members, in the event that Ivy or Neology or Bach no longer wanted to run this organization.