Quiet conversations
She and Revas kept in touch regularly - she tried to catch him when he flitted through Arlathan, sent him letters, found him through dreams now and again. Yet the man was hard to pin down. She understood - she too had been full of wanderlust her in younger days and seldom spent too long in one place. There had been too much to learn, to do, to explore. However, she wasn't sure that was what had kept Revas on the move. This was a different world, and yet until recently they had been forced into roles similar to those they'd played in their own.

But Elgarn'an was gone, hopefully for good this time. His influence still lingered, and she did not believe the threat of the Evanuris was entirely ended, but they had a moment to catch their breath. To adjust. To think about their place in this world full of those who knew so little of its potential. And so she wrote to Revas incessantly until he finally agreed to visit.

When he did, she whisked him away from the city to the Din'an Sahlin, the place that the younger generation did not understand because it was full of the magic from her and Revas' age. Other might find it unsettling, even terrifying, and yet she found it warm and comforting because it was one of the few truly familiar things left.

Falon, I am glad you came. Tell me, how have your travels been? A soft opening to what she suspected would be a much needed conversation with her friend.
Travelling had led him to many places, but he had done his best to remain in contact with those he cared about, either via letters or dreams if they were capable of it. Or both for a rare few, Solana counted among those rare individuals. While she had been politely curious at first, her insisting upon him returning to Arlathan so they could speak in person, gradually grew until it was something he could no longer ignore without seeming terribly rude. And for a friend he held so dear, he would not be the cause of such pain if he could avoid it. No matter how much various talks with others and suggestions from June took him from one place to another these days, he could make the time. Now they had plenty of it with the veil slowly restoring what was once natural for them.

Of course, the inventor and Vergala both had commented on why he stayed away, from his friend and many others, but he had ignored them both. It was easier not to think about the why he continued as opposed to settling somewhere for a while, Skyhold was the closest he'd gotten thus far. There for a few weeks and then gone once again, but of course he could not avoid certain places forever. Not least of all because June would complain at him for not getting to see his vhenan, no matter how much the Evanuris wished to be whole, he preferred being at Sylaise's side even more. Regardless of how day ruining it might be for either he or Megara at times.

Revas could not blame the man, and so he agreed just as he had with Solana. The inventor now quiet for the time being as he moved through the streets of Arlathan to find her. Not hard to spot with her magical signature being unlike so many here. And the moment he did, a flicker of a smile formed as he approached. Seeing an old friend was never a bad thing, no matter how much his mind reminded him he could be elsewhere. No matter those wandering around them, his first greeting to her was a hug, gentle and secure. Grounding in a way he could not name. Sure they had done so in dreams, but it never felt quite the same as that physical warmth that another could provide.

But all too soon it ended and he found himself being led away, far from the city streets and deep into the surrounding forests. A place that sung of old magic, that of the people, and felt like something almost as close to a home as Skyhold did. They have been... difficult at times, but enjoyable for the most part. A quiet pause, a slow inhale, contemplating. But I feel I must apologize to you lethalin, I told you so little when we last spoke in person. So if there are questions you wish to ask, I will answer as best I can. He owed her that much, he trusted her, it was about time.
She had expected a bit more resistance before he opened himself up to her queries. She'd expected pleasantries, conversation that wove around the issues at hand without addressing them before she made her concerns known. And yet, here he was, leaving himself open for her to dig to the heart of things... and she did not quite know where to begin.

There was a hesitation before she began to speak, but once she began it was almost as if her voice had taken on a life of its own. There are many things I wonder about, Revas, but how much of it is mine to know is up to you. I wonder about the time we spent apart in the old world before we each entered uthenera. I wonder about the time since we've awoken and how you're finding your place in it - if you're finding your place in it. I worry because you never seem to stop, and I wonder if it's because you don't know how... She had not expected so much to spring from her, but when a door opened it was seldom her nature not to step through it.

And the truth was, as thankful as she was to have a friend from the days of old reappear in her life, he had been so absent. She did not doubt the necessity of such, but she did not have anyone else she could call lethallin in the age. She worried for him, she missed the warmth she felt with him at her side, and letters and dreams simply did not hold the same assurance as his presence.
In truth he had known she had questions for quite some time. Things that he used to be unable to answer, secrets not to be told as bid to him by Mythal for the safety of the people. For his own safety whenever he traveled to one of the Evanuris' lands that was not her own, even more so whenever he had once stepped within Elgar'nan's domain. While such things were of the past, his eyebrows only rose as once she began, it did not seem possible to stop her. One broad question upon another, and a suspicion that he felt it best to avoid for now. Lest he have to admit it to himself.

Revas quickly paced his way forward through the dense forest, a slow inhale and exhale; once twice before he turned back to her. She would likely not like much of what he had to say, but she wished to know of it. So be it. You ask a lot of me at once Sola, perhaps it best we focus on one aspect at a time? A soft offer made as he maneuvered his way into a sizable clearing amongst the trees surrounding and resting in almost every inch of ground beneath them. Save for right here, it seemed.

I did not speak of anything back then, for your own safety and my own. I served Mythal as you well know, but some of the things I did are not experiences I wish to repeat. He swept a hand about the space, silently casting, pulling magic around him then onwards. A ward set within the small clearing, no matter how few came out here, he would not take any sort of risk. Not with Solana here, or with his own secrets spilled so freely. With a sigh he sets his small satchel down against one of the large oaks encircling the space, before lowering himself to sit in the center of the clearing. At least here, he could be comfortable, old magic and a friend beside him. If there was a better place to speak of such things, he had yet to find it since waking.

I fled my home, my kingdom after Elgar'nan saw fit to set it ablaze and murder everyone who did not comply. Including my family, they gave their lives so I could run. After I collapsed, one of Mythal's followers found me. I was brought before her and offered a place there, without servitude, I could simply be free. Hands that shook as he spoke, balled into fists and slowly relaxing as he continued, it had been so long since he had told another face to face. Yet despite that, illusions weaved around them all the same for her to witness, visions of a much younger man running scared before finding somewhere new to belong. Even after he had lost everything, Mythal had shown him kindness he would not forget.

Eventually I offered my services willingly, I did many of the things few others would. A solider, a spy, I was both. I grew very used to changing masks as it were, killing one moment, and seducing my way into the beds of others for information the next. In the midst of that, I met you, I did not know what you might think of me if you knew, so I skimmed over any key details. For a moment he cannot meet her eye, nor even begin to look at her as shame takes hold. The unease crawls along his skin, lying was never something he enjoyed, despite his proficiency with such a skill. The flashes of magic, of memories of his past woven into existence with words are fewer here, less willing to share the scenes of violence in which he partook.

As I'm sure you noticed, eventually things changed and we saw one another less frequently. I could never tell you why, it was easier and people whispered enough about me as it was by then. Mythal made me one of her generals, Aenor was the name I took on. I was her blade, cutting down any that tried to do her or the people harm, and the one you may know as Solas was her shield. A common fact to those of the nobility at the time, but not everyone had access to such information and Revas had never been one to boast about any titles he had gained. Even with how reckless he had once been so many millennia ago. Maybe he still was. Still the sight would be unlike the person he had always presented before her, dressed not simply but in gleaming armor as the once general bowed his head in acceptance of Mythal's offer. It had been quite a day.
The ward he put up spoke of answers forthcoming, and secrets that still needed to remain so. She respected them, even expended a little silent mana of her own to strengthen them. The forest had provided them with this small clearing for this conversation long overdue, and she would be mindful of that gift. As Revas settled in, so did she sit across from him. The distance was small, but there to allow some space for his words to come forth.

The illusions sprung forth, punctuating his words, bringing life to his story. The choices made that shaped the days and nights of an age long before this time, that still still shaped him now. The shame he felt at past omissions was palpable, but unnecessary. The nature of their relationship did not outweigh the needs of the war, and secrets spilled even in trust could be discovered if the wrong person went searching through their minds.

She reached out, gently touching a pair of fingertips to his wrist. It was meant to soothe without being overwhelming, and despite the desire to embrace him she did not believe he was yet done with what he had to say.

You did what you needed to, fighting back in the way you were taught to. There is no shame in that, in keeping things close that had no business being spoken aloud. I did not realize you kept such company, but now that I know I understand much better. Pieces that never quite fit before were starting to come together, to enlighten her to sides of him she hadn't understood.

Were you with them, then, at the end? When the Veil went up? There was risk to asking, and it might be prying too much. She would accept if he did not wish to speak of it - her own experience of that time was still hard to speak of. Yet, there was an openness now that she was unsure she would get to revisit, and so the question was posed.