Rafael adjusted his coat for the third time, brushing a stray piece of lint from the sleeve with more concentration than it really deserved. The designated meeting spot was a quiet, tucked-away corner of the city, where the cobblestones were rougher, and the buildings leaned closer, as if sharing secrets of their own. Shadows draped over the small courtyard, and he glanced around, wondering if this part of the city had ever been truly bright.
He let out a quiet sigh, pulling his hands back to rest in his lap. The chill in the air reminded him that he’d skipped breakfast that morning, his thoughts too tangled with the risk and thrill of being here. The thought of seeing Adaria had warmed him enough, even with the clear, cool edge to the day. Still, the caution in her voice from last night echoed in his mind.
“*It’s not safe,*” she’d warned him, her fingers lingering on his hand a little too long, her eyes cast down as if the words were too heavy. He had only smiled, nodding along to her warnings, because what else was he supposed to do? *Not see her?*
Danger or no danger, the idea of turning away from Adaria had never once crossed his mind. But still… it had seemed to weigh on her. She’d gone as far as to ask Zevran for help, and Zevran had assured her he’d send someone named Maika to look out for him.
So, here he sat, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible, which turned out to be surprisingly difficult when one is waiting in an alleyway with nerves tying knots in their stomach.
Rafael bounced his heel against the cobblestone, glancing at the rooftops and the narrow, cobbled path ahead. Whoever this Maika was, he hoped they’d show up soon. He swallowed, bracing himself against a flutter of anticipation. Part of him hoped Maika wasn’t the serious type, since serious types always seemed to sense when he was about to make a decision based solely on what he *hoped* was right, rather than what *made sense.*
Maika had agreed to help Zevran in some missions without swinging, at the least for now, fully back in her old ways so when she had sent her a letter with an assignment she had agreed without hesitation. She headed towards the agreed meeting point as soon as she shift ended, which meant that she was going to be technically a bit late but oh well, she was sure of that Rafael wouldn’t be very mad about it.
Blended into the shadows she approached the young man, examining him carefully before stepping out in order to not scare him unnecessarily. “I am Maika” she said once she caught his attention “You must be Rafael, yes? Zevran has told me about you” she said gently. Seeing someone so young always touched her heart, perhaps it reminded her to the young child that she once lost.
Rafael’s foot stopped its nervous tapping as a voice emerged from the shadows, smooth and calm but not unkind. His head snapped up, and his wide eyes took in the figure stepping into the dim light.
Oh! he exclaimed, immediately standing a little straighter, brushing his coat as if that would somehow make him look more composed. Yes, that’s me. Rafael. You’re... Maika? Zevran’s Maika?
His words came out in a rush, his tone a mix of surprise and relief. He offered her a quick, almost sheepish smile, tilting his head slightly as if to gauge her reaction.
I mean, I’m sure you’re not *his* Maika, but, you know... the Maika he mentioned. It’s—it’s good to meet you! He fumbled over his words, gesturing vaguely toward the alley, as though that explained everything.
Rafael took a deep breath, steadying himself before continuing. Sorry, I’m just... this isn’t really something I do often. Or ever. And when Adaria mentioned danger, I thought, ‘Well, danger is fine,’ but now that I’m here... He trailed off, his eyes darting to hers, looking a little embarrassed by his rambling.
He gestured toward her, changing the subject. But you! You look like someone who knows how to handle, uh, danger. So that’s comforting. Thank you for coming. I feel safer already, which is saying something, considering we’re in a shadowy alley, and I’m still not entirely sure why I’m being looked after. But safer! Definitely safer.
His hands came to rest awkwardly on his hips before he stuffed them into his coat pockets, his nervous energy slowly giving way to a hesitant but genuine curiosity. So, uh... what happens now? Is there a plan, or do we just... improvise?
“Yes indeed, I am Zevran’s Maika” she said with a small smile, clearly endeared by his fumbling. “The pleasure is mutual Rafael”
His words came out in a rush, his tone a mix of surprise and relief. He offered her a quick, almost sheepish smile, tilting his head slightly as if to gauge her reaction. “Well, there’s always a first time for everything, and the fact that you are doing it to help someone says a lot about you, don’t worry, you got me on your side” Maika laughed “Well I’ll try to live up to the sensation”.
“In my experience, with these sort of missions improvisation is the key point; Zevran ran the generals with me but let’s review togheter the information that we have and then we act in consequence, shall we?” for the information that she had an strict plan was not what was needed but it wasn’t bad to check on Rafael’s intel.
Rafael straightened slightly as Maika’s words settled over him, their weight undeniable. His eyes darted to hers, wide with both understanding and a trace of worry.
So... this is really about Adaria, he said softly, the realization tugging at the edges of his voice. I mean, I knew it was dangerous, but it’s different when you hear it like that. That they’d use me to get to her. That I’d be— He stopped, swallowing hard. That I could make things worse for her, just by being around her.
He rubbed the back of his neck, his nerves manifesting in the small, restless motion. But then he squared his shoulders, determination flickering in his gaze. Okay. I get it. No wandering off, no... brave last stands, or anything that makes me a liability. Stick with you, stay safe, don’t get in the way. His attempt at a smile was a little wobbly but sincere.
As Maika started walking, Rafael fell into step behind her, clutching the edges of his coat to keep his hands from fidgeting. The mention of the docks made him glance toward the alley’s mouth, imagining the shadowy warehouses and the kind of danger that might lurk there.
“I have done way riskier things for less, this just shows how much you care for her” she said with a small smile, trying to give the young man the energy to go forwards with the plan. “We will make it, we just gotta focus alright?”
“The docks are complicated to maneuver, they happen to have a lot of hidden spots but that can work also in our favour if we play our cards right” she explained in a low voice, trying to seem casual as they sneaked between the shadows “Do we have any idea about the number of people in the other team? Locations? Any details can help me to polish the improvisation” she said trying to not be heard by other ears. It has been a while since she flied solo, the past few missions had been with Zev but she wasn't going to tell that to the kid.
Rafael glanced at Maika as she spoke, her calm demeanor working its way under his nerves like a balm. He nodded, his movements a little jerky as if trying to physically latch onto the confidence she radiated.
Focus. Right. I can do that, he muttered, mostly to himself, as if the words were a spell he was trying to cast.
As they moved between the shadows, his eyes darted from one corner of the alley to another, his imagination painting every dark recess as a potential hiding spot for an ambush. He leaned slightly toward Maika’s steady presence, her voice low and even as she laid out their approach. It was grounding, in a way that surprised him.
The docks are... um, yeah, they're definitely a maze, he said, his tone picking up a little momentum. I only know what Adaria told me. The mole—or whoever they are—apparently has connections to her family’s rivals. Someone tipped her off that they’d be meeting someone here tonight, but... she doesn’t know who or how many. Just that it’s happening, and they might recognize me because of, well... He gestured vaguely at himself. Because I’m not exactly an unknown quantity in her world.
He winced a little, realizing how unhelpful that sounded.
But! he added quickly, Adaria said they’d probably want to keep things quiet. No huge group, not out in the open. She said... shadows. His voice dropped on the last word, as if the weight of it pressed down on him.
Frowning, he glanced toward the faint outline of the docks ahead, where the faint slosh of water against wood and the creak of rope sounded. I guess that doesn’t narrow it down much. But if they’re expecting someone, maybe we could— He hesitated, biting his lip. —uh, maybe we could look like we’re supposed to be here? Blend in? Or is that, like, a really terrible idea?
She knew that the docks were a maze which was why she hadn’t been too eager the first time that she had heard about the mission. Because of her experience maze-like structures were worse for the ones with a knack to hide since no one could expect an ambush in a more open area but mazes could mean that the ambusher would get ambushed more often than not.
“Okay first thing, if you are something that could turn this into hostile territory then you shall be behind me; follow my steps and orders closely. Maika was planning already despite of her casual attempt to “wing it”.
“It gives me more information than five minutes ago, don’t worry about it” she said patting his shoulder “I will do that and you will be hidden-ish; if it’s come to a point where your presence might tip the odds on your favor then you can come into sight. I will tell you where to stand and how to hide, don’t worry” said the assassin as they made their way towards the docks, they were pretty close so probably in five minutes they will reach their destination.