I can't watch me die
Rafael adjusted his coat for the third time, brushing a stray piece of lint from the sleeve with more concentration than it really deserved. The designated meeting spot was a quiet, tucked-away corner of the city, where the cobblestones were rougher, and the buildings leaned closer, as if sharing secrets of their own. Shadows draped over the small courtyard, and he glanced around, wondering if this part of the city had ever been truly bright.

He let out a quiet sigh, pulling his hands back to rest in his lap. The chill in the air reminded him that he’d skipped breakfast that morning, his thoughts too tangled with the risk and thrill of being here. The thought of seeing Adaria had warmed him enough, even with the clear, cool edge to the day. Still, the caution in her voice from last night echoed in his mind.

“*It’s not safe,*” she’d warned him, her fingers lingering on his hand a little too long, her eyes cast down as if the words were too heavy. He had only smiled, nodding along to her warnings, because what else was he supposed to do? *Not see her?*

Danger or no danger, the idea of turning away from Adaria had never once crossed his mind. But still… it had seemed to weigh on her. She’d gone as far as to ask Zevran for help, and Zevran had assured her he’d send someone named Maika to look out for him.

So, here he sat, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible, which turned out to be surprisingly difficult when one is waiting in an alleyway with nerves tying knots in their stomach.

Rafael bounced his heel against the cobblestone, glancing at the rooftops and the narrow, cobbled path ahead. Whoever this Maika was, he hoped they’d show up soon. He swallowed, bracing himself against a flutter of anticipation. Part of him hoped Maika wasn’t the serious type, since serious types always seemed to sense when he was about to make a decision based solely on what he *hoped* was right, rather than what *made sense.*

Well, it was too late now.

@Maika Arainai