She was glad her wife had agreed to the trip, a quick trip out to the side of Tevinter that bordered Antiva, the forested areas along the way, a camping trip, in only the most luxurious of tents that Kaczor could afford. They had rode out that morning and arrived to the camp site by mid-day, carrying only the two days worth of supplies they'd need for their visit. It was for them to have a little alone time away from the city, no distractions, no pressure to be a daughter, or an heir to either of their families, just.. time for them.
She had been absolutely thrilled, when they arrived on the glen, with what would undoubtedly be stunning in summer time, but now, as they have moved into winter, the gentle snow that came over the top of the Pillars made the clearing seem almost dusted in powdered sugar, like a sweet confection from their favorite bakery. Kaczor had chose the site on a suggestion from an old friend. He had brought his now wife to the place, near a lake, and a day's ride east of Vyrantium, the views along with the changing of the seasons and old architecture in the area had made for a grand place to propose. And while Kaczor wasn't thinking of proposing today, it would be good for them to have some time.
So she had packed accordingly, furs for them to curl up under, books to read, either separately, or she would be more than happy to read to Ella, hot chocolates and coffees, and comfortable, warm clothing made of the softest fabrics. They could sit by a fire, watch the snow fall, and sip warm drinks, maybe her wife would let her hold her? It was a lot to hope for in the early days of re-learning one another.
I think here, do you want me to build you a fire to sit beside first, while I pitch and set up the tent or do you want out of the snow first? It was such a marvelous thing to see, that Kaczor wanted to be out in the falling bits of cold fluff a little while longer.
Kaczor truly knew how to plan a trip; there wasn't a moment in their travels where Ella found herself resenting that she'd agreed to come. She sat across from the other woman, chatting when she wasn't reading or watching the snow fall.
She was sitting on the step of the carriage, face tilted toward the sky, when her wife spoke up. A fire, please. She could have built a fire; but someone had recently told her that she should let her wife show her love in her own way. And to figure out how she'd return the gesture.
Envy was stirring in the back of her mind, pointing out how the clothes, the campsite, everything could be better and wasn't. We deserve more. But Ella brushed the thoughts aside and studied the woman in front of her.
Snow was speckled throughout her hair, and she couldn't help but bite her lip, as she watched another snowflake land. Do you camp often?
A fire it is then. She moved to the back of the carriage, pulling out the dried logs they had brought with them, along with the ace she had packed to help split them. Kaczor may have been raised in luxury, but she has grown up with a father who loved his hunting trips. She was accustomed to having to make a camp, and so when the question was asked, she paused there by the steps, before leaning down and stealing a short and sweet kiss from her wife, soft lips just barely seeking Ella's for a briefest of moments before she was turning to set up to split logs.
My father likes game hunting, and while I have a little more... artistic leaning hobbies, I learned from an early age that my father's love language was time spent together. As much as I may have disliked taking up a bow and stalking animals through brush, it was how my father showed me he loved me. The man can't say it to save his life, but he'll sit with my mother as she plays in the evenings. He hates her playing. But.. She heafted the axe and took a swing, the axe skittering off the edge a moment that made her stop before a second swing. .. this axe is dull. But, he loves her, so, he grits his teeth every flat note.
She ran her thumb along the blade, frowning, before she set the axe head down against her boot, pulling open her winter robes, deft fingers unlatching her belt, before a hand was placed flat against her abdomen, to prevent the tail from slapping her, and then a quick yank had the wide leather coming from from her slacks. A quick threading through the hammered metal, and she looped the leather around the foot of her boot, picking thr axe back up and running the edge along the unfinished side of the leather, honing the blade. What about you, did Valentius never take you on trips between your military service?
Novella grinned into the kiss, they barely touched, and she found it amusing. Her smile softened, though, as she listened to her wife talk about her parents. It sounds like your father has found ways to show that he cares. That's really sweet. She mused, considering the woman in front of her as Kaczor swung the axe for the first time. The axe was too dull.
Ella didn't expect the other woman to remove her belt, but the movement had been fluid, and for a moment the Tilani lady simply stared. Breathing shallowly, she didn't realiez her wife had asked her a question, not right when it was asked. It took about fifteen seconds, before she recognized what had been said.
Dragging her gaze away from the belt, and to her wife's face, she shook her head gently. I... I never... stopped serving. And father is a workaholic, too. She responded, cheeks flushed.
Her thoughts wandered back to love languages — and she bit her lip softly. Kaczor was a very touch-based person, she was certain the quick kiss would carry her wife's spirits for a few days, at the very least.
She paused mid stroke of the blade down the roughened leather, not rising from where she was bent over some, and looking back at her wife still on the stairs of the carriage. She really should get Ella a fur from one of the trunks to keep warmer, even if damn well knew Ella could get her own fur from inside the carriage. You mean to tell me this might actually be the first vacation you've ever taken before?
Kaczor let that hang for a moment, a small frown starting to form on her features as she went back to honing the axe head again before testing it on her thumb again. It was more servicible now, and it was her own fault for not checking it before they left. She had told Benson to let her handle the logistics of packing, Benson had enough on his plate with hiring movers and transferring their new furniture and items into the newly purchased home. Only a few things were being packed and moved from the townhouse, but everything else had to be procured and set up.
It was move in weekend, and Kaczor could think of no better time for them to take a small trip, it would keep the both of them out of the hair of the people doing the work, and gave them some time to be still with one another. Might have to finally go talk to Malachai, if only to fuss about how he and I have much different ideas on how to take care of you appropriately. But, the man is your father, and I'd never try to knowingly start a fight. She paused as she looped the belt over her shoulder, loose, hefted, and smooth motioned through the first strike on the log, splitting it in half easily on the first go. I know that's a fight I would lose before it even started, and I'm not talking through magic either. Ella would pick the older man. Kaczor had no illusions of where she ranked on the scale of importance in her wife's eyes.
...I guess. Any traveling done prior had always been a work assignment. She bit her lip, sucking on it silently as she studied her wife, watched the woman cut firewood.
She'd finally figured out how best to tease her wife, and as she settled back to watch Kaczor prepare firewood, she'd pull one of the furs they'd been using in the carriage over her shoulders.
And Kaczor would find her thoughts tested; a gentle test at first, but once she found that she could easily slip past her wife's defenses, the other woman would receive the naughtiest mental images.
As for Ella, she was still quite appreciatively watching her wife.
So, add planning more weekend get aways to our list of things to do now that we've a newly agreed upon contract in place, got it. She stacked the wood as she worked, moving through the pile with practiced ease. Manual labor wasn't something she relished, and she liked keeping her hands soft, and tidy for her wife, but day's like today, when she had the chance to actually work, to feel the blood move through her body, she felt more alive. Coupled with being free still, working with Arvina on certain plans...
Well, things were going better.
The idea had struck her as she had finally set the axe aside, gathering the fire wood and coming closer to where she would magic the tent set up for them in a few minutes. Her wife wanted a fire, and so Kaczor would provide, of course, but when the belt slid down her shoulder some, she thought about how easy it would be to bit her wife's hands together with the leather, behind her back, to bend her over the stump she had just been using to cut wood, and put another child in her right then and there.
She swallowed hard, as she nearly dropped the firewood into a haphazard pile, before she caught herself and started stacking it correctly, a small spell later, and it was cheerfully jumping in the improvised fire pit. Standing, she made her way back to her wife, checking to make sure that the fur was secure about Ella's shoulders. You'd look lovely in only this, you knoq, a thought for months from now when we find ourselves back where we belong.
Ella tilted her head back, following her wife, until the woman was standing over her, and checking her furs. Is that what you're thinking about? Spreading me out on the snow...? She tilted her head, dark eyes studying the other woman's features.
Tell me more. It'd seem she didn't need to mess with her wife's mind too much, to get interesting results. A pleased smile settled across her features, as she scooted to sit one step higher, and leave the bottom step for Kaczor.
Is it so surprising that I find you desirable? More so now that you've left the false mousiness behind? She could indulge in the moment, for a bit. The tent could be pitched with magic, and they'd not truly need it until bed time, and if hard enough pressed, the inside of the carriage was luxurious enough to act as makeshift bed for the night, if all else failed. She could indulge a little in this game.
In the snow, no, that would lead to frost bite at some point, but maybe, turned over a stump.. and dangling just off your toes by your wrists, mind you Darling, your wrists this time please. She sat down on the step, crossing one leg over the other as she turned in a way that she could fully see her wife's face. Atop my lap inside the carriage, where I can stroke my thumbs over your clit one after the other while you sink down on my cock over and over. Little images like this kept me company in prison. Kept me sane and fighting. Knowing that one day I'd come back to you and have you in each of these positions, when you'd want the same. I know my libido is much higher than your own, I've come to terms with that, my darling, but at the end of the day yours is the only face and body that can even get a rise out of me anymore.
She let a hand go to her wife's calf, inside the furs, thumb gentle as she worked the muscle there, But I'm also content with just this, you, here with me, allowing touch, allowing conversation, I'm a woman dying of thirst Ella, and you're the only vintage that has any flavor, and body. Everything else is just.. dirt.
A slight tilt of her head, as she listened to the other woman's words. Her wife was... a very flowery speaker, but such description, and imagery, was certainly titillating right now. If you could have me now, what would you do to me? She raised her eyebrows, not pulling away from Kaczor's roaming touch.
It wasn't that it was surprising; but rather, she was enjoying it. She shifted to rest her leg across Kaczor's lap. After a long moment, Ella held her hands out to the woman. Silent, waiting to see if her wife would run with it, or if she'd been trained well enough to wait.
It'd seem Kaczor had not yet learned the trait of begging.
As the leg was moved into her lap, she went to work on unlacing her boots. They would be easier to pull off then, when she finally got the tent set up and the furs adjusted properly to where her wife could be comfortable barefoot and clothed how she wished in the shelter. Her mind raced with possibilities, Right now?
She let the question roll around her mind for a few moments longer, before taking those hands and pulling her wife down into her lap, so that she could whisper into the woman's ear, I would like it if you told me exactly what you wanted me to do to you. I have a million ideas of what I could do to take you apart, by fingers, by tongue, by cock, but they pale in comparison to what you might imagine me doing to you. She pressed a gentle kiss behind Ella's earlobe, What's your darkest sexual desire, darling? How would you have me satisfy you?
Novella watched her wife, amused by the reaction she was eliciting. Her lips curved into a half-smile, and the amusement reached her eyes. It was a snapshot of the Novella that Kaczor had come to love; except it seemed more genuine in the moment.
Her hands were pulled, and she went willingly, resting across the woman's lap. But that's all that Kaczor did; pulled the woman into her lap and asked her what she wanted to happen.
Had anyone ever asked her that before? The thought puzzled her briefly, before she tilted her head into the kiss to her ear, murmuring, Do you have to ask? I thought my pictures were a pretty good tell. She let her tongue trail across her lower lip, as she studied her wife through dark lashes, refusing to tilt her head back to give the woman a full view of her features.
Ella smirked, and bit her lower lip, as she fed her wife's subconscious yet another picture—of her hanging by her wrists, bound with that damn belt. She tilted her head, and pulled together her most innocent doe-eyed look. Do you need... more hints?
Kaczor raised a brow as her thumb pause in it's tracing of muscle in her wife's calf, that innocent look made her cock twitch, but she knew what her wife was playing at, the corner of her mouth raising into a smile, Are these ideas you then? She asked, at Ella's earlobe, lips just barely touching skin, just enough to move against the small hairs that peppered the skin. Tut, tut, darling, pictures are worth a thousand words, but this is a rare opportunity for you, you know, how often can you say that you've had me do exactly what you wanted for any length of time?
She leaned in some, so that she could look her wife in the eyes, as she grinned, Is it that you want me to use my belt, on your wrists, and loop them over that tree branch over there? What then? Work your pants down and use my tongue to make you scream my name? Or would you like it if I told you to run... and then came after you? Do you need a thrill of being told if I catch you I'll fuck you raw on your knees until you beg me to stop? Her brow raised slightly.
Tell me what it is you want, verbally. I want to hear you say it, speak it, and it's yours.
Novella met her wife's gaze, and Kaczor would catch the slight change in her pupils, when she asked if she needed the thrill of being told to run—the consequences if she was caught. For a moment, she stared at the woman in front of her, debating whether to give in to the verbal command. There was a part of her that hated this; that hated the idea of allowing someone else to tell her what to do... and yet, another part of her recognized she had all of the control in the situation.
Lord Tilani, I didn't peg you as a hunter. She spoke softly, her nails digging into the side of Kaczor's leg. She licked her lips, and murmured, I'm interested, if you can make me beg. You know, usually my lovers are begging me. She hadn't yet said what she wanted, though. Kaczor wanted it bluntly.
She leaned toward her wife, aiming to steal a kiss. If you can find me, you can have me. Any. Way. You. Want. She'd bite the woman's lower lip, until she drew blood. A rougher kiss followed the act.
Kaczor, indeed, did not miss the blown pupils, the sharp intake of breath, and the tensing of her wife in her arms. No, the idea had struck a chord, a bit of danger, which Kaczor should have known her wife would enjoy. Ahh darling, if it's begging you want, you should have just said so, but alas, you've agreed to be my prey now, and I am an avid hunter, remember? I know these woods well, having spent time with my father in them. Learning how to stalk, and be patient, and trap my quary into making a fatal mistake. The only disadvantage you have me at is I've a raging hard on thinking about what I'm going to do to you when I catch you. She grinned widely, dark eyes sparkling with mischief as she went to help her wife stand.
You have a five minute head start, my love, and know this, she was cut off by the kiss, and her wife's words, the drawn blood doing nothing to lessen her arousal, arms going to hold her wife in place as she leaned down to whisper in the woman's ear. I've not touched myself, or gotten off since the last time I fucked you, so know this, when you say anything I want, Ella, it will not be gentle, nor quick, nor quiet. She took her wife's hand, pressing the flat of it to the front of her winter slacks, showing her just how much this little game affected her, before she stood up to her full height, dainty hands going to tuck Ella's hair back from her eyes, and check her laces, and the ties of her jackets, making sure nothing would restrict her from running.
And once she was done, she smiled gently, and pressed a kiss to her wife's forehead, leaving a bit of a bloodied mark there.
And as soon as the other woman went to move, she started to count, aloud.