How to Train Your Griffon
It hadn't really taken any convincing for her to say yes. It wasn't that their new residence in Kirkwall wasn't nice. It most definitely was. But it was still IN Kirkwall. Any errand or request that got her outside the city walls was readily accepted. She was happy that the House of the Salamander was doing well and rising in recognition. But being in one place would probably always bother her at least a little. So she'd be glad for the next big job that took her afield. Until then, she'd help Genthus.

Of course, Ceren knew nothing about griffons beyond the stories told about how the Grey Wardens would ride them into battle. That, she was not ashamed to admit, was something she'd jump at the chance to try. She felt the ghost of a peck at the back of her neck and turned her head skyward. Andor had been flying directly overhead, but suddenly banked left and created distance.

"Quit whining." she thought along the bond they shared that had, in recent weeks, grown ever stronger. "I didn't abandon you when we got Rabbit, did I? I wouldn't abandon you for a griffon either. Not that I'll ever get one."

As she approached the designated meeting place, Ceren slowed Rabbit to a trot. They'd come to where the open grasslands immediately around the city started to give way to patches of trees. She figured that she might help Genthus train his griffon in a similar way her father had helped her train Andor. Griffons were part bird, after all. Surely there would be some overlap in their mannerisms.