About the Bestiary 

Here on Valiant Hearts, characters are welcome to have unique mounts, companions, shifts and called-upon animals. Here we have compiled a short list of a few animals from the Dragon Age universe, that you can choose from. Anything in the common section of this compendium can be used for free, no need to ask, no need to purchase. We just ask that players are sensible and consider the care of multiple creatures and mounts. If you are unsure, please check with an Admin whether an animal can be freely used. If you want more information on any creature, please use the Dragon Age Wiki. Also, keep in mind that we can't list every single animal type here. Just because you don't see hamster or cow in the list doesn't mean they don't exist. We assume all real-world animals do exist in Thedas.

Darkspawn/Spirits/Demons cannot be used as mounts, summoned creatures, companions or shifts.

Most living creatures can be infected with either the blight or red lyrium, though cannot suffer both at the same time. While shifters may assume the form of an infected beast they do not inherit the infection's specific powers, enhancements, or limitations unless they themselves carry the infection in everyday life.

Shapeshifting: Mages can shift into any common form as they can be easily found in the wild and studied. However, they are restricted to three uncommon/rare shifts in total.

Rangers: Rangers need to be able to form a close bond with their called upon animal, as well as in the area where their animal is located. The called upon animals are similar to companions however, they are a bit more wild and do not tend to stick to the Ranger's side all the time. Rangers are limited to two common animals and three uncommon/rare animals in total.

Index of Creatures


