Sprites are a diminutive race of faerie-like creatures who all range in size from large insects to small birds and have glistening membranous wings, but each individual species of sprite varies in appearance. They are humanoids with insect wings, and close inspection reveals that they have compound eyes, like a housefly. They also have two antennae. Sprites don't wear clothes and their bodies emanate a musty glow, the colour of which varies upon species. In spite of their humanoid legs, Sprites don't seem to walk, instead flying everywhere. They prefer hovering to standing. They also don't seem to speak; instead they constantly sing. Their songs affect the moods of those around them; it isn’t clear whether this is intentional Sprites have no interest in the affairs of other races, and keep to their own company, having no interest in regular food or in shiny objects.
Every species of sprite have a food specific to their species. It can only be found within their territory and is paramount to their survival.
Every species of sprite have a guardian creature that is specific to their species.
» Sprites are considered a rare shapeshift, they are difficult to find, especially some of the nearly extinct species.
» Sprites can only be found in certain places, they don't travel from their colony. If you are within a colonies territory it is possible to call upon them, but only if you're within their territory.
» The problem with having one as a companion is less on whether or not they can be tamed and more on the specific needs of the sprites. They don't travel outside of their colony because that's where their food is and their guardian.
Firesprites are a diminutive race of faerie-like creatures that only dwell in the Korcari Wilds. Only a single colony of them remains by the time of the Fifth Blight.
Most Chasind know stories of the “little people of the swamps,” which occasionally appear to humans as tiny, glowing creatures. Some Chasind have heard of “swamp lanterns,” made by imprisoning a firesprite in a portable cage or lantern. Unfortunately, no one knows what the firesprites need to have in order to survive, so many firesprites have died inside their lantern prisons.
The only way to attract Firesprites in the Wilds is by brewing a strange noxious soup with such a great stench that it can make regular men vomit from the smell alone. The Firesprites have no interest in actually eating the soup, but they are attracted by the smell of it, because it smells like Shadowmoss.
Firesprites' sole source of sustenance is a mossy substance that glows a sickly green, referred to by Chasind as "Shadowmoss". It only glows in places where the sun cannot reach, such as in caves or grottos, and even then it is only found near the actual communities of Firesprites. The Shadowmoss' stench is even more potent than the soup that can be brewed to attract the Firesprites. The true nature of Shadowmoss is that it is excrement; specifically, it's the condensed excrement of a guardian serpent, creatures that act as protectors of Firesprite communities.
Its uses outside of the sprite community, it is a rare ingredient in some ancient blood magic potions and rituals.
Fire Serpent
The guardian fire serpents are a 40-foot-long greenish gold snake-like serpents with a prehensile body and tiny legs. It has two wicked horns on its head that it uses to gore victims before swallowing them whole. They have orange eyes, are impervious to fire damage, and when angered their body will actually heat up and emit a fiery glow that can cause fire damage to anyone that touches them.
The guardian serpent itself is a magical creation of the firesprites. When it dies, one of the firesprite's young becomes the next guardian serpent. Over the millennia, the guardian serpents have been destroyed and the firesprites that each supported along with them.
Now, only a single colony remains. The shadowmoss left over when a guardian serpent dies is the only thing that sustains the firesprites long enough for a new guardian serpent to mature. If this shadowmoss is taken away, then the firesprites will be doomed to starvation and extinction.
04-25-2023, 10:10 AM
Many believe that icesprites are an omen about snow storms, in reality that is just an old wives' tale with no basis in reality.
Icesprites set themselves apart from other sprites by their white glow and albino like skin. They aren't actually on frozen, but they are impervious to frost/ice damage and can withstand freezing temperatures that would kill humanoid beings.
Icesprite's sole sustenance is snowmoss, a special type of moss that only grows in extremely cold climate in dark caves.
Its uses outside of the sprite community, it is a rare ingredient in some ancient elemental potions and magic.
Yetis stand about 8 feet tall and weigh 400 pounds. Their powerful bodies are covered in long, white fur. Their hands and feet are wide and flat, helping to disperse their weight on treacherous snowfields. They travel on all fours like gorillas, but fight very comfortably standing erect. Their eyes are icy blue or colorless, while their claws and flesh are ivory white. Rather than relying on a thick layer of body fat for warmth, the yeti has thick, warm fur that absorbs heat to keep the creature warm. A transparent extra eyelid allows the yeti to see clearly in blowing snow.
04-25-2023, 10:16 AM
Earthsprites, also known by the name Rocksprites, are a diminutive race of faerie-like creatures that only dwell in the Andefels. Due to the blights there is only one known colony in existence.
Many believe that these sprites are an omen for blights, in reality that is just an old wives' tale with no basis in reality.
Earthsprites have a few appearances. Some look like they are made from living stone, others look more like they are wearing some sort of rock armour. If one comes across an earthsprite that is standing still, it can often be mistaken for miniature statues. They are hardy creatures, having learned to survive the harsh lands that make up the Andefels.
Earthsprite's sole sustenance is cactusmoss, a special type of moss that only grows on cacti
Its uses outside of the sprite community, it is a rare ingredient in some ancient elemental potions and magic.
A chimera had the hindquarters of a goat, the forequarters of a lion, and a set of dragon wings. Additionally, a chimera had three heads, that of a horned goat, a lion, and a dragon. This head typically resembled a red dragon, though it was not unlikely to find ones with heads resembling other species of chromatic dragon.
04-25-2023, 10:21 AM
Watersprites, also known by the name Seasprites, are a diminutive race of faerie-like creatures that only dwell in the Amaranthine Ocean. They are revered and protected by the elf clans; and hunted by various pirate groups, at least 2 colonies are known to survive.
As watersprites spend much of their time in the water, their main appearance is fish like, they have gills, but they also have wings that they use when they leave the water.
Watersprite's sole sustenance is shadowplankton that grows in the deepest depths of the ocean.
Its uses outside of the sprite community, it is a rare ingredient in some ancient elemental potions and magic.
Sea Serpent
Massive green-scaled snakes that haunt the oceans, sea serpents feed on entire schools of fish, and sometimes larger prey like sharks and whales. They rarely leave the water except to breathe, for in the water they feel most comfortable. They can grow to be absolutely titanic, but the young ones are still impressive in size, being larger than even the biggest of land snakes. They are commonly thought to be vile and vicious creatures that prey on humanoids out of spite, but in truth they are territorial and make an effort to drive off intruders before attacking by breaching the water from a distance before slowly drawing nearer.
04-25-2023, 10:24 AM
Forestsprites, also known as flowersprites,, are a diminutive race of faerie-like creatures that only dwell in various forests all around Thedas. They are revered and protected by the elf clans
Forestsprites are varied in appearances. Some are mistaken for flowers, others look like twigs, some look like green plants.
Forestsprite's sole sustenance is tanglemoss that grows in the deepest depths of the forests and in caves.
Its uses outside of the sprite community, it is a rare ingredient in some healing magic and potions.
Owlbears were monstrous beasts with the bodies of bears covered in thick fur and feathers. Their heads were like those of owls, but with a serrated beak.
04-25-2023, 10:28 AM
Glowing Toadsprites are a diminutive race of faerie-like creatures that only dwell in various swamps all around Thedas. They have a sulphur like smell to them and their music is not as calming as most other sprite's. It tends to be more throaty.
Glowing Toadsprites essentially look like flying toads or frogs. Unlike other species of sprites, Toadsprites are happy to hop along and actually prefer it to flying. They generally only fly to keep away from predators. They have a slight glow to them.
Glowing Toadsprite's sole sustenance is glowmoss that grows in the deepest depths of the swamps.
Its uses outside of the sprite community, it is a rare ingredient in some healing magic and potions.
Catoblepases have the large body of a buffalo, which sat atop squat legs that resembled those of a pachyderm. A catoblepas' head resembles that of a warthog, and sat atop an elongated neck that seemed ill-suited for actual support. Perhaps the most terrifying feature of these beasts were their large and deadly bloodshot eyes.
Catoblepases possessed a scent that reeks of death and famine, not dissimilar to the swamp gas that fills their favored environment. The scent is reminiscent of skunk's stench mixed with foul bog vapors.
04-25-2023, 10:33 AM
Blightedsprites are what is left of a species formerly known as lyriumsprites. They are infected with Red Lyrium and as such are a much more hostile species that can usually be found underground around red lyrium deposits. They will attack on site, they are essentially like really mean extra large mosquitos. Lyrium sprites used to thrive underground feeding on lyrium, but they have been corrupted by the blight and red lyrium and are now vicious hateful little monsters
They can be found in the Buried Sea – located in the Uncharted Abyss beneath the Deep Roads accessible via the Bastion of the Pure
Blighted spirits are sickly creepy looking creatures with patches of red lyrium around their body.
Red Lyrium
Blightedsprite's sole sustenance is red lyrium
Galeb Duhr
When galeb duhr were not moving, they could choose to appear exactly like a boulder, but when they opened their eyes or moved, one could see that they had dark, foreboding eyes, a wide mouth, and two appendages that acted as both hands and feet.
The makeup of a galeb duhr's body always matched the type of stone around which it lived. For example, those from areas with large amounts of quartz deposits might have a more quartz-like composition. Granite-like galeb duhr were the most common variety. Galeb duhr never had bodies made from sandstone or other such sedimentary rock.
Galeb duhr ranged in size from four feet (one meter) in height to as large as sixteen feet (five meters).
They were very slow-moving creatures with a steady gait. It was not possible for them to hold anything in their "hands" while walking, but if they were "sitting" they could manipulate objects with their hands with surprising dexterity.