With the boys all busy, Lyric was just doing stuff around their home and watching little Aria. Eventually once she got everything done she found she was rather bored. So she decided she and Aria would go on a little walk. The little one had been showing signs lately that she might be ready to take her first steps soon, but until that happened Lyric had a sort of back pack she used to carry around Aria. Once the Aria was in, she just slipped her arms through the loops and stood up.
Eventually they made their way to the Circle and Lyric thought she might poke her head in on Akibrus, but Aria was getting fussy. Lyric wasn't sure why, it wasn't her hungry cry, or her dirty nappies cry. Lyric found a table and leaned back so she could set the back pack down and get her arms out of the loops. Then she turned around and picked up Aria from the pack, and started rocking her back and forth.
You with the sad eyes Don't be discouraged, oh I realize It's hard to take courage In a world full of people You can lose sight of it all The darkness inside you Can make you feel so small Show me a smile then Don't be unhappy Can't remember when I last saw you laughing This world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bear Just call on me 'Cause I will always be there
It seemed to be helping a little, it was one of Aria's favourite songs after all, Lyric didn't hold back while singing, she didn't care who could hear her around the Circle. Not just because it was helping to calm Aria down, but because Lyric just loved singing. She woke up in the morning singing and went to bed at night singing, it was just who she was, or well part of who she was. She walked around as she rocked Aria.
04-29-2023, 07:40 AM
Bethany Hawke
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The former Circle, now more of a school, had become something of Bethany's passion project. She had quite a bit of say in its direction, given the position Sebastian had been kind enough to offer her in Starkhaven, and she was determined to put it to good use. As with many of the Circles during the unsettled years of mages claiming their freedom, the Inquisition, and the fall of the Veil, it had fallen into a less-than-desirable state. They were a long way from there, but there was still a long way to go. Still, she was pleased that the school had attracted some regular patrons and hoped in time the number would grow.
She was in the library when she heard a familiar voice floating down the hallway. Strong and melodic, the voice had a way of making the tune come to life and Bethany couldn't help a smile. She set her books aside and went in search of Lyric. When she saw the other woman rocking the baby a warm smile crossed her face. It was a sight that never would have been possible before within these walls - a mage cradling a child, lovingly tending to them. It was a sight that gave her hope.
"That was lovely, Lyric. And who is this? I don't think we've been introduced," she asked, gesturing to the now much more content child in her arms.
Lyric smiled warmly and brightly when Bethany approached. Little Aria was no longer fussing and instead happily cooing. She really should have put her hair up before leaving the house because now Aria had decided to grab a fistful of hair and was tugging on it while giggling. Sometimes there was no winning with a ten-month-old, but that didn't bother Lyric at all. She adored being a mother.
Yea I rarely bring her here, one of the others usually watches her when I have to come, but everyone's busy beavers today and we felt we could use the walk. Lyric took Aria's hand lightly in her own and made a waving action with it towards Bethany. Aria, this is Bethany, say hi! Aria wasn't quite old enough for obvious words, but she did manage to make a sort of 'who' sound, that could very well be her version of hello at this stage in her development, or just a coincidence. Either was possible.
05-07-2023, 09:54 AM
Bethany Hawke
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Bethany beamed as Lyric helped the small child wave and the child cooed in response to the introduction. She didn't know a lot about children this young, but she hesitated to assign much intention to the well-timed noise even as it delighted her. "Oh hello, Aria! I'm so glad you came to visit today!"
"A walk is never a bad thing. Does she tend to like them? I feel like I've heard movement is soothing for babies." A half-formed memory of a passing mention by her mother drifted through her mind. While she'd worked with young apprentices, and enjoyed it immensely, she hadn't regularly been around any babies since she was a child herself.
Lyric let Aria down on the floor and kept a watchful eye on her, making sure she didn't crawl too far away. She retrieved one of Aria's favourite toys out of the carrier and passed it down to the little baby, who was delighted to have it. Then Lyric turned her attention back to Bethany and smiled warmly.
Oh she loves being carried around, that's why we made the carrier for her. That way, we can go about our business while still carrying her around. She adores it. Deciding to switch conversation topics, Lyric smiled and asked how Bethany was doing. So how have things been around here? How have you been? I don't spend as much time here as I'd like with this one, but between the four of us it definitely helps.
05-13-2023, 08:54 AM
Bethany Hawke
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Bethany's eyes moved from the small child playing with the toy back to Lyric as the conversation topic changed. "Things have been going well! We've gotten a couple new faces recently looking for a safe place to land." She'd done her best to get the word out that Starkhaven was a safe place for the magically inclined to come and learn how to master their gifts. Spaces like that were needed even more since the Veil fell and the magic of the world changed.
"We may even have enough people with creation magic to open a clinic soon. At least a few hours a week." She had been trying to come up ways to both support the community around them and become more self-sufficient. While they would never turn anyone away at the clinic, it would be an easy way to inspire donations from those with a lot to give. Plus, it could help give mages a better reputation. So many people were still so afraid of magic and there was no need for that.
Little Aria suddenly took an interest in Bethany's feet, for now Lyric just watched to be sure that the little one didn't do anything too bothersome. When the topic of a clinic came up, Lyric perked up. That made her very interested.
Oh, you'll have to let me know, I'd love to try and help participate in that. Creation isn't my strongest magic, but I'm reasonably adept at it, as long as it's not directed on myself, I'm shit at trying to heal myself. Lyric exclaimed excitedly, she loved the idea and definitely wanted to help in any way that she could.
06-03-2023, 06:20 AM
Bethany Hawke
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Bethany couldn't help a little chuckle. "It's always harder trying to do it on yourself, isn't it? You'd think it wouldn't be, but I've always had the same trouble." Little things weren't much of an issue, but more complex stuff was just awful to try and fix on your own.
"I'll definitely let you know once things are more organized - I'll gladly take all the help I can get! Every little bit helps. I used to help out at this unofficial clinic back in Kirkwall - that's what gave me the idea. There was so much need and nowhere for people to go and it seems foolish to let that continue on now if we have the means to change it." The days of helping out in Anders' were long past now, but it had made quite an impression on her.
Maybe she was overreaching, or stretching herself a bit thin trying to take this on too, but she couldn't help it. She had influence and resources now and she intended to make the most of them.
Lyric beamed, she was absolutely beside herself with excitement that she could be of help. She enjoyed being helpful, especially to fellow mages. Things had been up and down ever since the mage rebellion over a decade earlier. In some ways things were better off for mages, but in other ways without a divine, things were still in a state of flux and unsureness. She wanted things to continue to be good for the mages, better even, but to do that they had to work together to shape their future.
That would be amazing, I want to help anywhere I can. If we want things to keep getting better for mages everywhere, we have to work together. Without a divine I know many fear things could go back to the way they were before the rebellion, but I try to stay optimistic. Things have changed far too much to ever go back, regardless of who's divine, but that's just my opinion. She smiled and watched as Aria crawled around, making sure she didn't get off too far.
07-14-2023, 07:10 AM
Bethany Hawke
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"Oh, absolutely. It can't go back to the way it was," Bethany wholeheartedly agreed. Being freed from the former, overly strict Circle structures had allowed mages the chance to flourish for the first time in centuries. There were always some bad actors, but with the falling of the Veil magic permeated everything again. There was no containing it in the way they had before, no weaponizing tranquility, and while the Chantry could preach what they liked there was no returning to an overly cumbersome definition of a single line of the Chant.
"And we do have to work together for it to happen, for people to continue to see us as people. That's part of why I want to do this." An idea struck her, and she found herself starting to explain it before entirely thinking it through. "You know, I know many of us are wary of the Chantry, and rightfully so, but maybe this is something we could approach them about locally. In a way, it harkens back to the whole "magic is meant to serve" thing, just in a different way. And the Chantry is supposed to help people."
Proposing it felt a little funny given events of the past several years. She considered herself Andrastean, but she also couldn't stand for the atrocities that had been committed against mages in her name. They were all fumbling through this new reality, though. Perhaps a small olive branch wouldn't be such a bad idea. Or, if nothing else, a way to feel things out.
Lyric nodded, she agreed wholeheartedly in everything that Bethany was saying. The Chantry was a scary thing to many mages, but only because they feared things would go back to the way they were.
In a way, magic should serve, but only in the way that everyone serves. Warriors and rogues serve, even civilians find ways to serve the greater good. There will always be threats, and we’d be much better equipped to face threats if we faced them as equals. Magic isn’t that different from swords, daggers or bows, it all depends on who’s wielding it. Of course there’ll be bad mages just like there are bad warriors.
Lyric shrugged, and then Aria fussed so Lyric bent own and picked up her baby. It wasn’t a hungry fuss, or a wet nappy fuss, she felt pretty confident it was just the, I want attention fuss.
08-26-2023, 12:32 PM
Bethany Hawke
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"Yes, exactly!" Bethany agreed. She'd have to think about it some more. Maybe she could go to Sebastian with the idea - he would probably be easy to convince and if she had his backing it would be easier to get the backing of others. "I may look into that then," she mused.
She watched as Aria demanded some attention from her mother, and a fond smile crossed Bethany's face. She couldn't help but be reminded once again how special it was that Lyric would get to bond with her own child, raise her herself. The Chantry couldn't separate families like that anymore, and she hoped they'd never be able to again. "Motherhood agrees with you," she offered. "You know, we might have to set up a kids space around here. Hopefully you won't be the only mage with children who ends up coming here."
Bethany’s enthusiasm was intoxicating, the world was just such a different place than it had been before the events surrounding the Inquisition. It was definitely more of a world that Lyric could see raising her child in. Though it still had its problems, but then she didn’t imagine there would ever be a perfect world, they could only hope for as good as possible, and mages no longer being treated no better than slavers or prisoners, was definitely better.
Well definitely let me know! You definitely have me in your corner, and while I can’t speak for Akibrus, I’m sure he’d be at least interested in hearing you out! She knew her partner fairly well, and although she couldn’t say anything for a hundred percent certain, she felt he’d at least like to hear what Bethany had to say on the subject. Lyric smiled big when Bethany commented on motherhood agreeing with her. She’d never imagined she’d ever have kids years ago, but then who would want to when it would have meant being taken by the Templars and raised in an orphanage somewhere, but the world changed and even though there was still a level of uncertainty without a divine, she also felt confident Aria would always be with her family.
OH, that would be a lovely idea! Now that the Templars won’t be taking children away from mages and people can properly plan families, I’m sure there’ll be many more mages having families of their own. She said, as Aria giggled at the faces that Lyric was making for her.
09-21-2023, 06:38 AM
Bethany Hawke
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Bethany smiled. [color=#419dc1]"I certainly hope so."[/color] Everyone deserved that chance if they wanted it.
[color=#419dc1]"It was lovely seeing you Lyric, but I'm afraid I've got a couple things I need to get back to."[/color] There was always something to keep her busy it seemed.
Her smile grew as her eyes settled on Aria, [color=#419dc1]"It was good seeing you too, Aria. I hope you come back soon. I'll put in a word with the boss, see if we can get a couple toys to have around for you."[/color]
Goodbyes said, off she went to continue the work that had brought her in in the first place.
Lyric had enjoyed making a new friend, but then she always did. She picked Aria up, and used her hand to hold Aria’s and make it seem like the child was waving goodbye to Bethany themselves. The baby giggled and made some sounds that almost sounded like words.
Say goodbye Aria. This seemed to amuse Lyric greatly, then she looked from Aria back to Bethany. I try to get here at least a few days a week, but if you need me and can’t find me you can always get word to me via Akibrus. It’s been really great meeting you though! With that Lyric gathered up her things and headed back home.