Couldn't Utter My Love When It Counted
You’re never a burden to me Meg sighed, smile curling into a grin as he kissed, nuzzled close, the contact of skin on skin, his hands, the soft touches eliciting a gentle hum from her.

She bit, nibbled at her lower lip in an attempt to stifle the filthy giggle. I’ll model it for you. Take my braids out an- her breath hitching while he nipped at her. Tilting her head, Meg’s lips brushed against his jaw, whispering ... we better go home then if I’m about to discard my wardrobe. M’not about to give anyone else a view of what’s yours.

Chuckling, Meg shook her head at his joke, reaching for his hand to give it a soft squeeze. It looks good on you too, but I can also model that later. Slipping her hand through his, Meg sat up slowly, the other beginning to play with the ties of his collar. Let’s go though, time’s up here, but uh, at eh, at home.. well, that was a different matter entirely but she couldn’t say it, only playfully tug him along while she made to stand.

Let’s go home, ma Vhenan.
