The bermuda cluster
Seeing both Ruth and Revas was almost overwhelming, at least it caught him off-guard enough that he hadn’t even realised that Revas had sought him out in his mind. Not that either were bad surprises of course. He was thrilled to see Revas again and has so much to tell him. Ruth was, well, it probably shouldn’t have been as much a surprise as it was, but then he’d been so consumed with why he was in Arlathan, it never occurred to him he might run into more people he knew than just Megara. He grinned and momentarily focused on Revas.

So does that mean you don’t want me to tell the story about the time we got drunk on peach schnaps?! He said with a teasing grin, then realising that Revas had said something in his mind, but Alaric had been too overwhelmed to notice at first, he slipped into some mind magic and talked to Revas. Don’t worry, I promise not to embarrass you too much. We definitely need to catch up!

Then Alaric turned his attention to Ruth, a red flush spreading over his cheeks as he remembered his time with Ruth. The last twenty years had certainly been interesting ones, and even though his heard had remained steadfastly for a woman he couldn’t have, that didn’t mean his bits hadn’t had needs that needed fulfilling.

Good to see you Ruth. It’s uh, been awhile. Flashes of their time together flitted through his mind, in another life perhaps he could have fallen for Ruth, if his heart hadn’t already belonged to someone else.
Megara rolled her eyes as Ruth made a show of joining the group, she expected as much. He was ever curious about people and their motivations, especially around those he considered, but never voiced, as his people. He held a special interest when it came to her friendships, especially in the aftermath of Kirkwall, it was only right she stick by him when rock bottom would eventually catch up to him.

Ruth sassed, Alaric blushed and Revas grumbled. Megara herself merely chuckled with a shake of her head at them all. [color=#008e02]“Honestly you boys are impossible.”[/color] But she could see the cogs turning in that blonde head, eye shifting in suspicion as words like royalty and the idea of Revas being drunk. She pushed a mug of coffee before him, breaking his attention to land on her.

[color=#008e02]“Are you tired from working all night, or were you at it all night?”[/color]

Ruth would chuckle into his mug, “Unfortunately not. I apparently missed Rik arriving." Ruth sighed, tossing Alaric a wink for good measure. "No, for once my lateness is due to honest labour. How do you do it? Know everyone, somehow.” All she could do was shrug, unsure how, but it seemed perhaps by extension. [color=#008e02]"They were friends with Sylaise, makes sense they are my friends too."[/color]
To him, the fact that others were present in the room beside Alaric mattered very little. Memories flashing back and forth within his mind, vivid color in one onto another, times of the past long since gone. Times in which he had very little to worry about, so little responsibility or duties to speak of, only there to experience the joy of life. The wonder of feeling such a wide variety of emotions for the first time in his existence, the pain that came along with it, and the eventual understanding that when some Elvhen had rejected his help in the past? It was for a good reason. Not all hurt could be healed simply by forgetting it, nor with a few simple words. Some things were more complex, in fact, a lot was, or maybe that was just him. 

Of course, while he had come here to help Megara, having Ruth all but shove his way into things wasn't entirely unexpected either, merely a mild frustration at this point. Naturally even his presence fell to one side when his dear friend reminded him of one particular evening, one that if he recalled, he'd been scolded over for the rest of the following day too. Given he'd snuck down into the cellar and  stolen what they'd been drinking from his father's stores, it wasn't surprising. Nor was his mother's insistence that he be left to suffer the headache rather then it be dealt with that morning after. What a painful day that had been, yet despite that the memory was a fond one, no matter the hangover that happened afterwards. None of this meant however, that he needed others knowing about it. 

[color=#008e02]"No, we are not telling them about it. It put me off of peaches for a decade because of that."[/color] A fact he hadn't been happy about when his body had rejected the usually wonderfully tasting fruit. It was no wonder he stuck to hard liquor these days rather then anything fruit flavored, it wouldn't ruin his food or future sweet treats that way. 'Too much'? Revas wondered for what his friends definition of such a thing was, nevertheless, even despite his insistence of not sharing such a story. A ghost of a smile lingered, they had much to talk about without a doubt, but not here. Or now. In the moment, he would simply have to endure whatever tales of woe Al decided to share and hope they wouldn't be shared too far beyond this room.
Well, this has turned into quite the reunion, definitely not what I expected when I dropped by! Alaric’s focus was in tatters, he’d gone there to talk about Meg’s opinion of the Sylvas, but now there was Revas whom he’d hoped was still alive but feared the worst after all these years, and Ruth, who he’d very much enjoyed his time with, even if he wasn’t in love with Ruth, he had proven just the distraction that Alaric had needed at the time.

Still, perhaps it's exactly what we all needed. A reminder of the bonds we share and the history that connects us. Alaric smiled, gratitude and warmth radiating from him despite the chaos of the moment. It felt good to be with people he knew, not that he didn’t know anyone in Ferelden, he’d known Anders for about as long as he’d known Meg, but it still felt good being around them all. The world could be a large and scary place, but in this moment it suddenly felt a bit smaller and a bit less terrifying.
Ruth took a long pull of his mug, wishing the caffeine would speed along the loss of his hangover and bleariness. He listened at the bench, eyes following the various voices carrying the conversation, filing away pieces of information that surfaced with the innocent enough chatter.

Peaches? There was a story there.

There was a quip on the tip of his tongue and before he could let it take air, the Stoner asked him something. Of course she noticed his sly observations, attempting to draw his attention to more mundane inquiry of his activities. Nanny. Earning her an annoyed glare that flashed then dissolved after a roll of his eye.

Rik looked like a startled deer, drawing a chuckle from Ruth though he frowned slightly at his words. “Well I certainly didn’t need waking up,” unless… “better ways than talking if yo-” he didn’t quite finish before pain exploded, sting sharply across his ear. He looked up to Megara and the retreating hand that swatted his ear like a fucking child. Ruth’s face was a mixture of surprise and equal goading, he mouthed a silent “ow,” at her as she addressed him firmly, tone even, but evidently not to be tried with today it seemed.

[color=#008e02]“It is too early for your nasty talk. Behave.” [/color]

A lazy smirk spread, the healer only offering a lift of his shoulders before hunching back over his coffee. Maybe. Maybe not. We’ll see how I am after this coffee. Give a man his coffee before asking him to don the veil of respectability, or as best as I can fake it.” Gods he felt like shit, not the usual weight of depressive hell he had become almost accustomed to, but that of an almost unabating exhaustion. Perhaps he would forgo working today for some rest, enjoy the rare company of others while not on his back or in the throes of passion.

“Moving on. What brings ole Rik here then? Besides Megara setting you up with an old… friend, flame, so many details?”
For his part, he couldn't help but notice that Alaric seemed a tad overwhelmed by it all. Then again, who wouldn't when he'd presumably gone on what seemed like a simple trip to see a friend and speak with them? Though about what topic he couldn't be sure, a question for later like many others he had. For now he let the lull of conversation wash over him, beside his childhood friend though he was. Revas did his best not to crowd the other, no matter the urge he had to tug the other to sit down beside him and spent much needed time learning of what had transpired since that fateful terrible day. Not now. At the very least it looked as if he'd been lucky to keep all his limbs in tact and in working order, that was something. Elgar'nan was hardly known for his kindness after all. 

[color=#008e02]"History, huh, well there certainly is plenty of that."[/color] A quiet murmur, soft and contemplative of just how much had changed. He wondered if those that called him here would be proud or potentially horrified of the person he'd become as an Elvhen. Nevertheless the thwack that sounded out into the air dragged his attention away, ah, another one of Ruth's quips. Despite seemingly being rather attached to the coffee before him, well nothing new there at least. If nothing else Megara seemed content to stop the young elven from getting out of hand while it was still relatively early in the day. It was nice, an attempt made to stop the spoiling of seeing his friend once again. 

While of course, Ruth kept pestering regardless. Some of it at least, he did not mind giving an answer to. Even if he could not be certain why Alaric had originally come to visit Megara, he supposed the basics of their relationship was not a secret that needed to be hidden. [color=#008e02]"He's a friend Ruth, my oldest friend. We've known one another since we were boys. I'm sure I would be a different person entirely, if not for him."[/color] A quick glance, the flash of a smile, of warmth and comfort in being in the presence of one he truly trusted. No matter how long it had been, that would never fade.
Why Alaric was there was the question of the day. He somewhat wished he was just there to catch up with Meg and finding Revas and Ruth had just been a happy coincidence, but there was more to his visit than just seeing old friends and catching up.

In the twenty years that he had been awake, he had chosen to let his sister sleep. He figured she was safer tucked away from the world, at least until a time he felt it prudent to wake her. However, recently he had gone to where Daphine’s sleeping place and found that she was gone. No note, no sign of her, just gone.

Perhaps he should have woken her up when he woke up, but considering how mages were being treated twenty years ago he’d felt that he was barely able to take care of himself while also avoiding the Templars, that he didn’t want to worry about his sister as well. He turned to answer Ruth’s question.

I’m looking for my sister Daphine. I went to where she was sleeping but she’s gone, and I haven’t been able to find her. I thought maybe she came here to Arlathan. He turned to Revas, You remember little Daphine, though she’s not so little any more. Used to follow us around when we were younger. He explained.
She wasn’t sure if there was anything that could really stop Ruth, than the man himself, but each knew varying degrees of the wayward healer's mood. Megara narrowed her eyes in warning, Keep it up and a stinging ear will be the least of your worries. She let the threat hang a moment before moving over one space to take the chopping board and bread to slice.

While it wasn’t quite the family life she had envisioned for herself, Megara enjoyed the company of her friends in her home, more so in recent months with Nairn back in her life. A lightness had returned, even with Ruth’s occasional sassing. Yet with Alaric’s revelation all eyes turned towards him. I didn’t know you had a sister, Rik. I can certainly put her name in, check with the elves in charge of the visitor passes?

“... She single?"


“I’m kidding! Don’t hit me, you’ve a knife in your hand, remember?” he’d snicker, and offer a reassuring wink to Alaric. “But you two? JustFriends? Not really convinced, Gramps.”
As much as he had originally arrived here to assist Megara, and perhaps even simply spend time around her, in which June would not whine about being allowed control over his own literal form to speak to his vhenan. Alaric's arrival had changed those plans, at least somewhat, he couldn't be in the city purely for sightseeing. Sure many of their people took however much time they needed for something, some centuries even. But his dear friend had never as much as he could recall, been one for twiddling his thumbs when there was something to be done. So that prevalent question remained. Why?

After a while, that wonder was answered. A small nod of his head as Alaric spoke of his sister Daphine, he remembered the young girl fondly. Always curious, always bright and hopeful, that she had seemingly slept and was alive was another positive sign. Another notch of tension released, perhaps he had not totally failed his kingdom after all. If some had indeed survived, even after Elgar'nan's horrific methods. It was something worth looking into certainly, if he could help his friend find her. That would be another who remembered him back then, rather then the deeds he had committed since then.

I remember yes, she used to ask me endless questions and Mother was always worried she'd find things out that she shouldn't. If I recall, she used to play a lot with Ivuna... before things ended. A memory stirred of such a sight, a name and figure he dared not to think on too often. The last memory naught but screams, but the joy of seeing them together, of remembering how things used to be was enough for the moment. Until Ruth had to insist that there was something more going on. A sigh pulled from him, fingers pinching at the bridge of his nose. Believe whatever you like, Rut’theran, that is all we have ever been.
Alaric shrugged off Ruth's insinuation with a light laugh, his gaze drifting over to Revas. Even if there was something more, I doubt Revas would have the patience for my antics he said, the corner of his mouth twitching into a playful smirk, but went serious again as they spoke about his sister.

Daphine was always such a bright spirit, always full of questions and curiosity. I just hope she's safe. Meg, any help you could provide in finding her would be greatly appreciated. Alaric said, worry visible in his eyes as he thought about his missing sister. I think I’ll stick around a few days, is there a place I can get a room? He asked, he rarely styed in one spot long, but felt like perhaps it was time to, at the very least it was an obvious place his sister might seek out.

@Revas @Megara Fern
"I will gladly do that Alaric, I’ll ask Nairn too if he can send the word out. They might not, but they’ll keep an ear out for any information." Meg offered with a nod.

Yes. Megara here is now a Big Wig, Ruth sighed, wiggling his eyebrows at the new High Keeper. It’s hilarious how many ruffians and scoundrels she knows though. I’m sure if your sister is as curious as you say, she’ll make her way here, if just to catch a glimpse of the new Queen. he’d tease, disarming her enough she lowered the knife.

"Stop it. I’m not a Queen." The woman rolled her eyes.

He’d scoff, giving her a look. She was certainly one man's Queen, but Revas and Alaric’s bouts reclaimed his attention. Antics? Oh most certainly. He briefly wondered who Revas found more irritating, ego demanding it was surely him, he made it a sport.

Then dear Al dropped a line that had his mouth drop open before his eye caught the knife weilding woman again. ...If I say what I want to say, she might stab me and that’s a reeeeal shit way to start the day. Ruth’s head shook and downing his mug, rose to stand. Gimme twenty to wash up and I’ll bring you to the Bear and Badger, one of the nicer ones that isn’t going to cost you an arm and leg.
That Megara had so readily agreed was reassuring, something he may have to thank her for privately later. But of course, Ruth continued to poke his nose into matters that really were none of his concern. His personal life, in any capacity was not something he wanted floated around like some idle town gossip between people who had nothing better to do then talk and distract from their own lives. Thankfully Alaric spoke up before he could make another cutting remark, the words drawing a chuckle from the elvhen mage, he was not entirely correctly but now was hardly the time.

If my memory hasn't failed me, I believe I was berated just as much as you for the chaos I caused in my youth. My father was not pleased when I rode his dragon around without permission... and caused the visiting nobility to faint when I landed her right in front of them. I did not hear the end of that for weeks. A story recalled without thought, as if it were just he and Alaric in the room reminiscing about times long past. Only after a moment, did he recall where he was, and who else was here. Both in his mind and physically, for his part, he heard little but quiet laughter from June. In my defense, I was left unsupervised and I had no desire to pretend at being nice to nobility who thought themselves as my betters. Softer words, more aware of his surroundings now. Admitted with a shrug, before his old friend announced his intention to stay within Arlathan at least for a little while.

If nothing else, he'd know where to find him and knowing he was alive? That was more then enough for today. In due time, he knew they would find their own space to speak more. Without prying ears listening, though he was sure he'd shared more than enough that Ruth would try to poke open such wounds eventually. Still that was a worry for another time, and because of that, his attention turned back to Meg. Who he had come here for in the first place. I'll take my leave for the time being, I'm sure you two wish for a chance to speak without my interrupting, a glance towards Alaric, a hand reached out to squeeze his hand once before letting go. If nothing else, I know where to find you now. And better then that, he could always return here later.
Alaric felt a mix of gratitude and relief as he listened to Megara and Ruth. Megara’s willingness to help was a comfort, a reminder that he wasn’t alone in this search. Thank you, Meg, he said earnestly. Any information will be helpful.

Ruth, ever the instigator, couldn’t resist teasing. Alaric chuckled at the banter, his irritation softened by the familiarity. He appreciated Ruth’s offer to take him to the Bear and Badger. Sounds good, Ruth, he said, nodding. I could use a decent place to stay.

Then came the story of his youth, one he hadn’t thought about in years. Alaric laughed, the sound genuine and full of nostalgia. Yes, I remember that day vividly, he replied. We were quite the troublemakers, weren't we? But we always managed to get out of it somehow.

As the conversation wound down, Alaric felt a pang of regret at having to part ways again so soon. Thank you, truly, he said to Ruth and Meg. "I’ll meet you outside, Ruth. And Meg, let me know if you hear anything.[/q]

With that, Alaric left the room, feeling a bit lighter. Knowing that he had allies, however unconventional, gave him hope. The search for his sister was far from over, but he felt a renewed sense of determination as he stepped into the bustling streets of Arlathan.

@Megara Fern