Surprise! Bang! Wallop!
Mentions of child abuse.
Nairn snorted. He deserves to be blown up. He grumbled, though he doesn't say whether she's right or not. She knows she's right. But he wasn't sure she'd keep a level head, either.

She settled with Enda, sending Link back to him for candy, and her frowned at the back of her head, reaching into the pocket she'd indicated. And he did, indeed, find a sweet. His favorite, and he chuckled quietly, offering it to the boy.

Right, so... He'd face Link away from them, but stayed facing them himself. He wanted to see the damage inflicted on a defenseless child, his eyes narrowing as he took in the lashes.

Wasn't your fault, Link. Wizard's got a temper, and old school ways. He murmured, resting his chin atop the boys head. But Meg'll set Enda perfect, and she'll be back practicing with the bells.
Maybe, maybe something else, perhaps worse, all Meg knew was that she had the skill to ensure her own painful retribution on the old wizard. She might not blow up the man, or involve such pyrotechnics that Nairn had inflicted on her home, but her fury would be felt.

When Bertie had been around he wouldn’t have dared go to this length in punishing a member, especially a child still learning. They weren’t the Crows, he’d said. Catching Nairn’s look as she removed the child's slashed and bloodied shirt, Megara nodded silently, mustering a bright smile to offset the awfulness, the hook of a cat’s tail snagging on the fabric. It caused the poor lass to whimper, Meg’s arm instantly wrapping around her waist to bring her close, whispering a few words of comfort. Don't worry, Nairn'll prob have a sweetie for you too.

Meg only broke away to retrieve a potion, instructing the girl to drink it all and immediately to abate the pain and begin the healing. Ok, you lay down on your tummy, Edna, and in a few minutes you’re not gonna hurt anymore. Rolling up her sleeves, she took out a small container and a pair of tweezers, first making certain the lone cat tail was indeed the only foreign body attached to the girl's wounds before a calming balm of magic spread from her palms.

One remained hovering over the worst of the lashing, while the other trailed a repeating path, shrinking the marred lines until they faded, skin returning to its natural hue.
Nairn didn't flinch, didn't really give any notice to how the child's wounds made him feel. Stoic, and silent, he simply watched. He wasn't good at making children feel safe and secure; and he wasn't good at hiding his temper. Those things were true of him.

After Enda had rolled onto her stomach, and her healing began, Nairn started speaking again. Telling the children a story; half fiction, half truth. About someone who'd thieved from the Coterie, and the fantastical quest Coterie members had taken to retrieve the stolen goods once more.

A real mission, but he'd put a more fun spin on it. And as the story ended, he moved to stand, pulling Link upright as well. Once Miss Meg lets Enda up, you take her right to bed. Have her practice her hand movements, if she's restless, but she doesn't get to rejoin practice for a week. He tapped the boys' cheek, and flashed a grin.

They were both thinking, watching as ragged, bloody broken skin faded and knitted back into unblemished softness. Megara would ensure no scarring remained behind as a reminder of the awful, traumatic heavy handedness. Sylaise burned against her senses, irate that such a punishment would be inflicted upon one so young. The wave of emotion from the Evanarius caused a ripple of tension to set in her shoulders like a cold melting weight holding back a dam of anger. She was grateful for the distraction of the story.

Towards the child though, her demeanour was that of calm, comforting mothering. As Nairn told them all a story, she’d fix the girl's hair, picking pieces of lint and dust out of her strands. Edna soon began to feel the effects of the potion, the wounds across her back fading allowing her to move more comfortably.

Once pleased magic had done enough, Megara applied a paste from the container furthering ensuring no scars would form and the lass could enjoy a restful sleep. I’m betting that’s the best idea eh? A nice snuggle with your brother and here, reaching into her satchel, Meg produced a soft blanket, likely the only one left from her smouldering home, but the child needed it more than she. A nice cosy blanket for you both.

Guiding her to sit up, Meg wrapped it around as a cape, creating a hood for Edna to hide into should she wish.
Nairn nodded in agreement, and nudged Link to join his sister. Miss Healer's done a good job, hasn't she? He commented, as he moved to stand next to the bed. Very good job indeed, he murmured, reaching to tug a strand of Meg's hair.

Bet leave these two to rest, then. You've got a wizard to talk to. She'd wanted to talk to the man before Nairn; and he was willing to let her. As long as he was in the room, watching. He'd not move off the wall...

@Megara Fern
Megara’s gentle expression remained as the children reunited, Link pulling his sister into a close hold and moving to a nearby chair. Her attention then caught by his usual tug against her hair to find his gaze on her. Her eyes steeled, a deeper, more pronounced green glimmered brightly for a moment as he spoke. I do. Her tone casual to the small ones around, but heavy in undertone towards Nairn.

Gathering her things quickly, Meg joined him outside back into the hallway. Bertie had been fair, perhaps too soft at times. He’d have never purposely have maimed a child either, not one of his ‘kids’. Life was rough already without having the Coterie hounding your back and beating you down further, it garnered no real loyalty.

Stretching her hand out, Meg pressed her palm into the tunnel surface. She could have asked Nairn, but the silent rage of both host and Soul had synchronised in finding exactly where the wizard was lurking. Communing with the soil, the root systems encased around the tunnels, she found him, Mess Hall… don't worry, I'm not going to do what you did and blow it up, Vhenan. I've been at this much longer.

Nairn settled a hand against her back, as he watched her, silently. He wasn't sure what she was doing; but soon enough it became apparent. She'd been searching where the wizard was.

What are you going to do, Meg? Nairn tapped his fingers on her shoulder, and leaned around her to study her face. I need to know, in case I need to step in.

@Megara Fern
His touch against her back steadied her, bringing some clarity through the thickening haze. Opening her eyes, Meg’s gaze lingered on nothing before finding Nairn. I won’t kill him because unfortunately you still need him. There was a cold, clinical way with how she spoke. Equally unnerving was the wide, ill-meaning smile that emerged.

I’m going to return the punishment, see how his wrinkly back enjoys a taste of his own medicine. The contrast between the coldness of her voice and the uncanny smile was a staggering switch Meg wasn’t often pushed to. She didn’t lose her cool often, even rarer was when she chose violence as a form of rebuke.

He’ll be in caught up in vines. Squeezed. Then I’ll beat him, just as he did that defenceless girl and afterwards… Afterwards I want a bath. And a massage. Am I clear, or do you need to step in.

Nairn listened, one arm loosely around her middle, chin against her shoulder. He was quiet, until she addressed him with what she wanted after she was done abusing the wizard.

You know what you do to me, when you're like this? He murmured, slowly turning her to face him, fingers digging into her hip. He leaned for a kiss, murmuring, Beat him. I'll warn the healers off of touching him, it was a promise made with a cruel little smirk.

A moment of silence, another kiss to her cheek, before he released her and straightened. Let him go a few days, before someone heals him. Hands settled into his pockets, and he flashed her a grin. I'll run you a bath and give you a massage if you let me join you in the bath.

@Megara Fern
A shiver ran up her spine as fingers dug into her, face turning to look up. He kissed her and Meg returned it, nipping his lower lip not so gently. Her anger still simmered under the surface though was now joined by budding desire. Don’t… distract me. Save that for later.

He pulled away after another kiss, retreating away along with her gentle sigh. Smirking a little, Megara would straighten to her full height, emboldened. There was a question of if, tut, tut, Vhenan. she’d tease, pulling up to lean against his shoulder. Her voice lowered, whispering, You know when I get like this I need a good wind down. You also know the door would be open for you to watch regardless, it’s good I’m reminding you, yes?

Meg began to walk off, swaying her hip to bump against his as she took the tunnel leading towards the wizard. The tension began building back up in her shoulders the closer they came and even before they’d crossed the threshold the healer had weaved spells in readiness to capture and hold the man.

As Meg entered with Nairn at her back her magic unleashed. Vines erupted out of the ground at the unsuspecting wizard's feet, ensnaring themselves around each limb dragging him back against one wall. The place was vacated instantly by everyone else and while Nairn did what he liked, Megara walked slowly around the room, closing each door with slow deliberate care.

Upon reaching the last one, she paused at their final closure to let out a few steadying breaths.

Alright. Let's begin, shall we.
