It was thrilling to be the prey. She'd been the hunter for so long; nobody had ever hunted her before. She couldn't bring herself to look away from her wife. Brought to stand, she was quiet, and as Kaczor whispered in her ear, she was letting her gaze wander the woods. She was at a disadvantage; truly her spouse's prey. There was something incredibly sweet, about how Kaczor had taken the time to ensure she would stay warm, yet would not be restricted from moving to her fullest. And of course, the promise that it wouldn't be gentle, quick or quiet...
She disappeared within seconds of Kaczor ordering her to run, traveling with the shadows until she was well under cover of the trees. Her heart beat loudly in her ears, as she weaved and left fake trails, stepping through shadow when she wanted to leave none at all. And even then, she backtracked.
Enough false starts would surely give her an advantage.
The wait was excruciatingly long, five minutes had never felt like such an eternity, but then again, Kaczor had never been patient, in her entire life. Especially when she wanted something. And especially when that something was her wife. Especially her wife. There were few things left in her life that Kaczor truly loved, her wife, her child, her parents. She could even make an argument for annoying her brother in law, and father in law, in their own way.
But nothing compared to the surge of desire, of need, of complete and utter devotion she felt towards the woman she was about to go hunting after. That her wife had been so game for something so... well.. thrilling, but at the same time, simple -- a game of chase -- was making her blood pound in her ears. She fished her belt from where it had been sitting, and looped it back into her belt loops, making sure that there would be nothing to get into the way of her running.
And to kill the rest of the time as she waited, she magicked their tent set up, building the roaring fire inside the inner fireplace that would have the entire place heated to a nice temperature by the time she had dragged her wife back to the tent to ravish her. And once everything was set up, and she had counted to 300, Kaczor left camp, following in the footsteps that were left.
Her eyes followed the trails, as she caught movement along the path ahead.. backtracking, and several foot steps overlapping, she knelt down in the snow to study the tracks, when in honesty she was checking the shadows. She knew her wife had been trained to do things others couldn't, which meant she probably had rogue training, blending into the shadows, it made sense for a soldier, especially one in the Eyes, to have that training.
Which meant that the shadows was where her wife would be, or in the tree tops. That was risky, taking to the trees, because there would be lumps of snow fall on the ground, it would break the pristineness that left trails. Of course there was a simple answer to all this, Kaczor though, and she started to craft the spell, first in theory in her mind, as she continued to follow paths, Oh Ella.. Ella.. Ella. Where ever are you darling?
She stood, from where she had been couched, closing her eyes and listening to the absolute stillness that came with snow, with winter. Her wife had been running, through snow, it would make her tired, breathing harder. That is, if she ran. Her wife wasn't stupid. She probably doubled back towards the camp, but..
She threw the first summoned fireball, having bended it with a sluce of air, so that the flames roared in a large sweeping blade, melting snow and cutting trees down in it's path. Ellaaaaaaaaaa! She called, teasingly, playfully.
She had, in fact, settled in a tree, was carefully doubling back towards camp from the tree-tops, stepping through shadows when she could find them. The fire that was cutting the trees down, posed an immediate issue, but Novella had just cleared the forest by that point.
And instead, turned from beside of the campfire, to watch for just a second.
And then she giggled—an honest to gods giggle, as she darted off in the opposite stretch of woodland, footsteps fading once she'd found enough shadows to give her purchase.
She watched the trees fall over, very satisfied as she breathed a deep breath of cool air, waiting for the world to fall silent again. And then, a giggle. Behind her? No, back towards camp. Sound moved differently in the snow, after all, muffled, amplified by nothing but the cold.
Kaczor grinned, and turned, walking back towards the camp, and easily catching the trail of foot prints until they vanished into the shadows. So, that was how it was going to be, mm?
The simple of it was to go back to camp, and let Ella come to her, but the hunter, the times she had spent with her father, came back, and she had started to lay her trap already.
Ella couldn't move in the direction of the fallen trees now, the ground was too muddy, and there were no more shadows there for her to hide in. Mud would track and give her the most recent trail to follow. All she had to do now, was continue to take out parts of the tree line, until Kaczor pushed Ella into the small thicket that held the stump her wife had shown her images of.
So she worked, systematically, seemingly random, in her destruction, cutting off paths of retreat, and shadows to hide in, little by little.
By the time Ella realized her wife was boxing her in, cornering her, taking out every escape route... It was too late. That damn stump that she'd enticed her wife with was in sight, and she had nowhere else to run. The woman just deforested their camp sight—
—and that made a shiver run up Ella's spine. But Novella was cornered, and as her wife approached her, she'd lash out. Scratching, biting. A punch or two. She'd given blanket consent earlier; and wasn't concerned that the other woman would take this part of their game to mean she wanted to stop.
Like any other prey animal, she was going to do what she had to, to try to get free. Though, it should be noted, she never once lodged her knee between her wife's legs. That would certainly have ended the fun too early.
Kaczor's tongue swept across her teeth, pausing on the canines as she moved into the clearing, pressing her prey towards that stump her wife had kept showing her in the images, and the last tree standing in the area. It looked like a small war had been waged, all the more the forest fell silent after the destruction she had wrought on the land. Thankfully, it would grow back. Nothing Kaczor had damaged today was truly gone, in a year or two there would be new saplings and plants quickly trying to overtake the damage. That's how it was with a fire -- it cleared away the rot to allow new growth to take root.
The first punch had landed, square along her jaw, as Kaczor realized Ella planned on fighting, and she hesitated, a moment, mind at war that she shouldn't be turned on by the struggle, by the fight itself, from the act of hunting her wife. Shouldn't, but Ella had given her consent, and this obviously was doing things for the both of them, especially since she knew her wife would have just kicked her if she had overstepped bounds -- if not thrown her down on the ground and held a knife to her throat. Kaczor may have the advantage when it came to magic -- but as the woman stepped closer to her wife, and caught both of those wildly thrown hands, and wrenched them up above Ella's head, pulling the leather belt from her hips and using it to tie her wife's hands together -- she realized that her wife had every opportunity to kill her as close as they were.
Once Ella's hands were bound, she walked them both backwards towards the tree, and lifted her wife bodily so that the leather caught on an already cut knot on a more than thick enough branch, hanging her wife there, so that her toes were just barely touching the ground. Kaczor stepped back a little and checked on one of the bites on her hand, her kholed eyes sweeping over where one tooth had punctured skin, but nothing too terribly alarming, a spell murmured healed the puncture, before she sat down on the stump, and looked up at her wife, carefully unlacing the front of her winter trousers. Now that I've caught you, I'm going to show you exactly what you do to me, Ella.
She stepped over to the woman, working her wife's coat open, I think I'm going to make you watch while you hang here, unable to join, or do anything about it. So that this first rushed orgasm is over, and when I recover, I can truly take you for as long as I can. It was no secret, Kaczor was quick to finish on the first round of any of their love making, and she knew this about herself. And a promise was a promise, after all.
She wiggled her pants down, almost to her knees, as she finally sat back down on the stump, legs spread wide as she looked up to Ella's face, hand already moving down her abdomen, moving to make quick work of herself. What should I do to you first, hmm? Play with your body with my fingers until you're slick and ready for this? Her hand was in motion, skin over skin, her words nearly hissed in effort as her movements sped up. Or would you like me on my knees, your legs over my shoulders, my face buried between them, tongue lapping at you like I'm a woman dying of thirst, which, my love, I am. I very much am.
Kaczor's cheeks were flushed as her head fell back, hair wild from the hunt, as her hand worked faster. Or do I let you down, and plant you on my lap, let you ride me until we're both slick with sweat and unable to even touch one another without orgasaming? I like that one, maybe that can be later. She shifted, hips twitching, as she was nearly there. Tell me what you want Ella. One hand went back to the stump, to keep herself upright as her back arched, feet planted on the ground, mouth open as her eyes still held Ella's gaze.
If she'd really wanted to harm her wife, she would've. And it seemed Kaczor realized that, even with her magical abilities far surpassing Novella's, the rogue-turned-mage was in her element this close to her. And though she struggled against the belt, she didn't do anything that would truly hinder her wife's ability to bodily move her to the tree, and hang her up by her wrists. If anything, the way her pupils were blown, she was enjoying every minute of their game.
She watched the other woman, tongue trailing along her lower lip, as Kaczor spoke to her. The words were slow to be processed, but when they were, she smirked.
Her wife was on display, and her eyes didn't know what she wanted to watch. Kaczor's face, or her hand. Novella raised herself up on her binds, testing if she could get loose. But no, the other woman had hung her up with care, and it'd be too much effort to get out of it.
So, she watched, silently.
Until Kaczor was more or less begging her to tell her what she wanted. It was clear, describing what she wanted was the last step in her wife's first orgasm, and Ella hummed softly. I won't need your fingers, to be ready for you. Her voice was hoarse, and she struggled against her binds again.
While you're still strung up like that? Kaczor breathed as her hand slowed, her thumb rubbing slow circles around her exposed head, her pinky trying to keep her foreskin from sliding back up and enclosing the sensitive skin that she played with still, albeit, not as forcefully as she just had been. The idea intrigued her -- it would help in taking away from of the fear of seeing Ella in that other tree -- the nightmare that still happened occasionally after they had a small tiff, or a heated word over something. Replacing that trauma with sex was a time honored way for Kaczor to deal with what would have had her slitting her wrists in a warm bath many, many years ago.
What would you want after that, my love? Because all I can think about is how much I like the idea of having my way with you three or four times, and then denying you under garments for the rest of the evening. Her fingers stilled, completely, as her eyes went to Ella's, pink tongue darting out and over her lips. More explicit, darling. Take you from where? The front, so I can pull on your hair and force you to kiss me? Or from behind, so I can place a hand on the middle of your back and make your hips angle just so that every thrust into you rubs all the right places. Or would you like it in your ass? Or your mouth? She stopped her hands all together then, placing them both on the edge of the stump, erection ignored for the moment. Kaczor had found a better way to tease them both. She didn't need completion, if her wife was being truthful, if she was as ready as she said she was.
You liked being prey, didn't you? You like this play at submission? Her own pleasure now forgotten, she circled around behind Ella, and yanked Ella's slacks down around her knees, leaving the woman bare to Kaczor's gaze. Let's just check that, then, Kaczor breathed as she reached one hand between her wife's legs, fingers testing for the slick wetness that would allow easy penetration. Kaczor had no desire to bed an unwilling partner, instead deriving pleasure from enthusiastic consent -- she had to check, even if her wife had given blanket consent to begin with, and would continue to check, as their game continued. I see.. she murmured appreciatively as she slid two fingers into her wife, up to her knuckles, taking her time to slowly move them in and out, scissoring them into a wide V shape inside, before pressing back together on exit. Looks like you do enjoy this, after all. My wife is nasty, oh the things I'm going to do to you Ella.
Novella watched her wife, squeezing her thighs together. She’d made Kaczor wait for her pleasure for too long—though she wouldn’t admit how thrilled this side of her wife made her feel. There was something liberating about the hunter becoming the hunted. When Kaczor promised she’d deny her undergarments for the rest of the evening, her intake of breath was sharp.
When her wife’s hand stopped moving, Ella stilled where she hung, eyes widening slightly in surprise—but it wasn’t surprise at the request for more information; in detail that surprised her. It was the suggestions Kaczor voiced, as she tried to coerce Ella into declaring what she wanted. Such filthy words from a very lovely mouth. I want to see your face. She didn’t provide any more details—her wife had done such a good job defining those for them both.
And Novella didn’t answer, when Kaczor asked—goaded—about how she must have enjoyed being her prey. She was busy trying to follow the woman’s movements, as Kaczor circled around her, though her bound hands kept her from fully turning around. And the whimper that left her mouth, when her slacks were pulled down, was real.
Realizing Kaczor was serious about checking how wet she was, she pulled herself up on the rope, to more easily adjust her stance—it was easier to settle her tiptoes a bit further apart if she held herself up off the ground entirely for a moment. Eager, willing—the entry of Kaczor’s fingers earned a quiet moan, and she leaned back on her bindings, trying to see her wife.
Tell me. She ordered, dancing on her tiptoes as Kaczor pulled her fingers away.
It would be easy, had it been anyone else, for Kaczor to supply a continued line of suggestive and increasingly risqué positions and methods of which she would little by little take her lover apart. It was easy for her to do much more brash things with an unknown lover, at least, they had been in the past, but this was Kaczor's wife. This was Ella, that was looking up at her with those eyes that Kaczor had slowly fallen back in love with, commanding that she tell her exactly what she wanted to do to her.
And of all times, Kaczor's mind fled back to the more conservative of her ideas -- and that was something she couldn't abide by. So instead, Kaczor let the corner of her mouth tug upwards into a slight smirk as she continued pressing her fingers back up into her wife's body, a third finger joining the other two. Her voice dropped to a husky whisper, as she looked down to watch her fingers vanish inside her wife, tongue darting out and over her lips as she imagined just what the woman would taste like, on her tongue, tangy, and probably sweet, they had fruit earlier in the day. Kaczor's mouth was watering suddenly, How many fingers, can I get inside you, I wonder, before you cry out that it's too much, should I try?
Kaczor reached up to unhook the belt loop from the branch, and instead, guided Ella's arms back around her neck, her free hand coming to grip her wife's chin, and turn her face back so that she could look her in the eyes, Darling, be honest, when I ask this, She cautioned, as she used a thumb to pull Ella's lower lip down, her eyes sweeping down to her mouth, before Kaczor added a fourth finger, spreading the digits out wide before pressing down and applying steady pressure along the path that Kaczor knew would offer the most pleasure, the most friction that would telegraph across already sensitive nerve endings. Should I strip you naked and set you back running again, and if you make it back to the tent before I catch you, I'll eat you until dinner time. But if I catch you before the tent, I want you to use your hands.. and your mouth, to get me off, with the belt around your neck.