All of Your Questions
This field must be filled in! If your character is living in a Kingdom, participating in live in a Kingdom, or otherwise in any way considered a citizen of a Kingdom, this field should reflect that. For characters' who are not stationary, and are not allied citizens of a kingdom, please put "Nomadic", or where they live, depending on your preferences. Other organizations will open up as the site grows, and this field can be edited and maintained throughout the characters' roleplay lifespan.
These indicate a character's race (Kossith, Half-Kossith, Elf, Half-Elf, Human, Dwarf, Half-Dwarf, Vessel or Aberration.)
They do not~ Solo threads are a way of fleshing out a character, completing a scene, etc. but don't really create a co-op RP environment, which is the focus of levelling.
Not if they're posted in the character dev board. If it's posted outside of that board for some reason, then yes.
On VH we choose to keep our completed threads in the forum they were written in. This allows people to find old threads to read them easier. You can access our maintenance channel in discord and select the ticket option regarding threads to request a thread to be closed.
Please refer to our Quest Guide for answers.
Time onsite moves at 2 months OOC = 3 months IC. Our site time is fluid so that RPers can write within the entirety of their characters lifetime, just be sure to track your own timeline and figure out how things play into that.
Monthly challenges are something that come around every few months, where the staff team gives you a handful of thread ideas, and you implement and complete threads around the idea. [LINK TO CHALLENGES].
Yes! We encourage it. It's important to the staff at Valiant Hearts that our members feel like this is their world and their site too.
Member dev boards exist onsite, in the character storyboards section of the OOC forums. [LINK]
Yes! We have an entire range of civilian archetypes and foci. If something is missing that you feel should be there, please let a staff member know.
You can see our members list [LINK] by clicking on the upper navigation bar, and selecting members. This list is displayed by OOC account first, with each OOC account's characters being shown in the box beneath their name.
Up to you! It's semantics, and is a personal preference.
We have a discord bot that allows you to enter in options, and from those options it'll pick an answer. It also does regular dice rolls, too.
"Kind of anything you’d like! A lot of us use the bots to help us decide what character replies to do, decisions we can’t settle on ourselves for characters, etc. There’s also IC things you can roll for. For example I rolled for the Varahel Chaos thread to determine if Chip’s magic affected Amélie or not, or how. Then, subsequently, if her smoke bomb was effective/how effective."
The site allows the use of most html elements within the profile.
"This is because the regular
code blends into the background. If you've looked at a profile and you're seeing a nice little title with horizontal ruling, it's because the person is using: LINK
The site has two coders — Ashon and Oraeguno. However, they both have lives, and a third option is available for help with coding — Ivy. Please don't tag any of these people if you need code help; just ask in questions and someone will get back to you.
4 years, as of 4/9/23
No wait process. c: We allow anyone onsite to fill any canon roles, including royals! We just ask that you're active.
Well, they can travel by foot, by carriage, by horse, or if they want insta-travel the Eluvian network is open to use.
You can create a thread tracker in Excel, Notion, in the member dev board, or you can use the onsite threadlog.
The first answer is: catch any of my accounts stalking the online list! The second answer is to post a gif of a baby goat in our mythallica media channel.
Correct! This means that canons (primary) characters post twice a month, while secondary (non-canons) post once a month. These rules may be adjusted on a personal basis, especially for members writing canons who need to lower their post requirement.
"This is just indicating if someone has permission to write your character in threads, or as needed.

An example of this is, our mentor Meg, who is on hiatus, has my character's husband and the King of a major kingdom. She has granted me permission to write that he's in ongoing threads as needed to complete those threads, or to NPC that he is presumed dead (this was a plot we had discussed, because she has to take a hiatus due to no computer access).

Another example, my character Franziska is marrying the King of Ferelden. If I go on a hiatus for an extended period of time, that RPer who writes Byron will be allowed to NPC Fran, or at least say where she is/why she's absent in my absence."

They just go in the appropriate forum with [PAST] in the title.
When joining a quest thread, the thread should state how many open slots it has. If it's got an open slot, just respond and hop into the thread! If it's closed and you want in, reach out to the person running the thread. Beginning these quests is entirely up to the player, with very little staff mediation. They're meant to be fun things that characters run or do. [LINK TO THE QUEST FORUM] [LINK TO THE QUEST GUIDEBOOK PAGE]. Information can be found [LINK].
You claim FCs by going to discord and access the face claim forum. There is a post to reserve or claim a face there.
Some faces are dis-allowed due to the staff's feelings about that person, this is especially true if an actor or actress is involved in public court cases, or otherwise accused of something the staff isn't comfortable with. Sometimes face are dis-allowed based purely on that person's known preference.
More or less! There is always wiggle room, but the team keeps a close eye on characters who are the exception to a rule in an area. This is to ensure we're realistic, without accidentally white-washing an entire nation.
Not at all! The directory exists to help you find ideas, and give you an idea of what each nations people look like.
Yes! If you own the art, created the art, or have proof of permission to use the art, you're free to do so.
Yes! Vessels who belong to the same "sect" (Evanuris, Forgotten Ones or Old Gods) can sense one another. Otherwise, a vessel would not know someone else is a vessel.
Yes. This is a two-way street. Darkspawn can sense an OG shard, and react to it. Vessels can sense darkspawn.
Your character can have had this shard for a long time but it was dormant, or if you're asking us how to acquire it through IC means, check our [LINK TO QUESTING SYSTEM] for more information.
This is entirely up to you. We have members who have the shard as the main one in control, while other characters don't even know they are possessed.
No. This will drive the character insane and render their body dead upon removal. This is a catastrophic measure that should only be explored if you want the character to die.
Not at all! Although characters who are non-mage may find themselves with issues if the RPer decides to pursue such a plot-line due to the Evanuris and Forgotten Ones being extremely magic-prone. This would be up for the RPer to decide.
All shard pieces must be gathered up and a ritual performed.
Killing a shard's vessel does not kill the shard, rather it allows the vessel to transfer to the person that killed it.
Lyrium is no longer common onsite. This is due to Orzammar being overrun by darkspawn and Kal-Sharok is lost as well. Lyrium is more of a black market item now. Any supply of lyrium is dwindling, and any potions using lyrium is black market. Lyrium tends to attract spirits to someone.
Lyrium branding causes spirits to be attracted to the person en masse. With the Veil nonexistent, lyrium is either a superconductor or a nullifying force (in regards to someone who is using branding to amp their abilities up). Spirits are attracted to the use of lyrium, especially in permanently created brands or tattoos. Lyrium tattoos allow a mage to use magic without needing to take breaks, it's harder to exhaust their supply of mana.
Arcanist Derangement functions as a foci that allows a character to skip a foci requirement. However, this foci drives a character mad. How quickly or slowly is the roleplayer's decision. We don't really micro-manage magic, as long as you've read the descriptions and are sticking to the vague descriptions and nobodies coming to staff over godmodding, run with what you'd like for them.
Sometimes! This is up to the player, but many mages may employ staffs, tomes, and other items to enhance their magical capabilities.
Usually! An Elf entering this sleep would typically do so because they have decided that there is "nothing there" for them in the waking realm. It can also be done to live longer, after the Veil was created and the Elves immortality severed — Uthenera would allow lives to be frozen in time for whatever amount of time they're asleep.
This is up to the players! Whether a character awakens by choice or they awaken due to an interruption, natural disaster, is entirely up to the RPer.
The dreaming can be anything — from wandering the Fade, seeing old history among ruins or witnessing scenes from ones life. Essentially, characters in this sleep have entered the Fade and exist among the spirits/demons and other entities within the Fade.
If a foci or archetype has you asking these sorts of questions, the answer is almost always "nope!" When a foci has a requirement or restriction, there will be a bolded NOTE: in parenthesis somewhere within the foci description.
Yes. Corpses as an uncommon companion have been approved.
"They won't be able to sense the type of spirit or demon but those who are possessed can sense spirits around them.

The ISSUE is spirits and demons are everywhere. Which makes this sense unreliable. Players can override the fact this sense is overwhelmed by giving OOC permission for another mage to know their spirit possession. :) But there are going to be items in the store that can be purchased, favors that can be earned, and ways to make sensing spirits more worthwhile. "

Just one foci!
The oldest character onsite is 8,740. All characters must fall under his age.
You can reach out in the questions channel on discord and pitch your idea! Staff loves when members pitch ideas to us.
Sure! We've seen this happen in the games, and have instances of it happening on our own site. Spirits can entirely take over a body if the soul is dead, or dies.
Well the stasis they go into requires a pretty lengthy ritual and one that's kinda dangerous. There's absolutely zero promise that said elf can go back into the stasis without dying, it's kind of their leap of "I have nothing left to live for, either I sleep or I die". So technically speaking, yes.
Aberrations are a site-specific species of a pre-kossith (qunari) race. They were an experimentation race created by Ghilan'nain, the Evanuris. They're a way for us and our members to have high fantasy races that we might see in other media, without going too far from Dragon Age lore.
All characters onsite must be humanoid, but abilities based around bees, mothers, etc. is possible with aberrations, ancient elves, and even vessels.